
Cyberpunk 2077: Doom

Victor Von Doom born into the detestable and dystopian world of cyberpunk oc/? AU, (To clarify the protagonist is an oc and an archetype of Doom. Oc has essences for powers.) - This fanfic will be posted under Royalroad, Fanfiction.net, Spacebattles and Scribble Hub under the same username. Any other usernames won't be mine.

TheDarkDark · วิดีโอเกม
21 Chs

Chapter 10: No Role Modelz

Date: 21st of June, 2075

Location: America - Night City - Watson - Little China

POV: David Martinez

Location: America - Night City - Watson - Chinatown

And here I thought my day couldn't get any more shittier, then the Doc decides to tell me this load.

So here I go running away from an armed brute and his girlfriend down the streets of Watson. Two words fit my current mood and sitch right now - Fuck me…

Trying to reach for my smart glasses they were broken from the previous engagement leaving me with a semi-usable cell phone and whatever Faith I followed…

"Look kid we can do this the easy way or the hard way! The choice is yours." He voiced, blitzing from behind. With a deep and authoritative voice, the man was somewhat reminiscent of a soldier and with the way he was chasing me, I swear he was.

Seeing the menacing figure slowly dawn on me I decided to jump and weave through the mirage of figures. My figure easily blended with the crowd due to my somewhat slim figure. A perk of being young I guess.

"Listen to the big guy choom, a lot easier for both of us in this sitch." His girlfriend heaved spotting me climb into a stranger's house.

"Fuck this guy is slippery…" I heard one of them rasp, the voice was slightly familiar. Now jumping from rooftop to rooftop it took every ounce of my body to not drop and break my legs on the concrete below.

While shooting them would've most likely been the best option to get away, getting chased by the cops wasn't exactly the best idea. Or if some other ganger decides to rock up.

Seeing as they also aren't shooting me, most likely their mission was to capture me. Why? Most likely to interrogate me on the Docs' Whereabouts or because of that chick with the platinum hair. Either way, I had to Delta.

"Found ya!" The Gorillas girlfriend shouted spotting me. Her face contorted to a devious smile, the site rejuvenating me. With adrenaline once again shooting into my veins it shouted at me to get away. Pulling my iron I aimed it towards her.

"Fuck off, Puta!" I spat, shooting a warning shot. Sadly it did nothing but aggravate her. Did these guys have a death wish? I was trying to be reasonable here for Mike's sake!

Still running I ended up taking a subroute down the tunnels. The way down from the rooftops was a steep drop. Dropping down on a bunch of rubbish bags I felt the pain slide down my lower back. A necessary pain on my side to be quite honest. I'd rather feel stupid and in pain than the soon-to-be dead with a lot of torture.

Stilling running I was eventually led to a supposed dead-end street. The only way out

Locked to the back of a building a stared at the group surrounding me. A large brute of a man with cybernetics all around his body, a fair-skinned muscle chick with similar features, a net runner and a petite gun hoe babe from the burger bar. Petite but more like a short stack to be honest.

With neon light flashing over the three their figures seemed more menacing than they should have been. Casting a shadow over me they dominated the area.

"You know this wasn't exactly the way I thought we'd meet again…" I voiced to the petite girl. Her smile perked at my words - cute.

"You've met the target before?" The large man asked, his gaze turning to the petite figure.

"Night City is a small place, I met him at our usual burger joint…" She replied dismissively.

"Bec, Night City is not a small place." The brutes girlfriend replied, sighing.

"Listen, kid, we're out doing a job. Just come with us and we won't hurt yah. I promise." The big man offered. Had this been before my training I would've divulged, but I'm not so foolish as to trust a stranger.

"Sure." I voiced getting near them. Holding the gun I slowly switched into a small emp. The item flickering into one in seconds.

"Smart, no sudden movements. Drop the gun."

"Here," I voiced, chuckling the sphere towards them, the thing exploded in his face.

Releasing a small Electronic Magnetic pulse it stunned the few quickly. While a gun would've done a job I wouldn't have been fast enough to knock em all, especially with that big guy.

Seeing all three drop or tumble slightly I smirked smiling knowing that I wasn't chipped in. Perhaps being ganic had its perks.


Seeing the short stack drop to the floor I smiled. The EMP was specially made as a last-minute resistance against borgs. A precaution I had made to stop the weird vigilante furry guy - Murk man, was it?

Regardless the same power that was used to shift the molecules of the gun was now used up leaving the thing useless.

The EMP worked heavily against those highly augmented and seeing as one was remaining (barely) I only had to fight a heavily weakened muscle chick, whose arms and legs seemed to be flaying.

The gorilla had taken its toll on the floor, a shame really. All that brawn and steel with no real utility. All it took was a few sparks and bam, out of the fight. Then again a shot to the head could've done the same.

"That's some military-grade stuff, choom. Real preem shit." A voice muttered from behind a cold barrel placed by my head. Taking a look it was their netrunner who scoffed it off. How exactly she managed to wave it off, I have no idea.

"How long you gonna be down Boss?" She voiced to the Gorilla.

"Give me… A few minutes, Sasha… Gonk really surprised me." The man replied smiling.

