

Its been months since Luke's death I haven't had a partner in six months. I was sitting at my desk when captain opened his door and hollard at me.

"Majo come into my office." I walked to his office and decided to stand. When I notice a man with a full beard I looked at my captain and then back at the guy. My captain smiled. "Majo this is your new partner Laveen Grey." I rolled my eyes and went to open the door to leave. "Majo." I heard the growl in his voice. I turn back around and looked at him.

"Sir I don't need a partner I'm fine on my own." He looks at his file.

"He has been through the military and was recently been moved from a S.W. A. T. Excuse me Laveen could you give us a moment."

"Yes sir." His voice was deep and manly. When he stood up he was as tall as a tree. This guy had to have been at least 6'4. He ducked under the door and shuts the door calmly.

"Alice you have to move on. He has been dead for six months now. Give him a chance." I rested my hands on the back of the chair.

"Sir I'm n-"

"Alice." His voice grew stern. "Its either this or you will loose this job."

"But sir I've been on this force for three years." He nods his head.

"I understand this. But with your mental state right now, it's not healthy." I look to the side.

"Fine, but if he screws up just once I swear on everything I will quit."

"Deal." I turn and walk out the door I saw him leaning against the window.

"Alice right? Alice Majo."

"Yeah. And You are Laveen." He nods.

"Nice meeting you Alice." I looked at him and kept walking. He follows me.

"We need to be working on a murder case, two children have gone missing two weeks ago."

"Majo!" Our case lady shouts over. "We found a body."

"What's the location." The new guy looks at me.

"I think I know where it is." He heads to the door I grab my keys and follow him. He gets into my car and buckles up.

"Dude are you alright?" He gives me this look like he was giving me a warning.

"Just drive.." I put the key in the ignition and start my car I pulled out of the driveway. With a couple of turns to the left and right we pulled up to this abandon factory I stopped he got out of the car with his gun in his hand he went to the doors and I stepped out of the car with my gun I called after him he went inside and the door closed. I run to the doors and I stepped inside it was dark I couldn't see anything. I heard growling in front of me. I get my gun ready,  I put my finger on the trigger.  The growls got louder,  I shot a warning fire it didn't faze them at all. The growls got louder then I heard claws scraping against the pavement. I turn and ran trying to reach the light so I can see.  But then I feel claws grab and wrap around my ankle. I then face planted in the pavement and scraped my hands,  all I can smell now is copper. I turn and felt claws on my chest I could hear the loud ear piercing shriek of their paws against glass. I felt around the ground for my gun,  but then in the small bit of light,  a white streak passes through the light. I then hear wolves cry out in pain and  growling. I feel around for my gun I then feel it and pick it up. I run to the door and push it open I get blinded by the white I then look back and see the white wolf tearing the other ones apart, I've never seen this before one of their own fighting them.  Blood dripped from his snarling jaw, his eyes that painful yellow that cold stare that he was giving me sent chills down my spine. I got my gun ready and pointed it at his head, my hand was shaking badly I couldn't hold a steady grip my vision was getting blurry I felt blood drip down my face I spit to the side and look back.  He was gone I looked around no where.

  "ALICE! " a deep voice shouted from behind me I turned and say Laveen holding his side he was limping blood was coming down his hands and chest  I grabbed my gun and placed it in my holster. I limp up to him and look at his wounds,  I go to touch them he flinches and grits his teeth.

   "Where were you?" He looked at me and moved my hand. His eyes were a bright hazel color,  his jaw was so fine. He turns away.

    "This was set up as a trap. Someone wanted all of this to happen. They waited and then whatever attacked me stopped and went straight for you. So whenever you came in they started attacking." I looked at the dead wolf bodies. I then looked at him.

    "We better call the cheif." He looks at me with wide eyes.

    "Yeah we better because I hear sirens coming tords us." I didn't hear anything but then again I did go half way deaf from the gun echoes and the shrieking. A little while later we see the sirens halted to a stop as soon as they saw us.  I walked up to our captain he looked at me horrified. Then he looked at Grey,  once he looked his jaw twitched, he snatches him up by his collar,

   "WHY DIDNT YOU CALL FOR BACKUP!" Grey growled and pushed the chief away from him.

   "My fucking radio got crushed by those beasts.  You don't believe me go in there and look for yourself." The chief went in there along with a group of cops he pushes the doors wide open and then gaged,  I went up behind him and saw the horrid massacre, heads were dismembered from their bodies, some we're even cut in half,  bloody claw marks ran across the floor and walls. I looked at Grey and he looked at me with normal eyes, detectives took pictures the chief looked at Grey with hate in his eyes.

   "You one more chance to fuck up. You do anything to put her in danger again. You're done." He storms out of the factory. Grey's face tightened up as he storms away.

   "Grey wait do you want me to at least."

  "No. I'll find my own way." He snapped a bit. I step back and then looked down as he turns away from me. I walk over to my car and looked at the side where he got in at. I saw an in- dent and a claw mark. I look up at him and saw him looking at me. I shook my head and got in my car I then drove home. I stepped in the shower to rinse all the blood off me and then cleaned myself. I then crawl into my bed and fall asleep.