
Slay the Temptation I

The waves violently crashed against the coastline of a verdant island. The winds howled voraciously through the air as the palm trees bent beneath its relentless mercy. The sky was blackened by the weight of dark, billowing cumulonimbus clouds; all traces of the sun were wiped away as a result. Torrential rain spewed down upon the sandy surface of the small landmass. Through this chaos of nature's Hell, a lone male figure firmly trekked his way through along the shoreline; his solitary march continuing on regardless of the rough weather happening around him. His sight was blinded by the darkness, occasional crimson lightning bolts served as the only glimmer of hope whilst illuminating his way forward.

"Stop her… -

I have to...stop...Legion..."

The wanderer could barely mumble out a collection of broken sentences before collapsing to his knees. In the distance, another bolt of lightning struck lighting up the seemingly endless void. A looming silhouette of a towering, six-armed creature whose size was beyond any fathom of thought was seen. Alongside a strong gust of wind, its bellowing roar shook the land whilst tormenting the stranded traveler. In that following moment, the male heard a singular voice resonate within his mind:

"You stop me? Please...you speak with such gravitas yet you're the one fighting for a God who murdered her own creation, kept Azoth a secret from you and abandoned her most devoted worshiper to a fate far worse than death."

The male sought to respond, but in that moment his vision began to haze and everything in his sights turned to static.

"Kuh..." Raizo gasped as his eyes shot awake in that moment.

Cold beads of sweat ran down his forehead as his irises glanced around taking in the image of the main hall within the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. As his awareness was gradually restored, he felt himself laying back against a wall inside the mighty antechamber where Semiramis commanded the vessel. On the far side of the massive chamber towards the owner's throne, he could see the figures of his friends and family casually chatting. Taking a moment to collect himself, he attempted to process what he just saw.

"Was that...just a dream?" he questioned himself as he placed a solitary hand against his forehead whilst sifting through his mental grogginess.

"Um...Sensei-desu?" the voice of a young female rang in his ear.

Turning to look to his side, Raizo saw the face of a blonde girl with emerald green eyes sitting beside him with her head tilted in concern.

"Oh...hey Kirika, what are you doing over here?" he asked with a casual smile.

"I...was just...well...I was watching you nap for a bit. Er...not in a weird way-desu! I was only concerned because it looked like you were having a hard time sleeping, I promise-desu!" the female panicked innocently.

"Heh...is that right? Guess I must have worried you quite a bit then. Sorry about that."

"No, no...you don't have to apologize for anything desu, if anything I should be the one apologizing for being so close. Gah...I feel so embarrassed-desu..." Kirika responded whilst slapping her palm against her forehead.

"No need to be flustered. I'm the one who made you worry so I should be the one to apologize," Raizo assured her as he reached out and gently patted the girl on the head.

"Well...if you say so Sensei, then Kirika will believe you-desu!"

"Good, good, I'm glad to hear it."

"So...um...are you really okay then? You...did kinda come back from the dead. You're not like a zombie or anything right?"

"Zombie eh? No...I don't think I'm one of those. I mean...I'm pretty sure I'm not falling apart or anything."

"Well...yeah you have a point-desu. Sorry..."

"Oi, stop with the apologies. You're fine, I swear."


"I really worried you and the others didn't I? Being...gone and all."


"Well I'm here now so don't you worry. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Kirika will hold you to it-desu!" she nodded with a determined expression. Seeing her innocent yet serious face, the male could not help but to chuckle.

"Haha...when you say it like that, I'm not sure if I can take you too seriously."

"Mou...Sensei, don't bully Kirika-desu!"

"Oh come on, there's nothing wrong with harmless teasing from time to time. Usually I'm on the receiving end of it with my family," Raizo said whilst patting the girl on the head again.

"There, there..."

"Aren't you two just having a little bit too much fun over here?" spoke another female's voice looming overhead of the two.

"My, my, not even trying to acknowledge others who were concerned over you? Come now, how rude," an additional female spoke.

Raizo adjusted his gaze to see Chris and Maria standing overhead watching the two.

"Yo," the male nodded in acknowledgment pulling his hand away from Kirika's head to give a little salute.

"Wait...that's all we get? We were worried about you too, you know!" Chris whined in protest.

"Yes...I too was admittedly indulgent in the same feeling…" Maria professed.

"Chris-senpai and Maria-senpai are being more honest now-desu!" Kirika exclaimed.

"E-Eh? What the hell are you trying to insinuate you little shrimp!" Chris declared.

"I have no clue what you mean. I was just wondering if Raizo-sensei was doing okay...that's all," Maria attempted to conceal her emotions even with a faint blush dyeing her cheeks.

"Hahaha," Raizo began to laugh, "You three are truly amusing...but in all seriousness, I'm fine. I just had a weird dream, that's all. Sorry for worrying the three of you," Raizo nodded as he maneuvered himself to stand up, Kirika following suit. Now surrounded by the three girls, the youth reached out and patted each of them on the head one time.

"Like I said before, I'm not going anywhere. You all don't have to worry. I may be a little different now, but nevertheless...I'm still the same Sensei that fought alongside you."

"I believe you-desu!" Kirika smiled enthusiastically.

"Hmph...fine, if you say so then I guess I can believe you...silly Sensei," Chris spoke whilst folding her arms.

"As long as you know that we're right here to help you at anytime...then I shall trust your words," Maria reaffirmed.

Across the wide open space, Akaro was observing his little brother's encounter from afar with a raised brow. Around the tall, masculine figure was Hibiki, Miku, Tsubasa and Shirabe.

"Hey Akaro-san, what's up?" Hibiki questioned whilst reaching out to gently tug on the male's sleeve.

"Hm?" he responded with a quick turn of his head.

"Is something wrong?" Tsubasa then followed.

"You were staring off into space for a brief moment there," Miku added with a raised brow.

"Jiii..." Shirabe leaned in with a suspicious glare.

"Hey now, relax ladies. I'm doin' just fine. I just couldn't help but to take note of my lil' bro's laughter. Honestly, it wasn't somethin' I was expecting. I'm happy for him nevertheless," the hero explained.

"Yes, it does seem Sensei is rather lively. Quite the unexpected result indeed," the blue-haired swordswoman concurred.

"I think it's rather funny seeing Chris-chan, Maria-san, and Kirika-chan getting all flustered around him. I wanna go poke fun at 'em!" Hibiki snickered.

"That is rather ironic considering the one who has been getting flustered lately is you with Akaro-san," Miku prodded.

"E-Eh?! Wh-what are you talking about, Miku?! That's not even remotely correct!"

"Tachibana-kun, it is impolite to be dishonest," Tsubasa swiftly remarked.

"Tsubasa-san, not you too!" the girl with the orange eyes whined.

"Tsubasa-san, you too are guilty of being dishonest," Shirabe quietly noted.

"Ahem...what ever do you mean? Such matters are unnecessary for a blade."

"Oh dear, but Shirabe-chan...you too are not exempt from this matter," Miku called out.

The small twin-tailed girl was rendered speechless and merely blushed quietly whilst twiddling her index fingers against one another.

"You've been calling us out; however, you're not so innocent either! So don't try to play yourself off to be a saint, Miku!" Hibiki boldly declared.

"Eh?! W-What in heavens are you talking about? Hibiki, you are sprouting nonsense as usual," the dark haired girl tried to downplay.

"Girls, girls, it's okay. I know you all have been checkin' me out. Don't worry, I'm not offended. It's not the first time I've been regarded as man-candy," Akaro shrugged with an amused grin upon his face.

"EHHHHH?!!!" the quartet exclaimed in unison.

With small bouts of laughter and colorful banter emerging from both areas where the Crimson Brothers were standing respectively, one person was observing them from afar. The girl was none other than the one known in her history as the Great King of Destruction; the Saber-class servant, Altera. The dark skinned beauty cast her longing, crimson gaze back and forth between the visages of Akaro and Raizo whilst clutching her fist against her chest. She felt a quaking feeling inside her chest coupled with somewhat hollow breaths and wobbliness in her knees.

"What is this feeling I'm experiencing right now? Why does my heart ache? Is it my mana levels?" she asked herself, but as she continued to stare the pain in her chest only deepened.

"You are feeling the effects growing stronger now, I take it. It would seem time is running short for us," spoke the mature, yet elegant voice of the famous Celtic Queen of the Land of Shadows.

"Scathach-san, is that really what it is? Surely dwindling mana reserves is not the only reason why I am experiencing this pain?" the girl questioned.

