
Danmachi: A Little Fox {Completed}

I don’t own anything except my OC. Don’t expect to find a wonderful story, that drags you into a world of intense immersion. I’m an amateur writer at best, and a terrible writer at worst. Updates will probably not be consistent, but each chapter should be atleast 10k words. Enjoy the story, or dont.

White_Dog · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Nobody to Blame, but Yourself

"Mhm," Sayuri gave a faint hum of affirmation as Ottar picked out her outfit for the day, a seeming modest dress made from a thin leather that felt more akin to silk. A truly expensive garment that set Sayuri back a few days worth of profit, but as it hugged her frame and she scrutinized herself in the mirror. The Little Fox couldn't help but be happy with the exorbitant purchase, with a half turn she spied the long slit that ran down the side of the dress, starting at her hip on either side allowing a clear view to the plump, pillowy cheeks that rested under her tail.

Ottar whistled as Sayuri struck a pose that enunciated the heavy curves of her figure…

Sayuri shot him a heated glance, that when paired with the faint blush washing across her face caused Ottar's pants to tighten, and as spotting the momentarily discomfort as Ottar adjusted himself brought a smile to Sayuri's face…

As she knew, not even the 'King' could resist that awe-inspiring beauty that was her tail…

It was a misunderstanding, but one that Ottar didn't have the guts to correct…

Anyways, Sayuri locked arms with Ottar as they stepped out of their house, into the spotted gardens that marked their lawn soaring a glance to the Red Oak sapling that was nearly tall enough to reach her waist, before the duo made their way to the Hostess of Fertility. Intent on enjoying each other's presence over a few alcoholic drinks, and a meal that hadn't been prepared by Sayuri.

It was planned as a day of relaxation, one of the few days Ottar didn't delve into the dungeon, and Sayuri didn't attempt to commit genocide on the Seventh Floor…



A woman with dull gray hair, quietly munched on a loaf of stale bread whilst wrapped up in a bland dirty quilt as her dull gray eyes lingered around the small pharmaceutical building across the streets

Occasionally stealing glances at the chienthrope stood behind the counter, sneakingly scribbling down her findings in a worn notebook the size of her palm…


In the back corner of the Hostess of Fertility, sat at a booth that a small number have marked as 'sacred'…

Sat a large renown Boaz, and a 'Divine' Kitsune softly chatting amongst each other with sweet smiles and gestures, gingerly sharing the large tray of finger food laid out before them.

The Kitsune slowly enjoyed a glass of wine that so few could even begin to afford, the bottle that had been brought out to them was reminiscent of a relatively secluded God; Soma.

While the Boaz drank from a large iced glass of a whiskey many in the room did not know, the scene they drew was one that was saturated with tender love, and sweet care…

Those who gathered in the Hostess of Fertility couldn't help but occasionally admire the couple with fleeting glances, knowing that the two of them were perhaps the most spoken about Adventurers in Orario. Not a soul who knew anything worth their weight in sand about the Dungeon City has heard about the duo on a number of occasions. The whispers that surrounded them were vast, while the words shared about them carried a certain weight that one could only understand after seeing either of them in person.

The thinly veiled tyrannical might that coated the Boaz sparked a ominous curiosity, of the man's limit of strength was… Could he topple buildings with merely the wind generated from the stretched limits of his speed, how much stronger had he grown since whole blocks were decimated by the battle he took place in years ago.

As for the woman, she was far more beautiful than the words they heard have painted her… Whenever their gaze found her figure, the world itself seemed to fall to her whims as they always spotted her with the perfect lighting, the most optimal angle that allowed them to wholly admire the Saintess before them.

It brought upon the sensation that she was so much more than their minds could comprehend, an unfathomable crevice between them that they had no hopes of bridging…

As if she wasn't meant for this world… Perhaps this is what people once thought of Elves and Spirits…

A beauty many hail as the product of the Divine. A priestess of a God, not even she knows. A Saintess to those who felt her Blessings, and to some a Goddess…

The unspoken mass of those who congregated around an elusive God, those that partaken in the worship of a woman. A mortal… Some of who were present in the same establishment, a glint of reverence sparking in their eyes whenever their gaze found her figure.

