
Perpetual Samsara (Part 5)

The pair were thrust into a cosmic abyss devoid of life, but filled with color and form. A unique road composed of light-bending effects twisting a wide spectrum of hues forging a path for them to follow sprawled before them. However, rather than being allowed to walk upon it, an unknown gravitational force sucked them along its intended path and dragged them along a wild ride that could only be described as a celestial rollercoaster. High velocity straightaways, sharp hairpin turns, spiraling chasms and narrow dives encompassing imaginary peaks and slopes in this empty gap of space was the path that Reina and Raizo were forced to endure as if someone dropped them in a video game and were making them race through the stars. After looping around a number of different corkscrews of varying sizes, the pair were eventually relinquished from the cosmic maze of mayhem and tossed through a mysterious light that opened up to the other side, the destination of their journey.

Abruptly, they were dropped gently upon a soft tuft of dirt and brush atop a green-topped cliff that overlooked a massive valley that was blanketed by a canvas of white clouds. All around them were floating peaks of landmasses in various sizes mimicking the formations of mountains. Sustained in the air by an unknown polarity network, these mysterious mountains were connected by long pathways of thick vines that linked the plant life growing atop it together. In the distance, they would be able to see waterfalls overflowing from the sides of several jagged peaks as the water continuously poured out into the infinite expanse seemingly disappearing in the puffs of white.

"This is…incredible. Everything is so beautiful; it's almost like we're in another part of Elysium," Raizo spoke in amazement over the visual presentation before his eyes. Yet as he got up and went to walk, he felt like he was assailed by an unknown pressure weighing down his shoulders.

"Be careful, we are no longer in Cocytus. I have no control over anything in this realm. This is 'The Other Side' as we colloquially know it. We are now in the domain of the Tengu, governed by the mighty and enigmatic Kiichi Hogen. You may be feeling an unknown sense of weight added right now; this realm actively suppresses anyone deemed an outsider. Any and all sense of divine energy or mana in your body is distorted rendering most of your abilities useless. That is just the result of the magnetism between these mountains referred to as the Hallelujah Peaks.," Reina explained.

"An automatic defense network just from the mountains alone? Safe to say that the Tengu may already know we're here…or at least this Kiichi Hogen person…"

"You would not be incorrect to assume such a notion."

"Are you affected at all?"

"Under normal circumstances, I should not be; however, it has been awhile since I came amongst the Tengu; plus my powers are different than they were before so I do feel a certain level of pressure."

"Great…so what now?"

"We put our training to use and start doing things the old fashion way and put our feet to purpose."

"Right…I knew you were gonna say that."

"Come on, we better get moving. Try to follow my lead, but be careful to watch every step you take."

The duo began their hike across the floating peaks without any further delay. Starting from their spot, they began to march up a long, intertwining vine that led to the first major mountain peak looming above their heads. Fortunately, the vines were so massive that they could easily traverse them without actually climbing; the kicker was just maintaining focus on each step without looking down. After a lengthy span of five minutes, they managed to reach the base of the first mountain peak before having to begin to climb up to their next location.

Reina led Raizo along a path using the connection she shared with the Tengu as a means to guide her where she and her descendant needed to go. They scaled up various cliffs and slippery ledges using their discipline and training conveyed by their stamina and dexterity to traverse the tricky landscape. Some paths that they had to follow led to perilous obstacles like pits of quicksand or dangerous barbs that one could only presume was poisonous to the touch to some degree. In these situations, the Sovereign and the Crusader dashed from wall to wall displaying their superior agility to conquer their obstructions along the journey.

"So…who exactly are these Tengu and where do they come from?" Raizo asked as they exited one side of the mountain and were preparing to cross to the next.

"That is honestly difficult to answer, because my knowledge of them only extends back to before my ascendancy to the role of Sovereign," Reina began as she walked a few paces in front of Raizo across a vine bridge.

"Sounds like it's a long story, but…you might as well tell me so I can have an idea of what I'm getting into," the Stormbringer suggested.

"That is a valid point, very well then," the Sovereign relented, "Let me begin by recapping what you may already know."

Reina waited until they crossed the gap between two of the floating peaks. She did not want them to be distracted lest they fall from their position and risk having to make the climb even longer than it was already shaping itself out to be. Once they were on a firmer foundation, she started her story.

