
Pyromancy, Fire Sorcery and Plan.

(Is there anyone else who should join the harem from DS1 besides Quallag? She is the only one I can think of.)

At the moment Adrian was sitting cross-legged in front of Quellag who was wearing a shirt he gave her. She decided to dress a bit as it would be distracting if he kept gazing at her breasts.

"Well captain, to become a pyromancer we have to impart a flame from another pyromancer. All of them descend from mother and her Lord soul which you are after correct?"

Adrian nodded.

"Correct, I wish to learn of Pyromancy and Fire Sorceries to prepare for such a thing. Once I manage to simulate the Lord Soul of the Witch of Isolith I wish to hold some control over the flame."

Quellag shakes her head.

"Captain, fire cannot be controlled. It is a wild force of nature and we witches only guided the flame. Even mother herself only had limited control over the flame."

Adrian disagreed as he knew very well that flames could be controlled. It just needed someone like him to do it.

"That is where you would be wrong princess."

She looked at his serious face and saw pure confidence.

"Captian why do you still call me princess? Izalith has fallen, mother and my sisters turned to demons, me included. I am nothing, but a monster."

He countered her question with another question.

"Why do you still call me captain? Most of my order was killed and we were betrayed, but I will explain my viewpoint. Do you consider dragons a monster?"

She was confused about what he meant.

"What do they have to do with this?"

He raised his hand and made his point.

"Well to Gwyn and most of Anor Londo, dragons were mindless beasts that deserved to be hunted down. To me, dragons are intelligent creatures that deserve their share of the world. I view you the same way, to me you are just another person, demon or not."

'Plus, demon girls are sexy, if she looked like Arahnia from Monster Girl Doctor.'

Her face turned bitter as she heard that.

"I thank you for your kind words captain. Now to a pyromancer, a flame is something they only give to a close family member, friend, apprentice or to pay a debt. I am repaying my debt. Please hold out your hands.

He held out both of them so she placed her hands over his which made him feel the heat of the fire in his hands. Her pyromancy flame was different from others as it had trace amounts of the flame of chaos on it.

It made the power much higher than normal which was welcomed by him. Adrian looked at the burning orb of flame in his hands and he felt it enter his hand resting there. She looked up at him a little tired, but content by giving him her flame as she had paid her debt.

"I am thankful for the medicine you gave my sister. She is no longer worsening, but I fear the damage to her body is permanent. I will start by teaching you the basic pyromancy all start with, fireball."

Her spider body stood up as she launched a small fireball at a wall. It was small and unassuming, but it exploded with a decent impact.

"Well, each pyromancer nurtures their flame for all of their life. They change to suit the individual and just from a glance I can tell your soul is anything, but normal. The Fume Knights were descended by the First Born of Gwyn after all. Well, to use a pyromancy we guide sparks of our flame and launch it. We use magic to guide the way for it as so far, we cannot control it perfectly."

He looked at the flame in his left hand and he could feel his soul connecting to it. He would need to upgrade it with titanite, but he had an idea.

'System, can I fuse this with a Dragon Flame Core?'

<Fusion possible.>

'This just got more interesting, maybe I can fuse this to my soul when I get the Dark Soul and Lord Soul.'

He followed her advice as he used his magic and he threw a fireball at a wall. When it impacted just like Quellag, it exploded. He looked at the flame and notice something.

He felt a small bit of his soul energy enter the flame at a snail's pace. Still, he could feel his connection to it increase. When Quellag noticed she walked closer as she looked at it with wonder.

"Amazing, it has already taken to you already captain."

Adrian focused on it and it disappeared into his palm. He could feel the warm heat in his palm, but it did not feel uncomfortable. He had to say pyromancy felt better to use than sorcery.

As he was learning Solaire, Seraphine and August had gone to try to explore Blight Town even though he told them to take it easy. However, they wanted to explore so they left him behind.

"Captain, are you ready for flame sorcery?"

He nodded and this time she looked a lot more serious.

"You know of the powers of regular sorcery right? I can feel you have used it before."

"That is correct."

"That us good, flame sorcery follows the same path, but it is more dangerous. What do you think will happen if a fire is uncontrolled in the soul?"

"It burns."

She nodded.

"We witches did not teach anyone this power as we were immune to the negative effects. Our souls were the result of our mother the Witch of Izolith. You are the first to try."

He got ready as one false move might leave him a husk. He members a story where someone had that happen to them.

"I am ready."

Her spider body sat down as she decided to demonstrate for the first time in a long time.

"Fire Pyromancy is to guide and fuel fire not with a flame, but with our own soul energy. If done wrong, you could burn your soul, but when done right you get this."

She pointed her palm forward and a wave of fire emerged from her soul energy. It would recover on its own over time and the stronger the soul the faster it recovered.