That unspoken mass, didn't allow their gaze to linger upon her Divine Figure, for their eyes were not worthy. As Head Priest Hermes had spoken…

None of them were Worthy… Not even the Divine.


For the first time since her desperate attempt, Sayuri stepped into the Tenth Floor, having already escorted Bell to the Third Floor where he could comfortably return to the Surface, Sayuri was ready to continue where she had failed. Where her mind fell into desperation…

Taking the first step out of the stairway, Sayuri was met with a thick mist, her ears stuffed his cotton while her eyes were focused attempting to peer through the veil that covered the 10th Floor. She could easily chant a 'Wind—Wave' spell to disperse the mist, but found herself wanting the challenge… To succeed where she had failed previously.

With a fortifying breath, she continued deeper into the mist, her muffled hearing catching heavy steps coming from her side, and distant scuttling in front. Readying her spear, Sayuri ducked under the large club that cut through the mist overhead, launching forward with a faint chant, "Imbue—Release."

With a soft turn, leading into a high—speed pivot, the blade of her short spear cut through the tendons on the back fo the Orc's left leg dropping it to on knee as its fist pounded the ground forcing her to steady her feet whilst back pedaling away from the enraged monster, unable to cleanly finish it as the scuttles rapidly drew closer.

Whether it be intuition, instinct, or a blend of the two… Sayuri's spear thrust outward into the mist rousing a screeching cry as the sharp blade found little resistance, she drew that thrust into an arc cleaving through the flesh the blade had found purchase in.

Following that arc into a half turn, Sayuri's blade cleaved through a swooping Bad Bat that had grown close enough for Sayuri's muffled ears to catch the soft beating of its wings.

Forced to drop to the ground as an Imp flew over her head, Sayuri scurried to the side evading the now recovered Orc as it slammed its interlocked hands into the ground, sending a tremor through the stony soil sending debris flying into the air and slightly dispersing the mist. Allowing Sayuri a clear view as she raised her hand, pointing two fingers at the Orc as she forced a chant, "Imbue—Lightning—Bolt."

The mana screeched into manifest as a blur of faded blue streamed through the mist, missing her intended target, searing through the monster's shoulder before exploding through the mist in a web of faded blue. With a limp leg, and a locked up arm the Orc staggered—charged forward as an Imp launched at her from behind… While a Bad Bat screeched, hiding the Imp's approach.

"—Release" Sayuri burst forward, ducking through the Orc's legs as it lunged in an attempt to flatten her comparably petite frame. As she crossed under the hulking mass, she forcibly pivoted into the ball of her foot bracing through the recoil of halting her forward momentum as she shifted as much of it as she could into an upward slash in the midst of a chant, "Imbue—Wind—Blade."

A wince found Sayuri's countenance as her 'Mind' forced her confused mana to comply; as 'Mind' was essentially a crutch, her short spear morphed into a faint green greatsword as she cleaved a quarter way through the Orc.

It fell to the side with a thunderous groan, crushing an Imp that tried to sneak an attack from the side, as the large faint green greatsword pitifully fizzled out of existence leaving only Sayuri's short spear in her hand, as she lulled backward into a half step. Her brows furrowed as a scent similar to rotten eggs found her nose…

Cleansing her thoughts of the faint ache building in the back of her mind, Sayuri turned to face the direction the scent was wafting from taking a sharper sniff…

Usually she dulled this sense the most, as their was quite the number of individuals who didn't know the true bliss—

Ceasing the tangent before it could continue, Sayuri burst forward chiding herself for allowing unnecessary thought cloud her mind whilst in the Depths of the Dungeon, no matter how shallow some may view it…

Dulling her sense of smell once more, Sayuri slowly made her way through the Tenth Floor, her steps cautious as she kept her focus sharp.Her slow methodological approach slowly brought her to the rear of a formation of Adventurers, as they slowly whittled away at an Orc.

The Adventurer Party was among the largest she'd ever seen outside of Expedition Parties, a total of ten people filling the formation. Two supports lingered in the center, surrounded by various Adventures as they seemed to move as one.

Paying them little mind, and ignoring the Monster Bait one of the Supports held onto, Sayuri continued deeper into the Tenth Floor, searching its veiled depths for the various passages, Pantries, and mostly forgotten paths.

