
Judge the Resonance, Part II - Above the inferno (The World of Symphogear)

Time: 11:00 A.M. (1100 hours)

         After yesterday's bizarre string of events, the people living in Hawaii were trying to cope and move on with their lives.  The media continued to cover the story that had evolved from an unexpected natural disaster to a battle involving some strange creature that no one could ascertain the origins of.  It did not take long for the incident to be blown up to a national scale spreading through the United States like wildfire causing many to weigh-in on the controversy leading people to demand answers.  As a result, the United Nations had an emergency assembly speculating that the Noise were somehow responsible for this near tragedy and as Genjuro suspected, S.O.N.G. would have to be involved directly.

         The commander of the elite unit had initially debated on whether or not to disclose the existence of Raizo Mercer to the higher-ups.  He was unsure whether or not they would try to arrest the man or try to detain him and that could lead to unnecessary conflict.  On the other hand, should the youth be taking to the frontlines to combat a threat they had no means of attacking at the moment then there was a chance that he would be captured on film and his existence exposed in a difficult light.  There had to be some way, a middle ground without having everyone glaring over the organization with a microscope. Unfortunately, there would be little room to discuss such matters at length when an unwanted scenario began to unfold.

         In the midst of the Atlantic Ocean that surrounded the tiny island chain of Hawaii, there was a massive disturbance in the large body of water.  Something caused the aquatic life to flee in great numbers away from the island and lead the seagulls to scatter.  The current that flowed through the watery depths shifted and began to twist and turn violently as well.  Far off from the coast, the skies darkened as if a massive storm was coming in.  People across the neighboring islands saw this from the beach as if the daily lives of the millions of residents seemingly grinded to a halt. Anyone on the beach saw the oceanic tide recede and that could only lead to one thing—a tsunami.

         Once more caught off guard by a series of strange occurrences, warnings were issued and sirens began to wail warning people to get to higher ground; however, what they were thinking was about to happen was entirely different.  In the distance, enormous, serpentine beasts with dark purple and scaly skin coupled with yellow teeth and green eyes surfaced from the depths.  As they swam their way closer and closer to the island, the numbers grew to at least 50 or more.  However, their bodies were shrouded in cloudy, miasmic energy signatures much like the volcanic gargoyle that almost attacked the island yesterday.  These fictional looking beasts that seemed to be a spawn of Greek mythology were the next iteration of the Distortion.

         As the waves of water slowly fluctuated back and forth causing the S.O.N.G. vessel to rock, the heroes aboard it picked up on the impending horde.  Hitting the deck were all six users of the Symphogear, Genjuro, and Raizo himself.  Elfnein, Sakuya and Aoi were already at their stations working to bring in the details for the rest of the crew to see.  As the satellite visuals were cast upon the giant screen, a tense air filled the room.

         "We've got a major insurgence of Distortion heading this way.  Their numbers continue to rise from the ocean floor.  At this rate, the entire state of Hawaii may face certain destruction," Elfnein reported confirming her readings that matched the same frequency collected by the gargoyle from yesterday.

         "That didn't take long, and that energy I felt is back too," spoke Raizo as he folded his arms.

         "Looks like it's time for us to go out there and kick some ass then!" Chris spoke confidently with a smirk.

         "Wait Yukine, if these beasts are of the same origin as the monster from yesterday then our gears will prove to be useless against them," Tsubasa analyzed.

         "But we can't let innocent people die because of our predicament either, I hate feeling helpless," Hibiki sighed in slight frustration.

         "Relax, that's what you have me for.  I'll take care of it," Raizo spoke plainly.

         "You're going to take on all of those creatures alone?  Surely you could stall until our gears are repurposed right?" Maria asked with concern.

         "Actually, I don't have enough data to create a proper countermeasure against the Distortion's wavelength so it would be impossible for you all to go out there to help Obsidian…I mean Raizo-san," Elfnein added with regret, "I'm sorry everyone."

         "Elfnein-chan…-desu," Kirika said while patting the girl on the shoulder to console her a bit with Shirabe beside her.

         "Don't worry, we discussed this right?  Just make sure your tools can keep up with me. I'll put on a good show so you can get everything you need," Raizo responds with a nod.

         "I would offer our support but I'm guessing you can take care of it.  All I ask is that you deal with these beasts quickly yet effectively, and if you can avoid being seen by anyone on the island that would be helpful.  I still haven't disclosed your arrival to anyone at headquarters so your existence is technically classified," Genjuro explained.

