
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
125 Chs

Nether Domain Netherworld Test Part Part 6 Tension rises

"I think this will help." Ye Ziyun said. "The arrangement was to protect Glory City for five years. That will give us enough time to come back and do so."

"Oh, and Zhu Long needs to be taken care of by who? Not my folks "only" doing so." Shen Yue waved that notion off. No way will his people drop in large numbers when the potential combatants could risk their lives. "You have to be "defending" it as well. Can't do that from the other side, now can yah?"

"I will keep a watch over the Tiny World." The Nether Master offered. Someone like Shen Yue entering any of the Major Sects was a good thing.

"Your "watch" means shit." Shen Yue scoffed. "You couldn't take him out yourself and didn't help take him down really. You think he is going to sit back and wait? Fat chance. Do you even know where his lair or forces operate from?"

There was no answer. How can "he," who is weaker than Zhu Long watch over Glory City by himself? Shen Yue had no idea the extent of Zhu Long's injuries. The attack hit outside his range after all.

"How much protection of Tiny World have you or any of the others really done I wonder?" Shen Yue could feel the Astral Sense & the Heart Method circulating on oddly. The grief from most of them channeled towards him and gave him power. "You turned your backs on this place long ago. Paltry tokens of protection mean nothing!"

"Then that means.. we have a serious problem." Ye Ziyun stated.

"It's a great chance for everyone to grow quickly. Plus you can't advance in the Tiny World without becoming a Spiritual God." Nie Li stated.

"Bullshit!" Shen Yue shut that down easily. "Several locations have entities stronger than Spiritual Gods here!" He looked at the Ambassadors. "The Black Devil Forest produces creatures that can kill them easily!"

Xiao Ninger looked at him intently. She knew Huyan Lanruo and Sikong Hongyue didn't say anything about the trio's trip there, so it couldn't be them. The area they covered earlier was just a small portion. So it begged the question of how much he knew about the Black Devil Forest.

Unless the Demon Beasts tamed talked about the areas that lead to different Subsidiary Realms.

'So he already knows about what's there. Does he mean to go there after this?' Xiao Ninger was a little antsy about that but said nothing overall. Her finger traced over her Spatial Ring with various bodies picked up from the place. 'We all agreed not to hand this over in the end. Whatever he does with bodies.. can not be good.'

"The Barren Lands and North Heavenly Ice Plains as well has its secrets." Shen Yue felt a piece of information click in place. He started smiling broadly as the information from refined bodies connected more. "Just gonna have to "raise" the ground out there to check to make sure."

Zhu Long would have to have retreated there. The Ambassadors looking over his people closer.

"Not going." Duan Jian stated. "I won't stop you two from going either." Sikong Hongyue and Huyan Lanruo shook no to that. One should never doubt young women in love.

Going to a place where people were all stronger than you and looked down on you was bad. To look down on you because of where you were from for no reason was stupid. They also didn't have a backer.

"I want to protect Glory City, not go up to a place with a bunch of arrogant people that have backers making it easy for them. Our worth won't be high in the beginning and we would just be toyed with. The logical solution is to not go." Ye Hong said.

Lu Piao, Du Ze, Xiao Xie, Nie Li, Xiao Ninger and those from the Nether Realm were going after thinking it over. To them, it was the best chance. Nie Li's words of encouragement pushing few along.

Yu Yan decided against it. Especially since Zhu Long was her enemy to deal with. The ambassadors were disappointed at the amount that decided not to go. If not for her contemplation earlier, she wished she could have joined in fighting against him.

"Before you head back." Nie Li called out to Ye Ziyun who walking off with Ye Hong. "Are you sure you won't take this opportunity?"

"I have a lot I want to do here." Ye Ziyun shook her head in dismay. "Hopefully your family stays safe while you are away. Maybe if something drastic happens I will change my mind."


"Meaning nothing. Zhu Long could have already caused mayhem in Glory City or any of the other places with human settlements. You never know what will happen after you go to the Draconic Ruins Realm and come back. We might even all be dead."

"You need to have faith."

"If Zhu Long was taken out, I think most would have went." Ye Ziyun moved away with the others. "Hopefully the desert expedition went fine."