The vast majority of the Tenth Floor seemed to be large open rooms, with no visible division between the rooms except for the concentration of mist…

It hadn't taken long for her to find a stairway to the 11th Floor, and she hadn't hesitated to take it, no longer wishing to be within these veiled floors. Sayuri had already proven to herself that wouldn't be overwhelmed in these floors, and would eventually return to attempt a genocide of all Dungeon Life held within…

Sayuri's reintroduction to the 11th Floor started with the resounding roar of a large Silverback charging at her the moment she stepped into the mist, its form was riddled with shallow injuries as blood dripped from a large gash upon its chest. Lifting two fingers she swiftly chanted, "Imbue—Lightning—Swarm."

As the mana screeched into manifestation, a sharp pain assaulted Sayuri's mind, her intent the sole reason the spell was capable of manifesting as her 'Mind' plummeted and a blinding swarm of faint blue arcs blinded her vision. The thick mist turned that Lightning Swarm into a net of superheated plasma searing through the Monster as it charged forward, leaving only chunks of charred flesh behind as it stumbled falling apart at the seams the spell had carved through it…

Sayuri heaved as she pulled a Mind Potion from a pouch underneath her kimono, a soft pop sounding as the cork flew from a practiced movement of her thumb. Quickly downing the alchemical liquid, a sigh left her lips as the soothing coolness washed through her mind easing the strain, and pulling her away from the brink of Mind Down.

Looking down upon the charred remains, Sayuri's lips curled downward, as a chant rolled off her tongue despite knowing that it would only bring her to the cusp of Mind Down once more…


The mana burst into a malevolent gale after a flash of a light—yellow geometric shape appeared in front of Sayuri's palm, clearing a wide area of mist revealing numerous corpses strung about, torn limb from limb, squashed into paste, and imbedded into the ground.

Shattered weapons littered the surroundings, as she recognized a few of those that weren't reduced to viscera and smears… Customers who would normally buy meals at her stall…

She crouched down next to the man who loved nothing more than her double meat meal, finding the woman who enjoyed the fish meal veiled under his broken frame, the lower half of her body nearly a dozen steps away…

A sigh slipped Sayuri's lips as she rose to her feet, downing another Mind Potion as she continued along her way, sending a silent prayer to those who lost their life on this battlefield for a pleasant afterlife…

With the mist that normally blanketed the 11th Floor dispelled, Sayuri's cerulean eyes washed over the numerous monsters that dotted the surroundings; all of whom seemed daze from the sudden dispersal of the veil, brandishing her spear Sayuri chanted through the budding migraine, "Imbue—Release."

Brought her before another Silverback, which she dropped with a pivoting turn at the tail end of her movement, the blade of her spear cutting through the tendons of the monster's leg, before a thrust to its back left it paralyzed from the waist down.

She back pedaled as it swung backwards, toppling from its own movement, before engaging a Winged Imp that swooped down, robbing it of its means of flight with a flick of her spear. Crushing its skull under her foot, she charged the Silverback as it attempted to steady itself, her spear digging deep into its chest shattering the magic crystal held within. Immediately the monster broke down into ash, leaving Sayuri to side step a large rock that kicked up debris, with her vision momentarily impeded. Sayuri was forced to retreat as a pair of interlocking hands crushed the ground she was once standing on.

A roaring Orc announced the arrival of another monster joining the fray, as despite the growing pain surfacing in the back of her mind, a chant rolled off Sayuri's tongue, "Imbue—Lightning—Bolt."

She finished the chant mid turn, and the mana screeched into manifestation tearing through the Orcs gut momentarily stalling it as she drew her spear across the Silverbacks outstretched arm, cutting through the tendon at the elbow, as she was forced to pivot blocking the dive of a Winged Imp.

Slowly, Sayuri culled the Winged Imps that intervened, and reduced the large monsters to a useless sack of flesh as she turned their tendons into useless ribbons. Heaving a long fortifying breath to sooth her aching mind, and soothe her sore muscles, Sayuri steadied herself as a lightness washed through her body…

With an internal curse, Sayuri hurriedly popped the cork from another Mind Potion, flowing just in time to save her from collapsing. The sharpening ache, dulling just enough for Sayuri to gather her bearings and finish the kills that were splayed out across the ground.