         "Relax, speed is my specialty," the youth grinned slyly before his mind snapped to thoughts of the events from 24 hours ago.




         Raizo was given a private sector of the ship.  It had many different amenities but the two most important features were a shower and a large bed to sleep on.  Genjuro gave him a spare change of clothes that he figured would fit his size and left them on a small table. The commander would then leave him alone allowing the stranger to get comfortable.  Before he departed the room, he told the youth that he would return with food though it was going to take some time for it to be prepared.  Nodding to that sentiment, the muscular gentlemen left leaving the armored visitor to do something he hasn't done in a while. With a single deep breath, the Stormbringer just uttered one word.


         In that moment, the entirety of the Janus Armor reverted back to its resting state, which being the giant gauntlet that occupied much of the boy's arm.  The youth merely raised an eyebrow and couldn't remember how he did it before but he brushed his fingertips over the metal surface before the armor piece shrunk down even more to being a unique leather glove.  After that, he slipped it off and sat it on the bet allowing him to see his naked hand for the first time in a long while.

         Following behind that, he unlatched Vajra from his hip and laid it on the bed along with the hidden Morana.  Once they were laid down, he took off his jacket and hung it up on a nearby coat rack that was in the room. Then he slipped off his boots leaving only his shirt, pants and other garments.  As he took a moment to look in the mirror, he took notice as to how his current rags had some tears in fabric as well as some discoloring in the dyes here and there.

         "Well, I guess these have had it," he uttered in a slightly annoyed chuckle before walking over and picking up the spare clothes and heading into the bathroom for a nice shower.

         About 5 to 10 minutes passed until the Son of Mercer was finished with his shower then he dried himself off and changed into the fresh clothing that was provided for him.  Now sporting a gray t-shirt and dark blue pants, the male was fresh and clean.  He looked at his old rags trying to figure out what to do with them.  They couldn't be recycled or anything so they were better off tossed out.  Since he didn't want to burden anyone with laundry detail, he generated small currents of crimson electricity and dissolved the tattered rags in his hands completely leaving only specks of dust.  Once that was done, he just walked over to the bed grabbing his weapons and moving them aside to lean against a wall before sitting on the pillow-like surface then laying back.

         "An unfamiliar ceiling…" he mumbled whilst staring up at the wall above his head.  His mind then began to rummage through his thoughts processing everything that had happened so far.

         This entire journey has led him to various places allowing him to meet many different people and experience many different things, although one of said places was Hell…literally; however, he felt like it was a rather peculiar chain of events so far.  Yet the one thing that he felt was a constant no matter what universe he ended up in was always war.  Whether it was an outright confrontation between two sides or the aftermath of many battles fought, the familiarity with the desolate atmosphere that war had left behind was always one that he felt with each place he's been to so far.  This universe would soon also fall victim to the same fate if he didn't deal with the looming threat that is making its presence known.

         With past locations, he had always arrived after the malevolence that came from the influence of the fragment had spread throughout the world altering many conflicts in dangerous favor of dark entities.  This time he had managed to arrive before any serious damage was dealt.  It should have given him some relief but instead his anxiety grew. He had a chance to protect this world from devastation but the knowledge of his enemy was slim.  In addition, his newly gained allies did not know how to deal with such a threat.  Given how it seemed the stakes were higher with the way this world worked, he had to work a bit differently when it came to the interaction of his surroundings.

         Interrupting his thoughts, a knock was heard on the door.  As the youth jumped up from the bed to answer it, he found masculine gentlemen standing there with two attendants holding carts of dishes.  As the youth stepped to the side, they wheeled them in one after the other and began to set the table with the array of dishes.  Opening their lids revealed a variety of foods that were only vaguely familiar to the assassin.  From steak to chicken, seafood dishes, pork dishes, salads, and soup, an entire feast was presented to the young man.  In that next moment, a loud growl echoed the room coming from Raizo's belly.

         "Well then, it's always good to enjoy a hot meal.  Don't worry this is all for you so eat up, Raizo-kun!" Genjuro boasted with a proud smile.

         "You don't have to tell me twice," the boy nodded as he stared at the dishes with a mesmerized glare before sitting at the table and grabbing utensils.  As the two attendants exited the room, Genjuro was about to follow before saying one more thing.

         "Take your time and be sure to get some rest.  We'll talk in a few hours," the man said before exiting.

