
DC: Reborn with a Multiverse Choice System

Journal Entry #1: My name is Kristopher Locke, I died due to unknown reasons and became a reincarnator for the many gods of the multiverse. They gave me a system but it is nothing like the stories that people write about in fanfictions, there are no levels, stats, or anything remotely useful. Instead, every two years of my life, I'm given a choice of three things. these things are random, I could receive money, powers, skills, items, blessings, sometimes they are extremely powerful and helpful while other times they are boring and pointless. I'm about to open my eyes to my second life, which happens to be in the DC Universe. My first life was in the world of the TV Series, Game of Thrones, which sucked but it let me get my feet wet and get used to being a reincarnator. Anyway, this is the story of my second life, let us hope that it's a good one.

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From what I could tell, I was born in the city of Gotham, a place where crime and corruption run rampant, the only solace in this place is the Dark Knight and his proteges.

I was born with a rather unusual body, no, I didn't have an extra limb or three eyes, I was born with hair as white as snow.

Rather than be freaked out by it, the many kids and caretakers actually admired it.

Just like in my original life and first reincarnation, I was thankful that I could at least keep my name, Kristopher Locke, it is the last piece of my original self that I get to keep.

Anyway, back to my new world, DC's version of Earth is a rather cruel and unusual one, with iconic superheroes and memorable villains, this planet is far from boring.

From a non-reincarnator's point of view, being reborn as a newborn would seem like a curse but in all honesty, it's really helpful.

It gives you time to form plans for the future and find trustworthy people since there is no reason for people to hide their true personalities in front of a newborn.

And so, my life started to pass by, within what seemed like a blink of an eye, my first Choice was just around the corner.

Being almost two years old, I can't really do much, real life isn't like a comic book, even Superman couldn't walk at six months and talk at seven months, your body at that age hasn't developed enough to do those physical feats.

So I sit here, softly giggling at the tickling feeling of the volunteer caretaker wiping my bum while trying to hold his breath from the mountain of poop stuck to it.

Alan Berk seemed like a genuinely good guy over these past weeks, he's sixteen, and rather than be with friends and family, he helps the kids at our orphanage.

I know what you are thinking, maybe he doesn't have friends or family. right? he's good-looking, smart, gets along with the other kids and adults easily, and often visits with his mother.

He's just a good guy which is a lot for this shithole of a city.

Standing at 5'10ft, he's got a rather lithe body with curly blonde hair, and pale skin, he looks like he could be a member of the group of singers from my original life, One Erection.

Anyway, back to me, after finally getting a solid look at myself in the mirror, I was born with white hair, dark caramel skin, and green eyes.

Now, After having my butt cleaned, I was put back into my crib before being left alone with the door open so that they can keep an eye on me.

In less than three hours, the clock will hit midnight and I will receive my first set of choices... let's hope they are at least remotely useful.

Don't get me wrong, my life doesn't hang on what the system gives me but they are a massive boost.

I can still learn martial arts, parkour, magic, and other shit like any other person if I work hard enough, but the system doesn't help with any of that, if I do those things, I need to learn them through hard work and sheer willpower.

As the moon rises high in the sky, sounds of gunfire can be heard in the distance, no doubt directed at Batman.

A feeling of calm washes over me as a familiar blue screen pops up in front of me.

[Author's Note: some of these will be copy and pasted from Powerlisting Wiki or Reddit]


[One Million Dollars: The user is given a hefty amount of cash to help him on his way]

[Peak-Human Speed: The users' speed is at the highest limit of human potential. They are much faster than Olympic class runners. With this sort of speed, one could catch up to or outrun moving vehicles, vanish in plain sight, are likely to always be first in running-races, and have great reaction time]

[Blessing of Nyx: At night, your strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, and powers are increased by 500%]


'Hmm, okay, throwing the money out the window since I don't have a storage power so I'd have nowhere to stash it... the other two are beyond helpful'

'Having the blessing of a goddess would be pretty sweet, being five times more powerful at night and it has zero drawbacks during the day, meanwhile, have a Peak-Human attribute right at the start would be insanely helpful'

The last words floating in my head before tapping the Blessing of Nyx are, 'go big or go home'

Even now, as a toddler with no muscles or power whatsoever, the surge of power flowing through my veins is insane.

With a smile, I fall asleep rather quickly thanks to my infantile body.

--- Tartarus ---

In a deep, dark place sits the Goddess of the Night, drinking from a crystal wine glass, she takes a sip.

Feeling a pulling sensation in her heart, she smiles, "A new Acolyte? it's been so long, time for a vacation to see this poor soul"

Getting up from her chair, her curvaceous figure in a skin-tight dress that is made from shadows, catching the attention of the rather gods and goddesses in Tartarus before she vanishes from their sight.

[Comments mean more than anything else, please give me your thoughts]