Turning back, Sayuri began the return to the surface, sparing no small amount of mana as she burst her way through the floors, no longer in the mood to slaughter the dungeon life…


Stumbling into her abode, Sayuri blinked away the Status Update before it could even tell her about the increased stats as she slipped off her boots and dragged herself up the stairs. Pulling her leather armor off her body, and unceremoniously leaving it at the door to the bathroom as she sank into the tub and turned on the water.

It didn't take long for the scalding water to wash over her skin, the heat supplying much needed relief to Sayuri's body as she let out a long breath, swiftly scrubbing the loose filth from her skin, fur, and hair before draining, and refilling the tub with clean water.

Only then did she begin to truly clean herself, as she refused to bathe in bloodied water…

What was the point of cleaning oneself, if you were going to do it in dirty water…? You might as well take the time to change the water after an initial scrub…

As she was giving her hair a deep scrub; cotton balls stuffed into her ears to avoid water filling them, the door opened revealing a weary Boaz who took a seat on a stool in the corner for the bathroom. They locked eyes for a long moment, and the large figure showed a tired smile as he leaned back against the wall and began to shed his rather minimal armor.

Sayuri returned to cleaning herself, as they basked in each other's presence in silence for a long collection of moments, occasionally stealing glances at each other until Sayuri rinsed the suds from her hair and pulled the cotton balls from her ears.

The days continued, proving to be one of slothful intentions and laziness, as the duo nakedly cuddled simply enjoying each other's warmth…


Days passed, and the week came to a close as Sayuri slowly made her way back to the 13th Floor. Currently, she sat across from Freya, in the Hostess of Fertility overlooking her Status whilst enjoying some small talk and wine—


Name: Sayuri Shizuka

Titles - Little Fox, Otherworldly Being, Priestess of Beauty & Blessings, Saintess, Hermes' Conqueror, Hero, Beast in the Sheets, Demon

Physical Vessel: {Expand}

Race: Chimeric Fox-Kin

Class: Heroic Saintess - Magic Stat Growth +800%

Familia: Loki (Partial)

Level: 2

Stats -

• Strength: F - 375 (SSS-3750)>

• Endurance: F - 375

• Dexterity: F - 375

• Agility: F - 375

• Magic: F - 375

• Spirit Pleasure (Ignes Lumen) - F

• Hastened Regeneration (Ignes Lumen) - F

• Composure (Ignes Lumen) - F

• Spearmaiden (Vulpes Hasta) - H

• Hunter - I

Skills -

• Ignes Lumen

• Vulpes Hasta

• Vulpes Sacerdos

• Amare Libertas

Magic -

• Magic Bestowal

Traits - 50P

• Positive: Otherworldly Divine Sensual Soft Skin, Otherworldly Divine Sensual Pliant Flesh, Greater Athleticism, Otherworldly Vulpine Dexterity, Adaptive, Enticing Otherworldly Vulpine Ears, Elegantly Sensual Otherworldly Vulpine Tail, Fast Learner, Magically Gifted, Survivor, Otherworldly Vulpine Priestess' Grace, Otherworldly Vulpine Priestess' Deviant Charm, Otherworldly Natural-Born Divine Chef, Otherworldly Devout Priestess, Otherworldly, Divine Vessel (Sealed), Divine Beauty (Sealed), Productive Time Management, Greater Sexual Stamina, Natural-Born Divine Spearmaiden, Object of Divine Worship, Divine Sensuality (Sealed)

Add Positive Traits {Expand}

• Negative: Insensitive (5P), Infertile (120P), Former Slave (100P), Minor Exhibitionist (10P), Minor Masochist (10P)

Remove Negative Traits {Expand}


Blinking away her status, Sayuri's gaze rose to find Freya staring at her chest. With her cerulean orbs falling; having assumed she had split something, or there was a stain, Sayuri found nothing of the sort, and raised her gaze to find Freya awkwardly looking off to the side, fingering the rim of her wine glass.

