
Death Note "Missing part"

"Death note missing part 1" is an anime series that revolves around the protagonist, Melinos, who attempts to combat evil using his powerful notebook. The notebook possesses the ability to kill anyone whose name is written in it. Melinos, driven by a strong sense of justice, wields this formidable tool to rid the world of criminals and wrongdoers. As the story progresses, Melinos grapples with the moral implications of his actions and the consequences of playing the role of judge, jury, and executioner. He must navigate the fine line between justice and vengeance, facing internal conflicts and external challenges that test his resolve. With each name inscribed in the Death Notebook, Melinos finds himself embroiled in a complex web of intrigue, danger, and moral dilemmas. As he battles both the criminals he targets and the forces seeking to exploit the notebook's power, Melinos embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, questioning the true nature of justice and the price one must pay to fight evil.

Yasser_Douich · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
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A gift from grandpa

Things are not over yet, Yagami has succeeded in creating his own world, a world free of criminals and villains. But there are those who are aware of the notebook's existence and are eager to possess it.

Yagami sits alone on his dark couch in his room. He has aged significantly and is no longer the young, handsome, strong man. As he sips a cup of coffee, his grandson, Melinos, enters the room.

Melinos: Hello, Grandpa. Are you okay?

I'm fine, Melinos, I'm fine. Please, have a seat. I have a lot to tell you. Many years ago, when I was a student in college, I found a book on the street while I was on my way back home. Its title was "The Death Notebook." At first, I thought it was just an ordinary book, so I didn't pay much attention to it. But soon I discovered that if someone writes a person's name in the pages of this book, that person will die shortly afterward. I used it for good, Melinos. I tried to create my own world, a world free of criminals and villains, and I succeeded. But not long ago, I found out that many villains have learned about the notebook and are seeking to possess it.

Can't you kill them, Grandpa? Melinos asked.

No, my dear, I can't. The notebook has no effect unless the writer knows the face and name of the person they want to kill. And I don't know everyone who is trying to get hold of my notebook.