
Dc: The Brother of Superman

Follow our protagonist without memory of his past self he woke up in a normal family....wait isn't that Martha Kent.....why is she calling me son?. (Disclaimer, First fanfic to learn how to write.)

Refaim1992 · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Am i psychic or a mage?

"Clark, Isaac, come on, it's getting late. If you boys don't hurry up, you're going to miss the bus," screamed Martha from the kitchen downstairs.

"Coming" and "got it" were repeated by Clark and Isaac from their rooms upstairs at the same time, and she could hear footsteps increasing after the response.

(sigh) "These kids," Martha said as she prepared lunch for both of her sons, who were late for school.

Meanwhile, Jonathan was at the table, eating breakfast and reading the newspaper.

""Good morning, mom; good morning, dad," greeted Clark and Isaac when they came downstairs and got into the kitchen.

"Morning sons," answered Jonathan without moving his sight from the newspaper, followed by Martha, who was finishing packing the lunches and putting them into brown bags.

"Thanks, mom," said Isaac as he grabbed it from the counter and put it in his backpack, followed by Clark, who only took it in his hand and took off to the entrance.

"Isaac, the bus is here; goodbye mom, goodbye dad; see you later," he said without looking back.

"Ok, goodbye mom, goodbye dad," replied Isaac to Clark, and he said his goodbyes to his parents as he took off to the entrance.

""Goodbye, sons,"" Jonathan and Martha said as they watched them from the kitchen and table.

(sigh) "I still can't believe that 15 years have passed since that day," said Jonathan with a hint of melancholy in his voice.

"Indeed, it feels like a dream," said Martha, moving slowly to the table to eat with her husband.

"They sure grow up fast."


POV Isaac


{well, another day, another set of quests and duties I need to complete. Let's see: homework check, lunch check, gym clothes...check. Huff, that was close. Hmm. I can see the bus now}.

When I was thinking all these things, we were getting close to the bus that was parking outside the farm.

"Good luck today, brother," I whispered almost to myself, but for the hearing of Clark, it was the same as when I was speaking in a regular voice.

He only smiled and said "Thanks, little brother", (sigh.) I'm still not used to him saying that to me; it feels surreal, so I only smiled back.

Our relationship as brothers is solid, or at least I think it is, since our parents told me the "big secret" of the family, which is that Clark, my brother, had superhuman abilities.

I didn't treat him any differently; I just treated him like he was my brother, so I think for that we are good, and I really hope so.

As to why we sat on different seats when we climbed the bus, well, in the first place, he is a senior, and in the second place, it's because our interests are different from each other; he likes the newspaper and looks for stories or injustices, so he is the president of the newspaper club in the school, while I'm a member of the literature club.

So I went to the back of the bus and took a seat that was empty.

Putting my backpack on my legs, I relaxed myself while looking into the window, only to see our farm outside getting further away.

Clark took a seat in the middle of the bus with two of his friends, a blonde short-haired girl and an African-American bald boy.

I think I recognize them from somewhere, but nothing comes to mind right now. Just like that, the bus took off to school.

(riiinnnnggg) {damn that alarm bell. It's really loud.

So today, school is over. huh} I was thinking that as I was cleaning my desk and was preparing to leave to take the bus back home, tonight I have an appointment that I can't miss, but before that,

[Daily quest complete]

Attend school. 1/1. Participate in class. 8/8.

Reward: 500 exp. 200 funds

Seeing this window of quest completion, I'm thinking that it still feels weird—more weird than Clark calling me little brother.

For 15 years, I have been doing daily and weekly quests.

I thought that the quests were going to be fixed, but apparently no, they change according to my growth.

For example, in this daily one, when I was a toddler, I just slept and moved my body a couple of times, but when I started to walk and run, It demanded that, and now that I'm in school, it demands attendance and homework, things that I needed to do regardless of the system.

[Status Tab]

Name: Isaac Kent Level: 10

Class:Wizard [Max.15] [Advance] [Change]                                                           

Job: [Available to Choose]

Body: [10] Mind: [10] Soul: [10] Luck: [10] Faith: [10]

Points Available: 40

Equipment: [initiate set] [Basic Staff]

Artifact [unavailable until level 50]

Skills: [fire ball] [Wind Slash] [Shadow Bind]

Funds: 795,000

I finally have the level required to choose a job, and I also need to choose a new class or advance with the one I have, which is [Wizard].

As to why I chose this class, well, it was a no-brainer for me. I'm in a magical situation, so I required a magical class, and also, magic is cool... (cough)... when I picked this class, I was 5 years old.

I barely understood the implications of choosing this class; the only thing my mind was thinking was "you're a wizard, Harry," a popular phrase that I remembered from my past life.

Nevertheless, the skills that I pick for the class are pretty good too: [Fireball], [Wind Slash], and [Shadow Bind].

This one is the more cool-looking. When I activate the skill, I choose a target, and the shadow of that target becomes a rope that restrains it until I cancel the skill or run out of mental energy, and oh boy, it hurts when I run out of it.

Unlike a game, here I don't use mana; instead, I use my mind, and every skill increases its pressure until I can no longer stay conscious.

I think the phrase is "mental down." If I remember correctly, this wizard class is more like a psychic than a mage.