"It's not fair," Freya murmured as she shrank into her hoodie, "How can you go from breasts larger than a cantaloupe, to as small as oranges…"

Sayuri shrugged, partially understanding where Freya was coming from, "Embrace it, Freya… at least you can see your toes when you look down…"

Freya murmured something inelegant, shifting her gaze to the side as her head fell into her palms, most probably imagining something unbecoming of her status as a Divine. Sayuri paid it little mind as she slipped a roasted pecan past her lips, washing her gaze through the establishment momentarily tuning into a few of the conversations happening around them. Giving Freya a long moment to collect herself…

Only for the Goddess to drop her head onto the table with a groan, "Sayuri… Would you—"

"No, Freya. I won't help you find your Odr a harem."

"How'd you know—"

"You've already asked twelve times Freya, if that's what you really want— What he really wants, then I wish you the best of luck. However, I will not help. They'll be your sister wives, not mine."

Freya pouted, but it soon faded as the Goddess crawled under the table and popped up next to Sayuri, pulling the Little Fox into her divine bosom… Sayuri didn't resist, and simply allowed it to happen.

However, a light sniff forced Sayuri to pull her head away, "You need a bath… You stink—"

Freya pouted angrily as she hugged herself, "No! I have never smelt better."

Sayuri sighed as she sipped her glass of wine, "If you say so, Freya, though I doubt your Odr would agree. No man likes the scent of his own musk."

The Goddess went rigid as Sayuri words processed in her mind, a look of horror washing across her face and before the Little Fox could say another word the Goddess had sprinted off.

With a light shake of her head, Sayuri down the rest of her glass, and called over a waitress to refill it as the Little Fox leaned back in her booth, staring up at the ceiling allowing her thoughts to run rampant for a few moments before clamping down on them once again, once they decided to take a dark turn.

No, she wouldn't have intercourse with Ottar in the bathroom, it's a public place… Let alone the fact that it's dirty…

A thought sparked, stating that there was no mention of a public bathroom, and Sayuri drowned her intrusive thoughts once more. Internally swearing that dealing with her own thoughts were more difficult than delving into the dungeon… Her thoughts agreed, and Sayuri sighed.

Perhaps, this is what insanity felt like…


Sayuri awoke with a light moan as she felt her depths churned, her eyes fluttering open to find Ottar on top of her with a toothy smile. Tiredly wrapping her arms around his neck, she planted a heated kiss upon his lips. For the first time, Ottar had awoken before her, and it seemed he wanted a bit of fun…

Something deep within Sayuri was spurred, and the Naughty Fox revealed itself…

Ottar didn't have the energy to go to the dungeon today, and Sayuri was nearly late to arrive at her Stall—Gazebo…

With her legs weak, her quim raw, and her rear sore Sayuri lazed atop a woven mat at her Gazebo as she slowly ate a relatively large meal. With midday quickly approaching, Sayuri was nearly sold out of meals, but it would seem she would sell out before the sun reached its peak as a familiar figure slowly approached.

"Finn, Riveria… The same as usual?" Sayuri spoke lightly, her jaw still slightly sore from this morning's antics.

The Halfling nodded, as Riveria sat on her heels across from Sayuri as the Little Fox poured her a warm glass of tea. Turning away from her tea, as Finn leaned against the railing, Sayuri began to bundle up the last of her meals. As those from the Loki Familia's executives normally would buy out what remained.

"What Floor have you reached?"

"I have been lingering in the 13th Floor for the past few days, now that I no longer have to protect Bell it's been easier to delve deeper. I was planning on reaching the 19th Floor by the end of the month, perhaps reaching Level 3 by the middle point of the year."

"Mhm, you've been growing quickly. Wouldn't it be best to rest, and consolidate what you've gained? Perhaps expand upon your magic? Perhaps some hand-to-hand combat, in case you ever find yourself lacking a weapon?" Riveria spoke lightly as she nursed her glass of tea.

Sayuri mulled over the High Elf's words before lightly shaking her head, "It would probably be for the best, however, aside from expanding my magical repository. I have no intentions on becoming a weapon."

The elf could agree with that statement, and finished her tea as Finn gestured that he was ready to go. With a fair amount of pleasantries, and blessings the duo departed. Leaving Sayuri with her own thoughts as she lingered around her Gazebo for some time, until she eventually rose to her feet and began gathering her things intent on returning home in time to catch Bell before he decides to delve into the dungeon alone.

