
United States of smash

The sound of a helicopters turbine blast into my ears. I'm disorientated by my surroundings, the two titans are clashing and sending shockwaves and air pressure everywhere and for the last five minutes I've been fighting with my life on the line.

When all might began taking on AFO I tried sensing for 1-A and spotted kirishima, momo, iida and todoroki. Midoriya probably didn't come because bakugo wasn't involved. I'm a little pissed about it but not really. My classmates skill sets aren't going to help me here. If anything todoroki showing off my lead to his quirk being stolen.

Thinking about them wasn't wise, I was foolish to think the league would do nothing. I felt a blow to the head from something made of steel. I turned to see magne with that magnet bar thing hit me. I spotted toga loading a needle into her suction thing and compress with a gun. Honestly I've had enough off today.

Been training to the bone, had to share my dinner, I smell like fish, covered in cuts and bruises more than usual, I didn't kiss my girlfriend enough and I'm jealous I didn't get to drink some whiskey before being sent to this shit hold. My mouth tastes like death and my leg itches.

I get up to take a swing at this tranny but I get interrupted by a blue fireball and some scaly guy throwing shuriken and knives at me. I dodge them using my observation but I'm going delirious due to head trauma I think. My sand won't work properly so I'm doing this bare knuckled but it won't matter much.

Magne grabs toga and she begins to glow. She then flies at me with a grin and blabbering about blood and stainy. I don't really care enough to process it. I swung my left arm to push the knife away from her hand and gave her a lariat with my right. She hits the ground and coughs so I go to stamp her. I got pelted with water bullets which didn't pierce but they felt like rubber bullets.

I looked towards my shooter and see him and twice making clones off everybody with shigaraki watching his master intently. I'm losing motivation to deal with these guys, I know for a fact when I get home I'm getting showered with attention but I just wanna nap and some nuggets. Asshole villains didn't feed me and that chair they tied me to was uncomfortable.

Why am I whining so much I thought as I delivered a knee to magne cracking her glasses. I pushed her towards compress so he couldn't shoot. Hody and toga clones come at me so I sweep their legs. I gave a soccer kick to hodys clone turning him to mud. Dabi tried to burn me again but I just used the toga clone as cover. I sling some mud at him like a toddler in the park.

He didn't like that is it got into his eyes. He already has irritated skin and shitty personality so mud in his eye doesn't really improve his complexion.

I rush him and tackle him into the ground and pummelled his stomach. He grabbed my hair like this was some cheat cat fight. I head butted his chin and was about to crack him one when I heard a bang. My shoulder hurts, damn I've been shot in the shoulder. I'm getting more and more angry tonight and everything's going black. I think I just snarled at compress but whatever.

He cocks back the firing hammer to offload another one into me so I move zigzag like someone trying to avoid a crocodile. People say you should do that to avoid them but it's smarter to get on their back and hold their mouth down. No one trains the muscles to open the mouth only those to bite down. Speaking off mouth I cracked compress across his mask revealing a second mask. Kakashi rip off I say to him but he doesn't get the reference.

A massive rumble happens so I can see the main fight escalating. The villains start monologging again and then kurogiri gets stabbed by a needle finger. "FORCED ACTIVATION". The villains were swiped away like in canon but I have plans for that. The main fight kicks off again like in canon and I'm getting tossed around like a ragdoll.

I land and see AFO launched another major blast that all might ranked. I make my way to the destroyed buildings drunkenly. I see some people stuck under the rubble so I decide to help. I've dried off now so I used sand castle to make pillars and raise the debris and begin using dessert dunes to pull people over to a safe area.

"Look at that all might, a young hero in the making, your master would be proud." I'm pissed that this guy won't shut up. "Piss off you pick n mix prick" I snarled. He chuckled "quite a mouth on that one, reminds me of the black whip user". He then went on a rant about all the last users of one for all and reveals the quirk to me and all might. Then he drops shigarakis identity and threatens to attack the people behind him.

I've already pulled them away and said "don't worry about them, because I am here". He looked at me wide eyed and I can see hope returning to him. He flashes that iconic smile and begins to get into it with AFO again. Gran Torino gets into it with him again while I move the people back. This is gonna be a wild one.


A massive tornado forms sending debris everywhere, that annoying helicopter noise is pushed away. I shielded the woman near me while the other heroes did the same. I still managed to catch a sight of the punch. It was glorious, now I see why everyone worships this guy.

All might stands there in his skeleton form with his arm raised high.