
Cursed; Anokai

200IQ boy gets reincarnated into a fantasy world, what happens next will shock you! [New Chapter coming on Soon...]

Ayano_Ishioka · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

1.) How It All Started; 1-3

Finally, the day was over, and Yuuya had free time to do

whatever he wanted. Yuuya decides to go to a cafe that has good

ratings. You see, at Univia University, since it is the number 2

most elite college in Japan, it had its own shopping district and

malls. "Yo bro!" Yuji announced. "Whatcha plan on doing?"

"Well," Yuuya responds, "I'm planning on going to that one cafe,

uhh.. What's it called?" "You mean Sochi's Cafe?" Yuji answers.

"Yeah that one. I heard it was good." Yuuya says. "Oh yeah! Their

cream puffs are delicious!" Yuji states. Yuuya's hair stood up on

all parts of his body.

"C-Cream p-puffs?" Yuuya says with disbelief. "Yeah bro-"

Yuji answers, "Oh yeah, I forgot! It's happy hour, so the cream

puffs are 70% off!" As soon as those words came out of Yuji's

mouth, Yuuya's whole body was gone. "Huh?" Yuji said in a

confused tone. In an instant, Yuuya got out of his seat and ran for


"CREAM PUFFS!?" Yuuya thought. You see, Yuuya's mother

used to make and eat cream puffs with him. Cream puffs bring

back a sense of nostalgia for Yuuya. Finally, after what felt like a

decade for him, Yuuya has made it to the cafe. "Hello!" The

hostess greeted, "Table for how many?" "One please." Yuuya said.

"Please come this way!" The hostesses said. Yuuya observed the

cafe and saw that there was a couple making out. Yuuya looks at

them with a seriously? In public? Kind of expression. "I can't wait

to eat those cream puffs!" He told himself. "Please have a seat!"

The hostess told him. Yuuya sits down and orders some cream

puffs and a decaffeinated tea. Yuuya (excited for the cream puffs)

can barely sit down straight. "Thank you for bringing me here." A

voice said. Yuuya's heart skips a beat. "Is that Hoshino!?" He

wonders. "No problem! It's my treat!" Another voice said. Yuuya turns around to see into the other booth. Yuuya's eyes widened in

surprise. It's Hoshino and Tanaka.

"WHY IS HE HERE!?" Yuuya thinks to himself. Yuuya calms

down and decides to listen to their conversation. "What are you

gonna order?" Tanaka asks Hoshino. "Hmm.. I think I might

order some kakigōri" Hoshino replies.

"I've never tried kakigōri…" Tanaka states.

"Really!?" Hoshino says with a shocked tone.

"This guy is gonna die a death worse than him" Yuuya thinks

to himself. Who is this "him" he's talking about? I don't know.

Anyway, let's get back to the dialogue.

"Is it good?" Tanaka asks.

"Yes!" Hoshino answers, "It's amazing!"

"I suppose I could order it this time." Tanaka says with a

smile on his face.

Yuuya knows exactly that Tanaka is faking it and has bad

intentions. "Here's your tea, sir!" The Waiter says. "Your cream

puffs will be out soon." "Ah… Thanks." Yuuya said. "Uhh…

Waiter?" Tanaka exclaimed. "We want to order now." "Right away

sir." The waiter says.

Yuuya wonders why Tanaka acts the way he does when he's

in public. "Well I suppose I should continue to listen to find out."

He tells himself. After the waiter leaves to go get their food, Yuuya

continues to listen to their conversation. "So," Tanaka asks, "What

should we do at my place? We can study, play some video games,

and I have some more stuff if you're interested." "Yeah I suppose

we could study." Hoshino replied shyly. Yuuya's rage boils hotter

every sentence. The only thing that could calm him now is…

"Here's your cream puffs, sir." As soon as these words reached his

ears the boiling stopped. "Thank you." Yuuya told the waiter, trying to keep his cool. The waiter then walks away. Yuuya begins

to dig in. The first bite made him remember all the memories he

had with his mom that he will never be able to get back. Just like

in class, he gets lost in his thoughts again. "Yuuya, don't give up

on what you want to be." Those were the last words that his

mother ever said. "Ah…" Yuuya says, "I'm crying. Why am I


You see, if Yuuya tells people about his past, they will get

grossed out and call him a freak. That's why he closes his

emotions up and puts on a face. A face of one that is apathetic but

can care sometimes. "Thank you for the food." Hoshino says.