"Tough kid, fortunately, or unfortunately, we've been through worse." He smiled getting up.

The luminous neon emerald glow charged from his chest to his neck. The lines reveal an old Von Doom Exoskeleton. What model I had no idea but to see one in action was surreal.

"Real shame how they did in your mom kiddo. Heard what they did to yah. But I don't how you did it but you managed to mess around with the wrong person. Just sleep will yah." He voiced, an electrical shock charging me straight to the head.

Damn, fuckery was this. Steeling myself they turned to watch me continue to press forward. My hand gripping it and twirling it back shocking the netrunner. Increasing the voltage I held her body hostage with the same weapon she holstered.

"You don't know shit about me, choom."

"You're really making this difficult for us you know." The boss huffed before instantly appearing behind me.

Cold sweat trekked down from my brows as I realised how swift it was. Similar to Murkman he appeared almost snickering at me.

"Oh, fuck-"

"I hope the big man doesn't mind a few bruises…" He murmured before whacking me down. The blow to the liver dropped me to the floor before they tranquillised me. Feeling my consciousness drop, I watched as they surrounded me pissed.

Damn it…




"I don't know what they fed to this kid but fuck was he troublesome…"

"Especially with that military-grade EMP. Shit was better than some of the tech I've seen. Hell, I don't even know how it was made. Looked corpo to the max…"

"I don't remember being knocked down like that. Most times it was a bullet to the dome."

"Think he stole it?"

"Most likely, Sasha find anything on the kid?"

"Besides the fact he dropped out of Saka Academy? Nothing. The kid's basically a street rat with nothing to his name. Surprised he's managed this far without joining a gang of some sort."

"You would be surprised how far you can go without one you know. We're one of the exceptions."

"Yeah, but a kid with that skill? I've seen Maelstrom with enough pain tolerance to wack me but to maneuver the taser and fight back. That takes skill."

"You think he's part of the Smurfs? Tin cans probably put in worth you know. I don't know if they'd have the scratch but It'd make sense you know."

"It would - High tech, no background and a little skill. I'd say he matches the bill. Most likely a prospect. He doesn't give me the vibe of the posers around here. Looks like some freshie."

"We've met Gloria before though. Doubt she'd allow some gonk like him in their midst."

"Not unlikely though she did pass remember…"

"Damn shame too, she always managed to grab the best tech."

"Real shame indeed, I was keen on getting some new leg enhancements."

"Leg enhancements? I need something for my cyberdeck. If we're gonna target any loose cannons I'm going to need to upgrade."

"Didn't we already get you fixed up last time?"

"You can thank your boy on the floor for that one. Kid janked my cyberdeck now half my daemons are not responding properly."

"Can't you fix that shit?"

"No can do, it's either I load up another one or we buy one. And you know how long it takes to load one up."

"Tch, fine. We'll make a few stops at the market… Fucking hate that place - full of gonks."

"Can we get some food after this boss? I'm staaaarrrrvvvviiiin!"

"You know Bec, for a midget you sure eat a lot!"

"Shut it Sash before I Blast you! And I'm not a midget! I'm just carry size, besides I'm half the person without these big guns. And you're one to talk aren't you the one with the big head?"

"I do not!"

"Nuh, uh!"

"Shut it you two, I think he's awake…"

"Look kid, we know you're awake…"

"Should we tase him again?"

"Let's not do that bec…"

"Actually on second thought, it won't leave any marks right?"

"Maybe slight burns."

Opening my eyes I was greeted by the sight of an open area, my hands and legs cuffed by steel wires.

"He's oddly quiet."

"Yeah, you think you made him retarded?"

Giving her a side eye, she seemed to chuckle.

"Maybe." The Brute voiced, watching my reaction.

"Do You know why the boss even wants the kid?"

"Have no clue, not like he has to have a good reason anyway."

"True, thought we were carrying a bomb and then the next thing you know it's his groceries…"

"For all we know the kid just got unlucky."

"What are even still doing here by the way?"

"No clue, but the boss wants us to stick around so we gotta follow through."

"Tch, I'm still starvin…"

Waiting for a few moments I steeled myself on what was to follow. I could only pray that the Doctor had found me.

Hearing a slow yet methodical walk, a figure in the distance slowly made its way towards the room. Shrouded in a mist, he walked in staring at me.

Its gaze washed over me. Silent the room almost found themselves unable to speak in the person's presence. His mere existence caused all those to pause.

Watching the four break a sweat I knew whoever mob boss we were dealing with was the real deal. Taking a proper look at him, I murmured confusedly.


"Not bad for a first-run child, but far from perfect." The figure voiced, revealing the iconic ebony and neon purple armour. Standing tall, he clasped his hands behind his back reviewing the footage of me running away.

"Untie the boy." He voiced towards the group. Watching them silently untie me their mood had almost swung a whole 180. From gossiping to almost militant, even Bec the loud mouth short stack remained silent.

"Now, since you were almost insistent on getting stronger child… let us view your might." He stated, A holographic scene propping from his chest. In the scene was the fight between me, that girl and the Tyga claws.

