
Date a Live; A Distasteful Joke

People say that experience is the best teacher at almost everything. Experiencing it yourself is one of the best way to understand the effects of your actions towards others. Date a Live and Jujutsu Kaisen are owned by their respective authors. Cover Art : https://ph.pinterest.com/pin/16184879904799321/sent/?invite_code=d3ad5f45d8374d7a83f7c4811a9f041b&sender=614108236596995365&sfo=1

Grindlux_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs


Love. The most twisted curse among all of the curses according to Gojo Satoru. A curse so twisted and powerful, that it forever changed the fate of two people.

The only lone person who could confirm such statement, was the one who tasted defeat through such power, Geto Suguru.


Within the watchful gaze of Ratatoskr, Hiroto Scratch his forehead with his thumb as he watched the affectionate exchange before him.

'In a public place? How uncouth. Show some decency, filthy homo sapiens.' His jest fell flat on himself. Only giving him a melancholic feeling at his exaggeration within this mind.

The melancholy within him, urged his jumbled mind. Yet, only a blurry silhouette showed itself.


Within the display shows a live feed of a visage smirk that was plastered on the face of Hiroto. Yet, the parameter for him, remained unchanging.

"No changes... Is that's good? " Kotori inquisitively voiced out.

"I don't know... But atleast its better than going even lower in the negative. " The sleep deprived woman, suggested. Amidst to the silence of other personnel.

Avoiding another silence, Nail Knocker inquired, "Although being in the negative favorability is weird enough, but what about his reaction on his current predicament?"

"I doubt that the answer is gonna be easy to find. " Kotori answered bluntly.

"Hmmm, how about going to his phone history" The long haired, blonde man suggested. "Surely we could get some hints their. "

"Y'know, even if we go through his phone, we'll find nothing. His change is sudden... Too sudden. As if he's a different person somehow....It's like my case... " Kotori drawled out, contemplating.

The sleep deprived girl looked on with an unsure gaze at the contemplating Kotori. The other personnels looked on at their commander's epiphany.

The candy within her mouth fell at her epiphany as she stood up. "C-COULD IT BE?!- "

"Impossible." The sleep deprived woman denied without hesitation.

"And why is that? Reine Murasame. " Kotori asked.

"There's no such thing as a male spirit. Although regarding the negativity, it's more akin to an inversal like a spirit. " Reine coerced.

"Hmmm, an inverse human.... Sounds funny don't ya think? " Kotori inquired.

"It is indeed. " Reine mused, staring at screen with a little bit more focused than before.

Kotori, and the other personnels focused on Reine.

"Hmmm... You seem awfully very infatuated with the boy~" Kotori smirked at her. "What? Interested? "

"..... Perhaps... " Reine crawled out.

The attention remained at her. "What? Is it that hard to believe? " Reine asked, as she looked around at everyone.

Amidst in their own world, the large display shows a live feed of two passed out forms of Tohka and Shiori, and Hiroto staring at something.

As the smaller live feed displays Geto Suguru gazing back.


The downpour of rain continued, as Geto closed his eyes once again, and sighed. Looking at the two forms of Shiori and Tohka, he couldn't help but feel complicated. Instead of worry and empathy, melancholy took it's place.

'Again, huh... '

An all too familiar feeling, that has been active for the past hours. Melancholic to his lonesome, melancholic to the experience of school, and melancholic to the scar on his forehead.


His palms met the side of his face, focusing on the two passed out adolescent girls once again. His thoughts lingered on as the vow to change chimed in once again.

Taking out his blazer, he squeezed out the rain water residue before putting it over them.

Walking over with careful step, he want closer to their sleeping form and readied his blazer. But before he could cover them, Tohka mumbled something that sent Geto back in his memory. "S-Shiori... "

"Y-Yuta... "

"" I love you... ""

"Shiori... "

"Yuta... "

Geto paused for a second, as within his stupor...

An image of both Yuta and Rika became clear as the silhouette.

As Geto pause for a moment, he stared at the two slumbering forms before him. Before he moved on and covered them with his blazer as a bitter smile etched to his face.


Yawning awake, the freezing sensation left by the rain forces Shiori awake. 'Cold.. '

Looking around, her blurry vision mistook the blazer that covered the both of them as a blanket. After some time, she finally registered the texture she felt, along with the wet sensation.

Upon feeling it, a sense if realization occured, making her sat up.

Looking around once more after feeling the hold of an arm, Shiori looked to her side. Closing her eyes as she rubs it, her vision cleared revealing Tohka.

Her hazy and jumbled memories soon unraveled, remembering how they fell unconscious...

She could only blush in response as a smile etched on her face. 'Oh yeah... We did that...'

