
Chapter 10 First Holder V - Origin of Light

The house was peaceful, birds chipping can be heard from the window and rays of sunshine was casted upon them. Aki started to open her eyes and as she was doing so, she felt some comfortable warmth on her back. She rubbed her eyes and made a huge yawn then she was going to get up from her bed until something was stopping her, it was Haru's arm, she remembered what happened last night. She cried herself to sleep and probably him too, she was in his arms all night. She slowly turned to him, avoiding to wake him up then she saw Haru still snoozing. Looking at his face, he's pretty handsome, she thought. She blushed then immediately shaked her thoughts but even so she still kept on looking at him, she don't know why but her eyes were glued on his face and there was no stopping to her. He moved his body a little and tightened his arms around her. Damn! Im not a pillow, don't hug me too tight! But.. this isn't actually not too bad,she thought. Her face was already sticking to him and a thought came into her mind. I wonder how he smells like? She raised her head a little near his neck and took a small sniff. She was a bit surprised, he actually smelled good despite being in the wild for the past few days, it wasn't actually that bad. Little by little she got addicted to it and started sniffing more. He felt uncomfortable and suddenly he opened his eyes. All he saw was Aki looking like an idiot sniffing on him hardcore.

"H-hey! What are you doing?!" she got startled by his voice. Slowly raised her head and then her dace was all red. She immediately got out from his hands the started screaming.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh! T-this is not what you're thinking!!! I.. I'm an innocent lady that can never do immoral such as sniffing some guy!!! She was a mess when she said that.

"I haven't even said anything" he made a facepalm.

"Eh?" she just realized that she basically admitted it.

"Haha! So you admit it huh? Sniffing on some random guy you just met the night before. Have you no shame, Aki?" he couldn't keep a straight face while mocking her, a little bit more and she'll probably start crying.

"That's it! Get out from this house noww!!!! Aki said.

"Hey I was just joking! Don't take it seriously!" he laughed. They were having a good time until they heard someone knocking on the door. Aki opened the door that was only enough for face, it was Kirumi. She was smiling with a basket of fruits on her arm.

"Good morning Aki! I have some gifts for you, can I come in?" she politely asked.

"Eh um" she was still thinking if she would let her in, she seems a bit nice but something about her is odd. Aki was still even thinking until Kirumi forcefully opened the door, it hit her making her fall.

"Oh my, what the hell is this.." she was in awe by what she saw, it looked like a house of a witch. Her eyes were moving around until it focused on haru.

"Hmm, I never saw him before" she said

"H-hey! I never said you can enter my house! Argh that hurts.." she stoop up slowly from where she was.

"Im the one who's asking here, who is he?" she asked.

"I don't care if you're the one asking, get out from this house, NOW!" she was seriously pissed that time, she can't contain her temper anymore.

"Tsk whatever, here's my gift" throwed the basket of fruits on the floor. "Have fun picking it up" saying it as she opened the door. Suddenly screams was heard from the outside, it was the villagers. Hundreds of unknown creatures suddenly invaded the village, from flying monsters that fills the sky to crawling animal-like creatures chasing upon everyone.

"Aaahhhhhhhh!!!!!" a woman outside was getting chased by some monster. Kirumi immediately went in then closed the doors.

"What the hell?!!? Why are there monsters outside?!! This never happened before!!!!" Kirumi was really scared and panicked as something was forcing the door open, the lock broke due to the force so blocking it was the only way. Haru went his way to the door and helped her block it. Aki took a peek on her front window the covered it with some cloth. She was going to help them but something in the room caught her eye, it was Haru's bag.

"Haru, why is there something glowing inside your bag?!" he had no idea about what she was talking about so he didn't gave an answer. Aki went closer and opened his bag, there were tons of stuffs inside it but there was one that outshined them all. It was a wooden umbrella that was releasing some glimmering glow.

The next chapter will still follow the story of the first holder and I think it will be the last one.

NEKOO24creators' thoughts