Watching the video slowly the Doctor remained unfazed and silent. Both engagements were shown to the group.

Ending the broadcast an evaluation was shown similar to my simulations.

Range Weaponry: D-

Melee Weaponry: D-

Utilities: F

Positioning: F

Result: F+

Description: Poor use of weaponry. Poor use of technique and combat awareness. Poor use of analytical equipment. Lack of geographical positioning. Lack of foresight. Failure in both subduing the enemy but also eliminating them. Total blunders and near failures - sixty-six. Chances given, ninety-eight.

"Look I was fatigued in my last fight!" I voiced.

"That alone does not excuse your poor execution. In the second encounter, you ran. A positive enactment for a weakling, although even a weakling should know how to run - Improper form. A mistake we can fix later. Second, on the agenda were your routes. Rooftops? Not exactly the smartest way to transverse, you would have been better off taking the abandoned shafts. Fewer points of attack from possible snipers, drones and other miscellaneous threats. While dangerous it would have cut their connection to you from their netrunner. Always assume a netrunner when chased. The next was your plan to then drop down below again. Truly shocking to trade the high ground for what? A trap? A foolish mistake, one that would cost you your life."

"Although what you did next was somewhat amusing. With your recent track run, I wasn't expecting such a result."

"The EMP?" Sasha murmured, perplexed at the whole situation. It seems they were just as confused as I was.

"The EMP was impressive. In fact, I believe you don't understand just how impressive it was." He replied towards her delightfully. Showing us a grid, the EMP's shockwave was shown.

"For almost a nano-second, everyone in a twelve-mile radius was stunned. Almost non-sequential to most, but some fail to realise its potential. A military-grade while has the functionalities to perform such a thing on a larger and longer duration, you achieved this by tinkering with one of my toys. Impressive, extremely so. In fact, you had managed to stun Maine, whose exoskeleton was purposefully built to minimise such attacks, yet your little trick managed to knock them."

"How did their netrunner manage to knock me then?"

"Any netrunner is able to recover from such attacks. EMPs are the bane of most netrunners. They have countermeasures against it. Normal EMPs don't always work against most cybernetics and from my analysis, yours merely targeted the cybernetic utilities."

"So, I uh, don't mean to be rude boss but why are we here?" The brute asked finally - My thoughts exactly. I had already guessed that this was a lesson but did they really need to see me get grilled on?

"Well since the child seeks strength, he must earn it. David, welcome to your new crew. Make yourself well aquated with my lackeys. Your new assignment will come in a few hours." Victor voiced handing me a case and a new jacket. Walking away he seemed to teleport in a blink.

Checking the jacket first the design while similar to the first was modified to the extreme to the point it was almost unbearable to wear. Checking the case it was another glasses with a little slip of paper next to it. The glasses were more presley holographic visors, the stems perched around the ears before showing a display.

Had I augmented eyes the holographic display would only be seen to my own, a shame really but then again they had the face blur. Shit… Was my face blurred on all those engagements? They weren't… Checking to see the paper I shook my head smiling.

*Don't be stupid and take these off, camera feeds have been blurred*

I guess half my problems would've been solved had I been using these from the start. Chucking the jacket on, it immediately started to feel light on the shoulders. Strange, I guess I really needed to start checking the gear properly.

While I did analyse and tink here and there it wasn't anything extreme. Perhaps there were more features on the items than I once thought.

"So I'm guessing your his slaves…" I murmured seeing the crew. A bit rude to be quite fair but from the vibes the Doc gave off it would make sense. He always seemed to walk with a "No fucks given" attitude. The type you'd see Corpos' emmit when they saw a street kid like me walk near em.

The only difference here was that the Doctor felt more menacing than any authority figure I had been near. Not even the saka academy directors had this much grit to their tone. Where a saka enforcer felt like a katana, the doctor felt like ten tungsten steel nukes dropping from a helicopter.

Bit of a cheap joke, yeah, but aye history still stands. The Doc had that dawg in him, it was cool. He truly did fit the bill of built differently. I hadn't seen him in action yet but something told me, I won't be long till he does.

"You can say that but the doctor is more so our fixer." The large man explained, "I'm Maine by the way and this is my crew."

Going over pleasantries and the awkward atmosphere I was introduced to the group, the apparent names sticking with the appropriate figures.

"So you're just a four-man group?" I asked.

"Ah, touchy subject…" Maine voiced turning to view his crew. Their faces were obviously down at my words. Yikes, I guess it was a touchy subject for the group. Did someone die or something?

"I'm sorry I didn't know…"

"No, you're okay kiddo just a bit too soon was all."

"So how do you know the doc?" I asked Maine.

"Long story how about we eat something over it? Becs been complaining for-."

"Look pretty boy let's Delta!" Rebecca huffed, rushing out. Sasha their netrunner seeing her run away followed behind.

"Come on kiddo, you like burgers?" Dorio asked.

"Yeah," I replied, smiling. Perhaps they weren't all so bad after all.




"So you think french fries are better than crinkle cut? What are you a communist?"

"I don't think that's the right set of words but yes I think french fries are better!" What was she on? French fries were the perfect amount of crispy to softness there was. The crinkle cut was just a weird-shaped steak fry. She had to be dorphing on something.

