
Fateful Meeting (Probably)

Everyday, every single day, every goddamn day, I am stuck here in this house of mine. I learn here, I eat here, everything I did, I did it here. But today that is all going to change. Today is the day I am finally be able to go out.

"I look bad as always... Perfect!" I say, as I look at myself in the mirror. Looking bad is going to be my first impression to everyone. As my motto goes, 'If the first is bad, it means perfect'. I don't know how effective this is in the outside world but if it's bad, it means perfect.

I might look confident but inside I am nervous as all hell. I never interacted with anyone else before aside from my mother and people from online games that I've played. There is first time for everything so I need to make that first time bad. Anyway, I have a lot of things to catch up to in the outside world such as the girls! How cute are they in the outside world I wonder? I h-

"Yoru! Stop thinking about girls! Come down and eat your breakfast!" my mother yells, she is clearly angry right now so I better be quick. "Alright, mom! I'm coming!" I yell back, as I wear my name tag, 'Shibasaki Yoru' is written on it.

I quickly go down the stairs and head straight for the kitchen while greeting my mother on the way there. "Good morning, mom." I say to her as I took a seat at the table. "Took you long enough" she says as she puts a slice of bread with butter on the table.

"You look so messy today, Yoru! What's up with the bags under your eyes? Are you awake all night again?" she says as she fixes my necktie. "I can't help it, I'm so nervous I can't get a minute of sleep at all last night." I say while trying to push her hand away.

"But you should try to look good for your first impression. Wait, don't tell me-" I cut her off and say "Don't worry, mom." as I quickly finish my slice of bread and run to the door "If the first is bad, it means perfect." I say while opening the front door.

"Wait, Yoru. Don't forget to come back before sunset or else you'll die! And don't forget the way to school. And one more thing..." she says, as I took a quick glance at her. "Don't forget to have fun." while giving me a warm smile. "Okay, I won't forget." I tell her, as I set foot outside.

This is it! This what I wanted since the day I was born! I can finally breathe fresh air outside. I can finally walk around wherever I want! Today, I, Shibasaki Yoru, is now no longer an introvert! This feels great! But I can't forget I am here to go to school, not to do anything else. Focus.

If I am not mistaken, after coming out of the house, I need to take a right, then just head straight for a couple of minutes and I will arrive at school, easy. I don't know why mom is really worried. The direction is so simple even a kindergartener would memorize that.

Ignoring that, the atmosphere in this neighborhood is really nice and quiet. You can hear the birds chirping, the sound of trees being blown by the wind, what a calming sound... Suddenly, something very bright is hitting my eyes, it seems that the sun is now beginning to rise up behind the distant buildings. I should be faster if I don't want to be late.

I am a day dweller, huh? I wonder what it feels like to be a night dweller. It must be fun, right? I mean instead of learning in broad daylight, you are able to learn at night. You don't even have to sleep at daytime. Hm, I kind of wish I'm a night dweller.

As I am walking along the road, I see other students are also walking towards the same direction. It seems like I am heading the right way after all. "Somebody, help me..." Suddenly, I hear a voice, a very low voice. It sounds like a girl somehow. I quickly look around to search for the source of the voice.

After looking around for a few seconds, I see a dark alley. "That might be the source of the sound." I say, as I walks towards it. "Please... Help me..." The voice is getting louder, that means she is right there. I quickly walk into the dark alley.

"Is anyone there?" I say, as I desperately trying to look inside the dark alley. "Help... Sunlight... It hurts..." Suddenly, I see a girl curled up into a ball crying. I need to help her. "..." wait, what do I say in this kind of situation? Should I introduce myself first? Or ask her if she is all right? The latter, right?

"Um... Ar... Are you all right?" I said it, these are my first words to others in the outside world. "W-Who are you...?" she says, she is wearing the same school uniform as me but hers is white while mine is black. "M-My name is Sh-Shibasaki Yoru. Are you, by any chance, a night dweller?"

She raises her head to look at me and gives a light nod. "Can I trust you?" she says, as I look at her face. She has blonde hair with a pair of beautiful blue eyes. "Probably. I-I mean yes you can trust me. I don't mean any harm." Her eyes are doubtful. Yeah, I mean she is in the right place to think that, to be honest.

She then slowly backs off from me. "Wa-Wait, I just want to help." I say, then she tries get up but she just falls to the ground once again but this time she is shivering. "Are you okay? Do you want me to get help?" I say, "I-I'll kill you right now if you try to get help, yes?" she says, as I am confused I ask her "But why?"

"S-Shibasaki Yoru, yes?" she says, as she is still shivering. "I have my personal reasons but for now please don't call for any help, agree?" she says, "Are you a hypocrite?" I say, she looks shocked after I said it. "I mean you were calling for help but now when help is here, you are rejecting it." I say but did I say too much? Because she looks really angry right now.

"I have my personal reasons, yes!" she says, as she walks towards me. But on the way here, she trips on her foot and falls towards me knocking both of us into the sunlight. My head fell first.

I quickly pushes her back into the dark alley while I'm on top of her. Luckily, my reaction time is quite good from all of the games I've played. "G-Get off me, you idiot!" she yells, while kicking me off her. "S-Sorry! It was an accident." I say, as I brush off the dust on my uniform.

"Anyway, thank you." she says, as she blushes and continues to shiver. I can't leave her alone in this dark alley like this. I might be an introvert but I have common sense at least. "Don't worry, I'll help you get home." I say, as she looks really shocked to my words. "Our first meeting might be bad but 'If the first is bad, it means perfect'."

There you go! The first chapter of Day & Night. Keep in mind that my T button is broken so I have to use Ctrl+V everytime I write T. Please comment any missing Ts that you found.

Besides that, I hope you enjoy the first chapter

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