
Date a Live; A Distasteful Joke

People say that experience is the best teacher at almost everything. Experiencing it yourself is one of the best way to understand the effects of your actions towards others. Date a Live and Jujutsu Kaisen are owned by their respective authors. Cover Art : https://ph.pinterest.com/pin/16184879904799321/sent/?invite_code=d3ad5f45d8374d7a83f7c4811a9f041b&sender=614108236596995365&sfo=1

Grindlux_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Rain and Thunder

Cursed Spirit ; Is simply defined as a supernatural manifestation of humanities negativity. As such, sorcerers exist to protect humanity from such manifestations. A grotesque manifestation of humanity's shadow.

Geto looked on with an empty gaze at what he believes is a "Cursed Spirit". Yet, he only watched. He didnt act upon his abandond duty as a sorcerer, nor act upon his own self-interest, only acting upon his curiousity. He only watched as the both of them walked away clinging to each other.

Geto watched at the two retreating backs of his classmates. Watching without intent, yet slipping back into past to see his own back turned away from him.

The joy of student from around him, the conversations, the laughs, the cries of rain, and the footsteps around him turned static. Drowning in his own thoughts, he saw himself turn to him.

Are you The Strongest because you're Satoru Gojo, or are you Satoru Gojo because you're The Strongest?

Looking once again upon his retreating back, his eyes stayed on his former self, only giving it a frown.

He found his so called conviction. Yet, at what cost?

The grip on his umbrella tightened.

It creaked.

The grip tightened, once again.

It creaked.

Under the deafening sound of the cries from the sky, the umbrella exploded just as a thundering sound of lighting struck.

Looking at his clenched hand. ' It won't leave me alone, huh... '

A sorcerer is always a sorcerer.


Somewhere within the proximity, one of the personnel that operated in such environment, stood surprise.

Looking at the screen in front of them, displaying a spectrum of data that measure the spectrum of emotions, which then contributed to the level of their favorability.

One of these subject was Hiroto, in which until recently within span of just a few hours, possessing a hundred percent favorability derived from solely to the one-hundred percent of the love spectrum, has suddenly declined in favorability to zero.

Leveling every spectrum of both positive and negative emotional spectrum to complete zero.

As the personnel looked at the screen, they couldn't help but feel a chill down their spine at the fact, that subject Hiroto Tonomachi, has reach the favorability of negative two-hundred percent, while having the negative emotional spectrum remain zero.

The look of fear, confusion, and surprise agaped of the personnel caught the eye of the commander.

The commander in which she wore a military-like attire, while adorning twintails and black ribbons for each of her fiery red hair.

The commander took out the candy and occupies her mouth, and spoke in a tone of superiority, "What's wrong? Nail Knocker?"

Waking up from their stupor, they reported " Commander, Subject Hiroto Tonomachi has reach the negative in favorability. Specifically, negative two-hundred percent, commander. "


Every personnel pause at Nail-Knocker's report.

The keyboard that once were echoing at their operations room, became silence. The only sound that were present are the sound of machine operating normally, overtaking the silent room full of important people for their operations.

The surprised commander, remain calm and asked Nial Knocker, "What did you say? "

The voice of their commander echoes with no interruption.

Nail Knocker gulped the built-up saliva within her throat, and exhaled heavily at the breath she unconsciously hold.

"S-subject, Tonomachi Hiroto, has reached the favorability of n-negative two-hundred percent, commander! "

The silence reigned over their shell shocked mind.

Only to be interrupted by the audibly sounds of two girls, sharing an umbrella under the ravaging rain on the main screen.

While a lone footsteps was heard on one of he smaller monitor, his wet clothes and bag, making audible sound... Yet, nobody noticed. Only seeing the negative two-hundred percent favorability.

Except for a lone personnel with white hair and glasses, that adorned her sleep deprived eyes.

The pregnant silence that persisted finally fell, as the personnel with white hair suggests, "Should we also monitor subject Hiroto Tonomachi as well? Seeing that Shiori opted for his safety? "


The inaudible lack of sounds was occupied with contemplation from their commander.

After some time, their commander responded, "I guess we should, huh... "

"Alright, alright. Ready a smaller screen half the size of our main objective. Well monitor both of them. Regardless, if something were indeed to happen, you could report it directly to my sister in my absence. "


"Crystal! " The personnels withing the operating room agreed without hesitation.

"Regardless, our main objective is for Shiori is to save all of the spirits, and with Hiroto being a monkey rench, it's detrimental for us to keep an eye on him. Any questions?! "

"None! "

"Good. Lets begin our date! "

Across from the important personnels from Ratatatoskr stood two screens. Displayed on the main screen captures two girls clinging from one another. Their arms are intertwined under the ravaging rain, and their walks are slow and relaxed, clearly enjoying the moment.