"Nuh-uh, you're a gonk if you think otherwise, choom."

"Listen up crew. We got our next assignment and from the looks of it, we're actually doing something from someone else." He voiced sending us the mission.

Mission: Extraction

Description: Your objective is to pull the associated target and vacate them for Trauma team to arrive. Extracting them successfully for your payout. Ensure her condition is verified.

Extract the target - §4000

"Seems kinda normal to be honest… Not as big as well…." They all murmured.

"This isn't much? That's like a month's rent right there…" I exasperated, hell my mum didn't even make that much in a single sitting.

"Most payouts aren't per payout but by job. We usually split the bill evenly across all members."

"Still better than most to be honest."

"Looks like we've been eating really good since the Docs been in charge..." Maine voiced too his chooms before pausing.

"Yeah, I never really thought about it now looking back at it," Dorio murmured, slouching over him.

"So how much does the Doc normally pay you guys?" I asked.

"Usually 5 bags each minimum" Rebecca voiced casually.

"Wait so you guys normally get 5 thousand each?" I murmured shocked.

"Not always but now we do…" Rebecca replied.

"Must be sweet then! You guys surely got some preem tech then right?"

"Hmm, money doesn't really matter if the sellers ain't really got what we want," Dorio stated.

"Yeah, most top-shelf tech goes for 100k usually. Don't want anything looted from a corpse and if so I better not be baying big scratch for it. Some of the Rippers here can be sketchy."

"Then how'd you manage to get a Von Doom Exo-skeleton? You're practically wearing history right now!" I voiced towards the equipment.

For it to be still functioning and at top capacity was shocking. Most had been destroyed, non-functioning (Janked) or sold high.

"I was fortunate to have been given Von Doom Equipment when they were still around. Served a bit of time in the war. Been keeping me alive ever since." Maine voiced.

"No one tried to take it off you?"

"Just cause you have a relic doesn't mean it's always the best. There's better tech out there, besides the model I'm currently wearing only works under certain parameters. If there was one thing the Von Dooms liked it was security. I practically locked it to my genetic code."

"No saka strike time try and rip it off you? Since you know, you were a soldier for the Von Dooms."

"Nah, I'm too small time for them to bother. Most of the big boys and tin cans are holed up with the Smurfs. I know a few Vets that followed my footsteps but walked out to go Texas. Most edge runners or punks like me died out when the CEO died."

"Damn, you found anything better though?"

"Yeah, quite a few but unfortunately once you install a Von Doom chrome like mine, you're usually stuck with it. I practically have to shower with the thing on. Most of the engineers that knew how to safely remove the damn thing are either dead or cost top scratch to remove. Side effects could leave you going psycho." He voiced, "You know kid, you're practically ganic, Have you ever thought about chroming up?"

"I would but the boss doesn't allow me. Something about stunting my growth."

Taking a peek at Rebecca, he noticed.

"That wasn't a result of her chroming, that was her own choice," Maine replied laughing.

"And I haven't regretted it since!" She heaved smiling.

Arriving by car, we staked out the building first. The setting is an old abandoned apartment located near Maelstrom territory. Sniffing the air, it stunk of dorphs, feces and piss. The usual stench and tone of the area.

"What's the plan?" I asked Maine. His eyes gazed up and down the building, possible exits and entry points assessed.

"I'll have Bec and Sasha stay inside the car. Dorio will take a point from the building across. Sasha will first run a sweep and we'll roll from there. Don't know if the targets have been held up by a Scav member or a gang. Not to mention the number of possible hostiles inside." He voiced tapping his fingers.

"Awww, how come the noobie gets to have all the fun?"

"Nows not the time Bec." Dorio

"First time on the job, kid?" He asked.

"You can say that," I answered truthfully.

"Let me rephrase that." He paused handing me an earpiece, "Ever killed a man?"


"Good, we'll get in position. Scout the area, in case we got some surprise visitors near the block."

"Can do."

Taking our position we eventually got the ping to enter. Her last known signature was apparently on the second floor. Opening the door, the stench of rotten meat immediately flooded the both of us, a quick peak inside revealed rotten packets of synthetic meats and trash littered about.

"Looks fantastic." I voiced sarcastically.

"Better than some of the camps back in the war." He murmured, before entering shotgun in hand. Entering casually he seemed to walk up the stairs, gun first.

"Not wasting any time, huh?"

"I got a bad feeling if we don't we might be too late," Maine answered honestly. The sounds of scattered movement reveal a homeless couple making love.

"Gross," I murmured disgusted.

Continuing onwards, the couple seemed to completely ignore us. Their thumps and humps still pressed against one another.

"Sasha any updates on her location?" Maine voiced.

"Your signals getting closer apartment dorm 2B. Keep your trigger finger hot, I got a number of hostile targets walking through."


"Seven, and from my scans, they're packing heat."

"Tch, fucks all that noise?"

"What noise?"

"I don't so much… meat… fucking Gonks on our six!"

Alarmed by our presence they started to shoot towards us, their bullets brushing past us.

"Maelstrom… Not what I was expecting to be quite honest thought it'd be scavs.."

