
DC: Gaming Technomancer

DaoistxCqLg2 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 3 What to do next?

"How exactly do I out of the middle of nowhere again..?"

(3rd pov)

On the road to a near by town, we see a big rover riding in the sand for a very bumpy ride. In the river we see three men, well two men and one teenager, sitting in the car in silence til.

"So if don't mind me asking, how did you get stuck out here, in the middle of nowhere like this?"

Said one of the men. He was short tan guy, clocking in around 5'5", sitting in one of the two passenger seats of the rover.

"I got lost pretty badly."

Says our protagonist and main star of the story, Daniel. Currently sitting in the boot department of the vehicle, with a long brown coat covering his body in hopes of blocking it from the sun.

"Hmph, sure looks like."

Said the taller of the two men. He too was also tan but clocked in at around 6'2". While having an intimidating air around him.


Lightly jabbing at his partners arm with his to signify how rude what his partner said was. The shorter of the duo, Thomas, looked at Daniel apologetically and told him.

"Sorry about my partner he his a lit-, a lot paranoid and well.. this is what happens I guess."

Thomas told Daniel with a sort of goofy smile.

"Understandable, you have to be careful of who and what you meet around here."

As if confirming his own words, Daniel his A.I a single most question for the nth time.

'Are you sure they don't have any weapons, guns, magical bullshit or etc.'

{Yes master, I'm quit certain. No weapons or guns in my heat radar or my x-ray.As for magical, although I have never seen one before in my short lifespan of 4 hours but from master's memories I do know most magical things have an unique energy that I would have sense with my energy sensor already. So no they don't have any weapons.}

Said a mysterious voice directly to Daniel's head.

This ladies and gentlemen is the atom sized A.I owned by the MC. It simply call with a pill that Daniel assured over and over again that bad would happen at all.

'But that makes them even more suspicious. Who comes to the middle of nowhere by choice with no weapon?'

{True master but you are in hardly any condition to face them in a fight whatsoever.}

True after walking for hours with no food or water, only relying on the one's he took earlier the day, Daniel is really lacking nourishment and energy. In totally no condition to fight two grown men.

'I know, it's why when I get them I won't be facing them at all.'

Daniel thought this dangerous thought with a weird glint in his eye. Something that would have definitely frightened the past him, but not any more.

After that, a long loud silence began to form in the vehicle. It got to the point where Thomas had to glare at his much taller partner, to slightly alleviate the situation.

"Sigh… yo kid, I'm sorry that I was rude to you earlier, I just a bit paranoid and frustrated and blamed it on you. Sorry about that."

Said the taller man, Welch, said in an exasperated but apologetic voice.

Daniel blinked his eyes a few time because his brain on about the conversation he had with the A.I, however if he said he wasn't surprised about the apology that came out of nowhere to him then he would be lying.

"Uh.. like I said don't worry about it you had every right to in fact I'm surprised you didn't suspect me more. Also if it makes you feel any better, I too am sorry I made you suspicious."

"Uhm….. ok?"

Said Welch in a very confused voice. Like how does person even go about apologizing for something like that.

Meanwhile Thomas on the side however was trying his very best to hold in a laugh but was failing to miserably to count.

Glaring at his shorter partner a little, Welch said to move away from his embarrassment:

"We will be getting to the closet city in around 30 minutes, have any idea what you wanna do kid?"

"Yeah. Lots in facts."

Daniel said and remained silent. Welch seeing this as a sign that the boy didn't want to talk decided not to pry any further as well.

While the rest of the trip wasn't the exact chummiest, it's wasn't the subtle tense one that it was earlier. After being dropped off at city, first thought was how he was gonna get home.

'With my current status as an orphan I'll have to stay in a foster home till I'm of legal age or til I graduated high school. However neither option is favourable.'

Currently all Daniel wants to do get his family back and speed run this crazy place that is the Dc universe. Hoping that he would only be stuck here for two years minimum and ten years maximum.For that to happen every second of every day must count.

Looking at the the change the nice duo gave home earlier, Daniel to do something a little extreme, even by his current standards.

Going to the nearest pawn store, Daniel bought a very cheap and rundown computer.

'Dana connect your systems to this computer.'

{Yes master}

After getting an answer Daniel put his hand on top the run down computer. The computer that looked as if it would never turn on without decades of charging turned on in an instant. While on the screen of the was a pink smiley face and it said:

{All systems are ready master. All I need now is your permission and we can start.}


Daniel said while thinking about what's he is about to do. It's simple really using the advance systems of the A.I Daniel is gonna forge a fake identity. The only thing to worry about is that he needs to make sure all leads to this identity doesn't get traced back or found out.

The fake identity is James Jenkins average run of the 45 year-old American who dropped out of high-school at 17. However due to luck and his parents money he managed to have a little bit of success by buying stock. However making an actual smart decision in his life he decided to take his stock in cash instead of relying on his luck. The cash was of course from a bunch of corrupt politicians. They wouldn't miss it anyway.

The whole process took three hours. Reason being that Daniel was so paranoid that he believed a literal war would happen if didn't make sure there was absolutely no loose ends.

Then came the hard part, actually forging this identity with records, birth certificates and many more. Then putting the fake identity to every place or government base that should have this information. Doing all that while trying to make sure no one saw anything or noticed anything wrong was the true mission impossible.

It was so hard that an actual atom sized supercomputer took almost 2 hours to do so.

Next was quite simple bought his house in this life while erasing all history of both him and his parents ever had on this earth.

"Now all I need to do is book a flight and I'll be on way. But first, let's try out my skill and change this computer into a phone."