
DC: Dark Monarch

A Man is defined as Good and Evil by the choices he made but those choices are not always given. He pulled the switch that ended Humanity. The Last Survivor of a nuclear war. A single button created out of fear made an entire race go extinct. Was he Evil? Maybe. But what would happen when he finds himself as the Bruce Wayne. Doubt about his existence or live the life. Follow his journey as he become the Dark Monarch. ----- Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of Dc. Support me on patreon, if you wish. Link: patreon.com/Darkwolfest 1. You will get 20+ additional chapters in total. 2. Exclusive voting power and special shout outs. 3. Sponsorship for my latest chapters. 4. Exclusive content, exclusive access to upcoming stories and much more

Dark_Asmodeus · ภาพยนตร์
19 Chs

18: The Orphans [2]

If you want to read chapters ahead, go to-https://pàtreon.com/Darkwolfest.

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[A/N: Ok, No, I'm not done with the Pàtreon thing. just wanted to give you guys this chapter to let you know I'm coming back soon.]


The tension in the air was palpable as the battle commenced.

I stood at one end of the arena, gripping the hilt of my sword, the weight of its significance heavy in my hand.

Across from me stood Orphan, his stance poised and dangerous.

The arena was a circular pit enclosed by towering stone walls, illuminated by torches set high on the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced with each flicker.

Cain's eyes bore into mine, devoid of any hint of warmth or mercy.

"Ready to meet your end, Wayne?" He sneered.

I clenched my jaw and steadied myself, responding in kind, "More than you'll ever be."

Without further words, the clash began. I charged forward, sword raised, and Cain met me head-on with a brutal swipe of his own blade.

Our weapons collided with a loud clang, sending sparks flying as the force of our clash reverberated through our arms.

His strength was immense, each strike shaking me to my core.

Our swords became an extension of our wills, a dance of lethal intent.

The sound of metal clashing filled the air as we exchanged rapid strikes, neither willing to yield.

Cain's attacks were relentless, each swing calculated and powerful, driving me back with each blow.

But I wasn't just relying on my sword. As he lunged forward, I dropped the weapon and met him with a swift kick to the chest.

He staggered back, and I seized the opportunity, launching myself at him with a series of punches and kicks.

Blood spattered the ground as my knuckles met his face, and I tasted the metallic tang of violence in the air.

Cain's counter attacks were brutal, his fists and feet striking with precision and force. I blocked, dodged, and returned each blow with equal ferocity.

Our hands and feet were weapons in themselves, crashing against each other with a rhythm that echoed the heartbeat of the battle.

As the fight raged on, the arena seemed to close in around us. The spectators' cheers faded into a distant hum, leaving only the clash of our bodies and the scrape of steel against steel.

"Feeling good?" I asked, striking a powerful blow into his jaws. Making him step back in a moment of shock.

Blood dripped from his mouth along with the various cuts and scrapes, mingling with the sand beneath our feet.

"Your arrogance will be your downfall." Cain hissed through clenched teeth as he launched a flurry of strikes.

I parried his blows, my breathing heavy, eyes narrowed. "Better than your desperation."

Sweat mixed with blood trickled down my face, stinging my eyes. My muscles screamed in protest as I continued to fend off Cain's onslaught. But I refused to back down.

The fight had become a battle of wills as much as a test of strength.

"You're predictable, Seems like Ra's trying to make a mini him." He taunted, a mocking edge in his voice.

"I guess, that's just where your observational skills come to an end." I shot back, anger fueling my strikes. I aimed for his left side, a calculated move to exploit a weakness I had noticed earlier.

He parried, but I sensed a momentary lapse in his guard. Seizing the opportunity, I fainted a low strike before launching a swift uppercut, catching him off-guard.

My blade sliced through his armor, drawing a gash across his chest. Blood sprayed as he stumbled back, a mixture of shock and rage contorting his features.

He let out a guttural cry of pain as blood sprayed, splattering my face and armor. Our grim expressions locked, and I pushed forward with a final burst of energy.

"Monarch?" He scoffed. "A feeble name for a guy like you."

"I suppose 'Orphan' suits you well." I smirked. "Daddy never brought back that milk, huh?"

He roared and charged at me with fury, clearly stung by my remark.

His attacks drove me toward the arena's edge, but I swiftly rolled back in, refusing to be cornered.

"Is that all you can do, Monarch?" He hissed through clenched teeth, his grip on his sword tightening.

I wiped sweat from my brow, my chest heaving. "I'm just getting started."

With a surge of determination, he charged forward once more, his strikes faster and more ferocious than before. Our swords clashed with a deafening resonance, the sound echoing throughout the arena.

"Give up, pretender, you're weak!" He roared, his taunts growing desperate.

"Your words won't save you!" I replied, my voice steady despite the exhaustion setting in.

I blocked his strikes with newfound resolve, his attacks growing sloppy as frustration gnawed at him.

In a moment of audacity, I delivered a punishing kick to his side, knocking him off balance. With a swift follow-up, I lunged forward, my blade piercing through his armor and into his abdomen. Blood spurted as he gasped in pain, his grip on his sword faltering.

"Pathetic." I muttered, my voice cold as ice.

He staggered back, his mask smeared with blood. "You won't... finish me."

With a final burst of energy, he swung his sword downward, aiming for a finishing blow. I deflected the strike, our swords meeting for the last time with a resounding clang. In a swift motion, I twisted my blade and drove it into his side, piercing his heart.

His eyes widened in disbelief, and he fell to his knees, his sword slipping from his grasp. I watched as his life faded away, his body collapsing onto the blood-soaked ground.

"You were right, Cain." I whispered, my voice heavy with triumph. "A life did slip away, too bad it's not mine."

As the silence settled, I turned away from his lifeless form, the weight of the battle finally catching up to me. My breaths came in ragged gasps as I looked up to the masters, the League members who had witnessed the duel.

Many of those who had supported David were now trembling with fear, their attention fixed on the Demon's head, well aware of the fate that awaited them. Ra's al Ghul wasn't exactly renowned for his leniency.

Ra's met my gaze, his expression unreadable but I did notice his lips curl up ever so slightly. Talia stood beside him, her eyes holding a mix of pride and respect.

I let out a sigh of relief; I had emerged victorious, and now the League would heed my commands.

I had achieved what I set out to do, and my mission here was complete.

Now, it's time to set the stage for the next phase of my plans.

It's time for me to head back to the Capital of crime.

It's time for Gotham.

---End of Year Zero--