"If only it were that simple. Your thoughts dwell on something else that is only escalating the weaknesses associated with mana deficiency. Though servants we may be, the matters of the heart are still things we experience. It would seem that you have quite the predicament to handle given the current circumstances," the long-haired beauty surmised whilst brushing locks of hair away from her face.

"Matters of the heart...but, that's not..." Altera was about to protest before shifting her crimson eyes towards her feet as her face became warm with embarrassment.

Scathach's mouth pursed with a sly grin as she held a smug expression upon her face.

"Are you finding it difficult to choose one over the other? Or is it that you find yourself desiring both?"

"What? That's not..."

"How unexpectedly innocent of you. I figured you would be much more averse to such notions given the length of time you spent with the Red-Eyed Hero prior to that other child's arrival. Does your affections not lean towards Akaro-san more?"

"I..." Altera lifted her head up to respond but as she turned her gaze back towards the brothers, she became speechless once again.

"I see..." Scathach sighed before standing beside the female and gazing back and forth between the brothers as well.

"Perhaps you will need my assistance in this matter after all. I do happen to have more experience over such matters."

"Scathach-san, what exactly are you implying?"

"Relax Altera, I shall teach you everything you need to know soon enough. We just need to get to our destination first.

In that next moment, an announcement came from Semiramis' position on her throne.

"Attention everyone, we have arrived at our destination."


Year: 4250 A.D., 14th of October

Time: 07:00 A.M.

Location: Chaldea

The group on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon teleported inside the Arctic Base thanks to Akaro's power. Upon appearing inside the main hall of the structure, the gang was met by a horde of familiar faces to most of those within the group. There were the other Heroic Spirits present: Minamoto-no-Raikou, Francis Drake, Shuten-douji, Jalter, Artoria, and Mordred. Then there was the familiar faces from S.O.N.G. that Raizo met: Genjuro Kazanari, Elfnein, Tomosato Aoi, and Sakuya Fujitaka. Last but certainly not least, there was the sassy Princess of Mercury – Inari Akane.

The lengthy introductions were made between the faces that were unfamiliar with one another. In addition, the situation that occurred in Mifune was covered briefly thanks to Akaro's unique way of painting a picture without taking too long to get to the point. In other words, he cut straight through the 'bullshit' to inform everyone of what needed to be known. However, the main point that caught the Chaldea group's attention was Raizo's resurrection.

"Oya, oya, surely I hadn't drank somethin' I shouldn't have right?" Drake questioned in disbelief whilst crossing her arms.

"To return from the seas of the afterlife, truly your purpose has yet to be fulfilled," spoke the King of Knights.

"Oh come on Father, maybe he was just faking it for a big comeback or something!" Mordred protested.

"Or maybe his desire for vengeance was strong enough to overcome the shackles of death," Jalter pondered.

"It truly amazes me how spontaneously edgy you can be," Inari sighed heavily.

"Raizo-kun, regardless of circumstances, it is good to see you once again," Genjuro nodded with humble pride.

"There is never a dull moment in this world it seems," Fujitaka shrugged.

"Considering everything we've seen in our world, this should not be too overly surprising...yet given the extraordinary condition of this world...what can't surprise me?" Aoi commented.

"It really is good to see you again, Raizo-san. I was sad when I heard of your passing before," Elfnein remarked with a disheartened expression on her face.

"Don't worry Elfnein-chan," the youth began, "Like I told the girls, I won't be leaving any time soon. Good to see the rest of the S.O.N.G. crew as well, I guess you all came over with Miku while I was...away, right?"

"Indeed, your older brother filled us in on quite a lot. It was a lot to digest, but we have come to accept it," the leader of the specialized force responded.

"Raizo-sama!!!!" a sudden cheerful cry was heard as the boy suddenly found himself scooped up from behind before being turned around and smothered in between two soft mounds of flesh.

"Raizo-sama, Raizo-sama, how could you leave me like that? Don't make Mama worry!" the dramatic voice belonging to Raikou resonated as she held the boy tightly.

"Oh my, those overly induced milk jugs of yours may suffocate the poor child before he even has a chance at enjoying his reinvigorated life," spoke the Oni from the side.

"Ara, ara, it sounds like the miscreant of trash elected to open her mouth when it is unwanted. Are you jealous that you cannot embrace your lover in such a way?" the taller woman shot back in disdain.

"I've already embraced my lover in more ways than you could ever know. Unlike you whose affections can drive any sane individual away."

"Or perhaps I am just more patient compared to the one whom elected to jump straight into the bedroom without so much as a single conversation."

"Mmphm!!!" Raizo cried out in protest wishing for a chance to breathe. In that instant, the little feud was immediately interrupted when the Sovereign of Purgatory stepped in.

"That is quite enough out of both of you. It amazes me how such legendary figures can lose their grace over such trivialities even with bitter history between them," Reina criticized as she pried open Raikou's arms and set the boy free without the Oni Slayer realizing it.

"Kaahaa...thanks..." Raizo inhaled a much needed deep breath.

"It seems the boy requires medical attention again. Come Raizo, it is time I evaluate you once more," Nightingale suggested from behind.

"No thanks, I'm good," the boy dismissed almost instantaneously.

"Who do you think you..." Raikou was about to raise hell when she took a closer look at Reina's face.

"You look...very familiar somehow."

"Is that so?" Reina casually raised an eyebrow with a tone of disinterest. This drew the attention of some of the other Heroic Spirits.

"Now that I take note on it, your countenance does strike a familiar chord with me," spoke Artoria whilst looking at the dark skinned beauty from a short distance away.

This then drew the curious stares of the other Heroic Spirits for a brief instant as they were trying to decipher the words uttered by the tall Berserker and the King of Knights. The Queen of the Land of Shadows stepped further being one of the more knowledgeable types as she raised a brow.

"There is no mistaking it, you do bare a familiar face. However, I am unsure if you are in the Throne of Heroes at all," Scathach analyzed to which Reina merely sighed.

"All of this unnecessary attention is becoming quite cumbersome. Perhaps you all knew me in passing during a previous conflict once upon a time. In one of your…'Grail Wars', I did possess the title of Grand Saber."

A simultaneous gasp circulated the epic heroes in that instant even surprising the Red-Eyed Hero.

"Well damn, didn't see that one coming. No wonder why Lucy-chan said she was just a substitute for the original candidate."

"I'm just gonna stand here and pretend like I understand what's going on," Raizo sighed whilst listening to the conversation.

"Apologies Mas...I mean, Raizo-san, long story short is this: Once upon a time whilst my Astral Ghost was on her voyage, I joined in a conflict against a Beast-class individual or two. It was not anything too fancy. I was actually just bored," the Sovereign summarized.

"Defeating a Beast is not a casual feat you know. That's like...a pretty big fuckin' deal!" Mordred yelled out.

"Yeah, what the hell is up with that casual flex? Must I douse you in Purgatorial Hellfire?!" Jalter screamed out.

"You, the annoying knight confused about her gender, shut up before I slap you right out of that armor. And you, the edgy twin of the saint...you talk of Purgatory but you are speaking to the one who is its Queen. Your pitiful flames mean nothing to me."

"As one who uses fire, I will acknowledge that as a certified inferno. Holy shit," Adena randomly commented from the sideline.

"Oi Raichu, that's a sassy scythe you wield there," Akaro chuckled.

"Aniki, shouldn't you be consoling your kouhais right now before they lose the will to exist?"

"Fair point...um, certainly all the Heroic Spirits have something to do right? Don't want this to get ugly and all."

"Actually Akaro-san," Scathach began, "There is something that I need to discuss with all of the servants in the room. Why don't we all head to the briefing room?"

"Catch me up on the details later, I have a patient to attend to," Nightingale spoke before devoting her attention to the pod containing Lucy's sleeping body.

"I'm coming with you," Mercer added as his attention was focused solely on the condition of his wife.

"As expected. If anyone needs me, I shall be in the medical ward," Nightingale said as she pressed a switch on the pod to guide it across the floor while being escorted by the long-haired man in the suit.

"Servants, come along. We have business to discuss," Scathach directed causing the remaining heroines to follow.

As the crowd thinned, another encounter took place. This time, it was between the Princess of Mercury and the Queen of Cocytus. As the two females came face to face, they merely stared at one another for what seemed like an everlasting moment. It was quite possibly the longest 10 seconds that anyone ever endured, yet no one said anything.