"Either way do your magic kid, show me what ya got." Maine ordered walking through. Bullets scratched off his arms, chest and body.

"Gonna take a lot more than that to take me on!" Maine shouted heaving. His shotgun blasting the intestines of one of the Maelstrom members. The figure jumping up and banging his head on the wall due to the pressure.

Still alive the ganger attempted suicide against him only to be killed by myself, the nade exploding by his hands and killing him consequently.

Using Maine as a shield we managed to subdue a few who were caught off guard. Swiftly discerning proper angles and cover I used my positioning to ensure that my rear wasn't left vulnerable.

One down…

Two down…

Three down…

Gunning on and on we eventually came across a large maelstrom menace. His body chromed to the max, the iconic face blate removed to showcase the menacing crimson red Mantis eyes.


[SCAN RESULTS: Lee Roy J'kin]

[AFFILIATION: Maelstrom]




CYBERWARE: Altered Faceplate, Artificial Reinforced heart, Artificial Reinforced Lung, Reinforced chest, Leg thrusters, Gorilla arms mk II

WEAPONRY: Machine Gun

Noticing him attempting to Fire I swiftly shot his eye socket stunning him momentarily, the second enough for Maine to push the weapon aside. Disarmed he blitzed into Maine Knocking him to the side.

"Hehe, fucking meat bag." He murmured before turning to me. His legs jumping towards me, pacing myself I sidestepped and manoeuvred around him. The thrust left him to tumble over his own thrusters. Curb stomping his legs, I kept the barrel of my gun to his head.

Unlike the usual Sandavistans, speed without control only leads to these kinda situations. Pushing his head on the floor with my other foot I let the trigger reign.

On the floor, I littered his head and back with multiple shots. The end result leaving a canvas of spilt paint on a slosh of cactus.

Looking at his corpse I stared at it, a former scene running back in my mind. That scene of that fucker… Scrunching my hand, I turned away to seek the target.

"Yikes," Maine joked walking past his corpse, "And I thought Bec was ruthless…"

"I prefer efficient."

"I'm pretty sure he was dead by the third bullet kid."

"I had to empty the clip just in case," I replied reloading, the action almost easy as breathing at this point. Too many deaths in the simulations had caused me to spit fire on the trigger and make sure that I knew I was counting.

The amount of constant nagging from the Doc became all the more nauseous the more I thought about it.

'Don't forget to count your shots!' 'Make sure you reload fast enough' 'Did you just drop a half-filled mag?' 'Suprised that reloading doesn't keep all your bullets?' 'Do you wanna die?'

"Tactical reload? Who taught you that?" Maine discerned seeing me effortlessly swap clips.

"The Doc, he pretty neat with steel."

"Hmm, I would've thought so but it's strange seeing a kid do it."

"Is it rare?" I inquired.

"Not rare but still strange. Few your age can reload that well but a lot can shoot already. A kid tried to rob me one time when I first came to Night City… Wasn't the welcoming I was expecting." He smiled.

"That's Night City for you. Dumps of the dumps-."

"But it's home… A shitty one, but the only one we got…" He interrupted, his words ringing true. I couldn't see myself leaving Night City - Not yet at least. I had to kill one more asshole or at least break his legs. Fucking Katsuki… I'll show him what's fucking good.

"Aight enough being sad let's get this job done and get something to drink. Been killin' for a sip of some good old whiskey."


"Never tried any?"

"No, not couldn't exactly afford a bottle."

"Well, I tell you what I'll give you something to burn on when we get back. I usually keep a bottle in the car for emergencies."


"Never know when you might go kid, I might as well enjoy my final moments with a good cup."

Stumbling across pools of fallen members I took a deep dive on the random bodies.

"No need to wake 'em up kiddo, you just need to extract the target then Delta." He voiced.

"Do we need to though?"

"You don't get paid saving strangers kid," Maine replied.

Turning to the still alive but unconscious bodies I decided to save them. Random? Yes, but with so much action fighting lately. Why not?


"I'll look for the target their Pings close. Just don't do anything stupid, noobie." He voiced. Taking a close to all the bodies, most of their bodies were altered with random appendixes replaced with cheap chrome.

The type you'd find on the ground in some dingy ally but that wasn't even the worse part. Most of the parts weren't exactly appropriate for the replaced part. Some arms were replaced with legs and some legs were replaced with arms.

The bodies that were dead were those who had their bodies scavenged for live parts. Livers, kidneys, hearts and the such. Picking them up and bringing them to the entrance of the apartment room, I texted the Doctor about the situation.

A response was immediately filed through but not from his number.

[Unknown number: We'll have it sorted]

Entering back inside we eventually were met with the target, her body cold and unconscious but still alive.

"How's she holding up?"

"Knocked but still alive. From what my scanners picking up she'll live but hopefully not with the trauma."

"So what do we do now?"

"We check her interface, that would be Sashas' job."

"Yeah, yeah. Already on it." She voiced through a quick scan of her credentials and the emergency contact number brought up.

"Real preem shit this chicks got." Sasha continued.

"What's she got?"