Apparently the youth wanted to reach the 10th Floor, as he was closing in on Level 2 and from what Freya had told her the night before. Which would mean that he would break the record for the fastest Level Up… Something Freya made sure Sayuri knew she was ecstatic about…

Though perhaps ecstatic was an understatement…

Sayuri spent a few minutes watering and fertilizing the Red Oak sapling, before making her way inside to change into her Adventuring Gear, and swiftly making her way to the square just outside the Tower of Babel. Where she found Bell chatting with a young pallum…

Her cerulean orbs narrowed as she took a closer look, spotting a tail shifting about under the aged cloak… Yet, Sayuri felt an odd sensation from that hidden tail, and the ears adorning the young girl's head…

From the looks of it, the young girl was a supporter. If the large pack on her back was any indication, "Bell, are you ready?"

The youth startled as his eyes shot up, catching Sayuri a half dozen steps away staring down at his sitting figure with her piercing cerulean orbs. With a gulp he nodded as he rose to his feet, offering a sincere apology to the supporter before making his way to Sayuri's side.

She didn't move, staring at the young chienthrope trying to understand the inkling she felt from the youth, as the chestnut haired girl shrunk under her gaze. Refusing to meet the cerulean orbs that seemed to peer into the very depths of her being…

After a long moment of silence, Sayuri turned around, passing a small bundle over to Bell, who hurriedly clipped it into his belt before falling into step with the Little Fox, and soon they wordlessly entered the dungeon.

With the Little Rabbit too scared to ask the Little Fox to include the pitiful Supporter, and the Little Fox suspicious of the young chienthrope. The matter wasn't brought up…

Sayuri lingered in the back of the linear formation, with Bell taking the lead dealing with the brunt of the monsters that attempted to impede their path. They took the paths that Sayuri would normally take on her solo dives, as Bell had taken as much of a liking to them as Sayuri had, which left them with no small amount of monsters to deal with on their dive through relatively untraveled sections of the dungeon.

Bell had no issues dealing with the majority of adversities they met, his ability in the dungeon having grown far quicker than Sayuri's… Though that could be attested to Freya's intervention, as there was not a single thing in the world that wouldn't have that Goddess spoiling her Odr.

Even his short sword was made from an alloy consisting of a blend of Adamantite and Mithril, with an Elunium core, and Ordicon flakes forged into the blade. A truly expensive piece of weaponry that one would normally only see in the hands of a First Class Adventurer.

Much like Sayuri's own spear, while it is only made from a blend of Dungeon Steel, Elunium, and a blade forged from Oridecon, it was forged by one of the most renowned smiths in Oriaro. The very same who fashioned the vast majority of the equipment used by both the Freya and Loki Familias executives.

Though Bell's blade was forged by Hephaestus' Captain, Tsubaki, Sayuri's own weapon was forged by the Half-Dwarf's protege, Raluf.

Which left them with little resistance on the first dozen floors of the dungeon. Sayuri hadn't even found a monster in all her dives into the depths, that could prove troublesome to her blade. Unlike Sayuri however, Bell's armor was probably the most basic of equipment. Fashioned from a mixture of Dungeon Steel, and leather procured from animals/monsters on the surface, it was probably the cheapest article among their possessions.

Sayuri lunged forward, skewering a War Shadow that emerged from the wall, while Bell found himself busy with an Andre that had fallen on to him from the ceiling. Just as Sayuri was about to chide the youth about not paying enough attention to his surroundings, an unfamiliar roar found her ears followed by the unfamiliar footfalls of a monster she had yet to face. Positioning herself in front of Bell, as fear began to cloud his eyes, a large figure burst out from the shadows.

Two horns adorned the top of its cow-like head, its body wrapped in thick hide and rippling muscles, drenched in blood and shallow wounds…

Sayuri drew a fortifying breath as she readied herself to face the swiftly approaching Minotaur, while she could easily end the monster with a singular chant, Sayuri wanted to test herself against the monster she would soon be facing… With her delves growing closer and closer to the Floor these monsters inhabit, she wanted to know if she was ready to face them…


A single command sent Bell backpedaling, into a passage with a dead end, something she'll chide him about later… As Sayuri burst forward, electing to constrain herself to only her physical might until she finds that her magic is needed.