"I know you as well...truly I do; however, I am merely caught in my own disbelief. How the hell can it be? You, of all people, are the definition of a living legend in my homeland," Inari spoke in awe.

"The resemblance between us is quite striking indeed. So you are the child of my ancient homeland, sangre de mi sangre," Reina said whilst adding a unique dialect at the end which caused Inari's eyes to widen.

"There is no denying it...you are...the Founder… Words can't even begin to express the honor I feel to be in your presence," the girl bowed.

"Please do not, Princess Inari. I am merely a myth that has yet to pass to the dust of history. I am unworthy of such gestures," the woman spoke humbly.

"Hey uh...mind filling me in here on this as well and...the hell is up with the language change?" Raizo asked curiously.

"Apologies once more, Master...oh I said it again. Oh well. Anyways, in the Mecurean tongue, the expression means 'Blood of my Blood'. It is an ancient expression denoting the closeness of one's relation to one another whether by direct bloodline relationship, blood oaths, or extremely close friendship. In this case, Inari Akane is the descendant of my bloodline in the Kingdom of Mercury," Reina explained.

"Heh...guess in some weird long distance way, we're cousins kiddo," Inari smirked.


"Is it me or are we experiencing an abnormal amount of bombshells today?" Vesta asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I dunno, I'm just trying to figure out how there's so many hot chicks under one roof. And why a good bit of 'em are staring at my man like he's a snack," Adena sighed.

"Mercer genes, it's just natural," Kimiko spoke with a disconnected tone of voice.

"You get used to it...trust me, I'm married to a borderline manwhore," Akame said bluntly.

"I said it before and I'll say it again, there is never a dull moment here..." Hikari chuckled offhandedly.

"Okay, okay everyone...I think we've gotten acquainted enough for the day. Let's dial back the introductions and reunion stuff and get down to business," Akaro declared aloud.

"There is actually something I wish to discuss with the gear wielders as well concerning the IGNITE module so I would like to head to the research and development lab gear users if possible," Elfnein proposed.

The six ladies looked to one another before nodding in agreement with the smaller scientist.

"Mind if I tag along, I'm curious about the state of the gears as well given what we will have to face coming soon," Akaro offered.

"Y-Yes Akaro-san, I don't mind at all!" Elfnein spoke with a tone of excitement.

"Elfnein-kun's joy over sharing her research is starting to show," Genjuro smiled with approval.

"W-What? Genjuro-san, one must always showcase joy over the pursuit of knowledge," the girl professed.

"Science makes me hungry...time for pancakes. To the mess hall, which is conveniently near the labs," Kimiko said with a deadpan expression.

"Ah yes all this clutch saving and feels nonsense is making me desire a nice cut of steak right about now," Hikari added in.

"I haven't had anything to eat in a long time. Now that I don't have to worry about an I.V., I'll gladly take part in a meal as well," Vesta said.

"Count me in too," Adena shouted.

"A meal does sound nice, can we talk more while sharing a bowl of udon or something?" Inari proposed to Reina.

"Udon? I know someone who would not hesitate to take you up on that. Admittedly, I would like a bowl as well," the Sovereign responded.

"Is there ice cream here? I'm having a sweet tooth fit right now," Esdeath inquired.

The ladies of Team AKARA and company left to head to the Mess Hall whilst Akaro led the members of S.O.N.G. to the labs.

"Well...okay," Raizo raised an eyebrow as he took note of being alone.

"Raizo-san, come along, I need you to see this too!" Elfnein shouted out to the youth which led the male to chase after.

Within the confines of the research lab, Elfnein had all six relics belonging to the gear users under microscope with a variety of instruments lying around indicative of her tinkering. A multitude of screens displaying various graphs, tables of information, and coded blueprints occupied the visible area as the small scientist along with the S.O.N.G. crew, Akaro, and Raizo walked inside.

"As you can see, I have been working day and night trying to understand what to do with the gears. The temporary fix for the IGNITE module is no longer applicable at this point in time. Overuse officially shutdown all possible accessibility to that power up for the relics. In addition, I am rather uncertain if the S.O.U.L. drive will work again. With the atmosphere of conflict looming over our heads at any given point in time, I would like all of our available weapons be ready for whatever is to come...but alas...I..." Elfnein explained before her voice trailed off in disappointment.

"Try not to stress yourself too hard over these matters, Elfnein-kun. Everyone knows that you have been working restlessly on this project. Where there is a will, there is a way," Genjuro encouraged.

"Yeah, I'm sure you can figure it out Elfnein-chan," Miku smiled whilst patting the girl on the shoulder.

"May I ask something?" Maria began.

"Of course, Maria-san," the blonde girl nodded.

"Shouldn't the S.O.U.L. drive still be accessible since the catalyst for its activation relies on phonic gain emitted by Raizo-sensei?"

"Yeah, I thought it was like X-Drive in that regard except like...more instantaneous or something?" Hibiki tagged in.

"Meh...X-Drive," Chris sighed.

"Well X-Drive also has its share of requirements too," Tsubasa remarked.

"Isn't there something we can do, desu?" Kirika whined.

"We can't just be sitting on the sidelines for whatever is to come," Shirabe vocalized.

"The S.O.U.L. drive was based off of IGNITE's system except using Raizo-san's energy as a catalyst. As a result, the trigger system is quite similar to the former. Plus, it was never meant to be a long lasting device," Elfnein responded.

"Hmm...mind if I take a look at these things?" Akaro randomly asked whilst demonstrating innate curiosity.

"Oh um...sure Akaro-san, please go ahead if you'd like," nodded the researcher in approval.

The Envoy stepped forward and leaned his head down over the desk where the relics sat. He carefully analyzed the structure of the items whilst visualizing the mechanisms that cause the relics to create the Symphogear armors. In that moment, his eyes flashed with a faint yellow glow as he visually digested the information he processed. From there, he extended out a hand over the six items whilst emitting a trace amount of his aura. Small sparks began to fly as if he was banging molten steel on an anvil inside a forge. After a few seconds, he stopped. In that moment, the relics held a calm glow over them representative of the colors that belonged to their respective owners.

"Whoa…." the room collectively uttered as the male sported a smug grin.

"I did a little bit of hax to give each relic an upgrade that would have come at a later point in time. They should be able to work well without that IGNITE power-up you were talking about. Want a chance to give them a try?" the Envoy inquired.

"Yes!" the gear users simultaneously answered.

"Good, grab your relics and follow me. That includes everyone else remotely curious of what's to come," Akaro suggested.

In response, the girls grabbed their respective gears and exited the room along with the others.

The group moved to a space that was relatively familiar to Raizo. It was a massive, blank canvas space in which the youth recalled battling against Kimiko for a training session along with his encounter with the Avenger servant – Edmond Dantes. However, it would appear that the room was upgraded since he last laid eyes on it. There was a strange claw-like object hanging from the room with a small window opening overlooking the area on the far side.

"Ladies, take your positions here while everyone else follows me," Akaro insisted.

Unsure of what to expect, the six gear users stood in the middle of the empty space while Raizo and the SONG staff continued to follow the Red-Eyed Hero. The party made its way through another door and up a short flight of stairs towards the location where that window was looming overhead.

"Aniki, what is this place?" the boy asked.

"It's a simulation terminal. It has the capability of projecting enemies into reality with all of the exact behaviors as they possessed when they were alive. This data is obtained by reading data stored with the memories of combatants that step foot into this arena of sorts.

"That sounds like something similar we possess with our technology back home," Elfnein observed.

"Heh sounds cool, but you've never seen something like this," Akaro chuckled before reaching for a nearby microphone.

"Okay girls, I'm going to simulate as many enemies as you can handle drawing on your past combat experiences. Feel free to go all out. This room can withstand a hell of a lot of punishment so do whatever you need to do. Just remember that whatever you see may be simulated, but the danger is quite real so try to stay on your toes," the man explained.

The girls each visibly nodded thus giving the Envoy the go-ahead to begin their training. Upon activating a few of the switches, the claw-like appendage emitted blue light that emitted a scan over the room thus gathering data. In that moment, the scenery shifted to that of a war-torn metropolis with hundreds upon thousands of creatures known as Alca-Noise standing by. At the head of these beasts was a monstrosity that struck a strong cord within the girls. It was the deceased head of the Bavarian Illuminati – Adam Weisphaut.