"She's a high-level data analyst. One of Trauma Teams' exclusive members. I've given them a buzz. Make a trip outside and drop her down, safely. They'll continue from there."

Getting outside onto the streets, the bodies that I had once laid out were gone.

"The fuck…" I murmured confused.

"Hey Team, did you see anyone pick up the bodies I dropped out front?" I asked.

"What bodies?" Bec questioned.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Dorio murmured confused.

"Guys this isn't funny, I literally…"

[Unknown Number: Best you keep this to yourself]

Remaining quiet they all saw a message plop on my screen but couldn't decipher it.

"Everything alright?" Maine asked.

"Yeah… Yeah, everything is alright…"

Seeing a neon violet hue emerge from afar it seemed almost non-existent to the crew but myself. Her mysticism was further enhanced when she gestured her silence, as to almost shush me. Seeing her Vanish the feminine figure almost teleported away, the sound of a chopper arriving with armed Trauma team militants pushing through.

"Fuck off from the target!" One of them voiced their equipment as a hybrid between Night Watch and an NYPD officer. Enough tech to end a cyber psycho but not enough to get killed by one.

Aiming their barrels towards us they quickly accessed the target's body before carrying her away. The armed forces still keeping vigilance towards us.

§100 -> §900

"That was fast," I murmured seeing the message.

"That's how it usually is when you're working with the Doc. Old fixers usually paid us af ew days after they get their cut but I have a feeling the Doc uses his own money." Maine explained.

"You mentioned earlier that you guys are doing something for someone else, what does that mean?" I inquired.

"Usually the Doc has us do… what would I call it… Random Gigs with high payoffs. The gigs usually force us to fight through the craziest odds just to get him a bottle of wine or groceries. Sometimes it's just a random metal stick or pole. I have suspicions that it's parts for something crazy but I ain't smart enough to know what."

"Hell, I don't even know what they are." Sasha continued over the comms.

"Tell him about that one random thing." Bec laughed.

"Hoh, yeah. He once had us grab "Synthetic polymers". The whole time it was a fleshlight…" He laughed.


"Yeha you wouldn't believe our faces when we saw it. Just look at it. We managed to snag a pic of it." Maine smiled. Taking a closer look at the picture my eyes opened wide. A quick look at it made me drop my smile.

"You guys sure that was a fleshlight?" I murmured.

"Oh come on! Look at it." Bec heaved.

Staring at the picture it revealed something else. On the side of the supposed 'flesh light' was a tiny yet insignificant line of code or dots. Scanning it revealed more flashes of data and files that needed to be decoded.

Had it not been for my glasses I would've come to the same conclusion but from their words it seems the Doc was using the items as mere disguises for his real projects. Taking a look into the files, I managed to crack the first letters of both the project name and description in seconds. Although anything further was coded and encrypted to the max.

[Project: A*****]

[Discription: Redacted]

"You look like you've seen a turd in a stall, choom. Come on let's go get a drink." Maine pushed.

"I guess so, been feeling a little tired."

"Then let's get going, we're heading to the afterlife!"


"It's where the big boys and girls hang around. Shit, you might even get some play if you act right." Maine smiled, nudging me.


Date: 27th of December, 2075

Location: America - Night City - Watson - Northside

POV: Victor Von Doom

It had been a few days since integrating into the underworld and word had gone out of my exploits. The little slag of the afterlife had most likely spread his name, the moniker the 'Doctor' synonymous with high rate success on all gigs no matter the contract. Although gigs revolving around Corpo's were refused. Extraction and deployment of good were accepted but the destruction and execution of Corpos were off-limits.

This lead many to believe that I was a monitor set out by one of the Corpo's to look over the streets. A strange accusation although plausible, though stupid when brought out. The corporations had no need to intrude on the streets - in fact, half the gangs were supplied with equipment by the very corps. Why bother on the skirmish in the streets when your competitors just outsold one of your weapons?

Night City was just one of the many bastions that these corporations sprung and why I always detest Rogue and her stupid boyfriend. Had they been more intelligent than a sixth grader they may have actually done so much damage when Arasaka was slightly pitiful.

Now they had grown far too deep into the underground factions over the world. While every corporation wasn't as strong as most countries, they simply had too much influence. Much like stakeholders in a company, too many faces with too many pieces often led those on top with their hands tied.

Regardless the fame had brought a steady flow of Eddies, that were simply worthless. Money had no authority in my eyes. True, it may buy power. But personal strength and intelligence mattered more - how many were rich and foolish? One had to sharpen like steel or be blunt like stone.

In total, the number of gigs done daily by the crew was constant with a few done by myself. These types of gigs often involved executing gang members or SOS signals. Others were simple such as looking after an elderly couple, my range had no bounds. Others were to help gang members and with my influence, I had managed to save many regardless of background.

6th Streeters, Valentinos, New World Order, Animals, Tyga Claws and more. Yes, strange it was but I had no care. Favours and connections were made and with my charm, many had bannered under my care. While many were angered by my fence-like behaviour it mattered not. Sitting behind the scenes would only do so much and with my power I eliminated them - The Weak feared the Strong a tale told in old.

