
DC: Reborn with a Multiverse Choice System

Journal Entry #1: My name is Kristopher Locke, I died due to unknown reasons and became a reincarnator for the many gods of the multiverse. They gave me a system but it is nothing like the stories that people write about in fanfictions, there are no levels, stats, or anything remotely useful. Instead, every two years of my life, I'm given a choice of three things. these things are random, I could receive money, powers, skills, items, blessings, sometimes they are extremely powerful and helpful while other times they are boring and pointless. I'm about to open my eyes to my second life, which happens to be in the DC Universe. My first life was in the world of the TV Series, Game of Thrones, which sucked but it let me get my feet wet and get used to being a reincarnator. Anyway, this is the story of my second life, let us hope that it's a good one.

AtlasGamerTV · อื่นๆ
2 Chs


Hi everyone, Author-san here.

I have decided to redo this fanfic, many things will change and many things will stay the same.

I have gained a little bit more experience as a writer, so please be patient.

Updates and new chapters will be once a week, not every seven days, just once a week.

Thank you for following, reading, and continuing to support me and this fanfic.

I love you all!