The monster took a wide swipe at her, giving Sayuri the opening she was waiting for as she sidestepped the swipe, drawing the blade of her spear across its flesh, apparently missing the tendons in its arm cutting only muscles and skin…

With her brows faintly furrowing at her lack of accuracy, she dipped low and twirled on the ball of her foot, slashing her spear across the Minotaur midsection cutting deep enough to spill the monster's internals onto the cold stone floor of the dungeon. Yet, even then it didn't stop, as it leaned forward in preparation to charge. Forcing Sayuri to increase the distance between them, to make sure that she had enough time to react, should the monster prove to be quicker than she had assumed…

Sadly, Sayuri had overestimated the monster, as it was no swifter than its initial charge and was easily evaded with a properly timed sidestep that allowed her spear a clear path into its side. With a groan that splatter blood from its maw, Sayuri violently twisted her spear as it dug deeper into the monster's side. With a final attempt at culling the adventurers, the Minotaur bucked and swiped at Sayuri, it's horn barely managing to catch her Kimono tearing a large hole in its fabric bringing a frown to her face as a chant tooled off her tongue, "Imbue—Death."

Her chant finished just as a familiar party rounded the corner, pulling Sayuri's attention just as the Minotaur spontaneously combusted, splattering blood throughout the open passage, and coating Bell who had for some reason returned in no small amount of blood. Dying him from head to toe in a thick layer of gore…

Though, the youth seemed unbothered as his gaze found the blonde haired Sword Princess of the Loki Familia.

Silence befell the passage for a long moment before laughter burst out, with Bete; the wolf-kin slapping his knee as he wheezed, a finger pointing at Bell's bloodied form. He was quickly silenced by a smack to the back of his head, thanks to Riveria…

Silence dominated once more as Ais crouched down next to the Minotaur, poking its half-exploded form with her finger, before shifting her gaze from its corpse, to Sayuri, eventually landing on Bell who's red eyes had never left her form.

"Bell," Sayuri's soft voice pulled the youth from his thoughts… Before she could continue the youth let out a high pitched scream as he sprinted off, leaving a Sayuri with the member of the Loki Familia. The Little Fox heaved a sigh as she watched his back fade into the distance, before her Cerulean orbs shifted to Ais, as the young woman's head tilted in confusion.

Bete coughed as he averted his eyes from Sayuri's chest; where the hole happened to be, and a gust of wind brought the Little Fox's attention to her chest…

It seemed the Minotaur's horn caught far more than just her kimono, as her armor had torn from her stomach to her shoulder leaving the vast majority of her chest bare, with another sigh Sayuri knew that she'd have to find Raluf to have it mended…

Harvesting the core from the Minotaur, finding that it had been three inches below where she had assumed it would be; Sayuri internally noted the placement, as she watched the ash condense into a horn before shifting her gaze to Finn who looked as if he had eaten something sour, his gaze never leaving the floor.

"You can have the Drop, I have no need for it. I assume you'll also report this matter to the Guild?"

Finn coughed into his hand as he nodded his head, while an Amazon bounced in front of him. Leaving both Ais and the other Amazon to stare at Sayuri, the former with a faint smile, the latter with a thoughtful gaze.

Gareth chuckled as he slapped Bete on the back offering the flushed wolf-kin his wineskin, while Riveria offered Sayuri a spare robe she had tucked away.

"Thank you," Sayuri light dipped her head, but refused the offered cloth as she bound her Kimono tighter to her skin covering the hole in both her armor and kimono by overlapping the fabric, "I'll be going deeper, inform Loki that Freya may be arriving at the Twilight Manor, or stalking Ais for the next few days.

The Goddess wants to form a Harem for Bell, and it seems the youth has his eyes set on Ais…

I doubt Freya will be kind enough to take no for an answer if Bell himself is smitten with the Sword Princess. I'll make sure Freya doesn't force the young girl."

Finished, Sayuri offered them a few blessings before continuing deeper into the dungeon, knowing that Bell would make it to the surface with little trouble.