         As soon as the man left, Raizo instantly began to eat.  He could hardly remember the last time he was able to enjoy a hot meal so having all of these dishes before him was a gift all on its own.  He didn't hesitate in the slightest in consuming everything before him.  An array of flavors mixed together and danced all over the Crimson Harbinger's taste buds, each being satisfying in their own way.  Around 15 minutes or so had passed before the male finished every single bite.  Now satisfied, the young man patted his stomach in relief before leaning back in his seat for moment.

         My body will burn this off quickly but it was delicious.

         A knock happened upon the door once more.

         "Come in," the youth said aloud.

         It was then that the attendants from before came to check on him and to see how he was progressing.  To their surprise, the dishes were cleaned out completely.  Unsure of what to say, they just cleared the utensils and trays putting them back on the cart that was just outside the doorway to wheel them off. After they were finished, they just nodded and exited without saying much else.  Alone once more, Raizo headed to the bed. He felt his stomach rumble in satisfaction despite the contents within being dissolved quickly. With a small exhale, he kicked back on the bed and quickly fell into a brief slumber.

         A few hours passed leading into the evening before Raizo awoke once more.  Stretching his arms up, he got off the bed and walked around to loosen his muscles once more.  It was then that he grabbed his jacket and slipped on his boots again.  Strapping his weapons to his hips, he opened the door and walked into the hallway.  Memorizing the direction he traversed earlier to get to the room, the male instinctively found his way onto the bridge of the ship where Genjuro and the others awaited.

         "Oh Raizo-kun, I wasn't expecting you to join us so soon," the gentleman spoke as the Symphogear girls turned to see him there.

         "I only needed a little nap for kicks. The meal really hit the spot.  Anyways, I trust nothing happened?" the youth inquired.

         "So far there are no signs of the Distortion or any other irregular signals on the sensors.  It seems like we are safe for now," Elfnein spoke monitoring the situation on her display.

         "Even if another one of those damned creatures show up, it's not like we can fight them with our Symphogear," Chris cursed in annoyance.

         "Yeah but it's only a temporary measure, I'm sure Elfnein-chan will come up with something for us," Hibiki spoke with optimism.

         "Indeed, we just have to put our faith in Elfnein-chan and be patient," Tsubasa added.

         "You can do it desu!" Kirika spoke confidently.  Shirabe nodded in agreement to that regard.  Maria simply smiled but otherwise remained quiet casting a quick glance over to Raizo for a moment.  The Stormbringer merely raised an eyebrow hearing the conversation and tilted his head.

         "Um…what is this Sympho…thing that you all keep talking about? Is it that weird armor that has the high exposure you guys were wearing when I ran into you?" the youth asked plainly.

         "H…Hey you, don't mock our gears idiot! What's wrong with the way our armor looks?" Chris asked in an annoyed and flustered tone.  Meanwhile the other girls just coughed and looked to the side.

         "Nothing I guess? I mean…I don't question the strange customs of other universes, I just point out my observations in a blunt fashion."


         "Anyways, what is so important about it?"

         It was then that the young girl in the lab coat turned from her screen to explain.

         "The Symphogear is a special, countermeasure armor that utilizes an energy known as 'Phonic Gain' to combat monsters called Noise.  The gears respond to synthetic vibration resonance that is created by the fighting spirit of the user which allows said user to harness combat potential.  In other words, it is powered by songs felt in the hearts of the respective users which is in essence the principal of Phonic Gain itself—melodies of the heart," the girl explained.

         "Wait…that armor gives these girls immense combat capabilities and is powered by singing? That's unexpected," he pondered not expecting to hear that the major defining ability displayed by the heroes of this era was used in such a way.

         "Heh I wouldn't underestimate us if I were you. We're a lot stronger than you think. Actually, we should hit the simulation room just to prove a point," Chris smirked with a determined tone.

         "Simulation room?" Raizo asked.

         "It's a training room used to simulate and project various scenarios for us to practice in and for Elfnein-chan to gather data," Maria explained.

         "Interesting, show me then," the assassin responded swiftly.

         Slightly astonished by his curiosity, the girls just looked to one another and nodded.  Going along with the atmosphere of the room, Genjuro gave his approval allowing the group to file out and head to that part of the ship with Raizo following behind them.

         Less than a few minutes of walking led them to the giant room that was seemingly blank.  In the giant area, the walls, ceiling and floor were lined with 4-foot by 4-foot tiles.  Raizo walked in last and just raised an eyebrow unsure of what to make of it.  Above the area he saw a window pane where he could make out the silhouettes of Genjuro and Elfnein.  A loudspeaker came on which caused the assassin to twitch a bit from surprise due to his lack of experience in dealing with such technological features.