Looking at one another, the girls got their game faces on and activated their gears. Their armors appeared to be much like the same as before except with small differences among the details. The grooves of their armors were a lot sharper and more durable whilst showcasing much more vibrancy with their respective colors. Furthermore, their relics took the shape of flowers in bloom with the petals around each gear representing the color of each individual relic-user. The numbers being displayed on the computer screens in the observation deck was off the charts.

"I never thought I would see such stats before...their Phonic Gain capacity is much greater than before!" Elfnein observed.

"It's almost as if they are in X-Drive at the moment," Aoi observed with Sakuya nodding behind her.

"Akaro-kun, what on Earth did you do?" Genjuro asked.

"I just drew out the possibility that was to come for them. Now they have to own it and make it reality."

Raizo merely watched as the girls began their assault. Within seconds, the enemies were wiped out and their final boss was swept away without so much as batting an eye. Seeing them effortlessly clear them out, Akaro pressed another button. This caused the room to change once more, this time to the smoldering war zone that was dominated by the Demon Gods. Standing at the forefront of this was Tiamat in all of her fury.

The girls seemed hesitant at first, but they bolstered their resolves and pressed forward. The giant beasts that were spawned by the evil goddess were eliminated one after the other. However, as the monster began to laugh maniacally, she caught the girls off their guards and had them bound. In that moment, warning signs were flaring up within the observation room.

"What the hell is going on?" Raizo asked in shock.

"Damn...gonna have to kill it," Akaro gritted his teeth before shutting down the simulation.

As the exercise ended, the girls' armors shattered instantly leaving them in their undergears. Elfnein got a reading on one of the screens before making a note.

"Their Phonic Gain took a sharp noise dive, in addition...it would appear that their mental capacity underwent extreme duress."

"I see...then it would seem that the current state of our affairs has had a bigger impact on our girls than we realized," Akaro sighed heavily.

"Come on lil' bro..."


The two brothers immediately exit the room and head into the simulation chamber where the six gear users sat shaken to the core, the others soon followed. As they came to the aid of the young women, the girls were in an obvious state of disarray.

"Why are my fists shaking? I...I don't understand this, I have to overcome for everyone's sake!" Hibiki said whilst clasping her hands together tightly.

"A sword cannot protect others if it dulls, I have to fulfill my duty..." Tsubasa criticized herself whilst gritting her teeth.

"Dammit...dammit...I've never felt so hesitant and weak before, what the hell is this?" Chris remarked in frustration.

"Why do I feel so empty and helpless?" Maria questioned in dismay.

"We're...supposed to be the strongest team right-desu?" Kirika spoke is a distraught tone.

"Failure...it can't end like this," Shirabe finished.

As they wallowed in their sudden defeat, the two brothers stood before them. The gentlemen looked at one another before Akaro gave a nod for Raizo to step forward.

"What the hell are you all doing?" the young man asked as he stood over them with his arms folded.

"Sensei?" Hibiki adjusted her sight as the other five followed suit.

"Is this really the fearsome bunch that challenged me unafraid when I first met them? The very same group whom I trained to take on a cosmological threat greater than they could possibly ever know? Are these truly the great protectors of mankind known as the Symphogears?" he continued with a disconcerted sigh.

"Of course we are..." Tsubasa answered in a low tone.

"Is that so? Then why are you on your knees wallowing in defeat? Stand up!"

"Oi...Sensei, we just got our asses handed to us..." Chris responded.

"Then get your asses in gear and stand back up right this instant, dammit!"

Upon that, the six women began to do as they were told.

"No matter how hopeless things may seem...or how much pain your body is in, as long as you have the power to stand up on your own two feet then it shows just how much fighting spirit you have left. It doesn't matter how strong your opponent is or how tired you have become...you always get back up on your feet."

"But Sensei...what if we can't?" Kirika inquired with a slight whine.

"Then you think about what you will lose if you do. Think about all the people you love or cherish, all of the people you would be willing to die for in order to protect. Let their faces run through your minds, let their smiles swell your hearts, and let their love give you strength. That feeling that you all have right now...it's fear. Fear is a powerful beast that can easily control you, but it can also become an even stronger motivator," Raizo continued.

"What do you mean by that?" Maria pressed, her fellow companions having their attention piqued by the answer to come.

Akaro casually watched from behind placing his faith in his little brother to handle this.

"They are your students lil' bro, you got this," he thought to himself.

"Fear is an obstacle. It compels your senses to succumb to it and save yourself...to keep you away from unnecessary danger. In that sense, it can become an asset for the sake of survival; however, it can make you do stupid things. Fear can help you as much as it can hurt you. That's why there are two options in the face of it: you can either forget everything and run or face everything and rise. Most assuredly, I will say that it is easier to run than to fight it; but if you can accept your fear for what it is and fight back...then you'll overcome any obstacle in your way."

The girls took a moment to ponder those words whilst looking at one another for reassurance. They knew in their hearts that Raizo was right about this. They each held something dear to protect while also wanting to protect each other. That was what they swore to do, they had to for the sake of everything they have ever known and loved.

"I'm not asking you to go beyond your means or risk your lives absentmindedly. The threats we face far outclass Tiamat and all of the other Demon Gods behind; however, what I am asking you to do is to just believe in yourselves...believe in those that you will be fighting alongside of in the battle to come; and...if you can afford to, believe in me.

I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm scared too. I just came back from death and endured things that no other person should ever have to endure. In addition to that, I'm not nearly as powerful as I once was...but for the sake of everyone I care about, I'm prepared to lay my life on the line again as many times as it takes. If we all work together, then I'm sure we can win…I KNOW we can win."

"Yes Sensei!" the girls echoed in unison.

Akaro nodded in approval before nudging him in the back.

"Look at you, you're getting better at this," he smirked.

"Heh shut up, Aniki, you know I learned those kind of speeches from you," Raizo chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah...anyways, all right ladies, training is over for today. Go get cleaned up and grab a bite to eat then get some rest. Can't afford to waste a single second of down time," the Envoy ordered.

With curt nods, the girls proceeded to exit the room. Their guardians in S.O.N.G. held no words over the speech they just heard. Instead, they only yielded smiles of approval before filing out of the room leaving the two brothers alone.

"Guess we should go grab a bite too or something," Raizo sighed whilst ruffling his hair.

"Not yet, we got our own training to take care of," Akaro suggested.

"Oh yeah? I mean...pretty sure this room isn't strong enough for us...or the rest of the squad."

"That much is true...which is why we built a different room in the corridor near this one. Come on."

"Damn...what the hell has been going on while I was in Purgatory? It's like you guys knew this shit was gonna happen."

"Hey man, the beauty is in the art of thinking ahead...plus a little bit of higher perceptive abilities and what not."

"Aniki, you know it was just an offhand idea that you randomly had at some point in time. Don't bullshit me."

"Damn lil' bro, you're getting too good at this. I need to stop letting you hang out around Akame so much."

"The hell are you talking about? That shit's genetic, dude."

The brothers exited the simulation training room only to find Kimiko, Akame, Adena, Vesta, and Reina waiting for them in the hallway.

"Perfect timing, we were just about to come and get you ladies...um...where's Hikari Esdeath, and Inari?" Akaro raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"They wanted to explore the base apparently," Akame shrugged.

"Wait...altogether?" the Envoy spoke in surprise.

"Well...pretty sure they went their separate ways. Granted, the Ice Pop will likely walk outside to enjoy her element. As for Hikari and Inari, they seemed like they wanted to have a one-on-one conversation. Probably some weird Queen and Princess stuff...who knows?" Adena explained.

"Fair enough...oh well, guess this will just be a family affair then. Time for some training everyone. It's been awhile since we worked on any team exercises," Akaro proposed to which the rest of the family collectively nodded in agreement.

"How intriguing, I do have innate curiosity over how well Team AKARA performs," Reina surmised.

"Well follow me, there's a perfect room for us to use."

The Crimson Envoy led the group down the lengthy hallway towards a great metal threshold that was commissioned specifically for their use. After placing a hand on the nearby terminal, the steel doors slowly began to separate with a great gust of steam being pressurized and released. As Akaro led them inside, the gradual glow of pale, luminescent, soft white lights illuminated the massive space. It was a large, hexagonal room with white interior. The details were relatively minimalist outside of three black stripes going along the side of each of the walls.

"How is this place different from the other rooms, Aniki?" Raizo inquired whilst taking in the emptiness of the room.

"I too find myself rather curious over how this will work," Reina added on.

