
Battle of wills

I looked up and analysed my situation. I'm surrounded by villains and the one directly in front of me is theoretically the most powerful one on the planet. He has an interest in me which means he wants my quirk. I used observation haki to check him and confirmed how he takes quirks. From what I've seen from the series he places his palm on the heads of people before their quirk disappears or is replaced. By checking his hand I can see the holes that are drawn in the manga.

By investigating further I see two needles in his forearms. One must take quirks and the other gives, we found ragdoll in canon dazed so he must have sedated her to deal with the pain. Note to self if he grabs my head turn to sand. He can't pierce what isn't solid.

" it has been quite sometime since I met an individual such as yourself young man. Centuries in fact, to see something so ancient and pure is wonderful for me"

" what are you talking master" shigaraki asks. All for one turns towards him. "Tomura can't you feel it, that spirit coursing through every inch of his body that screams superiority. If I knew that people like this couldn't be made into nomu's I would have taken him at once".

I grew curious, he said spirit which means he must have met someone with conquerors haki or an equivalent and considering his age which is assumed to be at least two centuries old he may have seen just that. I spoke to him " you know about that old man". He chuckled softly while he casually released his spirit to pressure me.

"It has been some time since someone spoke to me so casually but considering you have the will of a king it's understandable. I can tell through my quirks that you know what I'm talking about." He turns to tomura and continues explaining. "Tomura what this boy has is a will that doesn't fall into societies current structure. He has something called the will of a conqueror or the will of a king. Before quirks came to fruition people like him existed in the world. People destined for greatness and after quirks arrived they spiked for a period." He said nostalgically.

"Master you can't mean he's centuries old, what do you mean by will". He explained to the man child calmly. " in today's society that will manifests in two variations. A heroic one which can be seen in people like all might and a destructive one which can be seen in yourself. However these only came to be as the original type of will being this boys was shredded down by society over the years and the people who possessed it either changed or died. The last time I saw one similar to this was about 90 years ago in Africa. A warlord began using his quirk and charisma to lead his people to place himself into power. Others were like him throughout the years, scrambling for power or position or something similar, hence will of kings and conquerors."

I was shocked by the fact my abilities are being dissected so calmly by this man. He's ready to attack me the moment I make a move. He's still continuing his lecture.

" I tried to make the original nomu out of people who shared his qualities however it always ended harshly. The nomu would always be mentally unstable and attack me. It was as if every cell in their body recognised what I did to them and rejected it. I always enjoyed facing them as they pushed me higher. I can tell you wished to invite him to the group but you must understand. His type..... bow to no one" he said sending black and red tendrils towards me.

I turned to sand to avoid them and rapid fire sand blades in every direction so I can gain some safe space. The air around AFO solidifies and blocks them. He casually strolls towards me not minding my barrage. I panicked and through a punch towards him that he decided to match playfully. As we collided I couldn't help but feel frightened as this was raw strength he was using. If I had no technique or training he would kill me. As the punch ended and I retreated back he looked at his fist.

"How fascinating, he can match my raw strength with his own. How about this" he said as the muscles in his arm contorted and expanded. " strength multiplier, mega muscles, fiber strengthening, healing, iron knuckles" he said throwing his grotesque body at me. I gathered as much sand into my fist as I could to match his size and used armament haki. We collided sending folds of red electricity off us as the shockwave forced the league back.

" you have weaponised your spirit. Oh how I wish I was younger to face you" he said increasing the size of his arm further sending me back. " let's take this up a notch shall we?"

His arms began gyrating and expanding like a ballon which sent danger signals throughout my body. I slammed my hand into the ground and used grand death and rushed applying killer quartz to make my body stronger. " water hose, air pressure, high water pressure, inhalation, strength enhancement, healing and lastly scald". As my armour fully formed I crossed my arms to cover my vitals as much as possible while planting my feet.


A white light passed over me as I felt I was being hit with a molten hot wrecking ball for two seconds. As my vision returned I saw what he did. He hit me with a water canon. That would have killed me. He looked at me and began clapping. "Impressive young man, you will make a fine hero if you can survive, water cutter, hot air, hydro pump, regeneration...." he began reciting even more quirks as his arms buldged more than last time. I wasted no time and made another grand death.

My armour is cracked and my body is aching which means this next attack equals death. I made a sand tornado to cover my movements and grabbed my gourd for a moment. I sent a tiny piece of sand to shigarakis leg the flung the gourd away in a sand cocoon. I gathered more armour and began to prepare for my next action while the league back off further. I could hear all might being mentioned which means he's about to arrive.

All for one stopped reciting quirks. Another explosion occurred and all might witnessed the sand storm being engulfed in a beam before vanishing a second later after it passed. The ground was littered with debris and sand. All for one turned to look at all might who began to grit his teeth in righteous anger due to watching his student die infront of him while news helicopters covered the scene. Musashi sabaku's family and the entire nation may have just watched a child be executed. He felt a dark feeling grip his heart.

All for one took his master from him and has committed numerous atrocities. This is another one to his pile. He was about to lash out towards him when he noticed what was happening. As all for one began to gloat the sand behind him rose.

Sabaku stood up covered in sand behind AFO with a look of rage in his eyes as he swung his black fist smashing it into the side of AFO's mask with a smile on his face.

"Sand Fake, take that you ancient asshole" he shouted before jumping backwards. The audience couldn't believe it. All for one straightened his posture and from the cracks on his mask everyone could spot a fiendish grin form on his face before his fingers turned black and red veins bulged before they elongated towards him.

All might dove towards All for one. "SSSsMMMMAAAAASSSHHH".