
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Arrival of the General

Right when I said Seth's name, everyone's eyes started gazing right into me. I didn't understand why they were doing this but it must be important for them.

"You have seen Seth, you never told that to me?" said Faye.


Tell me... everything about Seth... that you know." said Michael in a commanding voice.

"I won't let you that easily." I replied.

"Then I have other methods to pull those words out of your mouth." said Michael.

"Why go for torture when we can solve this peacefully?" I said.

"I'm not that peaceful guy you know. Why need to bother when I can use brute force to make you tell me everything." said Michael with that same smile.

"I know, but you are the king here or a god, you have to listen to my last proposal. If I failed to impress you then I would gladly tell you everything." I replied.

"*laughs* Let's hear it then." said Michael.

"Woah, you convinced him again dude. You sure are something." said Faye.

"It is just a simple proposal that let me join your group and I would gladly tell you everything." I said.

"What? I thought you would be smarter than this." said Michael.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"Why would I accept this? I can just kill you once you tell me everything. And it is not like you can run away from this place with these many people." Michael replied.

"I already thought of it. I would prove myself here. I know that you all need people who can kill monsters and there are not many who can pull that off. Most of the people here are either workers or just people who would be a sacrifice or distraction for the strong fighters to kill those monsters." I replied.

"Quite a good option but why would you think that there are few fighters?" Michael asked.

"Why you ask? While entering here I saw many people making and not using much weapons. Even after I talked that much in front of you nobody jumped over me to attack or kill me. Everyone was shocked after hearing that I dodged Faye's arrow and killed a monster in one-shot.

With all this I can say that you needed people like me and one more thing you said that you don't have someone with brains, so I can fill that place if you need." I replied.

"Hmm..." Michael reacted.

"You think you know everything huh? You think you can make my king fall into your words but let me tell you, you can't, not under my watch." a guy walking from the inner castle said.

Someone from the inner castle came walking and with the sound I can say he had heavy armor on him or something.

He comes out of the light and I could see him perfectly now. A aura of a fighter with a bulky body and that french mustache. Such big fists that a single hit from his fist might broke my ribs to pieces. I got alert the moment he came outside and I instinctively drew out my sword on him.

He suddenly rushed towards me and in no time he was right in front of me but I ducked and managed to dodge it.

"You reacted quickly." that big guy said.

"Damn, he is fast for that physical body of his." I said to myself.

"Wait Gerrad. You are jumping directly for the conclusion. And he was just proposing something." said Michael.

"Why would you need someone when you have me." said Gerrad.

"I know very well you can handle everyone here all by yourself. But we need strong men and he killed a monster by himself which Faye saw with her eyes." said Michael.

"Yoho Gerrad, whatever leader said is true. And why would I lie to you?" said Faye.

"Huh, Killing a monster is no big deal. I have killed more than 50 or 100 monsters till now. So you hold no value for me." Gerrad said.

"Yeah yeah. Only because of those other people who distracted and sacrificed their life so that you could kill those monsters for your 'sake and fame'." I replied.


What am I saying. Why am I so frustrated and angry at him all of a sudden. It will only ruin my chances to join here. Does my old self still clashing within me because I was alone and with those continuous nightmares I have becoming the person that I dropped a long time ago.

"You got guts for saying all this. Well, you are not half wrong. I am a person who would kill anyone to survive and complete my mission." said Gerrad.

"I would kill anyone who would come in my way." I said to myself. This is what I thought and promised myself but... because of all that lonely feeling, this attitude of mine slowly vanished from my mind.

"I was a commander for my battalion but I was expelled from the army because I risked other people's lives to complete the given task. And I am still that kind of person so I don't feel anything if they die for my cause. My only concern is to complete my given mission." said Gerrad.

"*smile* Thanks. You reminded me of someone who I had forgotten for sometime. Someone who thought something like you. Not completely, but with the similar thought of...

doing anything to survive." I replied with my blade in hand.

"So you are not just a brain guy. *laughs* Do you think you can beat me." said Gerrad.

"Wait Davis. Just stop and we can handle this peacefully." said Faye.

"I tried, but it didn't workout. And now I'm cornered so I got no other choice but to take down your most powerful general." I replied.

"Faye. You are still a kid. You have to be strong and need to understand this, that this whole world is full of crazy people who can take advantage of you." said Gerrad.

"Oh! So you do have a soft heart." I replied.

What am I thinking. I can't beat that guy, not with my strength. This is what my older self would have said but the present me is different from even the one who I was yesterday or even before entering here.

That one line from Gerrad reminded me of the most painful moments of my life, of losing my friends and the ones I admired. I won't back down now.

"I'm sorry Faye but I think I can't stand back now." I said to Faye.

"Alright then. Let's do this." said Gerrad.

"Wait. Let me heal that wound of his. That was my fault so let me at least do that." said Faye.

"Faye. Why would you help an enemy." Gerrad said Angrily.

"That was my fault and I am not a ruthless person like you. And as I said it was my fault and a simple bandage might not scare a guy like you." Faye replied.

"You...*groans* You should not interfere here." I said.

"Just shut up and follow me." Faye replied in an angry low voice.

"Then, let's do this. In two hours the battle between Gerrad and Davis will happen. And after that we will all decide if Davis should be here or be killed here." said Michael.

"Alright, If you say so. Just enjoy it while you can little boy." said Gerrad.


Faye took me to a room and closed the doors.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm helping you, you moron." said Faye.

"You don't need to. I said not to interfere." I replied.

"I know but you are in this situation because of me so I should at least help this much." said Faye.

"You are too kind and that could get you killed." I said.

"I have heard that plenty of times from those old dudes wanting to kill you." Faye replied.

"But you can't be good to everyone. Not unless..." I said.

These were my exact thoughts when I was at the beginning of this situation. With this only I can say that I have changed quite a lot from what I was before.

"I don't know if what I am doing is right or not. I am just doing it for my sake." Faye replied.

"*smile* You... you reminded me of someone. Someone with similar thinking, a past of myself and someone I cared." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Who?" asked Faye.

"No, Nothing. Maybe someday I will tell you if I survived this fight. And one more thing, don't stop believing if you think it is right. I liked that about you." I replied.

"but..." said Faye.

"Stop thinking of all of this as your fault. This happened because I thought that I might trick all of you to make me a part of your group." I replied.

"I don't think what you just said was the exact reason for doing all this." Faye said to herself while Davis was walking outside.


(In the Main Hall Training Field)

"So you didn't run away. I am glad about that." said Gerrad.

"I'm not an idiot who would try to run away from all these people. And why would I run when I had a valid point." I replied.

"Very well smart guy. Let's see what you have got." said Gerrad.

"Wait! He is not even a relic user like you." said Faye.

"Then it will be a great chance to see his potential, don't you think everyone." said Gerrad.

*Everyone started shouting Yes. Yes. Yes.*

"I told you not to talk, Please. Let me concentrate." I said.

"You can't beat him. He is a relic user. His relic lets him build a strong armor for his body and power gloves for his strong fists." said Faye.

"So, are you afraid now? Starting to feel the pressure around." said Gerrad.

"I knew you would be strong but don't start celebrating just because you are a relic user. You know nothing about how I fight so the one who understands the other's fighting style first, he can change the tide of this whole fight."

"You are being too optimistic I must say." said Gerrad.

"And you are underestimating your unseen opponent." I replied.

"I think that was too much of words exchange. Let's just dive into the battle now." said Michael.

Take a deep breath, concentrate and I will win this fight to survive.


[ DAY 103 - MONSTERS COUNT : 3,142 HUMANS ALIVE : 4, 984 ]