
Cruising through movie worlds

"So, that's how my life ends, what a waste of time it was....." a young para special forces soldier mutters as he lied in the puddle of his own blood, finally coming to terms that the glory and purpose for which he have strived for his whole life held no meaning in the grand scheme of things, he had just become stats, data alongside many other of the honourable soldiers who are lying dead around him ,had died in the past, or will continue to do so in the near future. he once held the belief that joining army will give him a purposeful life, honor to upheld to, and people to protect but really who was he really protecting, the interest of the greedy politicians of both sides who will call war on a whim and settle by reaching treaty when their personal and political interests are met, huh how incredibly foolish he was....he wished he was more selfish....

atem_pandemonium7 · ภาพยนตร์
7 Chs

Birthday celebration, And revelations[I]

Ding dong! Ding Dong!

Doorbell rang as a maid who was cleaning the floor rushed to open the door.

"Oh...Good morning sir,madam" She was momentarily suprised but recovered instantly and greeted them ,they were the family of little Anasuya.

" Morning" Nadhiya replied as she moved walked in, along with an excited Anasuya, who closely followed behind.

The husband was once again left behind as he had been in their relationship, he embarrassedly looked towards the maid and helped her carry the luggage.


Angelo returned from his master's room, as he was moving down through the stairs, he heard the door bell rang he hurried over to greet the guest.

"Good morning Lady Nadhiya, Lord Ramalingam and Lady Anasuya, how was your journey?"

"It was fine, after all we don't leave too far behind" Nadhiya replied.

 As Ramalingam hurried over, he quickly added " How many times have i told you not to be so formal with us, we are family aren't we?"

" We indeed are but it would be unprofessional of me to address you as such" Angelo firmly replied.

" But..." Ramalingam continued to persuade him but a sharp glare from his wife shut him up.

Anasuya watching this sighed and shook her head.

" Anyways, let me lead you to your rooms" Angelo said, as he helped ramalingam carry the luggage.


some time later_

ding dong ding dong

Another door bell rang, as Angelo who was helping the servants in decorations rushed to welcome the guests. 

" Good morning..." he was about to greet the guests but stopped midway as he noticed the absence of some prople,

" Lord deva and lord Bebai didn't came?"

" Well they were busy about some things" Kaashi tried to fabricate some reasons.

But Angelo quicky caught up with the root of the matter and quickly replied " Is it about conflicts with the opposite village, Do you need me to solve it"

" No,no there's is no need for that,ouchh!" Kaashi hurriedly replied but a pinch on his waist shut him mid-speech.

Realizing her husband rudeness by rejecting the gesture without giving any reasons she stopped him and continued " Well it's not that we don't want your aid, it's just that you know as well as i do about big brother's adherence to the principle of nonviolence and mutual understanding".

She looked towards Veenu as she diverted this awkward conversation " Look how eager veenu is to meet karan, let's not sour the mood by dwelling on this topic" 

Angelo sighed and dropped the topic as he led them to their rooms, it was nothing new ,he had proposed his aid in the past but was always rejected.

He laughed inwardly at the notion of existence based on mutual understanding.

'if only they knew how violent and unforgiving the world really is'

Veenu doesn't give a cent about this meaningless adult talk, She just looked around for her future husband, anticipating his reaction on her gift.


Anusuya carefully look towards the room of her mother, When she found it locked, she quietly closed the door behind her.

She tiptoed towards Karan's room, careful not to make any noise,as she reached for the knob, she heard noise from the opposite direction.

She turned her head,

She found a figure slightly taller than herself wrapped in a blanket moving dirceetly towards herself.

She took a vigilant stance and questioned " YOU! who are you, answer me or i'll scream".

Veenu jumped back, startled, But calmed down noticing it was the annoying Anusuya.

She smirked as she took the blanket off and crossed her arms " I am going to meet my future husband, Now tell me why are you sneaking inside my husband's room,'Midget;'".

Anusuya was embarrased, she blushed but soon got angry about the midget word, it was her kryptonite, She quicky recovered her bearing and replied calmly.

" I was just searching for the bathroom, and Who are you calling a midjet i'm still a growing child unlike you whose two brain cells are preoccupied with the misconception that Karan will marry you causing your grades to fall, 'Dimwit'"

Anusuya proudly looked towards Veenu expecting the outburst of her handy-work.

And outburst it was.

