
cute lies

A 22 years old shy girl Mia moved to the new town of Ehenye for school, where she stayed with her uncle Teo and her Young rude cuzen. Mia was a shy, intelligent, smart and strong young woman, Mia fell in love with a handsome rich guy and she lied about her past and everything she went through to save her new relationship. Who knows what fate has for Mia, and what will happen when her boyfriend's ex, Veronica tried her best to break them apart? Join the extraordinary journey of Mia and her love life. _________ This is my first time writing a novel. If you have some patience, you can read it and enjoy it. Enjoy the story and if you like it please do support me with your Golden stickers, power stones and reviews they will help me a lot. _________ English is not my mother language, so it might contain some grammar errors. __________ [ The book cover is not mine, it belongs to its respective owner. ] If you are the owner and you want me to take it down, please contact me. __________ IG: readwith_penn

penn_Hamukoshi · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

At The Party

Everyone was happy and they were taking selfies with the guests. After the introduction of the guests, everyone went to enjoy themselves. We went inside with Daniel. Jade made a champagne toast and the music started playing in the background. Everyone was dancing and happy, Daniel asked me to dance with him. He was good at dancing, I kept stepping on his feet.

"Sorry, I'm a bad dancer."

"I see, but don't worry. I will teach you."

"That's cute of you." I smiled.

"Hold my hand, place this hand on my shoulder," Daniel said while holding my back.

I started  Loving dancing. Daniel was a good dancer. While we were lost in the music world, I stepped on someone's foot. At first, I thought it was Daniel's so I looked down to wait for his response. I heard someone tapping my shoulder from the back. When I looked back I saw Phill.  The girl that was dancing with Phill turned to dance with Daniel. Phill pulled me close to him and he started dancing.

"You look beautiful," Phill said.

" Thank you. What are you doing here?"

"Are you blind? I'm invited to the party."

"What are you doing here and who is he?"... He asked.

"Mhh, why do you care?"... I asked him.

"I'm just asking."

"He is my friend and please stay away from my people."

While I was dancing with Phill, I saw the same girl who I bumped into earlier looking at us. She looked mad. I told Phill to let go of me and I went to Daniel. Daniel asked if I was fine but I told him that I wanted to use the bathroom.

"Can I take you to the bathroom?"... Daniel asked.

"No, it's okay. Just show me where it is and I will go. I will be right back."

Daniel showed me the bathroom and I went. While I was walking towards the bathroom, someone pulled me into a corner before I could get into the bathroom. It was Phill.

"What do you want Phill, Can't you just leave me alone?"

"I want you, Mia."

I was annoyed by him. He was everywhere. I didn't want him to ruin my moments with Danil. I knew that if Daniel saw me with this crazy man, he will be disappointed in me.

I kept forcing but Phill was strong. While we were busy fighting, Veronica came and stand looking at us as if she was disgusted.

"Who is this girl, uh?"... She asked looking at Phill.

Phill pulled me and forced his lips on mine to kiss me.

"She is my new girlfriend, so stay away from me Veronica."... He said.

"You are horrible Phill. The reason why you are avoiding me is because of that useless middle-class girl?"... Veronica hollered.

"She is middle class, but she does not cheat."... He answered.

They kept arguing and I left them. I hurried to Daniel.

Veronica was loud and people moved to where they stood. Phill kept quiet but Veronica was still high. One guard came and dragged her outside. Phill was rich and he was untouchable. You all know how rich people are.

When everyone went back to enjoy themselves, Veronica came from outside in hurry heading to where Daniel and I were seated. She picked a glass of wine and poured it on me.

Holly Marry, Mother of God. I was so humiliated. Before she could turn and go, Daniel held his hand to slap her but Jade stopped him. Daniel was upset.

"Why are you doing that to her?"... Daniel asked.

"She took away my boyfriend from me."... Veronica sobbed.

"What! Are you dating Daniel?"... Asked Jade.

"Hell no, I don't date witches."... Daniel answered.

"Who are you talking about Veronica?"... Jade asked.

"She snatched my Phill."... Veronica busted into tears.

Everyone in the room started laughing when they heard what Veronica said.

"Are you jealous or what? She is new here and you are accusing her of such things."... Said Daniel.