Yuuya looks up and sees that Hoshino is about to leave with

Tanaka. "WHAT!?" Yuuya questions. He shoves the cream puff in

his mouth and leaves ¥13,000 as he gets up to follow them.

"How did you like the kakigōri?" Hoshino asked Tanaka.

"It was alright…" Tanaka says while blushing.

Yuuya notices that Tanaka tries to hold her hand. "I'm gonna

kill him!" Yuuya repeats in his head. They eventually get to

Tanaka's dorm, which is on floor 12 of the second dorm building.

"Ladies first." Tanaka says while bowing to Hoshino. "Thanks!"

Hoshino says while laughing. They both go inside. Yuuya enables

his stealth mode and approaches the door. He inspects the knob.

"It's locked…" He tells himself, "Well, I guess there's no other way

than doing it." What is "it" you might be asking? Well, climbing up

the balconies, of course! That's normal, right?..

Yuuya puts on a ski mask and climbs the balconies up until

the twelfth floor. He manages to make it to the twelfth floor

without breaking a sweat. "Now time to eavesdrop!" He tells

himself. He peeks in and sees Hoshino sitting down, thanking

Tanaka for earlier in the day. "Like I said, there's no need to thank

me!" Tanaka said, "I just did what a normal person would do!"

Yuuya took that to heart. "I know that, but," Hoshino says, "There

gotta be some way I can repay you!" "Then…" Tanaka says, "How about this!?" Tanaka jumps onto Hoshino and rips off her shirt.

"T-Tanaka," Hoshino expressed in a desperate tone, "Anything

but this! Please!" "SHUT UP BITCH!" Tanaka yelled while


YOU!" Yuuya watches as Tanaka (even though Hoshino is crying)

continues to rip her clothes off. Yuuya sighs, "I suppose this would

be a perfect time for a hero to show up!" He tells himself.

Suddenly a window breaks. "Huh!?" Tanaka exclaims,

"Who's there!?" A man (Yuuya) suddenly appears. "It is I, M-" "I

don't give a fuck who you are!" Tanaka stops the Yuuya mid

sentence. "Ok," Yuuya says, "NOW I'M PISSED!" Yuuya charges at

Tanaka. Tanaka dodges and tries to get behind him. But Yuuya

manages to knee Tanaka in his gut. He then proceeds to hit

Tanaka with a right and left hook followed by an uppercut. Tanaka

falls to the ground and grabs a switchblade from his pocket.

He attempts to stab Yuuya but gets twist-locked and brought

down by him. Yuuya then holds Tanaka in a chokehold. Tanaka

slowly loses consciousness. After around 10 seconds, Yuuya has

won. Yuuya takes off his mask and turns to Hoshino who is

frightened in the corner. "Come on, let's move." Yuuya tells her.

"H-Huh?" She asked in a frightened tone. "It's been about 6

seconds since i knocked him out." Yuuya explained, "If we hurry

we can escape before he regains consciousness." She agrees with

him leading the situation and they both get out of there. "Where

are we going?" Hoshino asks Yuuya. "We're going to my place

which is in dorm building number one." Yuuya explained.

They run down the stairs and eventually reach the road.

"Come on quick, I hear him!" Yuuya exclaimed. As Yuuya and

Hoshino are crossing, a truck comes and hits both of them. Yuuya

flys and when landing hits his head on the curb, killing him.

OoooOooOoOooooo It's getting somewhere...

Ayano_Ishiokacreators' thoughts