"Well ya see, this room uses a combination of Rayshift data in the old Chaldean database combined with a good bit of 42nd century Augmented Reality technology to create extremely realistic battle scenarios. Think of them as small singularities based on neural data provided by the users. This results in scenarios that are so lifelike that it is indistinguishable from the real deal," he explained.

Raizo and Reina merely looked at one another given their lack of experience with futuristic technology. Adena just shrugged her shoulders indifferently and Vesta was standing there pondering over what was just said. Kimiko just shook her head back and forth.

"Translation, this room reads your brain and creates lifelike encounters against anyone you can imagine," Akame summarized.

"Makes sense now, thanks Aka-sensei," Raizo nodded.

"Don't mention it...Akaro just likes to sound technical for no reason from time to time."

"Babe...I'm not a total muscle brain you know," the male in question pleaded.

"We know, you just have a bad habit of going overboard on details from time to time."

"Fine, fine...so anyways, shall we get started then?"

` Raizo walked a few paces ahead of the group for a second whilst mulling over something within his thoughts.

"I don't have the same powers I used to anymore...so technically it would make sense if I was weaker. However, is that really necessarily the case? I don't feel bound up now that Indra is gone. Perhaps I'm stronger now than I was before? There's only one real way to find out..."

"Oi...lil' bro...you okay over there?" Akaro raised an eyebrow as the others turned their focus towards him.

"Oh...what? Yeah...I'm fine. Hey uh...this might sound a little out of place, but do you guys mind if I take a stab at this room first? Like...on my own. I want to test something...just think of it as a little bit of a warm-up or something," the youth requested.

"Sure, I don't see why not," Akaro agreed.

"Hmm...was not expecting that one, you okay babe?" Adena raised an eyebrow in concern.

"Yeah I'm fine, honestly. I just gotta get myself together a bit."

"Raizo-san, are you sure?" Vesta asked in concern.

"Honestly, I'm good. I just don't know what exactly I'm capable of without Indra's blood in my body so...I don't want to hold you guys back at all."

"Raizo, if this is truly what you wish to do then so be it. Just know that if I find your performance disappointing then it is extracurricular lessons after this," Akame said sternly.

"Aka-sensei...please don't. I'd rather not die again..."

"Do not let our bond fool you, Raizo-san. If you disappoint me, then my kouhai is the least of your worries," Reina remarked.

"Mou...that's not fair either!"

"There, there...accept this in advance," Kimiko said whilst casually walking over and reaching up to pat the boy on the head.

"Alright everyone, enough bullying the tsun. Let's give the kiddo some space," Akaro regarded as he directed the others to the far side of the room before pressing a button on the wall.

In that instant, the room acquired a faint blue aura across the floor as a gentle hum radiated within the chambers. As the activation phases proceeded, Raizo stretched his arms for a second before rolling his head around on his shoulders. From there, the youth sat down on his knees and closed his eyes.

[Acquiring mental imaging data…

Simulating battlefield…

Now generating targets…]

The virtual intelligence within the computer system scanned Raizo's presence and processed what it was that the youth wanted to project. In that instant, the space within the entirety of the room began to shift as a desolate, ash covered wasteland spread throughout the area. Across the dried fields of dead plant life and vegetation, the ground shook as a plateau of molten bedrock shot up from the surface of the Earth. In that moment, dark, spiraling clouds appeared overhead whilst great chasms of lava sprang forth. From the fiery rain came forth 10 silhouettes, all of which were varying in different sizes.

The first to appear was the familiar visage of a tall, muscular man encapsulated in black armor with lightning infused pilebunkers on his forearms. He was one of the first major adversaries that Raizo ever fought causing his trump card with Indra's Judgment to manifest – the famed Great General Budou.

The second to appear was a 700-foot, desert-skinned monstrosity with three heads whose steely scales made it look like a mass comprised of swords. It was a cosmic entity that Raizo fought once upon a time that pushed him to unlock his second transformation – Heart of the Storm. This beast was also known as the God Eater, the beast that wounded Indra once upon a time, and his name was Leviathan.

After that came the next individual in dark armor riding on horseback toting an ominous spear in his hands. He was the man that betrayed Raizo long ago by causing the massacre of the Order of the Blood Wolves. Called by the infamous title - "The Silver Fox" - whilst wielding the Holy Lance, Aquilo had entered the fray.

Then came a hooded figure next to the armored male on the horse. His eyes seemingly glowed beneath the veil that concealed his face as his somewhat wrinkled skin was made apparent. He was the member of the Scarlet Cerberus that attempted to ravage the Gamma Universe during the Pandora Conflict, and a user of the Cosmic Arts – Deus.

The next five silhouettes of varying sizes needed no introductions. They were all familiar targets scattered across the multiverse when it came to the fragments of the Arcana Crystal and combatants that reared their heads once more during the final battle in the Temple of Time. The four Demon Gods – Bael, Asmodeus, Lucifer, and Tiamat – led by the sinister Demon King, Goetia, had appeared as well.

Last but not least was a man of great renown in the Throne of Heroes. He was perhaps one of Raizo's greatest foes he ever faced alone in battle that took him to new heights of his potential which only lasted for a second. Brilliant golden hair, crimson eyes, a red sigil that covered his exposed chest, and golden armor from the waist down, this appearance belonged to no one other than the King of Heroes – Gilgamesh.

Ten enemies appeared on the plateau looming overhead. Ten people whom tested Raizo's abilities and brought him face to face with the key to take himself to the next level. Of course, there were others in the youth's mind whom tested his potential; one such being was the archer known as Arjuna. However, the 10 before him left an impression on him in some way or another that ran deep. They were his greatest triumphs while in some cases, his hidden regrets. As the foes stepped forward reinvigorated with life once more, the male continued to keep calm while his family watched in the distance.

"So we meet once again, Raizo," began the Demon King, Goetia.

"It would seem fate has a taste of irony bringing us face to face once more," Budou added in.

"You lack the scent of Indra on you, but that shall not stop me from unleashing my wrath against you..." Leviathan hissed in anger.

"The Fated Battle continues now, last of the Arashi," Aquilo remarked.

"Are you prepared to meet your end, boy?" Deus inquired from beneath his hood.

"I never had the chance of grinding you into dust, mongrel. Consider it an honor for you to be the target of my hatred," Gilgamesh declared.

"My, my, such a delicacy appears before me once more. I relish in the thought of tasting such a fine specimen," cooed Tiamat.

"Shall we brother?" Bael chuckled.

Yes indeed," Asmodeus followed.

"For the sake of my father and my honor," Lucifer finished.

The words of chastisement and declarations of vengeance assailed the ears of the youth; however, not once did he flinch or showed any signs of wavering. Instead, his breathing was calm and his nerves were like steel before them. He channeled his focus into his resolve and began to feel the energy circulating within his body.

"Though my body may be missing the powers I once had, the experience I gained with them is engraved in every fiber of my muscles down to my bones. I don't need Indra to fight them. I have my own power to get by with. My control, my instincts, my vision, and my wisdom, everything I was taught and everything I experienced will culminate together in this very moment!" the male thought with determination.

"You're all just obstacles in my way and I'll eliminate you all; not with some borrowed power, but the strength that was within me this entire time..."

In that moment, the youth's eyes shot open revealing his fearsome crimson gaze. As he extended his right hand out to the side, Nirvana spawned from the Astral Plane before morphing into the eclipse blade that took after the sun. From that point, the battle began.

Great General Budou was the first to make a move. The armored military officer jumped down from the plateau flinging the cape on his shoulders off to the side. In that moment, the pilebunkers on his forearms sparked with an excessive amount of electricity. From there, he suspended himself in the air whilst raising both arms to the sky as a concentrated ball of dense energy gathered above him.

"Solid Shooter!" he shouted out before discharging his trump card.

The mass of electricity was sent hurdling towards the youth on the ground. As Raizo rose to his feet with his blade in hand, the male observed the attack as he casually began to march towards it.

"How far have I come in order to perceive this as nothing more than a stone being chucked at me in slow motion?" he asked nonchalantly.

As the ball approached his location closer and closer, the male reached out with his left hand. In brilliant flash of light, the attack hit its target. However, the light emitted was not due to detonation.

"What?" Budou asked in disbelief.

"It seems like Grandpa wishes to play catch for old time's sake. Very well, allow me to oblige," Raizo called out.

