

It was just like any other day in a school as ordinary as any other. As the birds chirped and the time just flew. Or at least that is how it seemed to most of the population, because today is the day of death for a fallen man in one world and the birth of a great legend in another. But this was the beginning of merely the prologue.

Belial's POV:

"Haah~ annoying as ever." A youth blurted out in amusement yet sounding annoyed.

Name's Belial just your average high schooler, or I'am to most, today I managed to draw the short straw and had a confrontation with an old 'enemy' of mine just your average everyday very cliché bully. Picks on the weak and fears the strong. Opposite of me I fear the weak, reason be? The weak have near endless possibilities. But this guy I can already tell…

He reached the limits of his potential and wishes to leave a shadow in the minds of the weak so they don't attempt to surpass him.

Can't say I'm a good guy or something either, for I have committed each of the infamous 'Deadly sins'. Sins that were made for a religious purpose, yet I sill have my own reservation toward the Gods. I know they exist.

Time to explain my sins. I hated sharing food and if I could I would clear out an entire third of the worlds most precious meals in a day, and I wanted it all for only me alone 'Gluttony'. I have always sat back and watched your problems are not mine unless I say they are, I also just love being lazy and relaxing 'Sloth'. I have always looked at people wishing to be like them always wanting to be different and have a fresh start, I always wanted to be something far better than I already was 'Envy'. I can say I always liked to have a woman at my side, I wanted a harem (believe it or not) 'Lust' 'still virgin & bad with women though…' . I who always had his head held high and boasting showing others that they cannot surpass me, this is a side affect due to me growing in power 'Pride'. I who always wanted more always saying it was never enough demanding more until I was satisfied, yet that satisfaction never came 'Greed'. Finally I who wanted one thing more than anything… POWER!! Power to decimated both Heaven and Hell with immense strength 'Wrath'.

I'am a living, breathing piece of human shit. I have not only been the ruler of some local gangs, but I've got several persons worth of blood slathered onto my hands. I finally gave it all up. On my last week of high school, that was when it was supposed to end. Yet countless beings are willing to pay a sum for my head. All because in the underground community, I've stolen and killed far more than they will allow me to get away with. This was only so I can get MY way with as little resistance as possible. Before leaving, I got rid of a great rival. Yet neglected a closer danger, when i was at my weakest, my most trusted aid and friend who was always at my side. He knew nothing of my family or my true identity, but in the underground he was known as my right hand.

I wound up becoming a cripple, yep, I had my most basic function of balance and control destroyed with a bullet to the head. I survived, but i cannot say i'm living anymore. Therefore my position amongst the gangs I ruled was lost to some scheming bastards.

Digressing back to the story…

"What was that!?"

As soon as the words escaped my mouth I was kicked to the ground. This was done by none other than, 'George' sole son of the Vince Gang leader 'Brick Vince'.

The only reason I don't end the life of this idiot is because of his three lackeys holding me down, and the fact that I gave up that kind of life after I lost most control of my own body. Good thing I never let any of the people who knew of me live. And those that remained alive still already have a few tens of millions placed upon their heads. This kept their mouths shut and heads lowered. This of course included Brick Vince as me and him used to be 'Rivals' in the city before I fell. But he was never on my level.


"You've fallen so far in so little time, yet you don't care as much as I thought, how so?"

That's right this bastard thought that I was only worth so much do to ruling a medium size city gang, that worked on controlling the school and surrounding areas. Not really worth my time. Besides it only served as a cover.

"'spit~' Who cares about ruling over some mere school kids!"

"You dare spit on the Junior Boss!"

I was quickly struck in the back of the head. While wiping off my blood filled spit, and then having my head smashed into the ground, George sends me a glare filled with a childish anger, only wanting to scare me… He has already long since failed. I've faced death more times than I can count.

"So is that how you will act before me. Belial! I'll just have to beat you to a bloody pulp!"

"Yeah let's do it!"

"Whatever the boss says!"

"Of course!"

