
Dawn Of The Freak

Two bodies one soul, live together, die together. Follow cute Adrian and handsome Elijah on their craziest, funniest, and humor filled love experience. Elijah: 'Puppy eyes' Just one kiss, please. Adrian: 1 Million. Elijah: How about just touching your body all over? Adrian: 5 Million. Elijah: And what about sucking your dick? Adrian: 'Thinking' 10 Million. Elijah: What about fucking? Adrian: 100 Million. Elijah: 'Gulp' Then let's start with fucking? Adrian: 'Nod nod' 100 Million. (You can also read my other novel: Ten Faced Boyfriend) (The credit of the wallpaper on the cover photo goes to it's original maker.)

Kandpalbhaskar010 · LGBT+
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581 Chs

Angry yet helpless Adam

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside the meeting room…

Just the mere sight of swarming sight of ant-like crawling monsters was enough to make anyone freeze in their spots, not to say five Tier-4 monsters.

The whole valley of death was filled with such monsters. There wasn't even a single spot left empty.

The monsters were crowded such that they were literally everywhere.

While the five Tier-4 monsters stood alone. 

No, saying stood would be an understatement.

A tiger-type monster sat in between while the fire swarmed it from everywhere. 

On its right was an ape-type monster whose whole body was pitch black, as black as some kind of an abyss.

Beside the ape-looking monster was a beautiful white horse, whose eyes were closed, like nothing happening in this world mattered to it.