
Cyberpunk 2077: The Beast of Night City

Born from a one night stand between a member of the Animals gang and someone from the Mox, Benjamin Wu, known as Big Ben or Benny to his friends and The Bear to the rest of Night City, is an oddity among the Animals whom he calls his family. Unlike the wild and crazy muscle brained thugs that one would come to expect from someone raised by the Animals, Benny was someone who actually uses his brains over his brawns. Well, as much use as one could get with the Animal’s signature cocktail of drugs running through their system from an early age. Life was simple for Benny. Get stronger, eat, beat up whoever he was hired to beat up, then sleep. Then rinse and repeat. Though one day he finds his world turned upside down when weird things start popping up in his life. Weird even for Night City standards. Things that make him start to suspect that maybe, there was more to his past than he knew of. - - Hey all! Kinda lost all motivation for my previous work so I'm gonna try getting into writing again with something new. Hopefully this one turns out better than the last one. I'll say this right off the bat. The MC won't be getting into any relationships. At least nothing serious or sexual. Not really my cup of tea. Brings too much drama. Though I might change my mind as the story progresses. Who knows. Will try to post at least one new chapter per week. Kinda busy with work lately. Office is very understaffed.

SleepyLibrarian · วิดีโอเกม
7 Chs

Chapter 4: The Man In White

Under the overpass that connected Heywood to the Arroyo district, a trio of vehicles were parked in the shadow of the bridge. Three black Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnars were arrayed in a triangular formation with two at the front and one at the back. A group of men dressed as bodyguards stood at attention around the location while a white haired man dressed in a pure white suit stood within the triangle of vehicles. 

Man In White's POV

"Where the hell are those gang rats? Don't they know how valuable my time is?" The corpo muttered angrily as he checked his watch for perhaps the twentieth time since they arrived there. 

"I have half a mind to just forget about this whole deal and find some other gang to deal with" He grumbled as he sent an angry glare around his vicinity. Looking for any telltale sign that the Valentino's were arriving. 

It was then that he noticed an old Mahir Supron heading in their direction from between several stacks of shipping containers. "That better be them.." He grumbled as he gave a glance at his bodyguards and motioned for them to get into position.

The men around him snapped into attention and walked into formation in front of the vehicles. Their hands reaching for their guns in preparation for the vehicle's occupants. Although they were supposed to be making a deal with the Valentinos, they have yet to determine if the opposite party was really them and not some other force coming to make trouble for them. And even if it actually were them, best to be prepared for any eventuality. These gangs were not to be trusted. They wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly decided to double cross them. Though it would be a stupid decision on the gang's part as they were one of the biggest corporations in Night City. No one beside another corporation would dare mess with Kang Tao. No one in their right mind anyway. But then, these gangs were ever rarely in their right mind.

Those thoughts briefly flashed through the man in white's mind as he adjusted his tie and walked forward. Stopping only when he had reached a few step behind the formation of bodyguards. The vehicle across from them had come to a stop as well and it's occupants started pouring out of the Mahir Supron. From their attire and the looks of them, they were indeed the Valentinos. Though as more and more of them came out of the mid sized vehicle, the man in white and his bodyguards couldn't help but adopt a look of confusion and bewilderment on their faces.

"Just how many did they have crammed in there?" The thought crossed their minds as they counted up to 11 people coming out of the vehicle that was meant for 6 people at best.

The look of confusion on their faces slowly turned into mild annoyance as, instead of coming forward to speak with them, the Valentinos just stood in place instead and were looking back at the direction where they came from in confusion. One of them, the driver of the vehicle, seemed to be making a call with his implant as his eyes started glowing. It was a brief conversation which ended up with the man adopting a look of exasperation before slapping his face in what was very obviously a face palm. He then turned and spoke a few words to his fellow gang members and they too ended up all face palming in unison, much to the renewed confusion of the corpo and his bodyguards. 

The man in white, reaching the end of his patience, motioned for one of his bodyguards to go over and see what the delay was all about when a loud painful screeching was heard from the distance. They all winced as the ear grating sound slowly grew louder as another Mahir Supron appeared and slowly drove over from between the stacks of shipping containers. The back wheels of this one seemed to have burst at some point and it's rear end was painfully dragging against the gravel that made up the ground they were standing on.


Benny's POV, Five minutes ago.

"I knew this was going to happen" He groaned from within the violently shaking vehicle.

It was still barely managing to hold on and it seemed like they might be able to actually make it to their destination without any mishaps, but then they drove over a speed bump a bit too quickly and the van's rear end completely gave out.

They were still a few minutes away from their destination from what he knew. He was silently debating within himself if whether a Mahir Supron with it's rear end dragging along the street would be more eye catching or a huge 8 foot tall behemoth of a man lifting along the rear end of said vehicle.

Eventually he decided that the latter would definitely attract more unwanted attention so he gritted his teeth and decided to just bear with it. They were almost at the location after all. He just hoped that the sight of their vehicle wouldn't be too weird by Night City's standards.