
Birth of a Battle Junky.

POV: Belial

"What the hell…"

These were the only thing I could say, toward the sight in front of me. The reason as to why I was the boss of a major organization and how I began my journey toward the peak of power long before my fall, it all started from the end of my first day of my third year of my middle school life… My own personal hell and battlefield..

"Hey loser~"


'Damn it, not this again.'

At this time I barely harmed insects much less humans, I hadn't truly become close to what I'am now. And now I find it thrilling.

"Chicken shit, where is my money?" The person aggressively asked the youth.

"But I don't have that kind of cash!" The youth pleaded his case.

'Yep exactly as I remember asking for a little to much…' I calmly commented while watching the scene.

"Then I guess I got to show you what the hell happens. TO THOSE WHO DISOBEY ME!!!" The young man said in a threatening manner.

"No! Not that!"

'The day the old days ended, and the new came to light...'

"Time to feel the PAIN!!!" He raised his fist and threw them at the youth.


I could only watch that motherfucker through a small garage of punches at me as the youth held his head.

"'Cough, cough, cough' Please…"

'That that bully was Forman. And the weakling was ME.'

"Kneel down and take your beating!"

"STOP IT!!!" The youth wanted him to stop the beating, so he stood and acted in a defensive yet offensive way.

At this time about a 3 minute beating had already progressed. Yet he had no intention to stop.


'That's it, just a little more and you'll wake up something you shouldn't have.'

"So you can stand! Well then let's go!"

At this point something in me had snapped. And all that the world knew of me had changed in those few seconds. I was enlightened on the pathway overflowing with blood.

"YEAH! I've had enough of you and today I'll pay you back ten times the amount you paid ME!"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH." I shouted at the top of my lungs and prepared my stance.

I threw a punch, and it was easily dodged. The next hit came from Forman he threw a kick straight toward my gut, causing me to get blown back on my ass. I felt not only the pain spread all over my body, I also felt immense pain in my stomach.


And to loss my lunch as well, that was expected. And sort of well deserved due to the lack of skill in the punch and approach.

'hah~. Damn.'

But at this point I was completely unaware of my surroundings and in an instant. We were both surrounded, by nearly 1/20 of the school population so roughly 65 people. They probably saw the quick altercation happen.

"" WAAHHH!!!~~~"" They all shouted as if it were a UFC fight.

"HA! Having a fun time? Well that was just the beginning! Right Belial?"

"RIGHT!" I quipped back at him while wiping my mouth.

At this point I felt like shit, but I still had the WILL to fight on. I wanted to take this bastard down a few notches. And him, he wanted to beat me black and blue for daring to challenge him.

"Hah~ what is with that ugly ass smile plastered on your face?"

"What smile?" I put my hand to my lips while asking.

'Correct. At this very moment, I became a… Battle Junky.'

YES! The voices in my head screamed to be realized to show this fucker what I was made of. I wanted him dead. I wanted to feel the joy of battle and war. To see the blood of my enemies spilled onto the floor where they stand and slowly bleed to death.

That is all that was running through my mind.

"HAH! Your right! I do have a smile on me. I wonder why?"


"No, not in particular. At least I don't think so~." I spoke in a voice as if talking down to a little child.

"DAMN!" This only served to piss him of (obviously).

'Grin' heh…

'At that time I knew, that smile only appeared when I was at my happiest. Or when I was somewhat… no VERY EXCITED!'

"Huh what tha'… I can't move my legs." Forman's face was pale, and couldn't move his legs for some odd reason.

This was when I first gave off some true bloodlust. It seemed that Forman here had known what facing death was like. Quite peculiar, is how I find it now.

"What, you scared?"


'And when that damn Grin appeared. You could kiss your sorry ass goodbye.'

The grin I had at this time gave me the nickname 'Demon King'. A stupid nickname that held true.

"HEY! What the hell is up with that damn grin of yours!?!?"

"Nothing special it's just that, I never felt… THIS ALIVE!!!!"

As I roared out my answer Forman lost control of his bladder and the crowd around me went silent.

All you could smell was my blood and sweat alongside the cold sweat and piss of Forman.

"HIIIIIIII…" Forman let out a sound as if he was scared.

"Feel that… It's FEAR." I simply told him to his moronic face.

"Please I did not mean anything personal. Only business."

"Business? I don't honestly care for what reason you did it but today… YOU PAY!"


At this point Forman could no longer hold up his weakened body and fell onto his ass. Me? I stepped forward and well~. Let's just say EVERYONE was scared shitless, upon looking at my friendly smile. Granted in their eyes, it looked like the Devil himself was smiling into their very soul.

Now Forman was on the ground crying, confused as to why he felt such fear toward me.

A MERE WEAKLING. That was my thought of seeing him on the ground.

After that I grabbed Forman by the throat and dragged him right in front of the rest of the school body, I then began to speak out as if to scare them into submission I hollered out-

"All of those gathered here today for a showcase of blood and violence! Am I right! You had come to see me get pushed around by this weak fuck!"

"…" They stayed silent in fear.

"What?! You don't want to see his blood in my place or not? Well too fucking bad! Today you will see what I'm fucking made of!... Your worst nightmares! HAHAHA!"

'At this point in time sanity was the last thing on my mind. I only sought after blood!'

I then threw Forman onto the ground and sat onto his chest, I looked straight into his eyes while I still wore the face of the Devil. And, I began to savagely beat down on him. Breaking anything my fist hit.

I only truly remembered the hunger for his blood and wish for beating him down into a fine pulp. Leaving no remains.

After about a straight minute of me beating down on Forman, which left him in a worst state than me I looked up at the petrified students and simply yet loudly asked-


"" …. a-AH!"" Someone broke the silence with a scream.

In mere seconds of me asking it was chaos, with their fear stricken hearts many cried out for their parents and even GOD – 'as if he would save their pitiful lives'… Others?

They ran, fled, cried and prayed. Hell even if the Devil himself were here, he would be praying to God.

It was quite the sight to see… at the time I thought that it would be the closest thing I would see that compared to a battlefield. People trampled each other, screamed for their parents and wailed in tears.

Then the world as if an illusion just withered away. Well it was just a memory.

'Boy was I wrong, I'm far more insane than I thought.'

As if she were there the entire time. A beautiful woman with waist length blue haired walked up to me. She had snow white skin, a light blue pair of eyes that matched her hair. A beautiful figure with modest breast size, a supple bottom and a height of approximately 5'4". An outfit that screamed out 'Holy Being' as if to match the outfits of the Greek Gods, this outfit only seemed to enhance her beauty in my eyes. Then she began to talk in a tone matching that of an angel, yet in a childish way. Somehow?

"How is it… looking back on what you became?"

"Heh… Pestiest, right? As you can see, my blood is boiling for battle once again."

That's right I was itching for another fight already. Even though I just died. I wanted to see blood.

"That seems to bad I was just thinking of sending you to the afterlife."

"You don't seem to have understood the reason for the thumping of my dead heart. The reason is quite simple… out of excitement! I whole heartedly don't think you gave me such strength for no reason, now what is it kill some more people in the name as your messenger? Kill off a rival God or perhaps become your subordinate."

"Something like that. Anyway lets continue."

"Yes. Let's."

The Goddess Pestiest then began to give me a small explanation.

We best get this sorted out.

I ain't lookin' forward to the next chapter.

It is to damn long. And I need help on how to do it.

Also, I will try and get an artist friend of mine to do the artwork and then I will add in a link.


DabanCrowcreators' thoughts