Some had even attempted to spy on me with police attempting to track my whereabouts, they too went missing or were 'Too' busy with other cases. The case was eventually scrapped alongside the other fixers. Regardless, when I approached the battlefield the ebony black and purple neon glow was seen with reverence and Calamity.

David had started to sharpen like steel, his movements and cohesion with the team second to none. Yet what had also gone up was his conviction of strength, and a strength to help others. David Martinez the new kid in the block was racking of bodies after bodies with many being saved by himself.

Efficient, cold and calculating - the kid was an exceptional executioner and a compassionate soul when saving others. A perfect judge. In fact, the kid was currently equipped with old Judge armour that had been altered to slightly differ in appearance. His weapon selection also followed suit with the gun ending many with a few shots.

Such was jobs were given to the crew with the item extractions done through me. As always the items were hidden under strange or unorthodox items such as sex toys or barrels or lube. Some were even hidden in couches. One may wander why such items were hidden in ludicrous items?

It was to throw off any of the crews' suspicions about what the items were. With the emergence of arcane and strange A.I., it wouldn't be strange to assume that they had eyes watching over his people or himself. Many spells were researched and mana had yet to be truly unlocked. Only artifacts were created, apparently, I lacked a 'catalyst' to absorb the pitiful amount of mana around me.

Now some may wonder what exactly was the item that was being created. Well of course it was nukes. Plural yes, the items had been slowly ciphered in with the core plunge to detonate it on the bordering area. The Nuke was but one of my ideas, I truly could've detonated it and already started the war but the people of Night City were still people.

Every life indeed had worth, but not every life was worth the same. My appearance here was to shepherd those who would follow and those who would not.

But why would I do this? Well of course to kick off the third world war, and plunge every corporation rooted in every country down the drain. Especially the governments. With the world in crisis, I would slowly replace the leaders in power. With many of my people already having replaced the leaders in Africa and the middle east.

Yet with the emergence of Magic, this had to be held off as I would not be keen to share the world with others. The world was mine, and mine alone. The world had gone dry with magic apparently.

Walking down the streets of Night City I wondered about without the care and stares of many gangs.

"Please… Help me…"

Staring down an ally I was met with a wounded reporter. A knife wound was present in her lower abdomen. Scanning her credentials her details showed that she was an independent reporter.

Stabbing her with an injection it rapidly spread into her body and closed his wounds - the nanites leaving a chrome-like scar around the area.

"Wow… Never seen Dorphs like that…" She murmured shocked, her pain tolerance surprising… but then again, seeing the blood trail behind her it would take someone of such calibre to travel that far with such wounds.

"You wouldn't mind helping a choom would yah?" Taking a glance at her apparel once more, I decided to ignore her semantics.

"Look I'll pay yah!" She voiced, only to be ignored once again.

"Shit… I need to interview Brick…" She murmured fuming.

"Brick?" I inquired turning my attention back.

"Ah… Are you interested? I was on my way to Malestrom territory for an interview but got robbed on my way there. I wouldn't mind paying for some extra heat…"

Checking my schedule I found it open, the last of my issues resuming this night.

"Hmm, I guess I can indulge. How much are you offering?" I answered.

"five hundred eddies… and another for my exit out." She voiced.

"What about a third of your profits after the interview?" I asked.

"A third? Are you sure you don't want the money, choom?" She questioned.

"I'll do your little protection route throughout maelstrom territory, in and out. I only require a third of your little run-in."

"I guess I can do that."

"Then let's make our way over."

Appearing behind him my vehicle, sleek in its design pulled up. Her eyes drew to its view, a slight glimmer shimmering from her eyes.

"Sick ride…" She murmured.

"Say I never got your name."

"Victor, yours?"

"Amelia, Amelia Snow."

"Then hop on…"





"Look Bitch, I already told you no more Dorphs. Do you wanna get Flatlined? Fuck off."

"Tch, Nice chrome Gonk! You find that on someone's corpse?"

Arriving into the centre of Malestrom territory most had avoided confrontation with me. The clear gear an indictor to more trouble than what it was worth. Yes, they could kill me but could they kill the possible sweep of Corpo executioners? Maybe not.

Hearing their techno music burst from through the walls, slight voices and whispears were murmured in and out the repurposed compound. Ariving to the door two Malestrom gaurds turned to face me.

"Fuck are you doing here Tincan?" One voiced, eyeing me down. The neon red merely brushing over my armour.

"Interveiw with Brick, you've been informed."

"Nah, haven't heard shit from the big boss. Have you Zane?"

"Nah me neither, Jack. Why don't you fuck off, Gonk? We don't need no corpo dog sniffing around our parts."

"Look, Victor, if we can't make this I can go back home…" She murmured.

"Better listen to your lady friend Gonk. You'd appreciate your life more if you did." Zane murmured gesturing to his iron.

"Aye, isn't that the guy that's been buzzing around lately?" One of the gang members from behind voiced.

"Leme check, ebony gear with a tint of purple… The Doctor…" He murmured.

"Fuck he's kinda tall, I guess the rumours do him justice." They continued.

"The Doctor? That fucking corpo-looking Choom with the steel that can explode a person's head off? That Doctor?" Zane muttered hearing them.