Leaving the members of Loki Familia to mull over her words…


Sayuri groaned as the horn of a Almiraj scraped her thigh, tearing her kimono and armor further, a swipe of her spear caught the rear end of the monster robbing it of one of its hind legs as she shifted her focus from the crippled monster back to the pack of Hell Hounds that weren't giving her a moment of relief. They kept their distance launching globs of flame at her, and whenever she would rush one another would attack from the side.

Despite telling herself that she wouldn't use mana, Sayuri's annoyance was growing to the point that no longer care for the restrictions she had placed upon herself, and the horn ruining her kimono further was the final straw that caused her to snap— "Imbue—Flame—Wind—Flame—Wave. Imbue Protection—Protection, Preservation."

The torrential wave of flames engulfed everything in front of Sayuri, yet she continued to chant, forcing her way through the lacking comprehension purely with her intent, "Imbue—Water—Wave."

As the wave of flames rebounded off the distant wall, having slightly reduced in size, it impacted the wave of water that manifested causing an explosion that shook Sayuri off her feet and sent her tumbling backward. However, with the double chant of [Protection Imbuement] she was left uninjured from her magic, though the same could not be said for the monsters that littered the room, or the gore that was left of them…

With a heavy exhale, Sayuri rose to her feet and brandished her spear, stepping through the mess she had caused with her annoyance marking her face with a faint frown and narrowed eyes.

Feeling that she had at least two more forced spells, or half a dozen comprehended spells before she needed to drink a Mind Potion, Sayuri continued along. Intent on reaching the Wall of Grief, as Ottar had told her that it had been hunted a week prior, and shouldn't respawn for some time.

With five more Floors to go, and not having touched upon Mind Down with nearly a dozen Mind Potions to spare. Sayuri doubted that she wouldn't reach the 19th Floor by the end of the day.

Thus, Sayuri continued through the 14th Floor, uncaring for the restrictions she had previously placed upon herself… As it seemed that every time she had done so, she'd be impeded by some monsters with ridiculously effective teamwork…

As she moved through the destruction she caused, Sayuri briefly closed her eyes dispelling any lingering mana manifestations left behind by the collision of her two spells. As her cerulean orbs opened once more she spotted a group of Hell Hounds lingering in the distance, while a large hole was at her side.

Despite Ottar telling her not to…

Sayuri leapt into the hole, trusting in her [Protection Imbuement] to mitigate the impact from the fall…

As Sayuri hit the ground with a crash, cracking the stone underneath her feet as her knees buckled and smacked against her chin rattling her mind, Sayuri let out a groan as her vision doubled. Only to find herself victim to a Minotaur's charge, one of its horns piercing flesh digging into her tight locking her atop its head as it slammed her into the wall.

Sending no small amount of spit flying from her mouth as an exclamation of pain slipped from her lips followed by a number of hushed curses, before she gave a chant, "Imbue—Death."

The Minotaur crumpled under its own weight, pinning Sayuri against the wall, tearing her wound open further. With another curse slipping from her lips, Sayuri was forced to shift the heavy monster's weight to free herself finding that she was leaking an outrageous amount of blood.

Gritting her teeth she reached into her kimono, only to feel broken glass, signifying that her potions had broken. In a moment of desperation, she kept searching, and luckily managed to find a single vial of blood red potion. Without a hint of hesitation, she popped the cork and down half of the potion, pouring the rest over her wound before tearing a length of cloth from her kimono and wrapping it tight around the hole in her leg…

Biting down on her lip, Sayuri eyed her surroundings, finding them relatively tame, and decided to take a moment to look over herself. Finding that aside from the terrible wound on her leg, she was relatively unharmed.

15 Floors down, with a lame leg, and no potions…

Sayuri was forced to continue deeper into the dungeon, despite the danger and knowing that she'll need to risk her life. She'll reach the 19th Floor before she'd be able to reach the surface…

Though, she could only blame herself. As she had decided to take the leap of faith…


(A/N: Another short chapter, only ~6.4k words…

Though it was a good place to end the chapter. It is a cliffhanger after all.

No info dump, that'll be the next chapter.

Until Next Time.
