
Duels of my Day

"I'm sorry... my pride's on the line... I... I can't lose my use," I whispered underneath my breath.

As the horn blew, foxy sprinted with all his might. His sword gleamed brightly as he thrust it at my face.

Tch... why'd you have to talk to me and make me sympathise? It's such a pain!

Distracted by my own thoughts, I couldn't even dodge last minute. Leaving me with a bleeding wound on my cheek.

"T-That should've gone through... how is it only a minor wound?!" He spoke in disbelief.

"Sorry fella, my vitality's almost maxed out," Really am sorry... you can't really hurt me with that sword.

That'll be another scar... unless magic. My ability's... not healing so... uhh... Fay? Maybe... maybe she still has the healing capability she had back then...

I'll ask later... but I won't push it.

I sighed... such a shame that there can only be one winner.

His slashes are light... is he holding back? He doesn't have the guts to kill me, but he's agility's fantastic. Almost as fast as me...

Every strike's getting stronger as his frustration grew until finally, he swung with everything he had. It won't make a major wound... however, I can't really show all my cards on the table...

I'll just have to rob him of his advantage...

"Forge," I covered my hand with a thick layer of iron and caught his sword. Squeezing it tightly, bending it then breaking it in the process.

Foxy's eyes widened as the pieces of his swords scattered onto the ground. At that moment, I grabbed his neck and pinned his down.

"Hope it doesn't hurt too much, I'm sorry," I apologised as he desperately tries to break free by gripping on my arm and trying to crush it.

Might've worked on anyone else... but pain's just a feeling I rarely feel now. He tried punching and kicking, but both didn't work.

"Let me out!" He cried as he continued to punch my arm.

I'll have to make him unconscious to win right? My grip of his neck slowly tightened, making gasp for air.

"I can't lose! Not like this! She's gonna leave!" Tears flowed from his face as he kept desperately trying to make me set him free.

Stop talking...

"Stop talking damn it!" I karate chopped him on the neck, using this world's logic to knock him out.

He... he'll be alright...

I almost lost my cool there... gotta keep a cool head.

"Winner! The iron maiden!"

Iron maiden? The torture device? Is that supposed to be some kind of compliment cause it feels like it's not...

Looking at the fox boy's unconscious body... makes my chest tightens. Dammit... you're making me feel guilty.

I picked foxy up and carried him out of the arena. Finding Fay at the entrance of the changing room.

"Congratulations genera- miss Amber," She clapped with a straight face.

"Can you heal him?"

"Yes... you're hurt as well." She seemed concerned, looking like she wants to treat my injuries, but not saying a word.

"Can you heal me too?"

"Yes! Regenerate," A green transmutation circle appeared under me as my bleeding stopped and my wounds became invisible.

"He will need to rest," Fay said observing foxy.

I laid his body gently down on one of the benches as the cheering in the arena spiked. It's Shin's match, right?

"Must be exciting with all that noise," I said, maybe I should go see the match...

"I will have to go now. The next battle is mine. Excuse me, A-Amber" Fay left the room. Every other contestant's watching and analysing the battles...

Makes me feel like a slacker... I pressed myself against the brick wall and slowly drift off...

Back in this empty void of darkness huh? The emptiness is fading... I should be happy... but I'm not. I can let go of my grip to the body, but it feels wrong. I hate this feeling of dread inside my heart, but I don't want it to leave.

My screams are so faint... but I'm still screaming with everything I have. My throat hurts, but I don't want to stop.

"D-Don't leave me... you promised... you promised to stay!" I cried not even understanding what I was saying or who it was for.

Who are you?

I finally turned and looked at the person's face, but woke up again. Dammit! I smashed the wall cracking the bricks as I heard a knock at the door.

"Number 8, get ready!"

I got up to open the door as I heard the guard muttering, "It wouldn't even be called a fight,"

Wonder who I'm fighting...

I waited for the guard to leave and opened the door. I won't lose... I can't lose. If I lost then what did I beat Foxy for?

I stepped into the fading light of dusk to find the glowing golden armour guy himself. I remember his name now...

"Actaeon right?"

"I can't see why she'd chose you over me. Please, show me. Beat me at my own game," He looked down to me, stabbing his sword onto the ground, inches away from my face.

"Don't flatter yourself, you were never a player," Nailed it! Even though this is terrifying, always wanted to say that!

"Then I shall see what it takes to be a player, hit me with everything you've got,"

Sorry bud, my injury from Shin's not letting me do that. Even with all my power... I bet I can't do a one-hit k.o. I've only started to pay attention to any stat, but vitality and magic after level 60... so I can't say I'm the strongest.

Magic it is!

I can use a forbidden spell to crush him and keep my pride... BUT I'm not willing to pay the price of my life being shortened...

I can always use tha-

No... never again... that ability's too dangerous...

"When you wish you have Hiro's flames am I right?" I shrugged, stretching my arms.

Bare arms it is! I pulled back my arms and punched his stomach, closing my eyes so I could prepare myself for what I was about to see.

S-Something crack... his armour?

"How disappointing, I do admire how you are not screaming from the pain. You have earned my respect." Actaeon's voice made me open my eyes to find that I cracked his armour, however, my finger's bone's joints became dislocated.

Abs of steel indeed. I located back easily, but that's very impressive for bare muscles.

"You've earned my respect as well even so if you try ANYTHING with Fay I will not hesitate to kill you." I smiled meaning every word I said.

How the hell will I take this guy down? He's scared of spiders... but that trick would only work once... gotta find his weakness first. Does he even have a weakness?

Of course, he does! I just don't know if I'm strong enough to even notice it...

I really don't wanna use it... but I don't wanna lose even more.

"Will you finally take me seriously now? Or would you like me to defeat you with my next attack?"

Don't blame me for this then...

"Didn't I tell you? Give me everything you've got!"

I'll still try to upload daily! (Except Saturday) However, this schedule will change next week because of work/school. I think next week the schedule might go back to normal! As always I welcome all criticisms and I'd love to hear your thoughts about what's going on!

An0nymouscreators' thoughts