"Desert expedition?" Nie Li was stumped at that. 'Who went to the desert and which area?' He immediately started thinking about the Desert Palace. 'Is he looking for that!? What would happen if he got the book!?'

A bit of panic seeped into his bones. He needed the book as a lot of plans rested on gaining it.

"Wait!" Xiao Yu chased after. "I will go with you to see if I can change anyone's mind." The Ambassadors hoped this was the case. "His home is in Glory City after all."

Ming Fei nodded with one of the other Ambassadors slipping away. Having seen enough and hoping to change Shen Yue's mind or one of those with him.




Shen Yue looked around for a bit spreading his Astral Sense. He couldnt find any trace of the ice bastard anymore. All of the Ice Law was gone. The only other option was to wrestle the Law of Ice from him to weaken the overall power he had.

But it was better to recover instead and take him on. The Flame Vortex Star Dragon was at the Heavenly Fate Realm. Recovering would help his body more for next time. The various Divine Sparks were solidifying the Fate Souls to speed up the process after his outburst int the fight.

'Hopefully, each of them will make another one with all the available resources.'

A presence honed in on them for a moment but not threateningly. A member of the ambassadors came out in disguise. With a flick of the hand, a barrier went up to conceal sound and most probing.

"I am the Ambassador of the Skyblaze Sect. I was wondering if I can have some of your time." The Ambassador was more straightforward than most. With Shen Yue only having a little information about the Blazing Sect, the conversation could be interesting. "I do wish I could have provided more help before, but I to have to be wary."

"What is it exactly? Cards on the table."

"Since you are in charge of your people overall and the Master of several others, it seems the best to make a deal through you." The Ambassador received a simple nod so he continued. "We have an alliance with two of the Divine Sects but new blood always can help with matters."

"Yes, the corrupt Divine Feathers Sect, and the simple-minded Heavenly Note Sect." Shen Yue wonder where he was going with this really.

The way he said left intimate knowledge about the place and made the Ambassador listen closely to what he said. Mind already made up that he had a teacher that did not originate from Tiny World and learned from him.

Which was technically true.

"Three, good disciples are all we need really. I will exchange it for techniques from up above and resources you can only get from there." The Ambassador left room for haggling.

"Only partially stimulating offer." Shen Yue shifted his position on his feet. "I have a few Legend Realm that can go. At the threshold of Demigod but they took a break from Laws to improve battle techniques."

Turning to the side, Shen Yue adjusted his strength and pointed. His fingers pointed and fired pure spirit energy out. Resisting the urge from shouting Spirit Gun. It traveled for half a mile before dissipating. The power and control were enough to impress the Ambassador.

'Even critically injured he can put up a fight.' The Ambassador nodded happily but the next words shocked him.

"They each have an output of that level." Shen Yue said calmly but the Ambassador actually started to sweat a bit. "I will have them go with you and you give me a spot in your Skyblaze Sect with a few others. However, only as a teacher. I will not take you as Master. They can if they like."

"Hmm, that is problematic." The Ambassador could tell he couldnt exert pressure on him with counteroffers. "How about I put you down as my disciple but it does not cause you any trouble?"

"I hate haggling when I am tired." Shen Yue turned to leave.

"Wait!" The Ambassador was impressed that he stuck to his guns so easily. As if it was not even something to think over. Countless people would kill their parents for the opportunity. "You are a Spiritual God, with a unique level of power. That alone can get you the status of Ambassador in the Skyblaze Sect."

"Boss.." Duan Jian was pointing out that would be very beneficial and for him to at least think it over some. ".. the committee would be interested in this. The Skyblaze Sect is the better Sect than the Divine Feathers Sect. Since we will go there eventually, not to bad to have an ally."

"Alright Duan Jian," Shen Yue extended his hand to the man?? "Sounds good. Status of an Ambassador and I will offer a few good things to show sincerity right now." He thought about the information he could obtain to get to the other Subsidiary Dimensions.

"Thank you." The Ambassador held the glass in his hand with a little fear. It contained some Flame Vortex energy and the understanding of Hell entwined. 'This.. is to good to pass up! I can advance my own Law energy from this!'

Little did the Ambassador know that amount of Flame Fortex Energy would allow Shen Yue to cause damaging harm to him if he overstepped. Even more so with the "Connection" forming for them coming to an agreement.

Storing it in his Soul Realm, the glass immediately started to nourish the place. The effects immensely making the Ambassador glad for the decision to help back then.

"Here is the Ambassador Token. Please return in three months."

"Well.. sure. I will pop back since it will help with my own plans before coming back after a week or two." Shen Yue was not worried about the portal they used closing. He had a plan for that. "Hmmm, I will have the disciples go with you that will help. I need to check some things out when I do arrive."

"If you have your method, I will not stop you." The Ambassador saw enough from this batch to know crazier things have happened. If he had plans then it most likely meant the master he imagined wanted him to do something. "Look forward to the disciples."

"That is good. Might have to bring extra for you, since you are so honest." Shen Yue and the Ambassador spoke a little more before he left. "Time to remove the Dark Guild out completely. Then.. tch, then whatever else happens, happens."

Shen Yue moved out with the others following along. "Duan Jian, I really hate this place."

"Eh?" Duan Jian didn't understand. "You sure you want to wage a battle against the Nether Realm?"

"Need to speak with the committee first. Right?" Huyan Lanruo asked.

"Not if a viable threat has been presented." Shen Yue smiled. Her understanding the laws of Dark moon City was a good thing. "Time to.." His hand raised up and froze.

"Wait!" Xiao Yu grabbed his raised arm. She snuck over but waited for a bit. Seeing him talking with the Skyblaze Sect Ambassador. "Can we just talk before you do something stupid? Lots of innocent people will be hurt if you are not careful."

"Yeah..." Shen Yue's eyes flickered a dark purple before returning to normal. "I actually do not want to take out the Dark Guild right now actually." The Flame Snake finished what it was doing. Writing a few letters, he wanted them delivered. "Make sure they do a clean job, ok?"

"Easily done." The Flame Snake nodded before darting off.

"Time to go directly home." Shen Yue pulled out a preset array. It was made completely of metal and extend 30 feet. "Well, let's see.." He moved about upgrading it from the memory of those killed in the Spirit God War. The others just watching him work.

Xiao Yu spoke with his people before they broke off. Those from the Nether Realm. They were really excitied to move on to the next stage in plans. With the newbies really interested in the future plans.

"Ready?" His people nodded. He was stopped by Xiao Yu. "What?"

"I want to come with you, is that an issue?"

"Nope. Just stand there." Shen Yue pointed at a spot. "Well try not to die doing whatever the hell you are going to be doing." Ye Hong wanted to head back to talk to his family about what happened. Ye Ziyun waved to Xiao Ninger and the others who came out sometime later.

*Woom! Woom!* The metal array fluctuated twice before it vanished completely. A small hole left where it used to be. They appeared in the Extended Dark Moon Compound a few seconds later.

"Telportation.. is rough." Xiao Yu stated. She was not the only one having issues. Shen Yue walked off with out a care along with Duan Jian. "Where are they going?"

"To speak to the committee." Huyan Lanruo stated.

"So someone else is in charge?" Looking at Ye Ziyun who gave a shrug, a little more was needed. "That is not an answer."

"I can explain." A woman's voice called out. Shen Xiu walked over with a few others who helped those weary up. "I am Shen Xiu, the aunt of Shen Yue. As well as your welcome back party. But we expected you all to be in better spirits. As for who is in charge, Shen Yue is of the Dark Moon Compound. Glory City is run by the Snow Wind Family. But protected by the Dark Moon Family currently."

"Uh-huh." Xiao Yu did not think that was enough information.

"Most likely won't be for much longer." Sikong Hongyue said. All eyes were on her now. "Ye Ziyun and Ye Hong are most likely going to head to the Draconic Ruins Realm. The deal is with them. So, they are not here, the deal is over."

"That has not been decided."

"Right." Hongyue headed home. "Shen Yue.. is not that flexible. You are about to find out the hard way." She had a few members of the clan she wanted to get rid of actually. 'Hopefully, Duan Jian will see them as good ones to get rid of.'

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 40,739,582

Power: 45 Defense: 46

Willpower: 42 Intellect: 43

Connection: 78

Divine Spark: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Beasts

Laws: Earth, Hell, Matrix

Unsustainable Laws: Fire, Death, Poison, Nether

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Fate Realm

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul

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