"As far as everyone knows, the Tengu serve as the secret guardians of Cocytus. They monitor the workings of the domain from the shadows and only appear during times of great turmoil; hence why they revealed themselves out of nowhere when Hikari arrived in Purgatory. There are also occasions where a select number will respond to my call if I summon them."

"Right, I remember that much. However, if that really is the case then why aren't they showing themselves now with the Abyss Order attacking the varying kingdoms in Cocytus?"

"That is a very perceptive question, Raizo. Frankly, that is something I would like to know myself. However, we will find out that information when we get to the heart of their kingdom, hopefully that is."

"Agreed, but continue, I didn't mean to cut you off."

"It is quite fine, but anyway, the Tengu are a tribe that have long since existed in Purgatory way before my time as Sovereign; perhaps even further than that. Of course, that is all speculative on my part. After my fall into Purgatory many eons ago, my resolve was shaken and my mindset was all over the place. My moral center was what pushed me into making a decision to free the tribes of Cocytus that were enslaved by Tartarus. Garuda and the Fae folk of what would become the south and Ashura Gozen with the Ryu-jin were the first two tribes that I secured to my side.

I knew that the only way to truly break Tartarus' grip over Cocytus was to set free all of the slaves and organize a rebellion; however, I was an outsider. I did not suffer the way any of these people suffered at his hand, nor was I some type of beastkin or non-humanlike entity that they could rally behind. I was a human being that was reborn into godhood. I had to earn the trust and support of ALL people in Purgatory, but my resolve and faith in my capabilities were all but broken. That was when Rudy and Shugo broached the subject of securing Tengu support. Given my foreign presence, my aura had a particular essence about it that struck some chord of similarity with them."

"Wait a second…how did they draw that conclusion?" Raizo asked.

"Because apparently—the Tengu were the only tribe to have not been enslaved by Tartarus. In fact, rumor has it that Kiichi Hogen apparently bartered some sort of deal with the former Sovereign to ensure that he never bothered the entire race."


"I know….hence why I said before that they are a complex race to truly understand," Reina sighed for a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing her story.

"With Rudy's and Shugo's help, we came into this domain and climbed these mountains. However, it took a significantly long time to even reach the gates. You see, I had to prove myself time and time again not only through strength of the body, but of the mind and the heart. It felt like when the city was within reach, we would not be getting any closer no matter how much hiking and climbing we did. The frustration that built up inside me caused me to have an emotional outburst in which I cried out my shame and anger over my downfall. Once I freely released my guilt and pain, I was finally granted an audience with Kiichi Hogen. It was there that I trained not only the body, but the mind and the spirit to reach a point of balance within myself. Once I did, I received their blessing and support."

A brief stint of silence washed over them after Reina finished her story. The pair continued their hiking until they happened upon a certain cliff which overlooked the area ahead on another mountain. In the distance, a massive sprawl of trees parted to reveal a city-like structure consisting of a mixture of traditional temples that appeared like scaled down versions of Reina's castle. There was much more to be seen, but the glimpse they were able to perceive was but a taste of the full picture.

"Come on, the goal is just ahead," Reina encouraged as she continued to press forward towards their destination. Raizo merely nodded and followed suit, but he felt a small bit of anxiety well-up within the pit of his stomach unsure of what to expect.

As they approached the gate, two giant silhouettes came into view. They were twin figures of imposing stature standing at least 4 meters (16 feet) tall. They were lean, yet sturdily built creatures wearing white and black karate gi armed with large polearms. They were dark-skinned males with masks that had elongated noses and horns protruding from the top. Each of them held the same hairstyle that was long and bushy extending past their shoulders. Upon further inspection, they reminded Raizo of the creature that Reina summons using one of her ultimate abilities.

"You uh…got a plan for this? They don't seem too enthused to welcome us in," Raizo muttered to the Sovereign with a raised brow.

"Just relax, all we have to do is just stand still and wait," Reina reassured with a calm tone.

"Who are these guys?"

"They are guardians of the Tengu territory referred to as Adjudicators – lesser-type Bodhisattvas that guard these lands at all times."

