
A New Life, A New Me - Part 2

{At the Dorms}

"My sweet bed! I'm here" I yell as I run through the room and jump onto my bed. "Ahhh" sounds of satisfaction leak out of my mouth as I melt on my bed. I loved my bed. I especially loved sleeping on it. It was one of my only joys in this boring life of mine. Other than sleeping, I loved reading books and stories. Ranging from books you could find in stores, to manga and light novels. I loved them all. I had a lot of favorites. Like the Halo stories, Ender's Game, Endless Paths: Infinite Cosmos, and the like. "How I wish I could be reincarnated into a story." I muse as I drift off to sleep. I faintly hear the words, "I shall grant that wish."

'That's weird, it sounds like a young maiden's voice but it's giving off an ancient and mystic feel.' With that thought, I finally drifted off to sleep.

{A private area in the realm of Dead Souls}

"Hmmm? Something feels strange." I say as I get out of bed. I take a look around. Everything looks the same. But something feels off. There is an absence, of feeling?

"Ding ding ding. You are correct!" says a voice. I turn around to see nothing. To be more precise, a mass of nothing in the shape of a woman. The voice sounds like it came from a very beautiful lady. And it is, familiar?

"Aww, you're making me blush." says the voice. "Calling me a lady. Those old bastards just think of me as a nuisance." The end of the sentence came off with a growl and I could faintly see flames coming from behind the ... voice? mass of darkness? I didn't know what to call it.

"You can call me a Goddess. A Goddess of Death to be precise." says the voice, or now Goddess. 'Wait, how is she reading my thoughts?' I try to speak out but my voice didn't work. I try to speak again. Nothing. I reach out my hands to my throat, only to realize I have no hands. I didn't even have a body. I start to panic, only to have a cool relaxing feeling run through me. It calmed me down.

"I am a Goddess, and you are in my domain. That means that all your thoughts are conveyed to me" she says. "You do not have a body right now as you are a soul. I am a Goddess of Death, and the only way to come to my domain is to-"

'I'm dead. Ah, that explains why I felt a lack of feeling. Cause I'm dead.' Hysteria latches onto me and I proceed to laugh like a mad man. I laugh and laugh as my voice becomes more hollow. My rational side notices that I am not being forcefully calmed like last time. 'Maybe I'm just insane' I think to myself. And then the cool feeling comes once again.

"I thought it would be better to get the feeling out of your system. Even though manipulating your emotions is convenient, forcing down too many emotions can cause mortal's souls to shatter from emotional buildup." Death explains.

'Thank you' I think as I calm down. 'So why am I here' I ask.

"Well, you did wish to be reincarnated into a story. And I happened to be looking at you at that very moment." She says. But it felt too convenient. There had to be something else at play.

"Your a smart one aren't you." She says. "Your right. I was just bored. And you looked like fun. And you gave your consent. So here you are." I look at her. Dumbstruck. Her sheer arrogance of just killing someone when she was bored made my veins pop out. At least, if I have veins. BUT she killed someone on a whim, to solve her boredom! It just made me want to punch her, especially since that someone is ME!

"SHUT UP MORTAL!" she roars. "I am a Goddess. I was bored. You were bored with your life. I give you a new one, you give me entertainment. The end." Her aura was pressuring me. I felt like I was sinking into a deep swamp as chills ran down my phantom spine. It felt like I was being burned and chilled at the same time. I meekly nod my nonexistent head. The pressure retreats, causing me to sigh in relief.

"But it is true that I killed you." Death continues, "And if you are too weak in your new life, there would be less chaos. That would bore me. So I will give you a budget. You can use this budget to give yourself powers. These powers will have different costs according to their strength. There are also curses. According to how detrimental the curses are, it will give you a greater budget. Fair?" I mule over what she had just explained. It seemed fair, but was it really? I was about to retort but her pressure started to leak and I hastily nodded my head. "Good," she says. "But since you thought of even retorting at me, I am going to give you a couple of curses you can't deny. But they will still increase your budget."

[*Ding* The Almighty Goddess of Death has given you the curse 'Gender bender']

[*Ding* The Almighty Goddess of Death has given you the curse 'Very Fuckable']