No one interrupted them, because no one was ever near them.

Displayed on the secondary screen, clearly smaller ins stature, shows a lone boy who opted to use his bag as coverage from the rain. Yet, under the rain, and lack of coverage, he walked slowl and relaxed, unbothered.

Contrasting the other screen, he was surrounded by different kinds of people from various ages and backsgrounds, doing various things.

Under the ravaging rain that only continues to get stronger, Hiroto Tonomachi combed back his wet hair. Still holding up the bag hat barely covers his body from the rain, walking in silence.

Contrasting the two girls that clings to one another for heat, under the ravaging rain. Shiori held Tohka's hand under the umbrella that they held together.

Walking side by side, their breath was slow and steady. As they walk in silence, they look around them and onto the droplets that slid-off the clear umbrella.

Tohka and Shiori looks at one another, the heat on their face continued to get hotter, and look away quickly from one another.

Under the unassuming gaze of Ratatatoskr, Hiroto Tonomachi walked passed a family made up of one offspring and two parents, a mother, a father, and a son. They exudes a light that shone through the smile they share with each other, as they play in the rain together.

Yet, Geto Suguru was unbothered. Just walking past the family, Geto Suguru already felt the shadow that looms over their light.

The guilt from both the parents from one another, for reasons unknown to him.

Walking pass the family, Geto Suguru walked pass another type of people. Two students from different schools held each other's hand, a boy and a girl. Yet from behind them follows a student exuding of envy.

Geto Suguru, once again felt unbothered. This was normal.

As Geto Suguru, walked and walked, passing by people by people shining brightly, as the shadow of their light continues to linger without restraint.

'Its all the same. ' Geto concluded, as the rain got stronger.

In his own conclusion, he still walked slowly, still unbothered by everyone around him.

Under the watchful gaze of Ratatatoskr, Hiroto Tonomachi remained unbothered, as if not paying attention to the people he encountered.

Contrasting that of Shiori and Tohka, who's was alone together, only paying attention to one another, and getting to know each other.

Yet, the stronger rain has seemed to got into the two girls on going home, instead they opted to a playground and went inside the dome structure for shelter.

Under the watchful gaze of Ratatatoskr, the two girls that went into the dome share a laugh.

"See? I told a you the rain will get stronger" Shiori, laughed.

Tohka pouted, "Mou~ Stop rubbing it in, I know I was wrong okay?!" Swinging her arms exaggerately, before grumbling, "I just want you all to myself, stupid... "

Shiori blushed at Tohkas response, and awkwardly laughing.

On Ratatatoskr, as the personal watched over the two girls, one lone personnel with white hair, gazes at the smaller screen displaying Hiroto Tonomachi.

Geto Suguru walked calmy and slowly under the rain that became stronger. He continued walking until the streets became empty, as the houses became nothing but vacant.

Under the watchful gaze of a normal person, one might conclude that the families were simply sleeping.

But for a sorcerer, Geto Suguru, could definitely conclude. No one was near him, except two individuals.

Within Ratatatoskr, four men watched at the smaller screen, not saying anything as a familiar playground became visible. Accompanied by another personnel, who adorned a messy white hair.

Tohka watched Shiori, squeezing out some of the water from her uniform. From her gaze, she watched as some of her wet uniform cling to her skin...

In a daze she crawled towards Shiori, distracted by her wet uniform.

Tohka unbuttoned some of the buttons that clinged near her collar bone.

Getting near Shiori, she finally payed attention to Tohka that crawled over to her. Tohka's climate climate was exposed to Shiori, making her freeze in place.

Tohka finally got closer to her.

Shiori only blushed at her action, yet the breath she takes continues to make her go in a daze.

Tohka leaned onto Shiori.

Shiori leaned back onto that wall. Shiori looked on, as Tohka rested both of her palms on the wall she leaned on over her shoulder.

They were both in a daze.

The earpiece of Shiori within her ear malfunctioned after a crackle of thunder from the thunderstorm, before hearing Kotoris scream, of terror.

Tohka's daze eyes locked with a dazed Shiori.

They both looked on.

Tohka leaned in closer and closer, their breath and face becoming more heated. Along with their bust being squeezed together between them.

They exchange a small kiss, and looked into each other's eyes.

Tohka's hands on th wall behind Shiori, slides down to the hand of Shiori.

Tohka held the hands of Shiori, before pinning both of them on the wall behind her.

Tohka leaned in again, stopping centimeters away from Shiori's lips as she locked eyes with Shiori's eyes.

Tohka leaned in again, this time, the kiss lasted much longer... Much longer than before... Much longer than their first.

Their lips lock more intensely, eyes closing and being in the moment, under the deafening sound of thunder that deafened them from one individual.

Hiroto Tonomachi, watched at their intense exchange.