The youth firmly grasped onto the orb before chucking it full force at the man. Faster than the general could perceive or even remotely comprehend, Budou found his entire body devoured by the attack before being vaporized to dust.

Immediately after the general's death, audible clacking noises resonated in the air followed by the whinnying of a horse. As the male looked past the smoke where Budou's remains fettered through the sky, he saw Aquilo racing towards him with his spear radiating the ominous green aura.

"Raizo!!! My spear shall have your head!" he declared boldly as his charged ahead of the pack.

"Some things never change...do they, Aquilo? Honestly, I should thank you. If it was not for your betrayal, I would never have the life that I have right now...the family that truly brings out the best in me. But alas...your relevance in my life has run its course. As you crawl towards your imminent death once more, realize that I kill you not out of hatred or revenge...but to put you in my past once and for all by my own hand," Raizo responded.

As the spear-wielding horse rider galloped closer and closer, to the former Stormbringer's mind it was as if eternity was passing him by. Taking two steps forward, the youth swung his sword in one simple stroke. In that instant, Aquilo's horse was decapitated and his body was bisected in two.

"Farewell once and for all, my old, envious adversary."

The Earth began to shake violently. Raizo adjusted his sights and saw the visage of the three-headed draconian nightmare approach him. Its menacing gaze was locked firmly on the male. As the Hunter-in-training stood idly by witnessing the beast slither quickly across the ground towards him, his mind flashed back to their first encounter. He remembered how the creatures heads multiplied with every severing strike. It came down to a clutch moment in which he first utilized his signature move: Cosmic Foundry in tandem with Heart of the Storm that ultimately beat this beast. However, neither one of those were in his realms of possibility at the moment. Regardless, the man did not seem to care.

"Leviathan, the fabled God Eater...I was terrified of you when I felt like I couldn't defeat you. But I was a naive child then...and even though there is still much for me to learn..." Raizo's voice trailed off after that.

He took a deep breath and felt the muscles within his legs tingle with energy. He vividly imagined his body as the great speedster he once was. He summoned the latent potential obscured by the veil of uncertainty within his body that was trying to adapt without Indra's presence and began to draw on what lied within.

"No transformations, no special moves, nothing...you truly are a meal for me, Raizo!" Leviathan howled in delight for the tasty dish to come. Yet his hideous maws would never hold anything.

"Mythical beast of old, return to the seas of nothingness and become nothing more than a fairy tale in the annals of history..."

Raizo flipped Nirvana around in a reverse blade grip and channeled astral energy and hellfire into the length of the blade. As the spiraling colors of vermilion and aquamarine spiraled together in perfect harmony, the male waited until the 700-foot colossus was towering over him and ready to swallow him whole. In one swift, fluid motion like a flowing river, the male swept his right side forward in a delicate twist as the energy was released.

Cleaving the ground in three grooves of light across the deadened surface, the attack traverses the distance and reverberated through every facet of Leviathan's body. In that moment, the creature had millions of cracks cover his body before he shattered apart like a glass vase. The broken shards of his corpses then rained down like snow before disappearing into tiny particulates of light.

"You've dropped your guard, child the Arashi blood," spoke the sudden voice of Deus as he materialized from a dark portal behind Raizo's back.

"Old man, how strategic of you," the youth remarked.

In that instant, the hooded individual gently reached out to tap his targets back with a ball of dark energy. However, faster than the former lieutenant of Scarlet Cerberus could even blink, he found his wrist clenched by Raizo's left hand.

"It took a special kind of transformation to fight you once upon a time...now it's just as easy as the previous foes I just dismissed..."

In Deus' hand was the catalyst to create a stellar mass black hole that could potentially devour more than a thousand different multiverses in one fell swoop. As the unstable ball of consecrated energy sparked whilst gradually expanding in his hand, the youth couldn't help but to chuckle.

"How ironic, it was a black hole that got me into this mess to begin...the path of my judgment. Thanks for the amusing maneuver, you managed to draw a smile out of me," Raizo spoke with an optimistic tone of voice.

"Why don't you take this and share it with the other irrelevant individuals attempting to rush me right now?"

"What are you..." Deus began to question before he saw four of the Demon Gods trying to leap at the youth from behind – Bael, Asmodeus, Lucifer, and Tiamat.

Each one of them were powered up significantly above their average selves when the youth first fought them. In fact, they were about as strong as they were when they got resurrected in the final battle.

"Are you ready for history to repeat itself, boy?!" Bael declared with his burning fists clenched tightly.

"Prepare to meet your destiny!" Asmodeus followed.

"Enjoy eternity in Hell, bastard child of the false god!" Lucifer declared.

"Do not worry my dear, I shall resurrect you and have your body to myself after this!" Tiamat lasciviously spoke with the licking of her lips.

"That's cute..." Raizo responded with a deadpan expression.

Turning on his heels, the youth threw Deus with his unstable energy right into the group of Demon Gods. Instantaneously, that dense ball expanded whilst devouring all five targets before attempting to expand and annihilate the entire location.

"You've served your purpose, now let's get you out of here..." Raizo said before gripping his blade tightly.

In a quick succession of three simple cuts, the astral energy discharged by his blade cleaved the black hole in three distinctive fragments before they destabilized and collapsed in on one another. In one final explosive display, the energy then vanished without a trace.

"And now...the only ones left are the two Kings. Who shall be first?" Raizo spoke confidently as he advanced closer towards the platform that Gilgamesh and Goetia were standing upon.

"Step aside foul demon, this mongrel dishonored me once...he shall not do so again," the King of Heroes spoke before stepping forward only to then levitate in the air.

"By all means, just make it an amusing show," Goetia stood by whilst folding his arms in bemusement.

"Open...Gate of Babylon!" Gilgamesh declared as the golden portals indicative of his vast treasury spawned behind him.

"Ah...this again...but it seems a little different this time," Raizo remarked whilst observing the weapons emerging from it.

"Yes...I shall unleash the full might of my great collection down upon you. Consider it an honor that I acknowledge you to such an extent that I wish to unequivocally annihilate the concept of your existence from the face of the Earth."

"That's a mouthful to just say 'Fuck You', man. Keep it simple or does all the gold you show off make you inherently stupid?"

"Mongrel...your insolence has signed the final document upon your fate!"

Upon the utterance of his words seething in anger, hundreds upon thousands of different Noble Phantasm began to rain down upon the Earth that Raizo was standing upon. They shot faster than any bullet ever could well over the limits of what could be defined as massively faster than light. The imminent shower of death descended towards the Son of Mercer; however, the boy merely sighed.

"If only you realized just how different I am now compared to when we first fought..."

The child took a deep breath. He slowed down his perception of time within his mind so he could dive deep within his consciousness to bring everything he learned in Cocytus into one. He unshackled the latent potential within every orifice of his body beneath the various muscle tendons and ligaments that comprised his body; sharpened his instincts to be sensitive of the world around him while dismissing the distractions of his logical mind; envisioned his body to be as elegant and ferocious as the rushing tides; and embraced the world around him as if it was just another part of his body. With all four of those factors coming into perfect harmony, the boy's effort began to bear fruit.

A twist of blue, silver and white energy gathered around the male's body. It was almost as if his vessel was surrounded by an all-encompassing, soothing flame that burned with beauty and serenity as opposed to rage. Upon opening his eyes, the crimson irises transformed into eyes dyed in an argent shade.

As the projectiles poured over his location, the youth moved effortlessly between each and every one of them. It was almost as if he was walking through the hailstorm without cause or concern of being hit. As a result, he merely danced through the turbulent fury of the Noble Phantasms. He weaved through the assault without so much as a scratch on his person. It was impossible to count how many treasures were hurled his way; regardless, none of them came in contact with him.

"Why...why do you continue to insult me by breathing? Why don't you just die already, filthy mongrel?!!!" Gilgamesh cursed whist being rattled by the male's approaching body.

"Enkidu, capture him!" the King declared.

As the chains of divine origin lashed out to take hold of Raizo, they dissolved into dust upon entering the range of his aura. This was much to the Golden King's dismay.

"Fine then, I shall finish you with the most trusted technique in my entire arsenal. Come forth, Ea!"

In that moment, the storied conical, crimson bladed weapon attempted to come forth from his portal. Yet as Gilgamesh went to reach it, he found his arm being clutched by the youth and squeezed tightly.

"How did you slip past my Auto-Defensors? Not even my clairvoyance caught you?!"

