
Chapter 2 String of Fate

In the middle of the forest lies two people battling under the intense heat of the sun. Both were determined and are fully focused on the fight. Hayabusa and Hanabi were sparring together seriously until they heard a high voice.

"Heyaaa! Let's have a little picnic!" Kagura was holding a basket in her hand that had cute little designs on them. Her voice shows how excited she are to see them. Battling under the scorching sun have made them tired and hungry.They decided to take shade under the trees to have their little picnic.

"Hmm, this is actually quite good, are you really the one who made this? " Hanabi questioned her as she wasn't expecting it to be so delicious.

"Of course, do you think magic is only my forte? I can do anything!" Kagura proudly replied.

"Oh, let's see about that" Hayabusa smirked and took something from the ground. He opened his hand and a spider suddenly started crawling out.

"I wonder if you can touch this though? He asked.

"Eeeeek!" She screamed in terror as the spider fell from his hand and started crawling on her clothes. They were laughing on how scared she was. "Get it off! Get it off me!!!" she shouted. They continued laughing until she can't bear it anymore. "Shogyo Mujo!!!!" she unleashed her ultimate. Their eyes widen when they heard her unleash a spell. They started to stand from where their sitting but it was already too late. A powerful explosion that can be heard miles away has been unleashed.

"Oh sh--" Hanabi was unable to finish what she was saying as she and Hayabusa got hit by the explosion. Fortunately, they reacted in time to block the explosion using their ability lessening the damage they received. Their picnic has been completely destroyed, the food was gone and the tree had a burn mark.

"Arrrghh, now all of my efforts in making the food are now long gone! This is all your fault! She blamed Hayabusa for showing the spider.

"Hey, hey, you said that you can do anything, I just wanted to make sure of it! He grinned.

"Well, spiders are out of the question! Idiot Hayabusa taking advantage of my fears." She mumbled.

"Hmm, afraid of spiders eh? Noted." Hanabi made sure that she won't forget that.

"Heeeyyy! Don't even think of doing it to me again or else!" She said.

They had a fun time talking with each other until the sun was starting to set. They started walking to the path that leads outside until heard a loud crash.

"Did you heard something?" Hanabi asked.

"Nope, probably just a squirrel or something" Hayabusa answered.

"Wait, I sense something in the forest, I haven't sensed anything like this before" Kagura became curious and got lost in her thoughts.

"Let's check it out, it won't hurt to take a little peek" Hanabi suggested.

They had a little argument before deciding because the forest was starting to get darker but Kagura and Hanabi insisted to go back so it didn't took a long time for them to decide. They searched for the sound they've heard until the forest was covered in darkness. Kagura used a spell for her umbrella to release a radiant glow which main source of light. Even with the umbrella they were having a hard time to locate where it was until..

"I can feel it, it's getting stronger, I think were near! Kagura told them as they saw a light source behind the trees. As they walk closer, a stench of smoke was surrounding it. There was something that crashed on the ground, it was the source of the sound and the smoke, it was a flight capsule. They took a better look until it suddenly opened and the smoke became thicker covering on what's inside. They put their weapons out, prepared in case something bad happens and when the smoke was starting to vanish, they saw a cute puppet with a big ribbon on her head.