Still with a heated face, she gazes at the blazer that acted as their blanket. ' A third blazer?... '

Her eyes widen at thee realization. 'A THIRD BLAZER?! '

Her eyes pan around her too quickly for her to register the silhouette of a male student from her school, after checking the logo of ge blazer.

Huff Huff

Her breath became labored at being caught in the act by a stranger. Not realizing the identity from the silhouette of his back. 'ThisisbadThisisbadThisisbad.. '

His back began to turn, making her even more frantic, 'ImsodeadImsodeadImsodead!! My social life is so dead! '

Soon her worry halted as the student finally turned around, revealing the identity of the student that caught her.

Her gaze transfixed on the identity of the student that saw them.

She gazes at Hiroto Tonomachi

But, Geto Suguru gazes back

Within the gaze they sent to each other, Shiori was the only one who looked away. Her inner turmoil became more frantic, as the only other person who mattered was once again gonna get hurt.

'I'm sorry... I'm sorry..Im sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry-I'm sorryI'm SorryI'mSorry. ' Shiori could only apologize within her mind. Knowing no apology could ever take back the act of inadvertently leading him on.

Shiori couldn't decide who or what to sacrifice for her gain. Therefore, by the natural law and order of mother nature, The world made it for her.

Looking to her side once more, Shiori was met with the gaze of Tohka that still laid on the ground.

"T-Tohka!? Y-you're awake!" Shiori stammered in surprise, and continued, "When were you awake?! "

"Since you two were staring into each other? " Tohka innocently answered.

"O-oh... " Changing the subject, Shiori warned her, "T-Tohka! D-dont ever do that in public! "

"Why not? " Tohka asked back.

"It's indecent! " Shiori, argued.

"So, showing love to the one you love is indecent? " Tohka asked, with innocence.

Shiori paused, and stammered."W-well.... No?. But that's not the point! " Giving up with a sigh, Shiori moved on "Who thought you to be like that in public anyway?! " She asked as her face became heated as she remembers.

Out if pure innocence, Tohka answered, "From Ai, Mai and Mii! "

Shiori looked on with concern, "Look, Tohka..... "

Their continues banter was drowned out, as Geto Suguru looked on...

Nostalgia taking it's place within his mind.

As the images of him, Gojo, and Shoko, flashes within.

"Oh! Hello, Hiroto! " Tohka greeted, cutting-off the banter within his thoughts.

"Suguru! "

Shiori paused, as she watched awkwardly. She gulped in anticipation, as she stared at Hiroto who was staring blankly.

"Hello, Yatogami." He greeted back, waking up from his stupor.

"C'mon, don't be so formal, we're all friends here. So use my first name. " Tohka states with innocence, as she went over to him and pats his back.

Shiori's breathing hitched, looking at Tohka, eyes wide. As Tohka looked at Hiroto with innocence. 'O-oye, can't you see how awkward this is?! '

Amidst in the awkwardness, Geto looked on as he scratched his forehead once more, before smiling and responding back, "Hello, Tohka. " Staring back at Tohka's line of sight.

Tohka passed ar his greeting, before getting closer and finally getting a closer look at Hiroto, " Why do you look so sad? " She asked.


Shiori's heart dropped at Tohka's Bluntness.

"I'm not. " Suguru simply states.

"Liar." Tohka states matter-of-factly

His eyes perked up to her response. "What makes you think that I'm sad? " He asked back.

With a tone akin to understanding, Tohka responded,"Because you look like me. "

Geto raised his eyebrow. "Look like you? " He asked for clarification.

"The gaze you give..." Tohka's hand went to caress his cheek.

Geto stopped her attempt by grabbing her wrist, as he gave a look of displeasure. " The gaze I give what? "

Taking her hand back, Tohka continued. "Is similar to me back then, before I met Shiori.. " As she, nurses her wrist.

Geto thought for a second, "... I don't think our situation matches at all. "

Looking at their exchange, Shiori stood still like a statue. Her breath silent, but her heart beats faster than she could think.

Geto spoke as he walked away, breaking her out of her thoughts. "Nonetheless, I think we should go while the rain is still weak. "

As he walk off, Shiori remembered the blazer. "Hey wait! How about the blazer?! "

He halted in his tracks before suggesting without looking back. "You could give it to me tomorrow. Right now, you need it more than me. "

Step Step Step

The sound of footstep echoed in its lonesome. The wind the that blew over his hair was cold to his skin. Lacking the warmth that the blazer brought.

He needed the warmth more than anyone, yet he offered it to someone who doesn't need it.


Geto Suguru believes, that he, more than anyone else, doesn't deserve the warmth. Because he is not ready to receive such warmth.