
Arrogant Gavin, Furious Adrian

Sector- X

Militant City…

Sector- X, the only sector where only the military and its soldier's families resided. Unlike other sectors, this sector only belonged to the military.

Sector- X was separated into four blocks, just like any other sector. But what made these blocks special were the people residing in them.

Block- D had been resided by all types of soldiers. From normal soldiers to lieutenants, all resided in this block, making it the outermost parameter of the Sector- X. 

Block- C, on the other hand, was resided by Lieutenant Commander, Commanders, and their families, making it the second-line defense of the Sector- X.

Block- B was resided by all types of Captains, Rear Admiral, and even the Vice Admirals, which were one of the most important forces of the Military, making it the third defense line of the Sector- X.