
DC: Gaming Technomancer

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 First plan commence

"Now all I need to do is book a flight and I'll be on way. But first, let's try out my skill and change this computer into a phone first."


On a plane to New York City. In the first class area, a middle age man who had a face so common, you'd swear you saw it somewhere before. This ladies and gentlemen is our protagonist.

The new face is an effect of the Disruption mask. It allows the owner to change forms into the person they are thinking of. However this ability is limited to the same race, gender, and body type of the owner.

'It was pretty easy to book a flight with my new identity, no surprise there,but what I'm actually surprised about is the phone.'

Thinking this, the middle aged man looked deeply at his teal phone in deep thought. Despite it's weird look and out-dated frame. Daniel knows that this phone wouldn't lose out by much compared to the world's leading phone product at this period.

What was surprising was how smoothly it was made.


Here we see Daniel in an abandoned warehouse, in the middle of nowhere at nighttime. Here Daniel plans to try out his skill. After making sure for the fourth time that there were no cameras around the area through the help of his A.I.

Daniel place his hand upon the rundown computer. Then something out of fairytale happened. The computer got disassembled by seemly nothing but by a blue light that was outlining all the parts. From the biggest to even the smallest, each had their own outline.

Seeing this,instead of being in wonder, Daniel frowned a little bit. 'It's a little flashy.' He thought a little bit grudgingly.

'Sigh.. not that it truly mattered that much any way. Time to see if my guess is right.'

Following this thought Daniel made another.

'Change to a phone.'

Thinking this Daniel, imagined a teal Samsung phone. And not even 1 minute after the thought, the phone he imagined was what appeared directly in front of him.

It was truly a magical sight. Seeing that all it took was a thought from him, to make all the materials to start doing their own thing and basically bending to his will and imagination.

Daniel grabbed the phone and then said

"Change into a mother box."

Daniel waited for 15 whole minutes only for nothing to happen the phone at all. Daniel had a few theories about why but decided to continue testing to narrow it down.

"Change into a sniper."

Daniel waited but nothing happened. Nodding his head, Daniel continued:

"Change into a triangle shaped form."

And the phone did just that and rearranged itself a little bit to become that.

"So it runs on equivalent exchange. Can't change the thing into something whose materials I don't have. It could also work on knowledge but I have no idea how a triangle shape phone would even work, so I'm pretty sure it's not that."

After saying that Daniel tried his final test.He put the phone on the ground and said:

"Change back."

But nothing happened, so he picked it up and said the same thing:

"Change back."

This time, it truly did change back into a teal Samsung phone.

'This proves two things. One I need to be in contact with the object for my skills to work properly on them, however I have a feeling it will change a with a higher level and more practice. Two my skill is somehow intelligent.

I had specifically said "change back" for a reason. To see how far back it would change, however the skill somehow knew it previous state and went back to it. It could have easily have decided to change back to the computer it was before or even just scrap metal. But no, it instead went back to the previous design.'

Daniel had no idea if it was because he was subconsciously thinking about the form of the phone that allowed the skill to change to exactly what he talked about or something else but he still decided to keep an eye out for this particular things revolving this skill.

'I don't really need to practice any other skill, even the [Metallurgy making] is pretty straightforward, though I will have to find out my current limit through practice when it comes to how fast and how much I will be able to make with my current low stats.'

Daniel stood up from the ground he was sitting on and decided it was time to go home.

(Flashback ends)

"Hello sir, would you like a refresher?" Said a rather tall flight attendant.

"No thank you, I'm good."

Daniel said in slow and kind voice, according to his current identity.

"Ok but if there is anything you need, please do call."

"Ok, I will."

Said Daniel while nodding. The flight attendant just smiled at him one more time and walked away. 2 more hours passed by on plane plus a 30 minute taxi drive to Daniel's home in New York City.

Standing in front of the door of the home he had in this life. Daniel couldn't help but be sort of nervous being here, despite knowing no one would be at the end of the door when he opens it.

Taking in a deep breath, Daniel tried to open the door of his home. Key word on tried. Daniel forgot that he currently has no key to his home because of the accident. So after thinking about how to break in to the house without breaking anything , Daniel suddenly remembered how forgetful his father was when it came to keys, so as a solution his mother decided to hide one under a nearby rock.

'It should be right about… here!'

Lifting a slightly large irregular rock from the floor, Daniel saw a keychain full of 3 keys in it.

Using the right one, Daniel opened the gate to his home. Once inside. he looked around his family's small one story home, looking for any changes or anything missing. Despite it being only one week since he left, with all the things that has happened it honestly felt like decades since he's last been here. So he wanted make sure everything was still there the way he left them. When that was done, Daniel fell down on one of his family's only two sofas and decided to just sleep here. After all 23 hours of sleep deprivation will do something to a human.

(10 hours later)

Waking up Daniel almost felt happy go lucky because of how refreshing the sleep was. If it wasn't for the fact that he technically died twice, both family members on both lives killed, and the honest hell-hole of a universe he ended up in. He maybe would have.

Washing his face a little, he asked his system that he's been subconsciously ignoring for a while:

"System tell me specifically about the levelling function that you have."

[Yes host.

As said before host doesn't get any exp from killing per say but since killing an opponent is a technical defeat host still gets exp for that just not for the killing part.]

"That seems like it does almost absolutely nothing."

[True host, however once hosts sees the difference between defeating the opponent in a clever way than just putting a bullet through their head, host will understand.]

"Just sounds a like a whole lot more complicated,if you ask me." Daniel complained a little,but still reminded himself to try it on two equally opponents later on and see the difference.

"Then for stat points and other stuff I need to know about, how do they work."

[The stats depend on hosts class. For a class like warrior, every level would add +2 to physical and +0.5 to mental. Plus with an additional +5 stat point to be distributed as the host sees fit, regardless of class.

Technomancer gives +3 to mental for every level and +1 to physical for every level. Host is also able to overfill the experience bar and not worry about the host levelling up when host doesn't want to.]

Nodding after reading the last line of the text,Daniel asked the system:

"Apart from from not levelling up immediately what else is the benefit of overfilling the experience bar?"

[There is none host.]

"Understood, so my guess is that I'm supposed to level my skills by just using them repeatedly right?"


After that Daniel remained silent, instead carefully thinking of his next step. While thinking of a plan, an idea so crazy and stupid popped up in Daniel that he dismissed it almost immediately. But however unfortunately for him the more he tried to forget, the more the idea just kept on popping up in his mind, to the point of an almost small obsession.

"Oh well, why not try it? I don't really have that much to lose anyway." Said out loud and at the chuckled a little maniacally. After all if this plan is pulled off correctly, not only will his level fly through the literal roof but this could actually be a great way to relieve anger. 'I can't believe I'm such a genius.' Thought Daniel in a both sarcastic and narcissistic tone.

"Dana, you are directly linked to my brain waves and have a sort of idea of what I'm about to do right?"

{ Yes master, I do}

"So be real with me, within two months what are my chances of success?"

{If everything goes according to the rough layout master currently has, then the chances of success are 63%.}

"63% huh? I'll take those chances any day of the week. Let the grind begin."

Said Daniel with a full on maniacal grin.