

I peek my head around the corner listening for anyone that could possibly hear me. I step out and saw the vicious beast roaming the streets of Dublin, Ireland. I grab my bow and arrows and get one ready. I pull back the string and let it fly the arrow planted itself into its head killing it completely. It made one last howl and that was my cue to leave I ran and jumped up onto the ledge of a wall, I hear the claws scraping the pavement and snarling teeth clamp down on my jacket I tear free and run. It got quiet really quickly I turned and didn't see anything. So I calmly walk out and start climbing so I can do my normal route. I get to the top of the building and jump to the other one then the next. I sit on the ledge and watch as the city lights turn on as the stars come out from their hiding place. Cars honk their horns and people chatter on their phones as they walk beneath me.

One down 250 more to go. Jesus Alice you need to pick up your game. I check my phone to see what time it is, SHIT! I gotta go to work I jump down from the building and wipe off the dirt from the landing I walk and and turn a couple of lefts and rights and I was home before I knew it. I hear my cat mewing at the door so I open it and she pokes her head out to greet me. she rubs against my legs and then walks back inside I trot downstairs to put my weapons up and lock them away. I then run up to my room and put on my uniform and then went to work. I walk into the cop shop and sit at my desk.

"Majo, did you see the the new reports yet?" My partner had a excited look, on his face, something had him going.

"No. I didn't." He smiles and gives me the report. I read it again.

"Another beast was shot and killed later this evening. Do you realize that the more these monsters are killed the more chance of not being on curfew." I smiled once he said that. I looked at the picture and saw that it was the wolf that I killed not to long ago. "Do you want to go check out the scene?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He is way to cheerful but hey, we haven't had a case like this in a long time, so I can understand why he is. I got into my car as he flops down and buckles his seatbelt. I looked at him and then back forward. I start the car and then drove to the scene. Cop lights and people surrounded the scene taking pictures, news reporters chattering, people talking and pointing. I duck underneath the caution tape and approached the beast. The wretched smell insults my nose making me gag a bit. Luke my partner gags loudly but also taps it with his foot.

"I think its dead Luke."

"Just checking because remember what happened to Angie? She thought she killed it but it jumped back up and slaughtered her." I shiver to that memory. I step back and take pictures of the scene and give them to my captain. My phone started ringing.

"Hello?" All I hear is heavy breathing. "Hello?" Then I hear a chuckle.

"Alice Majo, nice to hear from you again. How long has it been? 200 years maybe? Hmhmhm well I heard you've killed one of my sons today. Well I'm coming for you and I'm gonna rain down on you so hard, you won't see it coming." Damian. The leader.

"You killed my brothers." He chuckles again.

"Your brothers should've never walked on the wrong side if the fence. It was their fault for their blood to be drained their flesh in between my teeth." I tightly gripped the phone and grit my teeth.

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed through the phone. He chuckled.

"Your head on a stick!" He hung up the phone. I stuffed the phone back into my pocket and walked back to the crime scene.

"Majo, are you alright?" Luke touched my shoulder.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine."

"They already took the body and are looking for evidence to get the killer."

"Why do they even worry about that. They are rabid beasts that kill for fun? So what if they are dead." Luke looked at me.

"Look Alice I understand where you are coming from I really do. Shit sometimes I wish for all of them to be dead too. But the healers are trying to find a way to turn them back into humans." I huffed its better for them to be dead anyway they are over hundreds of years old. So even if they do find a cure they are good as dead. So technically I'm doing them a favor.

I walked back to my car hoping to get that memory of my brothers death. I open the door and slam it shut as I sit down. I put the key in the ignition and started my car. Luke tapped on the window I rolled it down and looked at him.

"Are you okay?" I huff again and think about what I'm going to say before I say it.

"Yeah I'm fine. Im just tired." I haven't slept in two days.

"Well just drop me off at the station and I will tell Eric that you weren't feeling too well." Eric is our captain.

"No this will be the second time no. I can't." Even though I wanted too, I had to get some more cases that lead me and me only to the leader.

"I'm sure he would understand Alice." I gave him a warning look. He looks forward and shuts his mouth. I drive back to the station where I heard yelling and screaming from outside. Luke and I got our guns ready and quietly walked up the stairs, I signaled him to kick open the door.

3... 2... 1.... Close fist. We kicked open the door and found two guys with gun he aims at me but I shoot first. He falls to the ground dead. One points his gun at Luke he turns and goes to shoot but his gun was jammed, I shoved him out of the way and shoot the guy's hand. He screams in pain. I throw my gun to Luke so he can shoot him. He shoots him silence fell from his mouth.

I look around and see my colouges hiding and cowering behind their desks. All of a sudden I hear a gun shot. I turn around quickly and saw Luke's eyes grow wide as he grabs his stomach I look above me and see the guy I aim he shoots again putting another bullet in his chest. I take the shot he falls limp. I run to my partners' side and hold him in my lap I try to put pressure on his chest but the stomach wound was bleeding badly as well.

"Son if a bitch." I reach for my radio. "WE NEED A MEDIC! HURRY OUR LOCATION IS THE POLICE DEPARTMENT MAN DOWN I REPEAT MAN DOWN!!!" I look into his now pale blue eyes he's cringing in pain, he holds my hand putting a picture into my hand.

"GI.. Gi... Give this to my son..."

"No dammit you are staying alive! Don't you dare leave me!" He begins to cough up blood some of it sprays in my face. He's going into shock, he begins to shiver violently, I hold him close.

"Majo, please take me out of my misery." He begins to choke on his blood. I shake me head as tears run down my face I couldn't kill my best friend, I couldn't kill my partner. I refuse too. I held him and rocked him in my lap. He took two more deep breaths and let them go, he then close his eyes and didn't open them again. I rest my head on his and rocked him screaming in anger. Tears burned my eyes. His blood was on my hands, I see the ambulance lights in the walls men rushed in, I lean up against a wall resting my gun on my lap. I watched as they took his body away anger boiled in my chest. I looked away from the scene and looked at the paper. It had a number and some symbols on it I couldn't tell what they meant I have never seen this before. I will find out.