         "I'm starting up the simulation now, get ready everyone," Elfnein spoke out.

         With the flip of a switch, the entire room changed to a wrecked city surrounded by waves of alien-looking creatures.  Recalling the explanation that Raizo received by the young scientist, he presumed that these strange lifeforms were the Noise.  It was then that he heard each of the six girls sing out different melodies before donning the armor variants he saw before.  Hearing them sing affirmed the truth that these women fought with the power of song but the question in his mind now was just how effective were they in the heat of battle.  The team of 6 stepped forward while he just sat back against a nearby wall to watch them do their thing.

         Graceful and elegant yet forceful and destructive, that was the best way Raizo could describe the way the girls dealt with the simulated threat before them.  Hibiki with her fists, Tsubasa and her sword, Chris with her guns, Kirika and the scythe, Shirabe and her saw blades, and Maria with her blade had their own approaches to combat with varying specialties yet they all complimented one another and worked together cohesively.  It was truly a spectacle to behold, impressive and pleasantly surprising but there was still something he could not get over. As the targets were cleared out and the girls headed over to his location, he would surely address it.

         "How 'bout that? I bet you're amazed right now eh?" Chris boasted proudly.

The hotheaded gunsmith felt like the new guy severely doubted their capabilities since he met them under extenuating circumstances.  She hated being looked down upon and did not want to be thought of as helpless hence why her attitude was coming off as cocky.  Although the sentiment was shared among her comrades as they were picking up on the point she was trying to make, they were much more reserved about their thoughts.

Raizo stepped forward to meet the girls amidst the rubble of the simulated city casually crossing his arms as his mind rummaged through everything that he just watched.  The girl's attitude reminded him much of himself in some ways.  He knew what it meant to grow overconfident in what he could do and how it led him to make many reckless mistakes.  Hell, he still made them from time to time but he tried his best to humble himself as a result.  The knowledge that his family instilled him and continued to do so was something he would have to pass on.

"That was impressive, most impressive indeed," Raizo began.

"HA!" Chris exclaimed in delight but she quickly grew silent as the taller figure held up a solitary finger.

"But, that doesn't mean that the way you all choose to fight isn't sloppy.  You may be able to take out the enemy but there's more to victory than just making sure you eliminate your foes.  You have to fight smart," the Stormbringer lectured.

The set of six maidens merely looked to one another before fixing their attention back on the assassin with interested expressions.  Caught off guard by their intrigue, Raizo tensed up a bit before scratching his head and continuing.

"You all work together as a fine-tuned machine but there is still a lot of clunk and clutter with the way you work offensively.  If I had to narrow it down to one glaring flaw, I would say that you all think of only attacking and manage to cover each other's blind spots just enough to make sure the damage taken is minimal.  Although that proves that you each have a good set of reactive skills, that recklessness will catch up to you eventually.

To start, Hibiki rushes in too fast.  Yes, she is the one who has the shortest range since she fights with her fists but Tsubasa and Maria are close range fighters as well.  If anything, you three should be the ones who fight closest together since the attack ranges between the three of you with just your average equipment is about the same; however, Hibiki gets too ahead of herself.  As a result, she often outpaces the rest of you," Raizo continued with the first bulk of his explanation which left Hibiki to shyly tuck her head.  Then he turned his sights to focus in on the second oldest female of the group.

"Tsubasa, as someone who is a fellow swordsman, I respect the way you handle your blade.  However, the way you wield your blade is missing fluidity in it. I'm sure you understand these types of metaphors so I will express it this way.  You are using your sword too much as opposed to thinking of your sword like an extension of yourself.  Do you understand?"

"Yes I do," Tsubasa nodded firmly catching onto the meaning the Stormbringer was hinting at.

"Kirika, being a fellow scythe user I would hope that you know just how versatile said weapon can be.  You can attack from a variety of ranges making it hard for the enemy to even come near you but you leave a lot holes in your defense.  I understand that it is difficult to attack and defend with a two-handed weapon with a unique edge but there is a way to do it.  Also, you should aim to learn how to control your weapon and not let the weapon control you."

"Desu!" the enthusiastic blonde nodded.

