
Shivering Giant

As the rain slowly poured down I smiled. After all those annoying emotions... I needed to cool down.

Such perfect timing...

"Freeze," I uttered as a blue large transmutation circle surrounded the entire arena. Suddenly the air became cold and dead. The harmless raindrops became ice spikes raining down on the giant.

"Is that all?" Golden guy challenged.

Of course, not. It's one of the few forbidden spells that don't have long-lasting effects.

White snow slowly hovers towards him. Stacking and melting from his body heat.

"What will mere water do?" He seemed disappointed and picked up his sword to end our battle.

"You really talk too much..." I complained while the temperature suddenly spiked. Even making the golden giant shiver and freezing the water on his armour and body.

I raised up my hand to pause the ice spikes in its place, floating in the sky, so I could clearly look at the golden giant's face.

"About -50 degrees celsius. Survivable with your body, but the sudden change would send a shock into your system. Plus it'll be even colder if you move," I walked up to the frozen adventurer. So hard to not stutter while speaking in such a temperature...

I hate using this... I hate that I can feel the cold... it's still so unwelcoming... I've always hated the cold... always will.

Slowly, I clenched my hand as the icicles merged together to form a spike as big as my hand and impaled a millimetre of ice into his neck.

"H-How is it s-so sharp?" He stuttered.

He's regaining his strength... sorry, Actaeon... can't exactly let that happen.

The spike pierced into him even further.

"S-Surrender... or it's on your life, mister,"

Damn it! The cold's getting to me... surrender already!

The spike retracted, leaving him bleeding, but not for long since the blood's already starting to freeze...

"Y-You've d-defeated me," He whispered.

Right... he can't speak out with the cold. Can I really trust that he wouldn't just stab me after I let go of this spell though? It'd take too much time to make him fall unconscious from blood loss... and I definitely can't just knock him out...


The transmutation circle disappeared as the ice and snow became water and dropped down with gravity like normal.

"I... surrender," The golden giant bowed to me in defeat.

Oh, shoot, it worked! Guess he doesn't want to be known as the villain, glad he's not an idiot.

"T-The winner, iron maiden!"

I walked out of the arena...

Finally, when I was out of sight... I collapsed. Shivering... swallowing my screams. Gasping for warm air. Although the cold air surrounding me disappeared, the side effect was still active.

I knocked repetitively onto the wooden floor, fighting my own desire to scream out for help. It's burning... but also freezing...

My fingers gripped onto my arms. My nails piercing through my skin, making me bleed so I could distract myself from my internal pain as I rolled from side to side.

I opened my mouth to let out a silent scream and tears flowing out of my eyes.

Stop... crying... it doesn't help! You've already cried enough!

"A-Amber!" Alfie's voice came from a distance...

Why is she here? I thought everyone would be observing the matches...

My hand's grip loosened. My body's lost the strength to move... but it hurts too much to sleep...

Was it really worth it? It's just a stupid tournament...

My stupid pride... always gets me and everyone else hurt.

"I can't lose! Not like this! She's gonna leave!" The fox boy's voice ringed inside my head.

"Oh, m- are you okay?!" Alfie dropped down to try to see what was wrong.

"I-I'll be fine..." I muttered...

She picked me up, panicking. Running to the changing room to lay me down on a bench across from Foxy's sleeping body.

Her face... seem so worried... a face I've always wanted to see on that woman...

"I'll find Fay so she can heal yo-"

"Mom..." The word slipped out. I've never said it without bitterness before... it feels... strange, almost foreign to me.

Alfie looked surprised... I don't blame her. I wouldn't know what to do if a stranger I met a few days ago calls me mom either. Such a meaningless word to me... yet it can mean the world to some.

She sat next to me, "I'll be right here," her words seem so sincere... but I can't seem to bring myself to trust it. That woman used to say she'd never leave. Even so, money was more important than me.

I don't need parents... never had them then and I lived... why would I need them now?

I laid motionless, closing my eyes... waiting for her to leave so I could call her out on it... but she stayed until the pain finally disappeared.

My fingers flinched as I attempted to move.

"Are you better now?"

"Y-Yeah," I sat up straight.

Suddenly, Alfie slapped me in the face.

"What were you thinking, using forbidden magic like that?! Who taught you such a terrible thing!"


"That's a lie young lady, there was only one book made that contained those wicked spells!"

Does she know about that damn book?

"I learnt it from that book!"

"That's impossible! That book... died with him," Her eyes look so sad...

"Who is he?" My curiosity got the best of me... I shouldn't ask about sensitive topics... "You don't have to answer,"

"He was my l- wait! Don't change the subject on me!"

What the hell! At least finish the sentence!

"W-Where am I?" Foxy woke up.

He just had to wake up the same time I was in the room huh? Well... since he's already here...

I got up and bowed, "I'm sorry! I took it way too far!".

"I... I overreacted too... that was pathetic, it's not like she'd stay just because I have some coins anyway,"

Oh, I need details, buddy!


"A human... I know what you're gonna say... different races and all that. That I should give up..."

I knew it! My heart! My cold dead heart!

S-Should I give him my half of the winnings? Why am I seriously considering this?

Maybe... I should offer it... "I ca-"

"Number 8, your match is in a few minutes. With number 15,"

"Like I'd know who 15 is..." I complained to myself while walking to the door.

"Shin. Shin's number 15,"

As always, I hope you enjoyed it! I welcome all criticism with reasoning and I'd still love to improve my writing!


I'll be editing some of my previous chapters, it won't be a major thing. I will just be adding some foreshadowing and overall improving the quality of everything.

An0nymouscreators' thoughts