

(Reupdated Story) Aiden White now living with his father in the small town of Forks, Washington. as mysterious things keep happening around him and the people. as unexplained deaths, and attacks keep happening. all centered around a group of teens, one he can't seem to keep his eyes off of.

_ANANSI_ · อื่นๆ
25 Chs


As the siren turned off, a tall man with a dark complexion got out of the police cruiser, as I could see he wore large, rimmed glasses on his face, almost looking like a nerdy character from one of those down to earth cop shows.

"Hey Kid, are you good, sorry I'm late, I had to finish up some paperwork" he said with a deep voice, taking off his glasses. "You must be Aiden, nice to meet you finally I'm your father, Steve."

Officer Steffon J. White also known as officer Steve, was the current deputy of the small town of forks police department, moving here after college and joining the fork police department. As he has patented a couple of inventions, to improve society, living an almost quiet life ever since. 

I don't really know why or how he and my supposed mother got together as they were total opposites, as all I know is that she kept calling him the scum of the earth and a deadbeat. But looking at him now shows that was a lie as he looked well put together, and she was falling apart. 

"You're right, you look like you've seen a ghost. "Looking at me with concern. 

"Yeah man, that's great and all but can we go?'' I said clearly not ready to go back down the road. 

As the fear of being attacked by the deadly banshee, felt like it was almost certain. 

"Where's your stuff? And why are you here instead of at the bus station, I know it's a dump but..." 

"I thought I was going to be attacked by the pack of coyotes, not far off" I said, lying, as if he would believe what I saw. 

"We can go get it now, the coyote doesn't like this baby," he said with a slight smile, smacking the top of the cruiser. 

"I don't think that's a…" I said, before getting interrupted.

"Get in" he said, dipping his body back into the driver seat, clearly disregarding the concern I had for the situation.

We rode for a bit before we saw the bus stop, as we stopped a little away from the bus stop to see if anything happened. The once foggy area was clear of any sign of change.

Looking at me with a grin, Steve flipped a switch and then turned into a disco as the red and blue light blazed across the wood, and the police siren blared for about a mile, deterring any animal from approaching.

I looked again to find no animal and no mysterious person, as the whole road was clear. Like Steve said, the forest creatures don't like to say hi.

We pushed right up to the bus stop, as I got out and grabbed my bag and suitcase and threw them in the back of the cruiser and hopped back in as quickly as possible, turning the car around to head back to town.

We rode for a bit before any of us talked as the time seemed awkward. I didn't really have anything to say.

"I enrolled you into school here, a couple of days ago to be exact, got your transcripts from the fill they sent over... so since it's 8: 00 PM Sunday, it's best to go to sleep to get up bright and early." he said, not looking away from the road.

We can head over there once I take off the bracelet, the emitter is back at the office." He said, making me realize that I had, the government issued a tracker on my wrist.

A tightly paced black wristwatch that has no dial or buttons, that requires an emitter device to turn the device on and off.  As the watch is powered by the old body heat, it never dies, and if it is removed, it sends a silent beacon to all the nearby police and fire stations.

You can't get it wet as the whole thing is made up of a Hydrophobic plastic repelling any liquid away. So, your fucked, any way you cut it.

"Yeah, thanks I'm pumped to go to school" I said sarcastically, not taking my eyes off the window as we passed an old dinner, and a couple of store fronts.

I was already physically tired, from the long run. But now mentally tired from all that has happened tonight. And I wanted to really lay my head down to sleep.

"Forks is a good place, to live you will see, you just got to settle into it. and this is coming from a person that lived in a big city" he said, pointing at himself with a small smirk.

I could tell that Steve was genuine in what he said, as after all these years he still live here.

We rode in silence for a while, as I could tell there was a lot on his mind, as if a storm was brewing, and he was Ben Franklin with a kit and key trying to find out when the lightning was going to strike. but that didn't matter, it was not my problem.

"Have you heard from your mother, is she alright?" Steve said, making me feel all different kinds of emotions.

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