
Darkhound: Enthroned in Shadows

In an underworld hidden beneath normality, evolved humans with extraordinary abilities live among regular people without being noticed. Some use their powers for good, while others give in to darker desires. Led by an ancient council, these evolved beings maintain a delicate balance between their responsibilities and blending in with human society. Meet Lee Ju-hee, once a promising medical student who becomes entangled in a violent conflict with dangerous gangs. Betrayed and left for dead, she hides for four years in the countryside. When her cousin, Park Min-ho, moves to the city, her thirst for revenge reignites. Lee Ju-hee embarks on a dangerous journey to confront those who harmed her. Entering this world of crime bosses and powerful individuals, she faces challenges and a very conservative council that wants her, a disruptor of the established order, eliminated. As she delves deeper, she must face her own darkness to achieve her goals, and adopts the moniker Darkhound, a name that symbolizes her cunning and menacing presence. Now thrust into a heart-pounding tale of battling insurmountable foes, including one who blurs the line between love and vengeance, Lee Ju-hee's survival and rise to power depend on navigating this unfamiliar realm — one that far surpasses her natural abilities. Prepare to be enraptured by an irresistible maelstrom of intrigue, as Lee Ju-hee's electrifying journey propels you into a realm where secrets, shadows, and extraordinary powers converge, where the line between light and darkness is blurred, and where the fate of one remarkable woman holds the key to it all. *** The wheels of karma were set in motion the moment the table flipped. *** [Mature Content: R-18+] Warning: This book contains explicit content, including violence, sexual situations, and strong language. Readers’ discretion is advised. *** Cover Credit: @Nowaii Ai

Aramis_Queen · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

. First Collision

[T]he stench was like a smack to the face — a terrible combination of stale piss and something rotten, possibly a dead animal in this filthy place.

A dark alley was squeezed tightly between buildings, its walls worn down and damaged by the weather and years gone by — a clear contrast to the outside, vibrant nightlife of Seoul.

The whole area felt neglected and abandoned, with only a small amount of light seeping in from the entrance. That light came from the bustling streets leading to restaurants, bars, clubs, and love hotels.

"Damn it! Why is my life so messed up?" An angry mutter was heard, the words breaking the silence.

A man leaned against the wall, his silhouette visible in the dim light. His name was Yoo Jin-ho, and he held a pack of inexpensive cigarettes in hand, containing his last one.

With a deep sigh, Yoo Jin-ho squatted down, and hugged his head with his arms as if seeking protection. Then leveraging his back against the wall, he rested his arms on his knees and frowned at the dark sky adorned with sparkling stars.

"Fuck! I don't think she'll ever call me again!" he lamented, his words and miserable situation hinting that something had occurred.

With practiced movements, Yoo Jin-ho placed the cigarette between his lips and discarded the empty box. After a brief struggle, he found his lighter in his back pocket and used it to light the cigarette. Taking a few quick puffs to make sure it was properly lit, he savored his last smoke.

As he blew out the smoke, a conflicted look appeared in his eyes, like he was trying to let go of something.

No matter how many times they had broken up before, they always managed to find their way back to each other. But today was different. Sung Su-min, his lover of six years, had finally ended things for good.

The worst part wasn't the insults, violence, or reproaches. It was when he accidentally overheard her talking to one of his close friends. That's when he realized their relationship was truly over.

Letting out another sigh, he tried to push thoughts of her out of his mind.

Yoo Jin-ho didn't want to dwell on it anymore. All he wanted at that moment was to get wasted, dance the night away, and forget everything. But when he checked his bank balance, it showed a mere ₩15. With that little money, he couldn't even afford a night at a love hotel, so forget about getting a drink.

Frustrated, he grumbled, "Looks like I'll be sleeping on the cold streets tonight."

To make matters worse, he couldn't turn to his friends for help. He had drifted apart from some of them, and the ones he still kept in touch with were connected to Kae Yo-Han, the friend involved in Sung Su-min's confession. If news got out about his pitiful state, it would only give his ex another reason to taunt him.

Talk about hitting rock-bottom, he was at his lowest.

He was still pondering his next course of action while finding solace in his cigarette when a nearby disturbance caught his attention.

A group of aggressive thugs had surrounded a fragile woman.

She stood at an average height, donning a stylish ensemble of black sweatpants and a trendy, slightly oversized black and white hoodie. Her long, flowing black hair cascaded around her face, framed by outgrown bangs. Completing her look, she wore a sleek black cap, a mysterious mask concealing her features, and pristine white shoes that looked brand new.

Yoo Jin-ho noticed a plastic bag hanging from her wrist as she stood there, hands in her pockets. It seemed she had just come from a nearby grocery store.