"Anusuya Ramalingam you are crossing the line!" Veenu roared as she rushed towards anusuya.

Anusuya smirked as she readied her ultimate weapon " Karan, Veenu is bullying me", She yelled.

Karan who had been eavesdropping on the conversation, finally had to open the door and stop the charade before it turns into a cat fight.

Veenu outstretched hand stopped midway as she she looked at Karan embarassed.

She looked towards anusuya resentfully ' I'll have my revenge, this is not over'.

Anusuya discreetly smirked, as if accepting the challenge , anyway It was this dimwit who uttered the forbidden words first.

Karan sighed, apparently from his memory, he had to always be the adult, It was not a new sight for him, he thought as he led them inside.

As soon as he opened the door.

"Happy birthday karan!!!!"

"Happy birthday husband!!!!"

 Anusuya and Veenu simultaneously replied, realizing their main purpose of coming into his room.

" Thank you, both of you" Karan replied ignoring veenu's way of addressing him, well this was new experience for him, Celebrating birthdays, being greeted with familial warmth, he hadn't had this luxury in his past life. Suddenly a strange sense of possessiveness surged inside him.

It was not the possessiveness between lovers.

Nor it was, out of familial love.

It was the possessiveness a child has for his toys.

It was the possessiveness a master has for his property.

" Here"..

Karan came out of his reverie as he looked towards the outstretched hand holding a handcrafted birthday wish card.

" Thank you Anusuya" he replied with as much gratitude as he can muster, while accepting the gift.

The gift in itself didn't held any intrinsic value, it was the efforts which pleased Karan and increased its value in his eyes.

Anusuya was satisfied, that her effort had not not been in vain.

Karan suddenly remembered something, ' Observe', he mentally commanded.

[ Name- Anasuya Ramalingam

Age- 13 years

Strength- 5(10)

Speed- 6(10)



Health- 13(20)

Dexterity- 16(25)

Endurance- 16(25)

Senses- 10(15)


~ Dancing mastery(adept)

~ Academics(Middle school)

~ Acting mastery(expert)



*Thoughts about you- loves to spend time with you, feels un-restricted and free around you, likes you but is in state of denial right now.]

Karan inwardly snickered, This was so intune with her personality as shown in the movie.

Karan then turned towards Veenu 'Observe'.

[ Name- Veenu

Age- 14 years

Strength- 6(10)

Speed- 5(10)

Stamina- 10(15)

Durability- 10(20)

Health- 15(20)



Senses- 7(15)


~Cooking mastery(adept)

~ Academics(Novice)

~ Acting mastery(Expert)

Likes-karan,father,mother,other family members.

Dislikes-Anusuya,Village lifestyle,Those who discomforts Karan

*Thoughts about you- Likes you, no!! is certain that she loves you,plans to marry you in the future.]


He was broken out of his internal musing by an embarassed veenu who thought he was looking at her expecting a girl.

Suddenly, a thought crossed Veenu's mind as she glanced at Anusuya vicously.

Anusuya became alarmed expecting something mischievous from the 'dimwit'.

"Karan~ close your eyes, i also have a gift for you but it's a surprise".

Karan albeit reluctantly complied lest she throws a tantrum.

Vennu stood on her toes as she moved closer to hid cheeks.


It was not like karan didn't sensed her actions, oh he did, It was just that he chose to let that happen.

Who wouldn't?

Unlike Karan, anusuya did tried to stop veenu's actions,alas she was a step late.

" Karan, how's my gift" Veenu cheerfully asked as she looked mockingly towards anusuya through the corner of her eyes.

Anusuya was fuming inside, comtemplating on whether to strangle the 'dimwit'. She didn't quite like the unpleasant feeling of something churning and crawling inside her stomach as she powerlessly watched the situation, She wanted to do the same and show that bitch who was better..

"Anusuya!!! where are you" She was broken out of her reverie as she heard her mother's voice.

She panicked and rushed out of the room, If her mother found out that she had been roamed out of the room without her permission she will be in for hell of a scolding.

Veenu snickered as she watched anusuya rush out of the room.


Karan knocked the little goblin in her head and said.

"You should also go and prepare for the party"

Vennu embarrassedly nooded, and obediently walked out.

Karan smiled as he watched her departing figure, it hadn't even been a day for him in this world and yet he was enjoying this more than his past one.


Gimme that powerstones for more..

A/N;- The difference between anusuya and vennu stats is because of their stature and age.