'As expected, so quick for violence! Like seriously, even I show respect toward my targets and rivals...' To an extent.

Just as I was having such a thought. I had noticed some faint yet familiar foot steps. At that moment my heart sunk. And my face paled but it was to late when I reacted.

'Step, step, step'

"What are you doing!?"

" '!?' Mary you can't be here!"

Mary my childhood friend, first love, and only family. Her family decided to adopt me when my parents were killed in a car wreck. Yet, they later died in a lab accident and no remains other than their lab coats and her father's tattooed arm. She came after realizing I was late for our trip home, and came to find me getting beat black and blue. Just as I said those words, as if he was expecting it George FUCKING SMILED!!!

'!?' I noticed a figure in the shadows. And shouted out...

"Behind you!"

"Waah!!" She screamed as a person grabbed her from behind

These bastards had made this a set-up. I wasn't the real target but Mary. They always wanted her body, as she is seen as 2nd most beautiful in the school. But I was always protecting her from the shadows so no one dared to touch her, now it's different. My rage filled to the fucking peak as she was grabbed from behind. I wanted to kill once more, my blood was boiling!!

"Got you" George spoke to her in a mocking manner.

"Let her go! Or I'll kill you! NOW!!!"

Ignoring my threats and demand, that all didn't even seem to be worth his time George stared me in the eyes and said...

"Tsk~, tsk~, calm down Belial. It's not like you can actually save her or anything you know, today neither of you are leaving


"Bastard! Leave Mary out of this! Her skin is untainted with blood! Your only supposed to attack me! She is innocent!!!"

That's right. I never let any harm come to Mary. I never let her know what I did. But she always seemed somewhat knowledgeable and kept quiet about it, as it kept food on the table and she saw that my personality was less anti-social.

"Now that wouldn't be fun~ I only want to see her face filled with fear and despair as her loved one can't save her from her cursed fate! Now sit back and enjoy the show!" He had a lecherous smile and as did his damn lackeys.


Both I and Mary scream as those words made sense to the booth of us. He was going to damn far.

George then pulls out a pocket knife and holds it up to Mary's neck! 'I'll kill you' those words I meant. But right now I can't even move! This bastard had actually placed handcuffs on me, plus the two lackeys of his I can be sure I only have one chance to escape but they won't make the same mistake twice.


"Be grateful Mary! For if you don't put up resistance then I won't, end Belial's life today!" He finally showed a crazed and desperate look in his eyes as if his goal was finally in front of him.

This bastard!!!!!! KILL!!!

"George, you're a dead man talking! Mary don't listen to him and try to struggle I can take at least three of these bastards, GO NOW!"

Even without my arms, I still had my legs. And years of training, under my belt. I've killed more beings in this life than this pansy ass has shook hands with.

"Belial!" Mary yelped out my name.

"Huh! What! Just ru- " I yelled toward her while struggling, but was cut off.

"NO! Don't worry about me I can tell he means what he says, as long as you can live then it's fine if I'm tainted…"

My heart stopped. I was petrified. And brimming with anger that was unmatched. The world seemed to become red, and I was growing more furious by the second. But i could barely move… And i apologized to her.

"Mary… I'm sorry for being so weak… FORGIVE ME! FOR BEING SUCH TRASH!!!"

"Uun… you're not at fault I'll be happy as long as you're at my side…"

"Hahahah!!! Quite the show your putting on now let's have some FUN!!!" He laughed while heading toward Mary.

"YEAH!!!" All of his Lackeys shouted in unison.

By now my bloodlust was leaking and overflowing. But because these bastards have never killed anything that could fight back or ever been through a life and death situation. Their minds and instincts couldn't recognize it. And so it had no affect.

'DAAAAAAMNIT!!! WHY AM I SO FUCKING PATHETIC!!! I can't even save my only family, the woman I love is in front of yet I can't do a thing!!! WHY HAD I BECOME A FUCKING CRIPPLE!?!?!'

After screaming in my heart in absolute anger… I heard a voice that was out of the usual.