His attention was captured by the commotion unfolding before him. One of the guys was forcefully trying to drag her into the alley, while the other two stood by as his allies.

A sudden realization washed over him, filling him with a glimmer of hope.

"Ah, that's it!" he silently exclaimed.

This was the solution he had been desperately seeking, the key to extricate himself of his burdens.


Unperturbed by the pestering of her assailants, she remained steadfast and composed, frustrated by her current situation.

Lee Ju-hee had hurriedly ended her grocery shopping to meet Min-ho at the designated location. He had secured the deal for the quaint establishment where she planned to open her café. He wanted her to inspect the premises for any necessary changes or improvements.

But on her way there, she might've ended up lost, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

"Hey, pretty lady! Whatcha' doing out here all alone, huh?" One of the three tall and intimidating men asked, blowing smoke in her face.

He smelled strongly of alcohol and cigarettes, had a buzz cut, a slit eyebrow, and a few tattoos visible from underneath the sleeves of his red shirt rolled up to the juncture of his elbows in messy fashion.

"Want us to keep ya company or something babe?" Another one added cockily. A lackey maybe?

Releasing a passive sigh, she answered with an indifferent: "No thanks. I think I'll pass!"

"W-what? What was that?" The third guy got into her face, his height and actions seemingly intimidating. "Who do ya think you're talking to, bitch?"

"I don't want any trouble," she added unaffected by his actions of wanting to coerce her, of scolding her into submission. "Just leave me be, I'll be on my way."

"Hah?!" Buzz-cut guy let out a malevolent snigger, took a last drag at his half-finished cigarette before tossing it to the ground and stomping it with a foot. "Ya think we'll just letcha go? Heh dream on!"

His actions turned more obtrusive as he grasped onto one of her arms and wanting to drag her into the dark alleyway.

She casted a few undeterred side glances. The streets were busy tonight, but none of the passer-by bothered with landing her a helping hand.

They didn't want to get involved, she realized.

Trying to retrieve her left arm from his iron-tight grip, she attempted to negotiate calmly: "what is it that you want? Money?"

"Tch, Money?!" Second guy repeated in mockery. "You think our boss's broke? Be a good girl, huh?! Com'ere and let us have some fun, okay?!"

Another sigh, and a faint shudder swept down her spine at the implications of their words. She nevertheless allowed them to drag her in. Would save her the trouble of being seen by others by the time she was done with them.

Still pondering over her next course of action when someone asked:

"The fuck y'all think ya doing, huh?"

It was abrupt and unpredictable, enough to catch them all off-guards.

Another mobster? Maybe one of their allies?

"Is there a party happening here?" A deep and relaxed voice, unfamiliar to her, caught her attention. It seemed enticing, like some kind of bait to a deadly trap.

'Nah', she thought to herself, 'an ally wouldn't be asking that kind of question.'

But then, she wished she hadn't spared him a glance because she couldn't help but gape, feeling grateful that her mask concealed the shock on her face.

This newly, uninvited stranger's presence exuded a lethal attraction, leaving her captivated and unable to look away.

He stood tall at 6'0, dressed in sleek black cargo pants and a matching form-fitting jacket that showcased his sculpted physique. A white t-shirt accentuated his contours perfectly. Worn-out Nike shoes completed his ensemble, reflecting his active lifestyle.

His moderately lean build exuded confidence and magnetism, akin to an athlete. His flawless skin, resembling a Greek masterpiece, framed his captivating visage. A comma hairstyle added to his allure.

But it was his captivating appearance that fascinated her the most. A subtle, self-assured smirk graced his full, red lips. His brown eyes, with double eyelids, held a captivating allure like swirling whirlpools.

She couldn't help but wonder if he was an idol or someone extraordinary. It was hard to believe that such remarkable features could be concealed beneath the guise of a street thug.

"Tsk! Who the fuck are ya?" Third guy spat in annoyance at the intruder's face. "If ya want a piece, ya gonna have to wait in line!"

"Hah? It's cause of that attitude you probably can't get yourself a girl!"

"What? What did ya say?" Third guy quarreled brashly, before adding pissily, "ya know who ya talking to right now, huh? Ya know?"

"Yeah! Walk away when We're still being nice, kid! This doesn't concern ya!" Buzz-cut declared haughtily, as if to show-off his class as their boss.

"Sure! That's what I intended to do anyway!"

Initially, the trio of hoodlums wore smug expressions, convinced they had successfully instilled fear in Yoo Jin-ho. However, their satisfaction quickly turned to unrest as they witnessed him swiftly grasp onto the wrist of a very baffled Lee Ju-hee, effortlessly liberating her from the clutches of the other man. A surge of fury ignited within them, and chaos ensued.

"Whatcha think ya doing asshole?"

