Inside Adrian's Chaos Space...
"This space is heaven." Ace sighed as he sat in middle of the green field surrounded by the trees and lake.
Closing their eyes Adam and Kiel enjoyed the breeze alongside him, and couldn't help but nod their heads hearing him.
Outside world was chaotic, it was even better to call it disastrous.
Every day people were dying as if animals, while monsters had now literally taken over more than half of the Arora.
No, it was better to say that except four sectors i.e. A, D, X, and Z, all other sectors were in monsters possession.
But of course that gruesome world was the reality, and here was just some kind of comfort zone, but who was to say that they couldn't enjoy little bit of comfort in their spare time, huh?
"Did you really mean it what you said while being angry, me and Adam being together and forgetting you?" Asked Ace all of sudden, as he looked at Kiel.