'Do you wish for the strength to save her? End their pitiful lives and show them the power they could never fathom?'

Hearing the whispering of words echo inside my head as if they came from a demon I refuted...

'WHAT ARE YOU THE DEVIL OR SOMETHING!?!?.... NO WAIT! Scratch that! YES, I WANT POWER!!! Power that could obliterate a continent, speed faster than light and the ability to protect those that are dear Me!!!'

'Even if that so-called "power" you dare wish for meant DEATH to all those who were weak and dared to even attempt and wield it?'

'I'm willing to kill GODS devour DRAGONS and destroy WORLDS for that power. As long as I can save Mary… Any price is too cheap…'

'Then Belial do you accept my offer fully aware of your imminent DEATH?'

At the sight of an escape and such an offer… I couldn't refuse.


'Then the deal has been made! Here is your power… By the way my name is Peciest…'

'I shall engrave that name into my very soul.'

I meant those words. I would pay a debt a thousand times to a friend, and a million times to an enemy... At this point I can feel every muscle in my body burn and hear my bones creak.

'It's as if my body will destroy itself from the inside, in mere seconds!'

In my quickened thoughts I examined my body at a speed never before seen on this planet. It was as if my own brain was the worlds best supercomputer. I made a quick examination of my body and got an assessment.

'Not much time… I gotta do this quickly!'

"THAT'S ENOGH!!!" I roared at the top of my lungs, as if shaking the Earth itself.

"WHAT!?!?" They barely had time to turn around and see a blur as they shouted.

I quickly broke free from their grip and broke their handcuffs. I then threw the lackeys away as if I was throwing a rubber ball, they went flying. Immediately after I ran up and grabbed George by the throat.


"Today I told you I would kill you and I meant it."

With the scariest look on my face I said that to George. Realizing what was to become of him, he quickly tried to explain.

"Wait! I know you wouldn't be so unreasonable and do something to me! My dad is th- "

"Quiet. Your father is already set to die."

'Crunch' The sound of his neck being crushed echoed from my hand.

"NOW DIE." I told George as his body went limp.

I quickly killed off George barely letting him get what he wanted to say out of him. To damn bad he made those his last words… I would have chosen something much cooler.

'Strange, the feeling never changed over the years?'

It was out of the ordinary. I haven't done any killing in over 6 months, it seems as if my mind has truly adapted to the mind of a blood killer… But anyway. I can now die in peace knowing he's dead. But i also have to tie up these loose ends.

I step in front of these damn lackeys and killed them all. I used a technique I picked up in China, an inner energy technique that destroys the targets heart, it would seem as if they died of shock or cardiac arrest.

As soon as they died I myself threw up some blood and picked up the horrified Mary and quickly yet gently told her.

"I'm sorry Mary, I'm dying… and we'll never meet again. At least I saved you… 'Smile' I always loved you Mary."

"No it's unfair to say that! And what do you mean dying!? You weren't hurt that bad and what was with that crazy str-"

I then spat out another mouthful of blood. 'My organs are shredded...'

"Sorry, but… I made a deal for power with the Devil, after gaining the strength needed to save you. I die…"

"What.... No way-"

"'Cough' sorry I'll be leaving you behind…"

I had a coughing fit and fell onto the floor, spilling out a lot of blood. Left only half conscious.

"No! This can't be goodbye! You even promised to take me to our favorite amusement park! And of course I always loved you too! So don't leave me behind! Please!"

Was that today? Ahhh… I completely forgot. She always loved that amusement park. We always went for her birthday.

"Sorry I can't make that happen. And besides, hearing those words come from your mouth made me very happy. 'sniff' Goodb-"

"No! Please!"

Before those words left my mouth I fell back, coughing up blood, not even ten seconds after my head had hit the ground I unfortunately passed away. My last thought was of course… 'Good thing I left all the money I collected over the years in my closet.'

Belial's Death Date: April 18, 2018. 4:16 PM.

Hope you enjoyed!

This is one of the easier chapter for me to have


DabanCrowcreators' thoughts