"Heal Veronica and move on. He won't come back to you."... One guy at the back shouted and people started laughing again.

'I'm not lying. They even kissed now next to the bathroom."... Veronica said but no one believed what she said.

"Veronica please get out of my house. You are no longer welcomed here."... Jade called the guards again and they dragged her out of the house.

I told Daniel to take me home because my dress was wet and it was getting late. He felt bad because he was the one who brought me to the party but I got humiliated in front of him but he did nothing. I told him that it was fine.

We hugged Jade and his girlfriend goodbye.

"It was nice meeting you Mia, and thank you for coming. I'm very sorry for what happened to you, it was not fair. " ... Jade said.

"It's okay. Now we are leaving."... I answered.

"I hope to see you again."

"Okay, bye."

Phill looked at us when we left the house. He was not happy that I was with Daniel and I ignored him.

On our way back home, Daniel kept apologizing for what happened to me at the party. When we got home, he hugged me and he smelled so good.

"Good night Mia, take care."

"Good night Dannie."... I shortened his name and the smile on his face showed that he loved the nickname.

I went into the house and Adel and aunt Anna were watching Tv.

"I'm glad she is back."... Said aunt Anna.

"Of course aunt, she went to come back."... Adel answered.

I went into our room and I changed my dress. I dived into my bed. I recalled what happened at the party with Daniel, how were dancing and enjoying and I started smiling. My smile faded when the scene of Phill and Veronica popped into my mind.

I decided to call Flavia, it has been long days without talking to her.

"Hallo friend."... She picked up the call.

"How are you? I missed you."

"I'm good, how is Ehenye?"

I wanted to tell Flavia everything but not so soon.

"It's fine here."... I lied.

"I'm glad you are having fun. your so-called boyfriend is busy cheating on you while you were telling me that he loved you."

"Don't worry, Valentine broke up with me already."

"What! When?"

"Monday, it was my fault though. He deserves better."

"That's bad, but the week you went to Ehenye, I saw Valentine with another girl. At first, I thought it was a friend until I heard people talking about the two girls that were fighting for him. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want to hurt you, love."

I couldn't believe my ears. I trusted Valentine and I wasn't expecting anything like that from him.

"Are you sure what you are telling me is true Flavy?"... I asked.

"You know me well, there is no way I would lie to you. Do you still remember Saara who was after him? She was fighting with one girl because of him. The girl told everyone that they have been dating for 2 months and you have been there for only two weeks Mia."

"But I have warned you before."... She added.

"OMG, so Vallentine lied to me and he used Phill as his excuse just to break up with me."

"You were blinded by his fake love, that's why you always believe what he was telling you."

"Anyway, it is okay. I moved on."

"I'm glad you did. You deserve better Mia."

We talked about everything and after talking to Flavia, I slept. The next morning I woke up with a terrible headache, I bathed and went back to sleep. I was thinking about what Flavia told me and how will I apologize to Phill for my bad reaction.

There was a week left for school to start. I washed my clothes and made sure all my things were clean. After cleaning I went back to my room and checked my phone. Daniel was calling, and he left a message.

"Good morning beautiful, Rise and shine."

I texted him back and asked him if he was not working but he told me that he doesn't work on weekends.

I kept checking my phone if Phill called or texted but he didn't. I was getting moody, I wanted to apologize for what I said to him but I didn't want to call him.

My phone buzzed, and it was him calling.


"Hello there."... I answered the phone.

"How are you? You still mad at me?"... He asked.

"No, im fine."

"Okay, im sorry for what happened last night at the party."

"Okay, I also want to apologize for what I said to you the other day about Valentine."

"What!?"... He asked.

"Valentine lied to me, he only used you as his excuse to break up with me."

"I told you Mia, but you never listened. You think I want to buy you, you thought I wanted to date you by force, but you are wrong."

"I'm sorry Phill."

"You think sorry is enough, after all those things you said to me? No Mia no."

"What do you want me to do, for you to forgive me?"

"Nothing Mia, I'm done with you."

"What do you mean you are done with me?"

"There is nothing you can do, unless maybe..."

"Unless what Phill?"

"Unless you will be mine, Mia," Phill said then he ended the call just like that.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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