
Cursed; Anokai

200IQ boy gets reincarnated into a fantasy world, what happens next will shock you! [New Chapter coming on Soon...]

Ayano_Ishioka · Fantasy
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10 Chs

1.) How It All Started; 1-2

After class, he goes to the cafeteria to get some delicious

lunch. They are having curry for lunch. Yuuya just happens to love

curry and would eat it all day if he could. Anyway, Yuuya eats 5

bowls full of curry. "How can you eat so much?" Yuji (a friend of

Yuuya) asks him. "Well," Yuuya answers, "Your body needs the

calories in order to get stronger and in order to function better."

"Is that so?.." Yuji replies. Yuuya looks down and sees a paper

airplane in his food. "Hmm…" Yuuya says. Yuuya tends to say the

phrase, "hmm…" a lot, so please bear with it. "Sorry bro." A guy

tells Yuuya, "My friend threw that and was scared to approach you

cause you look quote on quote, scary." "Hmm.." Yuuya says

intensely, "Why do I look frightening?" "Uhh… Maybe because of

your weird spikey hair?" Yuuya looks at the guy with a was that a

compliment or an insult? Type of expression.

Yuuya gets up and throws his plates away. "Let's see…"

Yuuya said to himself, "I think I go to math after this." Even

though Yuuya does the same process every day, he has forgotten

what class he goes to. "I guess I'll go there." He told himself. As

Yuuya goes up the stairs, he hears someone yelling under him .

Out of curiosity, he goes back down the stairs and peeks from the

door. Yuuya sees a random dude threatening Hoshino. The guy

looked to be about six feet tall and had dyed, mulberry hair. "Now

that's a terrible shade of purple for someone who goes around and

acts like a complete jackass, more so someone that doesn't have

proper etiquette." Yuuya thought. Still, Yuuya wonders why he's

threatening Hoshino and sees that she is protecting someone.

That someone just happens to be the same dude that threw the

paper airplane at him. "What's his name again?" Yuuya thought to

himself, "John? Bella? Ah! It's Beth! No, wait, Is it?" Yuuya's thoughts get interrupted by someone yelling. "Stop it Chad! He

said he was sorry!" Hoshino yelled. "Huh!? That dipshit doesn't

actually mean it! Now give him over so I can teach that bastard a

lesson!" Chad answered. "Ahh! Hoshino is protecting someone!

This kinda turns me on…" Yuuya thought.

"Fine bitch! If you won't move then I'll just have to teach you

a lesson!" Chad said right before punching her in the face. Yuuya

does nothing but watches the fight. "Miss please!" The guy on the

floor said, "I don't want you getting hurt because of my mistake…"

"Huh!?" Chad exclaimed, "You call that shit a mistake!?" "It's

alright." Hoshino told the guy. "He's just doing this to get his

anger out." "WHAT DID YOU SAY BITCH!?" Chad says as he

charges at her. Yuuya watches as someone steps in and blocks

Chad's fist. "Oh my," The man said, "Hitting a lady I see. You're

done as a man." The man then twist locked Chad's hand. "Shit!"

Chad screamed. He managed to break free of the man's lock. Chad

smacked his teeth, "You better watch your back bitch!" He said

while leaving the classroom, passing by Yuuya on his way out. The

guy that was on the floor quickly ran out as well. "Umm.."

Hoshino told the man, "Thank you for saving me." "No need to

thank me!" The man said, "My name's Tanaka! What's yours?"

"I'm Hoshino." She replied shyly.

Yuuya watched with a murderous expression, "I'm gonna kill

that fucker." He thought to himself. "Umm.. If you want…"

Tanaka asked, "If you don't feel that safe… You can come to my

place if you want!" Hoshino looked with a flustered face. "Yeah…"

She replied, "I suppose I could!" Hoshino went to grab her stuff.

As soon as she did that Tanaka's face went from flustered to

sinful, looking at the door. "Why didn't you step in?" He asks

Yuuya. "Wow, this guy is good. He must be one of those nefarious

guys." Yuuya thought to himself. Yuuya gets out of hiding and walks in the room. He is able to get a good look at the guy, "Wow.

Black hair, black eyes, and has the physique of a background

character? Better than me… Besides that ugly hairstyle. If I

remember correctly that hairstyle is called a… Uhh… I think it's a

bowlcutt… I'm not sure." Yuuya thinks to himself. "Well… If you

must know," Yuuya answered with an obnoxious tone. "I just feel

like it's easier to watch than to interfere. You would know what I

mean, judging by your attitude and how you handle things."

Tanka's smile became even more sinister as he stared Yuuya

down. "Wow, I didn't know you were like this Yuuya." He says to

him. Yuuya smiles back now knowing that someone knows about


"Alright!" Hoshino exclaimed, "Lets go to class Tanaka!"

Tanaka's expression is now more contented. "Yeah let's go!" He

answers. They both walk out of the room, leaving Yuuya there.

Yuuya quickly turns around trying to hide a boner. "Hoshino is so

cute!" He thinks to himself. He looks down at his boner and

quickly runs out of the classroom and into the bathroom. I

wonder what he's gonna do…