
Day Dreaming

Wendy comes to have a crush on a man called Jung Hoseok when he saved her from an abusive man who is hitting his wife ....when they were all on vacation in Jeju. It is her first time to like a man. Later she learns that their fathers are friends and would like them to marry. The problem is Wendy finds out that Jung Hoseok is a gay (although it is a not true). Wendy would like to refuse to the marriage even how much she is fond of him, but the fathers insist they work together at his family's hotel to get to know each other. Wendy and Hoseok gets to near each other more and become friends. Wendy also meets another man who seems to interests in her, one of the most important man in hotel management team, Mr Lee Min Hong. Her appearance with Lee Min Hong makes Hoseok realises his feeling for Wendy is more than a friend and he doesn't want to lose her. Especially when Lee Min Hong is known to be a womaniser very unlike him, who he considers himself a boring normal guy and a loser in first love. How will he try to tell his feelings to Wendy? ......... (Chapter 19) Wendy: "Hope...you behave so badly today .. especially how you appear in here. it's so  rude.." Hoseok: "I know. .I can't help it...!" Wendy: "Why!" Hoseok: "Do you like him ...do you like Lee Min Hong?" Wendy: "Well I'm getting to know him.. what's wrong if I like him!" At that... Hoseok just couldn't control himself more..he just grab Wendy's face and kisses her on the lips. .... Wendy: "What does this mean Hope ...you like both women and men? but you should never cheat Jimin. ." In this, Hoseok remembers she has mistaken him as gay man...and somehow an idea just come to him. Hoseok: "Er....I'm very sorry Wendy.. I just want to know how it feels like to kiss a woman." Wendy: " it's just that?" ...... Hoseok continues,  "Will you marry me? Wendy" Wendy: "Are you crazy.... whatever is happening to you ??" Wendy looks up at Hoseok..His face is very serious. ........ Wendy: "I will need to think about it!!" ..... The story has completed.

WinnieAye · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
34 Chs

Chapter 9: Engagement Party

The week has passed quickly...and finally...it's time that Jimin's cousin is finally getting engaged to his girlfriend.

It is a fine evening. The weather is good. And the hotel is filled with fashionable dress up people from high class families.

The beautiful lights are everywhere. The lady, Park Jimin's Cousin is wearing the blue sky dress, and her fiance is wearing a blue suit and blue trousers.

/*This is just the engagement party..but the couple will be celebrating their wedding next week. They do both in near time because the couple want to share life together so soon..but still want to celebrate by steps as their parents wish */

Wendy, Joy, Hoseok and the team are so tired preparing for the event the whole day...It is special because it is an event of an relative of Jimin, Hoseok's best friend. But it is more important because Hoseok's parents had given this event preparation as to see their working skill or managing an event.

It is very awkward. Hoseok and Wendy are the one to handle for the day. Jimin and Joy and others are around too. It is the first day Wendy gets to talk with Hoseok.

They were both helping with the decorations of the hall for event, when Hoseok starts to speak to her; something not necessarily important for their work.

"Ummm...Hi ..Good day..."Hoseok started.

Wendy was surprised.

Wendy:"Do you...umm.....are you talking to me?"

Hoseok:"Of course, just ask.. because we are working together.. maybe we should get to know one another....!"

For the past week, Wendy is a little quiet, she was not shy around him or anything. But Hoseok thought she looked a little different when she had to speak to him even if it is for work. He thought she avoided him, even more than before. Nonetheless, Wendy seems quite a nice friendly person.

Hoseok thinks, "Even we are not marrying, it should not be so bad to get to know her a bit.!"

Wendy and Hoseok discuss about their lives and working at Oriental Utopia....

"Yes..I am really liking the experience I get here!"

Wendy: "Ummm...but what about our parents..our father..er.."

Hoseok: "Well .. they want us to get to know one another more...but I don't think.. they will be serious if we can't do like they want us too"

By that Wendy smiles and then says....

"Actually... I do totally believe we should definitely marry someone we really love..."

Hoseok is nodding.

She looked up to him and said again.

"Ummm...I ... I want to thank you again for how you help me twice in Jeju!"

Hoseok:"That's no problem Miss, you are welcome .!"

And yep... after that moment, Wendy and Hoseok lost their shyness around one another and became friends.

Now, let's go back to engagement party!!

Everything is fancy and lovely. The bride to be and the future groom are very happy.

Lee Min Hong surprisely play the piano on stage as a gift for his friends. Both of the fiances are his friends.

The guests admire him especially Wendy and Joy. Hoseok is looking at how Wendy is admiring the guy.

"Is she liking him. Well they are friends here too. So why not. What is it has to do with me...We just become friends...!"

Hoseok is thinking. At that moment, Jimin call..."Hey, buddy, let me introduce you my kins!"

Park family is quite good mood people.

"This is just only....we are just wondering..when our son will be ready for this task in life...and we are just really glad..He find someone to walk through life together with..." They turn to their son and his bride to be..."It's just starting .. you too will go through a lot more... life is complex.."

The father says..

the mother adds..."We will go through to enjoy the wedding party too... for next coming week..."


at the moment... Wendy is coming out of toilet/restroom of the hotel...the area of the hall ..near to restroom...Min Hong is drinking wine, alone , far from the crowd. But just then, the lady of the engagement party, the fiance,

come to him.

"Thank you very much for music..."

"It's pleasure dear..." he replies...

She continues.."Don't you have anything you want to tell me. I'm getting married next week!"

He looks up at her..."I wish you the best for your married life..."

She looks disappointed. It is not something she is expecting to hear... anyway she just smiles and walk back to her fiance.

Back in the middle of the room, Wendy finds Hoseok and Jimin dancing happily and funnily on the dance floor like monkeys... they are drunk...

Wendy just smiles at their having fun time.

The party just passed happily..so is the wedding party that come next week.

Just after the wedding party is done.... Hoseok and Wendy again offered another project...it is to go through Bali island (Indonesia) for a trip ...so the two companies of hotels and traveling, can promote together.