"Your defensors were erased just like your chains...and as for your clairvoyance? I guess you're just too slow to keep up," Raizo uttered before breaking Gilgamesh's arm with his bare hand.

"AAAAHHHHH YOU BASTARD!" the Babylonian King cried out in agony.

"You...I won't lose to you...not again!"

"You won't lose to me again? That's hard to imagine since you're already dead..."


Gilgamesh's view suddenly turned upside down as the world spun around him. The King of Heroes did not realize that his head had parted ways with his body. With that, he was consumed into nothingness once more.

"Now then...you and I have unfinished business, don't we, Goetia?" Raizo said as his burning gaze locked with that of the Demon King's.

Ever so casually, the youth floated down to colossal mass of evil's location. Once again, the two individuals came face to face.

"I did not realize you were so eager to return to Purgatory," Goetia declared.

"Well...I did make a promise to return there, but I'll return on my own terms. And besides, Purgatory isn't so bad...especially when you have a close relationship with the Sovereign of the territory."

"Surely you jest..."

"Not even remotely. But that shouldn't matter to you. Why rely on a cheap trick when you can fight me one on one as it was meant to be?"

"Hahaha...silly boy, do you really think your little reactionary powers can hope to match me? You're barely even stronger than that silly form you attempted to attack me in when we first came face to face. What makes you think the outcome will change? Especially without Indra's power to back you up!"

"What makes you think I need his power when I've got something greater than that within me?"

The moment Raizo's words passed from his lips, he felt a surging strength bubbling up from within him. This ferocious power, it was not completely foreign to him. He felt it before, but it has been so long that he never thought he'd ever feel it again. A disembodied voice filled his ears as the words of an unlikely ally reemerged.

{The time has come, Raizo. The path before you as a God Hunter has at long last been ignited. Let this moment be the next step in your journey. Forget the chains that held you back under the thumb of my offspring, forget whatever idea of limits you have weighing within your mind.}

"Relepagus, good to know you're still on my side," Raizo said in his mind.

{I told you before during that fateful encounter against Deus, you would be my retainer and the next candidate for the title of Primordial God of Thunder. Even without Indra, the unstoppable storm still rages within you. Own it and make it yours!}

Raizo let go of Nirvana thus allowing the blade to relinquish her presence back into the Astral Plane.

"I don't want my partner to taste the viscosity of your revolting blood. Instead...I'll settle our battle with one decisive blow from my fist...and the power you never bore witness to before!"

The aura around Raizo's body faded as his eyes shifted back to their crimson luster; however it wasn't long before they changed into another shade. The youth's eyes glowed with a twist of bronze and garnet, his black hair became a dim shade of gold whilst the white part in his locks adopted a brighter gold akin to neon yellow. In that moment, a twist of Primordial, golden electricity erupted around his body completely blanking out the space. The divine radiance shook the entirety of the simulation chamber whose augmentation technology generated an entire Omniverse to withstand the might of the combat within.

"Well look at that, lil' bro knows how to make his own miracles come to life," Akaro smiled in approval.

"Of course, we've passed a lot of our knowledge down to him," Akame remarked with a nod in agreement.

"You've finally discovered the path you want to follow, Raizo-san," Vesta commented with a sigh of relief.

"Well then, I thought I could make a fancy entrance. Not bad, babe, not bad at all," Adena grinned.

"You've come a long way from the child obsessed with vengeance that I met so long ago," Kimiko spoke in monotone though she rejoiced within her heart.

"One step closer, but the journey has only begun," Reina commented in a distant tone whilst being occupied with other thoughts.

Her words carried a cryptic message within, yet only Kimiko gave her a lingering stare instinctively knowing what she meant.

"How...how can a mortal like you contain such power? It is impossible! Without Indra, you are nothing! Just a monotheistic fool with delusions of grandeur, nothing more and nothing less. This cannot be so!" Goetia gasped in shock whilst stepping back to shield his eyes from the intensity of the light.

The golden energy faded revealing the full glow of Raizo's enhanced body.

"Soul of the Storm..." he said before taking a deep breath.

"I pity you, Goetia. You just don't get it. You call me a mere mortal, but I'm only half that...and half something else. I bear the weight of both human and divine and I'll bring out the best of those two worlds! That's something you could never understand!"

"You...you...don't get cocky child! I'll incinerate you just like I did to human history in one decisive blow!" the Demon King declared whilst raising his arms to strike.

"Not this time..."

In that moment, Raizo blitzed past Goetia to the other end of the seemingly infinite space comprised within the special reality. Cut across to the nigh edge of the Omniverse, the youth began to dash through the cosmos gathering the momentum flowing through his body and channeling it into his fist.

"For my family's sake, for humanity's sake, for the ones who were lost and those who were gained, for the sake of what was, is and is to come, from the depths of Purgatory to the gates of Elysium, let this fist shine with the radiance of an even brighter tomorrow! Let this strength burning within me become a testament for the future beyond the horizon! Ascended Kamui – SOVEREIGN FIST!"

The energy gathered around the Son of Mercer's right hand. Within that glorious instant, a great silhouette of divine energy crafted a project of his fist that was at least 50 times the size of his body. All of that power that consecrated together collided against the fully powered Demon King in one single shot.


The foul beast that destroyed humanity cried out in fading agony before his existence was erased leaving nothing else but a memory behind. As soon as the body of the beast was destroyed, silence wafted over the area. Raizo's breaths were heavy, but as he quickly took a moment to gather himself to calm down, it returned to normal. The Primordial radiance surrounding his body faded and he returned to normal. Standing upright, he looked around and saw no one else; however, he felt like it wasn't over yet.

"So the bastard child continues to taint the Primordial realm, not only by existing, but by seizing power he has no business possessing," a chastising voice echoed from behind.

As the youth turned around, his eyes discovered the familiar visage of an old man in long, flowing, white robes shining with the light of changing constellations, a long white beard, and eyes that changed colors incessantly. His stern gaze betrayed his holy visage as he stood before the male.

"My final test..." Raizo responded softly to himself before saying the man's name, "Izunia...or...the Architect rather, it's been too long."

"Not long enough I'm afraid," the old man responded in an uncaring tone.

"Raizo doesn't seriously think he's going to fight that old bastard on his own, does he?" Addy remarked in panicked tone of voice.

"This isn't someone he can face easily. We should assist him," Vesta protested.

"Relax, though unsettling it may be, this confrontation isn't what you think it is," Kimiko spoke reassuringly.

"Indeed, this is Raizo's personal battle. To interfere now would only showcase a lack of faith in him," Akame added in agreement.

"He never got to say his personal peace against the old timer...best to let things play out and see what happens next," Akaro said.

"Not all battles are meant to be won with a weapon in hand, or one's fists. Some wars are only fought with the mind. But in this case, it is a matter of the heart," Reina expressed with wisdom.

As a result, Team AKARA continued to watch the event play out.

"Raizo Arashi, or...I'm sorry, you call yourself 'Raizo Mercer', that's right. Regardless of what you call yourself, it will never change the fact that you are nothing more than a half-breed bastard whose sole purpose is to be used and discarded like the puppet you are. Haven't you heard? The audience hates it when the actor overstays his welcome on the stage," The Architect spoke insidiously in an attempt to bait the youth into anger.

"Do you really think that the Omniverse needs a glorified failure such as you? You're arrogant, foolhardy, impulsive, short-sighted, and irresponsible. You're not a protector of anything or anyone. You're just a liability. After all, if you were such a hero that you try to aspire to be...would humanity have been completely wiped out? Would you have lost your powers in the first place? You should have just stayed dead and rot in Purgatory for eternity. Instead, you chose to come back to a place you are no longer needed...let alone wanted. Who knew that Mercer's firstborn son would be such a waste of cells made into flesh? The fact you breathe before me is offensive enough. You should fall on your own sword and do reality a favor."

Silence caressed the space between the two individuals in that moment. It was as if everything became still in that moment. The breeze within the alternate reality did not blow, nor did the ground relinquish a shudder. Seeing the child go silent, the old man chuckled for a brief moment.

"Well, do you have anything to say?"

"Oh, I'm sorry...did I break your concentration? You were so stuck on insults that I was just waiting patiently for you to finish. So you're done now right? Okay good...now then. Great job on the little speech you had going on there. You REALLY made me feel bad about myself. I mean...holy crap, I can't even begin to tell you how depressed I feel...like, I was literally going through 1,001 ways I could end it all after that. Just wow...spot on...totally spot on. Bravo Architect, bravo," Raizo initially responded whilst sarcastically clapping.