He noticed the way she did it and the power was stronger than pyromancy which was an imitation of it. Adrian did not think he could do it at the moment as he still could not control his own soul energy.

When she noticed his face she understood it was not easy.

"Don't be so hard on yourself captain. Not many can do it."

He stood up as he felt it was time to leave.

"Princess, I would like to request you come with us to Anor Londo. We have made it our new base and maybe we can cure you and your sister. At the very least take a human form."

She looked at her lower half and shook her head.

"It is too late for that, however, I will consider your offer. Come often as I wish to teach you all I know about pyromancy and Flame Sorcery."

Before he left she extended her hand to him which he shook.

"Thank you for curing my sister, she is all I have left. I request you put my brother and mother to rest for I am too weak to do it myself."

She looked down bitterly, but Adrian spoke up to keep her going.

"Never look at the ground as it shows defeat. Look up high and have hope. Magic is many things, maybe one can heal your sister. For now, I will take my leave for now princess."

She nodded and gave a small smile.

"You are right captain. Maybe I do need to have more hope. I have decided captain, I will teach you all of my knowledge in the hope it will help you. Good luck."

Adrian nodded as he started to leave, but he would be back often. It was good he could teleport from bonfire to bonfire now. When he left into Blightown he started to look for August, Seraphie, and Solaire.

It was rather easy as he just had to listen in to the roar of lightning. He looked up where he saw flashes of light as Solaire and August were not holding back. As Seraphine had consumed the soul of Smough her raw might was incredible.

Bodies fell from the rafters like waste as they were massacring everything. It seemed Seraphien and Solaire had taken to his policy of taking the shinies. He was so proud of them, but he kind of wished they waited for him.

He started to make his way up to meet up with them as it was time to leave. As he kept going he noticed that they had truly looted and killed everything in their path. He did not even have to draw his swords as everything was dead.

It took him about 10 minutes to regroup with his party and he saw how Solaire was taking like a machine gun of lightning.


August and Seraphine noticed when Adrian came back and they backed off from Solaire. They both whispered about Solaire to him as they looked at the sun warrior with worry.

"Captain, I think the Sunlight Warrior has a screw loose."

Seraphine nodded.

"I agree with that statement. He is going crazy."

Solaire stopped as he heard them as he rubbed the back of his neck. He felt ashamed that he let himself go loose. He just enjoyed being able to use so much lightning that he felt mighty.

"I am sorry, this won't happen again. I swear it."

They all looked at him without believing it. Seeing their looks he sighed.

"I am sorry, I will be more careful next time."

Adrian nodded.

"Yeah, you don't want to be consumed by power. Power is always yours, not the other way around."

Solaire nodded.

"I understand."

Adrian planned to call all of the Fume Knights here to take on Ceaseless Discharge. The giant was massive, but now that this area was clear mostly he had a few options now.

He could go down to the Ash Lake, take on the Four Kings, and he had to place the Lord Vessel down to go to the past. That was important as he had to get the Soul of Manus and the Witch of Isolith's lord soul.

However, there was another reason he wanted to go back.

'I got to save Artorias or try.'

It was one of his goals to try and save him as it was something he wanted to do. He knew his relationship with Artorias was a fabrication, but he did not care.

"Come on, we are going back to Anor Londo for now. We all need to upgrade our gear and get ready to go to New Londo. If we want to end this cursed state on the world we will need all the power we can get."

August got a bit worried about that as the Abyss was known for its corruption. Even Artorias who was like a brother to Adrian fell to its corruption.

"Captain, are you sure about that? They are making their home in the Abyss, and you know how your brother ended up."

Adrian showed off the Covenant of Artorias he was wearing with a heavy sigh.

"I know, but I have my brother's blessing with me. Which is why I have to be ready to take on those betrayers."

Solaire and Seraphine got worried and they showed it. Solaire patted Adrian on the back as he wished to help.

"Is there any way to resist the Abyss without the ring?"

August shook his head.

"None, only Artorias could brave the Abyss for so long because of his ring and holy equipment. It was all blessed to be as powerful as it could be, but the captain will soon have weapons better than that."

Adrian nodded as he touched the Bonefire.

"Everyone ready to go to Anor Londo?"

They all teleported to Anor Londo as it was time to get to work. They all had material to upgrade their gear all the way to +15, and they were expecting good results from the two best blacksmiths of this world.

(Turn's out Priscilla IS, his niece. As in my lore, Adrian and the Fume Knights are descended from the Nameless King, who is Gwynnovere's brother and she is Priscila's mom. Making him her Great Uncle or something.)

Dark Souls 1 should be finished soon. He might stay for a year or 2 inside and when he goes out he will stay for a long time. I plan to make him famous by the time canon starts.

BlackSwordman1234creators' thoughts