As Reina was explaining, Raizo noticed how their eyes glowed yellow as they gazed down at the duo. He felt a strange piercing sensation overwhelm him, then a chilly touch grasp at his body causing him to breathe unsteadily for a moment.

"I know the sensation is strange, but please continue to remain calm. We are being tested as we speak."

"Tch…what is this feeling?"

"Adjudicators judge threats by seeing the intention of one's soul. They read the flow of your inner Karmic energy and perceive whether or not you are friend or foe without ever asking you a single question."

"I see…it's…a strange feeling, but one that is familiar at the same time," Raizo pondered to himself. The nameless guardians continued their fearsome gaze which painted further apprehension inside the Stormbringer. Feeling like this was wasting more time than necessary, Reina stepped forward and took a deep breath.

"We are not your enemy, you know who I am. Is this how my homecoming is going to be?" Reina remarked before quietly releasing herself from the Tengu guardians technique to showcase the art blessed upon her by the secret race. As the Adjudicators took note of this, their eyes lost their glow whilst stepping to the side. Both of them tapped their polearms into the ground before the gates opened thereby allowing Reina and Raizo to proceed.

As they breach the threshold, a world unlike any other awaited them. Once inside, they find themselves in the midst of a prosperous village that was sundered by the weight of peace. The structures of the varying houses and huts were traditional style estates with trapezoidal roofs that were like scaled down versions of Reina's castle. It was as if one was taking a trip into the feudal era of the eastern nations of human history; however, much cleaner and streamlined.

The pair passed through quietly along the streets as Raizo took note of the villagers here. He could see that some of them wore masks much like the Adjudicators out front even as they performed duties such as cooking food for sale at different stalls, or cleaning and maintaining the outer appearance of their structures. On the opposite side, he could hear hammers striking against armor as a pair of masked Tengu were working in the forge to create fine tools for a variety of tasks.

Shadows passed overhead which caused the Stormbringer to look up. It was there that he saw more of these whimsical creatures flying through the skies carried by the weight of black crow-like wings through the area. He saw what appeared to be a set of parents training their child how to fly. Then there was the mysterious clamoring of music ringing out in the air. His eyes caught sight of a few more individuals draped in colorful robes and exaggerated fabrics wearing cat-like masks as they performed on-stage to a set beat.

"Ah yes…Kabuki Theater…I recall these," Reina smiled softly to herself witnessing it occur.

"This place almost feels like the city surrounding your castle during your festivals."

"Of course it does, I created my castle modeled after their society as a token of gratitude to them for supporting my ascendancy and the liberation of the other races of Cocytus. That…and their way of life reminded me of our shared lineage during my days as just a human girl."

Just as Raizo and Reina were in admiration over the daily bustling of this mysterious race, it was then that their presence started to draw attention. Several of the masked beings stopped what they were doing and just stared at them from afar, others began to whisper among themselves before going to tuck inside some of the establishments.

"There are a larger number of these people than I was expecting. And…they all have animal-like appearances. Maybe we are foreign to them, hence why they are shying away and staring?" Raizo inquired with a raised brow.

"That is part of the reason, yes. We are most definitely outsiders, not only by appearance but by the very energy we radiate that is foreign to all of them. Be on your guard, getting this far was just a stroke of luck. We still have to get…"

As Reina went on to finish her warning, a series of deep, foreboding claps of thunder pounding on the surface of drums rang out. The calamitous sound caused the citizens to line up evenly across both sides of the stretch of road leading deeper into the city. Tension struck the air as an unknown pressure washed over the duo. Raizo's shoulders reflexively tightened as he slowly looked from left-to-right trying to get a grasp on what was going on. Reina's face merely turned into an expression showing focus and instinctive need to protect oneself. 

In a flash, the duo was surrounded by 15 figures of imposing stature. Each of them were all like giants in their own right, towering over the duo as well as many of the people gathered in the background. Draped in robes and vestments carrying multitudes of color differentiating one from the other, they all boasted great pairs of wings whose brilliance and beauty made them appear vastly superior than the other Tengu. Some were visibly muscular, others had visible bestial features that made them more intimidating.

"Reina…their auras…." Raizo whispered to his partner.

"I know…each of them far outclass my retainers even at their maximum potential. As a group, they may have enough potential to hold their own against some of the Abyss Order."

The masks of these Tengu were far more exaggerated than the others. Each possessed large protruding horns that hooked upwards like the oni with sharp teeth curling outward from the parted mouths. Each mask also held different patterns which further indicated their individuality from one another. One in particular stepped forward wearing a pale orange mask with black stripes decorating the cheeks and a red gem embedded between a pair of black horns. This particular Tengu then pulled the mask away and revealed their identity.

The newly unmasked Tengu was revealed to be a dark-skinned female standing just over 8 feet (about 2.5 meters) tall. She had amber eyes and wild black, chin-length hair cut asymmetrically in a bob style. She had a pair of black cat-like ears protruding from the top of her head as well as a pair of human ears, both holding golden piercings within them. Along her skin were black markings reminiscent of tiger stripes. Her body was adorned by a black dudou top outlined with linings of gold on the edges touching her skin and the diamond cut above her cleavage. This cropped top came down just below her ribcage leaving her hardened abs exposed for all to see. She wore baggy black sweatpants and dark, golden tights with long fingerless black and gold gloves leading up towards her elbow. Completing her outfit was a pair of dark red sandals with golden straps over her exposed feet with a red and gold braided tassel wrapped around her waist. Over her shoulders, she wore a dark and gold silken haori. Raising an eyebrow, she cast a judgment gaze towards Reina who stepped forward to meet her as their eyes locked for a lengthy 10 second deadlock.

"Keh, returneth she years gone decides looks ohw; Higo no Ajari smol," spoke the woman in a dialect that Raizo could hardly decipher.

"Hath I, yes, dwell among you, yes long time been has it; First Sister, on high," Reina remarked in a similar tongue towards her.

"Okay….what the fuck is going on here?" Raizo quietly thought to himself.

"Forgotten have you? Duty, honor, lla have thee? Gotten…forgor, aside role you have; amongeth us, todos forsaken…Daitengu aru." the unmasked woman continued, "Kurama no Sojobo, mused not, she be will…"

Raizo reached out and nudged Reina, "What the hell is going on here? I can barely understand this language you are speaking in."

"Tengu speak in broken riddles and reverse tongue. The long story short of it is that I am currently being chastised for abandoning my role in Cocytus as well as my responsibilities among the Tengu. This was to be expected given my longstanding history."

"Right…okay fine, but who the hell is she to judge you? Is she the one I'm meant to meet?"

"No, Raizo…she is the second strongest being out of all the Tengu and is the first seat of the Daitengu, Atago no Tarobo. And…among other things, she is also my adoptive older sister."


Raizo's mind went blank over that revelation as he found himself looking over Atago no Tarobo's appearance. He scanned her position for a moment notating all of the intricate details of her form. The bestial appearance gave off the idea that she was like a tiger, and her tightened core meant that she was obviously disciplined in combat.

"Listen Raizo, try not to be careless with eye contact when it comes to the Daitengu. Their perception is much more in depth than the Adjudicators and will not hesitate in–..." Reina was trying to warn her partner before she noticed Atago no Tarobo looming the Stormbringer with a hostile intensity decorating her eyes.

The youth tilted his head backwards gradually to meet her gaze while enhancing his nerves so as to not give her any ground in thinking that he was intimidated by her. As their gazes locked, it was by sudden impulse that the semi-giantess leaned in towards him and proceeded to sniff at the nape of his neck like she was driven by animal instinct. She took a deep inhale on one side then switched to the other. Then she reached towards his neck with her hands decorated by razor sharp claws that gently traced his collar before slowly tracing his neck. With a subtle, yet assertive tug, she held his chin between her fingers and admired his features before turning his head to the left and the right to analyze every bit of his face as she could.

Raizo cast a small glance over to Reina who merely shook her head slightly as if telling him to stay calm to see how it plays out. From nowhere he felt his entire center of gravity upended as he was hoisted in the air like a small child by the hands of their parents as the First Sister of the Daitengu continued her examination for another bit of time. At this point, she made a soft chuckle before sitting him down.

"Yunp, kaew, glass….even," she remarked in her native tongue. Understanding exactly what she said, Reina felt a surge of rage overcome her in that moment.

"Will not you…speak him of, so," the Sovereign declared as her aura as the Primordial Goddess of Fate overlapped her body in that instant. In the Tengu tongue, she continued: {"Esteemed First Sister or not, dishonoring the blood of my blood and my most precious one shall earn you my scorn eternally…"}

{"Ho ho? The runt of the litter dares to bear her fangs at the strongest? Very well, come littlest sister; we have not had a proper battle in eons!"} - the First Sister reveled as an amber yellow aura oozed from her position erupting in a foreboding beam of light that shook the ground they stood upon.

The lesser Tengu grew intimidated by the clashing auras permeating the area and shrunk back from view. They quickly retreated indoors within the neighboring structures encompassing the area. The other Daitengu encircled the area as if drawn in by the potential combat between the eldest and youngest of their kin. One in particular stepped forward as he pulled away a white mask that had elaborate black eyeliner traced around the sights and sharp golden fangs protruding from its maw.

This newly unmasked figure was a male that appeared to be roughly in his mid 20s going by human years. He had a cream-colored skin tone with dark garnet colored eyes and messy silver hair that draped past his shoulders. Red horns protruded from his head as his locks of untamed bangs hid his ears. He was wearing a purple cropped top with a sleeveless black collared haori that was patterned in black and gold stripes; purple and white braided ropes adorned his shoulders. His gray pants were decorated with red triangular patterns that were bound by a black belt with a golden buckle. Black and red greaves protected his shins and were plated over his matching black sandals. With a haughty tone, the man grinned and commented his take on the showdown within the Tengu tongue:

"Time last, fought two these did; home shaken, core foundation 'twas it; veil, torn almost. Little Ajari, pity her…stronger much, we are; todos Daitengu then since," the boisterous man chuckled.

"I wish I could get a better understanding of what they were talking about…the Janus Armor can decipher bits and pieces, but a lot of context is missing. Nevertheless, seems like this guy thinks that Reina is gonna lose," Raizo thought to himself as he quietly observed.

{"Second Brother, Hira-no-Jirobo, you too underestimate me beyond my current measure,"} Reina responded as she overheard his less than appreciated commentary on this showdown.

{"Ho? My powers have doubled since the last time we fought, Little Ajari…"} Tarobo cocked a grin as she held out her hand to summon her weapon of choice.

{"Good, twice the bravado, double the disappointment, Tarobo-neesan,"} Reina responded whilst extending her hand outward to draw her iconic sword.

As the two were heading towards a deadly battle that would potentially jeopardize the integrity of the realm, Raizo sighed heavily. Feeling a sense of urgency and throwing all forms of caution to the wind, the Stormbringer dashed between the two of them and instantaneously erupted into his Oversoul state to draw their attention.

"ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT!" he screamed out as a divine radiance of lightning discharged from his body and shook the surrounding area. Bolts of arc energy crackled the sky as the deafening claps of thunder made all who witnessed to be stunned by the admiration of the effect.

"Translate everything I'm saying to them, Reina," Raizo calmly demanded.

"I don't give a damn about your traditions or your culture. I don't care what happened between you all and the Sovereign of Cocytus in the past. We came here, risking the integrity of our world that you willingly forsake, for your help to save EVERYONE! So stop wasting precious time we can't afford to lose!"

Reina was taken aback by the fierceness of her disciple's words, but she keenly felt and empathized with his passion. His words were not those meant to inflict hostility or generate tension but to showcase the importance of the matter at hand. Knowing that she let her defensive, maternal-like nature when it came to her master get the better of her, she took a deep breath to calm her aura and convey his message to the Daitengu post-haste. Tarobo raised a brow and had something to retort, but before she even could, Raizo's chest began to glow underneath his armor vest.

"Raizo?" Reina called out in slight shock. The source of the glow was the crest of the Obsidian Wolf that was engraved into the boy's skin. The radiance was powerful enough to bleed through the layers of his torso wear.

"What the hell?" he asked in response. Just then, a series of small, luminescent green orbs filled the air and descended upon his location. They drew closer and closer to him almost like gravity which created a cluster of gasps to emanate from the audience witnessing the sight.

"Tch…" the Crusader gritted his teeth as he reached out to swat the mysterious entities away.

"Raizo, wait! That's not energy…they are pure spirits…emissaries of the Great River…" Reina cautioned.

"Great River? What is…"

{"This must be the one, the spirits have willed it,"} Tarobo remarked with a slight gasp.

{"He is a half-breed. How could this runt actually be the Chosen?"} Jirobo inquired in disbelief.

{"The spirits have spoken, Second Brother. Do you doubt them?"}

 {"Tch…very well First Sister…what would you have the Daitengu do?"}

{"We shall take them to Lady Kurama-no-Sojobo."}

"I'm still on the outside trying to figure out what the hell is happening right now…" Raizo raised his eyebrow as the little green dots of light that gathered on his body slowly withdrew from his position and the aural glow of his mark faded away.

"You may not realize it but…" Reina said as she reached up and patted the youth on his head gently, "That little outburst may have just made things easier."

"Huh? Really? I thought for sure this was going to get a lot more…confrontational after blowing up like that."

"It could have, but the Tengu are stubborn and often require prominent convincing. Passion, sincerity, and conviction are some of the things they resonate with greatly. You did not have an emotional outburst filled with rage or hatred, but because of your undercover desire for knowledge for the sake of others and the preservation of life. Come, let us see what the fruits of your labor await us."

The Daitengu led Raizo and Reina up a winding path towards the central most area of the great Tengu city. Their departure left the other tengu villagers wondering what exactly was to come; however, their apprehension towards the visitors swayed into hope–as if a promise was about to be fulfilled. They resumed their daily comings and goings as the group faded away from sight.

The group continued a quiet, solemn march until the path led them to a series of stone steps leading up towards a giant red and black torii gate. As soon as they passed through the threshold, a marvelous-sized estate appeared before them. Appearing like a traditional villa belonging to a well-established clan from the Far East region on Earth, the grounds were covered in lush greenery surrounded by gardens of various colors rich with life. A small creek flowed around the grounds leading to a pond where spiritual koi fish swam freely.

Spread before all to witness was a three-level stacked home that was made of stone and wood. It was erected in the sense reminiscent of the warring states period that was similar to Reina's castle. The rectangular base of the house was built using dark ash wood with several black pillars anchoring its outer shell into the ground. It transitioned into a light gray stone overlay with triangular prismatic roofing to help differentiate one layer from the other. Eventually one would reach the top of the estate whose apex was the trapezoidal style dark crimson roof with clay shingles stacked across its surface. There, a crest of gold with a mysterious shape that could be mistaken for a sleeping face or some form of unknown language was stamped firmly in the middle.

Coming out from the front entrance were two shrine maidens in white and red with pink fox ears and light brownish tails wafting behind them; their faces were obscured by white masks. The Daitengu split into even groups: 7 stood to the left, 7 on the right. Tarobo walked up the middle before relinquishing a deep bow towards the maidens out of respect. Reina elected to extend her formal greeting as well, leaving Raizo to stand alone in confusion.

The Stormbringer watched as the ladies conversed with the maidens. He could only surmise that there was some form of formal process or explanation as to why the unexpected visitors were escorted by the Daitengu here. The twin foxes merely bowed and made their way to the door. He saw a third maiden appear that was taller than the twins, her face also veiled by a mask. Given how the two seemed to submit to the will of the third, he used context clues to determine that she must have had a final say. The third figure faded into darkness shutting the door behind her. After a few silent seconds passed, a strong shuddering shook the ground for a split second as the sound of a massive door creaking open echoed out.

"Raizo, come, we have been granted an audience," Reina called out while Raizo just nodded and proceeded to close the distance between them.

{"Good luck, Little Ajari. The Great One will be sure to welcome you back properly,"} Tarobo sneered at Reina's position before turning to walk back. As the tall woman and Raizo passed by one another, the eldest sister of the group stood for a moment to impede his path as she looked into his eyes again.

{"Hmm…there is something about you that isn't half-bad I suppose. Try not to die too quickly. I wish to ascertain your value myself in greater depth,"} the woman remarked in her native tongue which caused the youth to tilt his head. Knowing that he couldn't understand her, she merely yielded a soft smile before patting him gently on the head then she continued to march away from the area.

 "My life never really has a dull moment when it comes to meeting new people…" Raizo sighed to himself. As he rejoined the Sovereign, he noticed that she too was shaking her head. At that point, the two wandered inside unsure of what was to come next.