"Perhaps I should just kill you..."

"Hey, hey...quiet now. You had your 15 minutes of fame, now it's my turn to speak. So stand there like a stoic old bastard and politely shut up. Okay? So, first and foremost...congratulations. You're the 1 millionth person to call me a 'bastard' in my lifetime. Your prize is a shirt that says: Played Out. Like what is this? Some battle of succession series for a glorified chair? Come on now, that's weak.

I don't give a damn about the technicalities of my lineage. Yes, my mother is human and my father is a Primordial God...who cares? I mean, who knows how many demigods exist throughout the infinite cosmos. Does it really matter? If that's your go-to insult to try and take down my morale, I'm just gonna stand here and laugh before continuing on with life. That shit literally doesn't matter to me so get over it.

Yes...I have been arrogant, foolish, impulsive, short-sighted and so on; as a result, it has cost me a lot. I've lost friends, people's trust, my honor, and even my faith in what I was meant to be. I broke promises, I failed to live up to expectations, and I've disappointed many people who were very important to me. And yes, I've attempted to rectify it and still came up short. Hell, I even accepted death as penance for my actions...yet here I stand. For everything I've lost, I've gained so much more.

I have a family whose bonds I can't even begin to describe how much I cherish, friends from worlds I never thought I'd ever visit, and love that will last for eternity. All of which has changed me and helped shape me to become who I am today. Yes, I make mistakes but I am humbled every step of the way. I strive to be a better person every day. I'm by no means perfect. There's only one person who is that, Izunia...and you damn sure aren't her.

You're attempting to call me out over my sins...but you're the one who tried force your own mother to bend to your will. Hell, you even tried to kill her! You tried to enslave the very woman whom not only gave you breath, but gave breath to the very essence of life that is the Omniverse. What kind of son are you? You profess yourself as this Almighty God, but you literally tried to destroy the very definition of beauty that She created. How could you?"

"DO NOT TRY TO CHASTISE ME, BOY!" Izunia shouted in anger over the young man's words.

"You dare try to question me? A being who far outclasses your comprehension? How utterly nonsensical! You do not understand the depths of what I went through to do what I've done. It was all to save creation from itself lest it be destroyed by the true enemy of us all. If you want to channel your anger at someone, it should be at the Goddess-Above-All since she abandoned her own creation! She abandoned us all and left us to die at the hands of Azoth! She abandoned her own son!" the old man declared with tears welling up in his eyes.

There was a great pain conveyed through his words, especially as his speech began to break up towards the end of his statement. As much as he did not want to admit it, he was heartbroken because he longed for his mother's guidance.

"How could you, a mere speck of cosmic dust floating around the vastness of life everlasting, understand my pain or my burdens to bear? You know nothing because you see nothing. You just force your morals on what you believe is right without seeing the bigger picture. You and your 'Team AKARA' do nothing but endanger the sanctity of creation by your deeds! You so-called heroes will be the death of us all. You, Raizo Mercer, are the very definition of everything I despise...which is why humanity deserved to be wiped out. Too bad you and your friends weren't wiped out alongside it. If my plan succeeded, we would be in paradise right now."

"No Izunia, you're wrong. You're wrong about everything. You see...it wasn't she that abandoned you...or the rest of creation. Everyone and everything abandoned her. It started with the Great War among the gods and trickled down to humanity. It's easy to blame the creation when any imperfection in the finished product falls on the creator."

"Yes...blame the gods...that's what humanity has done since the beginning when they grew aware. They blamed the gods for everything that went wrong in their lives. Which is why Free Will was a mistake…"

"No. That's not the case. Free Will is a gift...it allows us all as sentient beings to have the right to choose. If you consider that a mistake, then you're saying that She made a mistake...because she gifted it to us in the first place...starting with you. She's a doting parent whom wanted to raise up children in her own image to carry on her legacy in a variety of ways. And instead, her gifts were squandered. For what? Meaningless ambition, jealousy, and destruction? You call me a puppet, yet you and the other gods became victims of the very same strings that ties mortals with. Children become independent from their parents at some point in time...the problem is, we left the nest too soon leaving the ones who were meant to nurture us behind. And it all traces back to you. So you see, Izunia the Architect, everything that is wrong with the cosmos as you see it eventually falls back on you and your siblings since the first war in time immemorial."

"No, that's impossible, that is simply untrue! I refuse to acknowledge such absurd words from a mere mortal like you. We gods are perfect and without flaw...I AM PERFECT AND WITHOUT FLAW! You're all just tools to be discarded. TRASH! I WILL ALWAYS BE THE ONE TRUE GOD!"

"You just can't come to terms with it...which is why you failed. I'll do whatever it takes to write your wrongs...to rewrite all the faults that the gods instilled on the world. My family and I will not stop no matter what threat comes our way. We'll may not get back all we've lost, but we'll recover what we can so we can rebuild. Even if we're deemed unworthy, I believe in Akasha. I believe that she never lost faith in us...and even if she did, she's just waiting for us to come running home like any kind and loving parent would. Because even with all the great power she holds...I'll place everything on the line to bet on her forgiveness and mercy. But for now Izunia, I'll just say this..." Raizo explained before raising his middle finger.

"Don't insult me, just who the hell do you think I am? You are no god to me. You mean nothing to me. This is my story, and you're not part of it. And that...is my reckoning."


With that, The Architect faded away as if he was just an illusion.

[Simulation complete…]

The battlefield disappeared before the room returned to its regular, white tiled self. As the confrontation with Raizo's past adversaries came to an end, he was approached by his family from behind.

"Well damn lil' bro, that was something else. Gotta say kiddo, you've come a long way since your days of being a shitty little edgelord," Akaro remarked before patting his kid brother on the back.

"Heh, you think so? I still feel like a snot-nosed brat though," Raizo responded whilst scratching his cheek.

"You underestimate the curve of your personal growth. Your actions and prowess in battle along with the words you spoke to the Architect, you have truly matured. I couldn't be any prouder of you, my student," Akame said as she gently patted the boy on his head.

"Thanks Aka-sensei...I tried my best not to let you down," he smirked.

"That was all awesome as hell...plus dat punch was straight up sick...but my favorite was the middle finger ya gave that rustic bastard. Quite the touch, babe," Adena winked with a sly smirk.

"Eh well...I admittedly emulated you in that moment so….yeah," the Son of Mercer shrugged.

"Raizo-san, please don't pick up anymore of Adena's habits. She's not exactly role model material at times," Vesta sighed in concern.

"Oi, what the hell Vesta?! I'm not that bad! I'm totally kid friendly!"

"You're as lewd and crude as Akaro-niisan...in fact, there are times when you are worse," the Rose-Eyed Stormbringer retorted.

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!" Akaro and Addy spoke in unison.

"Oh great...I'm getting a headache now," Akame sighed whilst shaking her head.

In the background, Kimiko casually walked around to the other side of the boy and tugged on his shirt from behind. Raizo turned to see the girl standing there as their gazes met.

"Did you get everything you needed to off your chest?" she asked casually.

"Yeah...I never got the chance to speak my truth. I uh...wasn't too cheesy or anything, was I? I mean...I know she's listening and all...well...you were listening. Mou...now I feel embarrassed," Raizo blushed before looking off to the side.

"Hey..." Kimi turned his chin so that their gazes would meet.

"I have faith in you, too."

In that moment, the girl pulled the boy in for a gentle yet heartfelt kiss.

"Dammit, ya stole a move on me again, Aneki!" Addy whined.

"Oh don't ruin the wholesome moment, idiot," Vesta chastised.

"Oi you two...wrong room for all that," Akaro teased before being elbowed in the side by his wife whose gaze was enough to say a thousand words.

"I would hate to break up this tenderhearted moment, but is it not time to resume our training now that Raizo-san is finished warming up?" Reina inquired from the side.

"Good point, so...um who's next to fight their old foes or something?" Akaro proposed but Reina raised her hand to interrupt again.

"I have a better idea," the Sovereign declared whilst walking towards the center of the room and closing her eyes.

[Acquiring mental imaging…

Generating battlefield…]

The room began to glow taking a moment to generate the next zone.

"Wait, why are you walking over there?" Raizo asked while the others exchanged subtle looks of surprise.

"Because the next opponent you all will be facing is me," the long-haired beauty remarked before emanating her dark crimson aura that instantly spawned her signature armor over her casual clothing.