
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
75 Chs

Into the dungeon

I missed the screen in front of me. I went outside and took the bus back home; I didn't see Clark, so I suppose he is going to stay a little longer in school or, to be more specific, in his club.

Arriving at home, the first thing I did was say hello to my mother, who was in the living room sewing some ripped shirts. I think these are Clark's.

"I'm home, mom; where's dad?"

My mom, without looking back, said to me.

"He is in the barn fixing the lawnmower."

"Ah, the one  Clark"

"Yeah, that one."

(sigh) With that, I went to my room upstairs to do my homework.

Dinner in the Kent family was usually peaceful, but today was a little bit depressing.

It all started five days ago when Clark gained another ability.

Yeah, he can fly now, but with that came many questions, like how he can do that or why he is different from his brother or the rest, for that matter.

So Jonathan and Martha didn't have any other option than to tell him the truth, and I, as his brother, was invited to.

We went to the tornado shelter that was a couple of meters behind the barn, and there it was, covered in a huge gray plastic sheet, the spaceship in which Kal-El, the only survivor of Krypton, came to earth.

Since that day, Clark has had some anger issues, and he can't control his emotions, so the lawnmower paid the price. Luckily,  he is coming to his senses now, and soon he will be fine again.


I'm now in my bedroom contemplating how I'm going to enhance my attributes. Although I chose the class [Wizard], I can't be as direct as in a game.

In a game, you want to min-maxin your character, and for that, you need to specialize in a specific area, be it magic damage or physical or status effects like poison or corruption, but in real life, that is stupid.

You need to be able to more or less deal with everything all at once, because if not, others can take advantage of your weakness and your loved ones will pay the price.

{That's why I will first choose a class and then enhance my attributes.

                                                                                 [Generating Classes....complete]

[Common Classes]

[Fighter] [Archer] [Summoner] [Forbidden Arts User]

[Uncommon Classes]

[High Wizard] [Cleric] [Forest Mage] [Shaman]

{Wow, that's more classes than I expected. Let's see. I think [High Wizard] is the advancement class of wizard, so that's a no for now.}

{ hmm....what I need right now is protection, so there are two classes that can provide me with that: [fighter] and [summoner]. The first one will focus on my body to protect me, while the other will focus on summoning creatures to protect me.}

{Let's continue with the magic archetype, so I choose you [Summoner]}

[Are you sure you wish to select this class?] "[Yes]".                                                                      [Confirmed]                                                                                                                         

[Please select 3 skills] [Rock Golem] [Fire Golem] [Air Golem] [Water Golem] [Friendship] [Encouragement] [Damage Transfer] [Sacrifice]

{Let's see which summoned creature I want: rock, air, fire,water…the elements, so for that logic, rock is for defense, air is for mobility, fire for damage, and water for healing, I think?}

{[Rock Golem] it is then, as for the other two skills, hmm... what does the skill [friendship] do?}

[Friendship:You permanently share your attributes with your summoned creature.]

{oh, so if I specialize in damage and choose fire golem, he can do more damage...I see}

{Then what about [sacrifice]}

[Sacrifice: The caster can sacrifice the summoned creature to heal any wound inflicted when the summoned creature was on the field.] (Cooldown, 1 hour) (Double the cooldown for the skill summoned creature.)

{Wow, any wound, that's pretty good. As for the other two skills, well, their names say everything. I choose [Rock Golem], [Damage Transfer], and [Sacrifice].}

{As for my attributes, I will put [5] into [Body], [20] into [Mind], [5] into [Soul], [5] into [Luck], and [5] into [Faith], respectively, so my stats tab now looks like this}

[Status Tab]

Name: Isaac Kent Level: 10   

Class: [Wizard(Max.15)] [Summoner(Lvl.1)]    Job:Available                                                                                                                             

Body:[15]    Mind:[30]    Soul: [15]                                                                                                                              Luck:[15]    Faith:[15]

Skills: [Fireball (2 seconds)] [Wind slash (2 seconds)] [Shadow bind (4 seconds)] [Rock Golem (5 minutes)] [Damage transfer(Passive)] [Sacrifice (1 hour)]

Now it's time to choose a job.

 [Generating jobs...complete]            


[Blacksmith] [Farmer] [Cook] [Enhancer] 

{so these are my options, huh? Who would have thought that at the age of 15, I was already deciding on a job}


{This sounds like a regular job, the only one that is not [enhancer], so what does it do?}

[Enhancer]: permanently enhance a random stat of a piece of equipment; also temporarily increase the efficiency of any consumable or skill.

I see, so it's really like what his name says.

{Hmm... what to do, there's two that picked my attention [Farmer] and [Enhancer] the first one is convenient because we have a farm and I could use a little space to grow things and level them up as for the second one, it's a powerful job, permanently enhancing an item and boosting skills, hmm... I guess convenient is not always good so I choose [Enhancer]}

[Are you sure you want to choose [Enhancer] as your job?]



[Generating job skills is complete].

[Status Tab]

Name: Isaac Kent Level:10   

Class: [Wizard (Max 15)] [Summoner(1)]      Job: [Enhancer]

Body:[15] Mind:[30] Soul:[15] Luck:[15] Faith:[15]

Skills:[Fireball] [Wind Slash] [Shadow bind] [Rock Golem] [Damage transfer] [Sacrifice]

Job skills: [Reinforce (5 minutes)] [Boost(1 minute)]    


{I guess it was time to do what I wanted to do since I got my first class. I will finally challenge a dungeon. First,  I need to buy a dungeon key. Let's see...}


[Generating shop items...complete]




[Potions] [Talismans] [Runes] [Keys]


I focus on the [Keys] tab, and it gives a list of the possible keys that I can buy.

Starting with [Basic dungeon keys (recommended level 5–15)],

[Advance dungeon keys (recommended level 15–35)]

[Expert dungeon keys (recommended level 35–60)]

[Master dungeon keys (recommended level 60–90)]

[Mythical Dungeon keys (recommended level 90–100)].

[Basic dungeon keys]

[Green Forest (level 5) (100)]

[Dark Cavern (level 10) (200)]

[Goblin settlement (level 15) (500)]

{Ok, I choose [Green Forest] after all, I'm over level, so it's more safe for me as I'm a beginner in this}

[You want to purchase this item?]


[Confirmed transferring to inventory].

{Huh? I have an inventory. When did that happen!?}

[Inventory is currently holding the unequipped equipment.]

Ah, so that's why, huh? When I reach Level 10, I bought my first pieces of equipment, a basic robe set and a basic staff, but I can't go anywhere looking like that, well, at least not for now, so when the system told me that I don't need to hold it or wear it, I thought the equipment was like a power ranger suit, but apparently no, it was stored in the inventory, but in the tab it says nothing of it.

[Do you wish to put inventory into the skills section?]

...(sigh) {yes, please}


I also buy some [Health Potion]×5 just in case anything takes me by surprise, so I have everything ready.

I wait patiently for everyone to go to sleep, then I take the dungeon key to inspect a little bit more. [Green Forest dungeon key: this key can be used in any door available; once used, the key will disappear.]

To exit the dungeon, you need to complete the objectives; in case of failure or death, you will be automatically teleported to your last location.

The dungeon has time dilatation (D.T.), meaning the time spent inside the dungeon will be different from the outside world (current D.T.: 1 day/ 1 hour).

{Well, this is it}

I said that as I was approaching the entrance of my room, I put the key into the keyhole of the door, and it fits perfectly. I was amazed at that, and then, with a click, it opened my door automatically, and now I can see it—a green forest in the distant, so bast with huge trees that I can't see the end to them—into the dungeon we go.