
Cursed Path to Immortality

Dean is an old man who utilized a portion of his wealth that is never ending to find any clues about Immortality on earth; in the last days and when hope was almost extinguished from his heart, the last method that was said to grant Immortality was found. With his resolve and dream that accompanied him all his life, he instantly chose to walk the path of Immortality, accepting the request of the Book of Immortality to reincarnate in another world and fight for that slim chance of reaching eternal life, never to die again. With his profound wisdom, battle, and life experiences, he seeks to overcome his foes with skill and wit! Ruthless and amoral, he has no need to hold back as he pursues his ultimate goals. In a world of cruelty where one uses abilities and items bestowed upon by mysterious cards to grow stronger- Dean must rise above all with his own power and the help of a system provided to him by the Book of Immortality.

Choka · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


The road in front of Irinas wasn't that crowded amounting only to a few dozen of people that came late to sell their belongings.

It is only evening so everyone is still either inside of Irinas City or outside doing their own things before they go home at night, that's if they live there of course.

As Dean checked the people around him, he noticed a peculiar thing.

Dean at first thought the white-robed man and Blank were covering themselves cause of their identity or related to the organization they work for.

But as he took a look at the people in front of him and the carriages that were pulled over right behind, he noticed that none of them was wearing a full robe covering their whole bodies.

Mages whose mana can be felt radiating out of them were wearing different kinds of robes, from ones with wide sleeves to ones that could even be faintly sensed giving off a dangerous aura.

However, even then Dean failed to see any wholly covered body.

' Maybe they are kind of famous in the city and don't want to attract attention?' Dean thought.

' It is sad though, I can't sense how strong Blank is or any of the others; I hope the system can do something about that later on with its new functions.' He then recalled the mage and warrior's path as he gazed at Kerin and the others in front of him.

Mages in this world use a type of energy called mana which envelopes the whole world.

Mana was said to have been spread three hundred years ago with the emergence of the gates to help divers spread spells and different kinds of things to the world after they obtain their own cards.

To become an apprentice mage, you are going to need a gem that is the same type as your affinity to aid you in sensing that mana, which also comes from behind the gates.

Right after obtaining the gem, everything else becomes easy.

For mages they have to keep absorbing mana from the outside world and circulate it inside their bodies to slowly strengthen their minds.

The stronger their minds become, the more powerful their strength and the higher the realm they evolve. The higher their realm, the more powerful their spells.

Warriors on the other hand did indeed operate the same since they needed to absorb mana if they wished to advance and get stronger in their path.

Only, instead of strengthening their minds with mana. The Warriors took a different approach.

The mana they absorb will be used to strengthen their bodies, from skin to even organs and hair.

Step by step, they use the mana to strengthen their bodies till at some point even their weapons become useless.

It was even said in some historical records that if a warrior advanced to the 9th realm, his mere body pressure alone would shatter the ground and space with each action he took.

' Yet, even with all this information about mages and warriors, none exists for divers.' Dean bitterly smiled as he looked at the gates a few meters ahead of him.

He knew that getting inside the chaos world was the only way to obtain information about divers.

At the same time, he was going to do that since he required more strength to reach his goal anyway.

The only problem he was facing was a lack of information.

Not because he was impatient to know the chaos world operating system or anything of that sort. No, it is only because his life will be in danger the moment he steps on the other side of the gate.

Divers weren't allowed to kill or capture other divers for obvious reasons that Dean could deduce after what Kerin said about the lack of divers.

Unfortunately, Dean had a strong feeling that such a rule didn't exist on the other side of the gate.

If it did exist, the system would have never issued the mission to kill off the threat that is about to take his life.

And if it didn't exist, divers would have long perished from this world given the greedy nature of humans.

The whole group became silent after a few minutes, but none of them minded such an atmosphere.

They only wanted to get home and sleep after they took Dean to enter the chaos world and officially become a diver.

The six of them kept ascending the silent road until they reached the entrance to Irinas City.

The six of them stopped before the absolutely gigantic, closed gates.

" Hey, Kevin open up the gate you lazy bastard!" Kerin shouted.

Dean heard some shuffling coming from the other side of the gate, and a small slit opened.

" Lower your voice you old thing; I was just taking a piss," Kevin, the guard behind the door, said.

" We were met with some trouble during our mission so we are a bit in a hurry," Kerin said, gesturing towards Dean a little behind him.

The eyes behind the slit moved to Dean checking him out from toe to head.

" What have you done?" He asked.

" They will later tell you about it," Dean nonchalantly said, throwing the ball to Kerin and Blank.

Even though his words literally meant what happened is none of your business, the way Dean said it was polite and clearly indicated that he was tired and wanted to sleep already hence the guard didn't take it to heart.

Dean heard a groan coming from behind the gate.


A small door built into the gigantic gate opened, and a guard in golden armor stepped outside.

Dean had seen a lot of guards in Mountain Rock City, but none of them wore such expensive armor.

It didn't need an expert to tell that this guard wasn't someone to be trifled with or taken lightly.

Just the way Kevin spoke with Kerin told a lot of things about his strength, as Dean doubted someone with the title of a diver would make friends with weaklings since such people would never have the ability to spend time with him.

Nonetheless, Dean pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and focused on the guard, awaiting to enter Irina's city and be done with all of this.