
Chapter 11: Meeting Titan!...

I hate flying. I hated it more in my past life because I couldn't really fit in the seats. Being 2 meters tall (6'5") meant that I didn't really fit in many places, coach seats on a plane is one of them. I don't like flying now because of the pressure that builds when changing altitudes, it brings up the same feeling as when I was breaking through the gate of limits and I am not fond of that particular feeling.

Arriving at the airport just outside the small town that Titans bar is located at. Looking around I try to find the man himself, I was assured by my dad that he would be here to pick me up when I arrive but I guess he is late. Finding a bench to sit at by the baggage claim and wait for the infamous hero to appear.

-3 hours later-

*sigh* "I guess he forgot"

Shrugging I leave the baggage claim area in look for a taxi. finding one I tell him to take me to Tartarus, Titans bar.

"You mean that gay bar in town run by that giant of a man? why the hell do you want to go there for?"

"I know the owner, now are you going to take me or not?"

"yeah, yeah get in. you have the money to pay for this ride right kid?"

"If I didn't have the money I would be here would I? I would be walking there not getting in your taxi. Now let's go"

Luckily my parents had given me money for the summer so I had plenty of money for the taxi ride. Now I would still prefer to not have to pay for it and instead be riding in whatever vehicle Titan has. But the world is not perfect, is it? So here we are, riding in the back on a smelly taxi. Well, whatever, at least I still get to train all summer.

Arriving in front of Tartarus I thank the taxi driver and pay him. Looking around I see your typical bar. the outside doesn't scream high upscale bar, no instead it says "you can get a beer here and meet some manly gay men" or something like that I'm not really good at decoration or architecture so what the hell do I know? The outside is red with neon lights above the door stating the name of the bar. The only odd thing about the bar I can tell from the outside is the size of the door. The door is at least 243cm(8ft) tall. Which is pretty abnormal. considering in my past life I was 2meters(6'5") and I barely fit through most doorways. I'm guessing when titan was getting the placed built he decided to get bigger doorways for comfort, smart.

Walking in the front I look around, there are few patrons sprinkled along the bar and some in front of tables. with it already being 7 p.m I guess that makes sense. The early birds are here but the bulk of the crowd has yet to appear. Behind the bar I see a giant of a man who I can only assume is Titan from the description I got of him, tall, muscled up, with green eyes.

Walking up to the bar I sit down and wait for him to finish his conversation with a patron. Walking up to me he looks a little confused on why a kid is in his bar so he asks

"What are you doing here kid? And what would you like"

"Well I would have liked a ride from the airport and I'm here to work for the summer I suppose"

"Wait are you David? I suppose to pick you up today? shit, I forgot. How did you get here then?"

"I paid for a taxi, which I am expecting you to reimburse me for dick. Taxis ain't cheap on a 10-year-olds budget. Also, where am I sleeping at while I'm here I need to go put my bags down."

*ha* "Straight forward I like it. You can go upstairs there is an extra room with a bed on the left. It's yours until the end of the summer. And sorry about forgetting it been a rough couple years and I'm not all there"

"It's no one's fault but your own. But that's a conversation for another time. I'm going to drop off my stuff and head back down to learn to help around here."

"Oh yeah kid, I know you know me by another name but I just go by Owen around here, so don't go saying any other names it will cause issues"

"I'm not an idiot Owen and I'll be right back"

-Owens POV-

Ouch, I feel like that kid will be verbally abusing me the entire time he is here. Oh well, I probably need it because what he said about it is no one else's fault but my own is correct, in both picking him up and abandoning my family. Looking around I'm trying to decide what he can do while here other than train. Well fuck it I guess I can teach him how to be a bartender it will help him in college when he needs a job. Though I think this might technically be illegal it will have to do. If only Lenny was here he is much better at dealing with people than me.

-David POV-

Coming downstairs I head straight to Owen to see what he has for me to do. As I already trained for the day before getting on the plane and spent my time wisely on the plane by cultivating there is nothing I really need to do today. When it comes to the room that Owen provided there is nothing much to talk about. A bed, dresser, closet, and tv on the dresser. It is really basic and sparse but it will do for the summer. I have never really been one for material things. except for cars, but what guy doesn't love a cool car.

Walking behind the bar I ask Owen what he needs me to do.

"I'm going to teach you how to bartend because you are already so tall you can easily talk and serve the costumers."

"Isn't it illegal for a minor to serve alcohol?"

"Yes, but I know the local cops and they won't hound me about it plus it will be a good experience for when you go to college and need a job"

"Alright what do I do"

"Easy if they ask for a beer serve them a beer, but make sure to pour it at an angle no one wants a giant head on their beer. If they want a shot of just one type of alcohol to pour it into a shot glass. If they want a cocktail or mixed shot let me know, I'll show you how to pour it so you know. In the afternoons before patrons arrive, I will start to teach you the different cocktails so you will learn to make them on your own. Sound good?"

"Yeah sounds good. Let's get to it, money won't make itself. Oh also I'm going to keep the tips I make but you still owe me for the taxi don't think I forgot"

"Oh yeah nearly forgot what's your name and age anyways"

"The names David D. Braveheart. and before you ask yes the D does stand for danger and yes my dad was the one who came up for it. Thanks for asking. Also, I'm currently 10 going to be heading into middle school next year."

That is how I spent my first day of summer, taking a crappy taxi ride after titan forgot to pick me up, then working in a bar until 1 a.m. learning the basics of bartending which I don't mind. Owen is right when he says it will be helpful in college, no better college job than being a bartender.

Sorry about no chapter yesterday I had to do some research on titan to re-up my memory then I had a friend over all day so I didn't have time to write any. Well, anyways I hope you have a great day. :)

KingFapcreators' thoughts