"You should've left when I asked nicely! Now I'm pissed!"

"Yeah! The boss's gonna fuck you over!" They each took turns to rant about his imminent doom.

The whole thing was a mess, caught up in a bunch of profanities.

Lee Ju-hee wasn't sure if she should step right into action or let Mr. Hero handle the whole situation. She'd planned to end things quietly and fast. But this dude's intervention had made things worse.

If all of this weren't irritating enough to her, the torrents of thoughts that assaulted her head from that single skin-touch was enough to give her a glimpse of his mind.

'Hah?! What a bunch of fuckers!' Yoo Jin-ho thought to himself as he attempted to guide Lee Ju-hee out of the range of a possible brawl. 'Just gonna have to end this real quick so I can claim my reward!'

What was he even 'talking/thinking' about? She wondered.

'Hmmm?! Would asking her to lemme crash at her place, be too much to ask? If not, might as well ask her to treat me to some food right?! Ah, now that I think about it, I'm kinda hungry!'

What a fool!

Lee Ju-hee thought it was such a pity for him to be such a scrounger. It kinda put to shame his beauty.

A pity indeed!

Lee Ju-hee mentally shook her head at that. During her years of convalescence in the countryside, she'd discovered that she'd acquired a new unnatural ability. One that allowed her a glimpse into another person's mind through mere skin touching.

As long as she could touch anyone, she'd be able to read their mind and thoughts. Yoo Jin-ho was no exception.

With a placid sigh, he averred warningly, "leave the lady outta this, will y'all?"

'Am I cool or what?' He pridefully thought to himself. 'On top of that, I'm kinda hot too. Betcha she must be swooning already!'

Lee Ju-hee fought the urge to facepalm as she listened to his cringeworthy train of thoughts. The man was utterly delusional, his outward appearance a stark contrast to the reality within. If she didn't possess supernatural abilities, she might have been mildly impressed or even charmed by his claims. However, knowing what lurked inside his mind filled her with nothing but disgust.

Finally letting go of her wrist, he shielded her with his body while facing the other three.

"Ya think ya tough huh? Eat this you fucker!" Buzz-cut was the first to throw a punch that landed perfectly against Yoo Jin-ho's face.

The afflicted part now looked swollen. It was probably going to bruise by tomorrow.

Talk about lame, Lee Ju-hee just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. The thought of enduring any more of this guy's ridiculousness made her cringe with second-hand embarrassment.

He seemed to be making a complete fool of himself, trying to act like her savior or something. But when he upped his game, and showed some top-tier martial art moves by dodging the second punch with the reflexes of a pro, and palm-heeled the face of Buzz-cut into a nearby wall, it dawned on her that this guy was no joke.

Thug No. 2 attempted to throw some shallowly maladroit punch and was sent K.O by a back pivot kick to the jaw. The third one witnessing the scene unfold before his eyes, just cowered away in terror, abandoning the unconscious bodies of his two friends.

Admiring his handiwork, she heard him mumbled to himself in satisfaction, "hah! That's what I thought! All talk and no bites!"

This whole time, was he just fooling around?

Directing his attention to Lee Ju-hee from over his right shoulder, he asked in mild concern, "you okay there, miss?"

At least, she didn't have to touch him to know what he was thinking. The whole thing was written all over his face like an open book.

"Y-yeah?" She stammered in response, not sure what to respond to that. Her ability to read thoughts wasn't doing much to help her in here. "W-well, I guess it's a thank you then?"

"Hah?!" Yoo Jin-ho seemed incredulous at her bizarrely unenergetic reaction.

Wasn't she supposed to act more… dramatic?

Like crying and professing about how great he was for saving her or something? But she seemed so indifferently lax.

"A thank you? Is that all? Is that how you thank the one who's just saved ya?"

Looked like chivalry was dead for this guy. She wondered how someone could be this shameless.

Heaving a sigh, she reminded herself to stay patient: "How would you want me to pay you back then?"

"Well you see…" He pondered over his next few words carefully, scratching the back of his head mildly self-conscious.

So he did have an ounce of shame, after all.

The action even made him look somewhat… cute?

"I'm in a bit of a… uhh… complicated situation, could I perhaps crash at your place just for tonight?!" Bending forward, he clasped both hands together in a pleading gesture, "please?"

He seemed almost pitiful.

A rolled of the eyes, she swiveled around and walked the opposite direction while muttering a: "No way!"

"Huh?" He was momentarily taken aback by the brisk gesture and confused at the same time. By the time he came to, she'd already walked a few steps away.

He soon hurried his pace to catch up with hers', calling onto her pressingly; "Hey, wait up… wait up, I said!"


A/N: Officially Introducing Yoo Jin-ho