"The same one." I voiced showing my iron.

"Fucking sick…. Real preem shit, Choom. Alright, we can let you through but just a little warning. Not everyone is a fan of your work."

"Everyone's a critic." I answered.

"Ain't that right, hahaha!"

Passing through the two obnoxious guards we slowly were led by another two, too Bricks quarters. His seat over watching the entire club.

"Who's the minimalist and tinned-up gonk? Are these new freshies tryna join the ranks?" Brick voiced leaning back, a cigar in his hands as he puffed out. With two women by his arms, he seemed to be dorphed out of his mind.

"Ah, that would be the Doctor… Apparently he's here for an interview."

"Interview? About what… Oh, yeah that interview. Thought you would've been too scared to come around here… Amelia Snow right? Hired some preem shit right here, must be daddys money if you can afford the scratch to handle his kinda heat. I guess I got a few minutes to spare - You wanna perc?" He offered, a layout of drugs porched around him.

"I'm not one to indulge."

"Heh, a real Doctor. Alright sweet cheeks, give me your best shots. I ain't got all day."

"I'm Amelia Sinclair, trying to understand the real gang culture," she said, her tone respectful yet inquisitive.

Brick's eyes sparkled with amusement. "You're here to get a taste of the gang life, huh?"

"I wanna learn about your culture, initiations, and what shaped you into the leader you are," Amelia said, her curiosity evident.

As the conversation began, Amelia asked questions with finesse, delving into the gang's customs, rituals, and the stories behind the members' journeys. Brick shared tales of brotherhood, loyalty, and the struggles that had brought them together.

As they chatted, Amelia sensed the authenticity in Brick's words, realizing that beneath the tough exterior, there was a genuine desire to protect and uplift the gang's members.

Throughout the interview, she empathized and understood, recognizing the deep connections that bound the gang together.

When the topic touched on initiations, Brick laughed heartily. "Look most of those rumours are over the top. Yeah, we're abit crazy but that's just what we gotta do to survive. The crazies gotta go somewhere, the dorph-heads gotta find a sanctuary too and we take em all. You just need the chrome and boy do we got chrome. We offer what the others dont. Freedom. I don't care what most of the Gonks here do, but they better do it properly. Thats what it means to be a Maelstrom and thats what I've been doing for the last few years."

"I hear your crew exceptionally brutal and public gang executions - do you really need to do that?"

"See the media likes to take things out of context, those fuckers were child molesters. You may say that it's over the top, I say it's just."

"What of the innocent people that just want to live around here, what of those folk?"

"Look I'm not gonna say our gangs are perfect but our members gotta do what they gotta do. If you walk into a lion's den don't get surprised when your face gets ripped off."

"So how did you become the leader of the Maelstrom?"

"I was chosen by the last to take over. Not a lot of people know this but we use to stand up for things. It wasn't too long ago we use to be the Valentinos. But give or take fifty years and you have this. It's a shame but it is what it is. The games changed."

"So how did you become affiliated with the gang?"

"Just ended up one day. Lived on the street, ate what I could. Next thing you know I'm here and I've been here ever since."

"Ever regret it?"

"Not one bit, babe." He smiled, his metalic eyes frozen on her.

"Just one last question, what do you say to those who criticise your methods?"

"Just three words: Get Fucked Gonk."

"Thank you Brick it's been a pleasure interviewing you."

"Please the pleasures mine, It takes a lot of courage coming all the way here."

"Fuck what's a fleshy doing here?" A voice spat from afar.

"I heard it's an interview." The person next to him voiced.

"Fuck would a flesh face want from the boss? He's practically useless."

"I wouldn't be too jumpy Royce, you know Brick can be ruthless."

"Ruthless? He practically let's the other gangs wash us out. If I were the leader we wouldn't be having such issues."

"Let's not jump our horses, we gotta just gotta see it through."

"Whatever you say Dum Dum…"

Taking a peek at where they were standing both figures seemed to drinking while gazing daggers towards our spot.

"Fuck you looking at Tincan?"

"A flatline." I voiced.

"Fuck you say to me Gonk?" He huffed only to have a number of members stand up to defend him. Their eyes gazed at the new figure.

"Stand down Royce. No need to go ballistic at every guy on the spot. We're not animals, leave that to the steroid gonks near Pacifica." Brick reprehended.

"Abolgoies Doctor… He's quite the hot head."

"No… He's quite diligent." I smiled, this figure alone would destroy the Malestrom or Reform them.

"Regardless have you had your fix, Amelia?"

"I got what I needed."

"Then we shall depart. It has been an interesting evening Brick. Let's hope the next encounter is as peaceful as this."

"Heh, I hope so too. Wouldn't wanna waste lead."

"Until then."

"I guess so."

Leaving the Maelstrom arena we made our way out of the area and back into neutral ground.

"Thank you Victor I appreciate it."

"That's alright. I'll send you the deets later Amelia, oh and heres my number incase you need it. Everyone needs a doctor after all."

Saying goodbye I left her to be, my bike drifting away.

AN: Alright Chooms, real Nova stuff on this chip. But hear me out for a second should David go for:



