
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Nether Domain Netherworld Test Part Part 5 Mistakes were made

"Absolutely... stupid! By far the biggest group of idiots I have ever seen..." Shen Yue shook with rage. The Astral Sense restraining everything back. But it was just idiocy at this point. "He will kill so many.. SO much for loyalty to the Tiny World!"

The purple light of his eyes spreading as new runic lines started to form on his flesh. The Law of Hell growing exponentially. The refinement process increasing around the pieces of the Demon Lord in the Flame Vortex Core.

"Shen Yue.. you must calm yourself." The Nether Master stated. Aware that he was damaged from the Annihilation Lightning and defintely not having healed it yet. "What are you doing?" Both he and the Ambassadors could feel the Divine Spark forming.

"Bringing him back here to die!" Shen Yue pulled at the location the popsicle went. His Astral Sense stretching in that direction like a net. His right arm stretched in that direction at the same time. He pushed his understanding on the Law of Ice to weaken him further. "You old things.. are just useless.. we have to do everything it seems!"

"Kaaahh!" The Flaming Snake exited from his Internal Space. Its eyes glowing golden. "Adjust to the left a little... there!" It wrapped around Shen Yue adding its spiritual energy to his. "He smells tasty!"

*PEEEWW!* A blast of condensed flame lightning shot outward from his index finger. Mixing with the various laws he obtained. The black streak it left in the air carved a trail that lead towards the outer areas of the Nine Layer Deathlands.

Zhu Long was pretty slippery.

"Kuff! Kuff!" Shen Yue was about to speed over but he overtaxed himself way to much. His body rebelling from the use of energy while he was still healing beyond what he could suppress. "Grrrr!" It was stupid and careless to attack but it needed to be done. 'I will track him down!'

The Flame Snake did not pull away as it moved around his body. Exuding some flames to help heal him physically. The Black Flame tower spirit energy flowed towards him almost unending to repair his soul damage while it was fresh.

Arm falling limply to the side as his nerves were to damage to move, Hell Law energy wrapped around his body as he pushed on. Feeding into his anger to keep going.

Partially transforming around the mouth, the spirit energy formed into a beam of light. He reared his head back before his enemy escaped the range of his Astral Sense. The spinning of the Divine Sparks sent waves out of his body as he open fire once more.

"BAAAHHHHH!" The force burning at his mouth ripping the flesh. The Nether Master shielding those nearby who came to.... help. The look of hatred in Shen Yue's eyes looked abnormal to them at first.

Only if they considered him to be just an inhabitant of Tiny World Glory City that is.

Zhu Long had escaped he thought, but an attack came from behind knocking him through a barrier. What made it worst, the wild energy inside caused feedback when passing through.

Zhu Long crossed at the wrong time causing further damage to himself. Shen Yue's energy ripped through destroying a Fate Soul and damaging another. A type of corrosion entered his body immediately.

"Cursed human!" Sealing himself up again, the Ice Spiritual God was back to healing and hiding himself from the sight of others. However, he had lightning inside that helped to draw Shen Yue's energy like a beacon. But a much more devasting attack came at him next. 'What!?' In his fresh ice protection, he could do nothing.

The blast of raw spirit energy smashed his body and warped the terrain in an elemental explosion of law energy. The entire landscape shifting as the Dimension was altered a little.


Netherworld Test Area-


Swiping the flesh carved off Zhu Long, Shen Yue was on guard as he healed himself. The Divine Sparks were perfectly fine. Empty of most their energy but fine all the same. His Flame Vortex Core... not so much. But not bad as it was healing faster than before with those who were recovering in his Internal Space Connection growing stronger with him.

The recent addition of Xiao Yu's Connection grew stronger as well. Seeing how far he went to protect the Tiny World with evident harm to himself at that. She even came over to help him. Giving some medicine that he downed in one go.

With her help, he was escorted back to the trial. The Flame Snake still emitting flames to help him heal. In his Internal Space, the Snow Queen, Spiritual Clone Liang Yu, and the recovering Officers were moved to the Flame Vortex Core area.

Doing a Soul Restoring Formation inside actively, they provided a little help. The single thought of tossing the Dream Bowl onto the Flame Vortex Star Dragon to see if that would work was thrown out. To much work went into to sacrifice it now.

In case he lost his shit and wanted to kill a few Ambassadors, he needed to recover some more. Except for the one that helped him of course. Which he needed to figure out who that was.

"I really cannot believe this." Shen Yue shook his head in dismay upon resting. "The Demon Lord is done with and the Dark Guild will be an easy sweep. However, the Spiritual God Of Ice got away."

"How dangerous is he?" Ye Hong asked.

"The Spiritual God of Ice can beat the asses of the people watching this test one on one with ease. Most of them.." Shen Yue shook his head thinking it all over. "...If we would have jumped the bastard, he would have been taken down. But they like to pretend to play nice."

"If your people weren't injured, what were the odds?" Ye Ziyun asked.

"Freaking medium!" Shen Yue gave it to her straight. "I am heading back home. Need to help my folks recover then I will look for alternative means."

"I think the Master wants to meet you." Xiao Yu said. She was wanting to fix the issue as best she could. Ming Fei had taken care of her for so long, she couldn't forget that so easily. "Just have a sit-down and talk."

"I am good." He waved her off. "I am ready to depart actually." He was really sleepy and wanted nothing more than to find his pillow and sleep a few days. Or a week...

"Maybe we can get them to extend a hand somehow?" Ye Ziyun asked.

"If they didn't before for their home, what makes you think they will after?" Shen Yue gave them an incredulous look. "They didn't then, I doubt they will later." He started walking off but was grabbed by Ye Hong and Ye Ziyun. "What?"

"Just hear them out first!" They both said. "Remember the agreement!"

As time passed and Shen Yue spent his time healing with his people, everyone that qualified were taken away to another area. A nice little courtyard of sorts.

"It's nice to meet all of you." Ming Fei announced. "You all are the best of the best that we have chosen from the Nether Realm test. Perhaps you are still unsure of your futures but from now on, all of you will be introduced to a whole new Domain."

As Ming Fei went on to give his spiel to the young cultivators, Shen Yue was trying to figure out which one of the Ambassadors helped him before. They did not make a move or tried to help him at all. Which was fine by him if they were waiting for something to happen.

"In the Draconic Ruins Realms, there are a lot of Godly Experts. They all have superpowers and have lived for Millennia." Ming Fei's words were captivating to the impressionable youngsters. Except those connected to Shen Yue who already knew of the higher cultivation realms already. "Any of the experts that stand behind me can easily exterminate every single one of the powerhouses in this Tiny World."

"Bullshit!" Shen Yue coughed into his fist. Waving the glares he received away. Two of the Ambassadors didn't react at all. "Due to continue." He waved at the Nether Master. Xiao Yu glaring at him. 'Well, he just lied so yah know..'

"The reason the Tiny World can keep its current Appearance is because the Tiny World is a place where residents can exit as they please." Ming Fei gave them some time to let everything sink in a little more. "While the people from outside can't even get in. The Portal between the Tiny World and the Outside World only opens every Five Years. Only people who were born in our Tiny World can come and go as they please."

Hua Huo and Maynard looked at Shen Yue intently. He shook his head at them. Using Stral Sense to inform them this was, not the case.

'The barrier he speaks of is faulty. It has openings all over that allow different Demon Beasts to cause trouble.' One of the few things he found out while recovering in the Black Tower. The Deathlands had a few openings in it as well. Really small but the attack of Ice Law from Zhuo Long had an adverse effect on the place. 'A recent battle with the Demon Spiritual God of ICe caused it to weaken further.'

"The Draconic Ruins Realm sure sounds interesting." Mu Ye thought it sounded fun.

Nie Li was in nostaglia as he thought about the passage that allowed him to enter the Draconic Ruins Realm in his other life.

"Those with me, have chosen you all as disciples. If you are willing to establish a master and disciple relationship and bear the Soul Seal, then we will bring you to the Draconic Ruins Realm." Ming Fei words echoed in their ears loudly. "Then we will bring you to the Draconic Ruins Realm. From there, you will join a Major Divine Sect and receive higher level cultivation techniques."

Xiao Yu could tell Shen Yue was unmoved. After seeing him fight against Zhen Long she could see why he was not interested really. He was able to grow in the Tiny World and definitely had some tricks up his sleeve.

Xiao Ninger also looked to be stuck in thought. If she didn't go this way, she could always take the other way through the Forest like before.

"I think we should do it." Nie Li suggested. "Perfect chance to grow."

"What do you think?" Ye Hong asked Shen Yue. Quite a few looking at him.

"I tell you what, I will go with my people, if Nie Li here stays behind." Shen Yue smirked. "I mean it would be really good if he stays and helps Glory City. He "is" the top Alchemist and all. 5 years is a lot of time for him not to be there help "guiding" people."

Nie Li gave a glare to Shen Yue but said nothing. It was not for nothing, as Nie Li did know techniques that Shen Yue didn't.

"Boss?" Long Sha asked. Those of the Dark Guild liked the sound of it but were not going to go. Another Soul Seal, not in this lifetime. 'Hopefully they would not force them to.'

"No need to go with them." Shen Yue said. "Lots of things to learn in the Tiny World. Besides, do you all think you have mastered everything possible here already? I hope you don't think that."

A lot of them shook no. Heck, most didn't even understand the various laws enough that it matters. Not to mention overall battle prowess and age... they should stay behind and go another time. Like another five years.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 40,739,582

Power: 45 Defense: 46

Willpower: 42 Intellect: 43

Connection: 78

Divine Spark: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Beasts

Laws: Earth, Matrix

Unsustainable Laws: Fire, Death, Poison, Nether

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Fate Realm

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

Liang Yu: Soul Puppet- Divine Spark: Soul

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