"Shirabe, you seem hesitant with the way you fight.  It's like you know how to fight and you can trust your comrades but there are small instances in your movement when it feels like you're deciding whether or not if your next move is the correct move.  You need to embrace your instincts and learn to trust yourself more.  Having fear is natural, regardless of how much experience you carry but you have to face it and overcome it."

The girl with the twin tails in pink armor just shook her head in agreement without uttering the word.

"Maria, it seems like you suffer from a similar anxiety as Shirabe but it's more like you are fighting yourself.  You appear to be the type that has yet to fully come to terms with who you are and what you can do.  You know who you are, you know what you want to achieve, and you have the capacity to trust yourself but you've yet to fully embrace yourself.  You're on the track of doing it but it feels like little hiccups shake you up and halt that progress.  It is in that moment that you just back off.  I can see that with the way you move about on the battlefield.

You get into a rhythm of fighting your enemies and you know what to do almost instinctively but you get distracted by a misstep or the slightest hint of trouble that your comrades run into.  Have faith and relax.  Don't let your anxiety or your nerves weigh down your blade.  Otherwise it will be misguided."

"R…Right…" the eldest female spoke looking down towards the ground as if embarrassed.

"Last but not least is you, Chris.  You're explosive in more ways than one.  I don't know much about using firearms but I get the just of how one should use it.  Your issue is the utility of your arsenal.  You fire off just about everything you got at your enemies and hope you hit the target.  You need to channel more precision into your fighting behavior.  Anticipate the way the enemy moves and fire based on their moving pattern not based on how you think they will move.  Aiming at the target and pulling the trigger is easy but being effective with the timing in which you take the shot is not.  You can use your surroundings to really clear out your enemies but just firing off what makes the biggest boom is just stupid."


Chris was only silent at that point.  She didn't want to admit it but the red-eyed individual was correct.  The girl thought she was far past making reckless mistakes or letting her ego get the better of her but she still had room to grow.  She tried her best to humble herself and reel in that out-of-control attitude of hers yet it would seem she wasn't all the way there yet.  However, for some random person that claims to be from another universe to point this out made her feel somewhat insecure and it only served to frustrate her even more. As the young maiden gritted her teeth harder, her comrades merely turned to her with concern.

"Chris-chan…" Hibiki spoke sliding over to pat her friend on the shoulder to calm her down.

"Yukine, it's okay.  We all have our flaws that we need to overcome," Tsubasa added.

"It's something we can all do together," Maria noted as Shirabe and Kirika nodded in tandem with that same sentiment.

They were strong as a team and had to overcome together as such.  Having flaws like this served as the new milestone for them to grow together and become even stronger.  Chris understood this but she couldn't let the nagging feeling go.

"What gives you the right…" she mumbled causing the entire group to hold looks of confusion.

"Eh?" Raizo mouthed with a head tilt.

"What gives you the right to come into our lives and talk down to us?  Who the hell are you?! You think we're just a bunch of weak little girls who need our hands held by some random stranger like you?  You don't know us at all!" Chris ranted while her face seethed with an unwavering sense of fury.  She then raised her pistol at the man, completely consumed by her anger.

"You think you're some serious hot shit but I bet that you couldn't take us all on at once!" she declared boldly.

"Yukine, that's enough!" Tsubasa yelled out trying to shut the girl up.

"No Senpai, I can't stand to hear this guy speak any more than he has already! Aren't any of you pissed off over this shit?" Chris asked but the other girls just held their tongues for the moment.

"Chris-chan, if we can't figure out our flaws then how can we overcome any challenges in the future?  We have to keep growing in order to protect everyone right?" Hibiki suggested to her enraged friend.

Meanwhile, Raizo stood there idly watching the display unfold.  It wasn't his intention to cause this but he recognized their potential and he hoped that they would learn from his words.  Having someone being forward with their criticisms may hurt but it was a method that he was familiar with being the recipient of it firsthand.  His family pointed out all of his flaws during various training sessions and it helped him even if it hurt him initially.  Seeing Chris react in this way only made him see more of his old self in her.  Just a cocky kid who is so confident in her abilities that she hates being called out on her shortcomings, she was a mirror image of himself from what felt like a long time ago.  It actually made him chuckle to witness it.  Now he would have to resort to another way which actually made him learn.

"If it will solve the issue, I don't mind taking all of you on at the same time.  Sometimes you have to learn the hard way," he stated plainly for all to hear.

         The Symphogear girls just stared at the Red-Eyed Stormbringer in shock over his words.  They weren't anticipating that sort of response to all of this drama but the bearer of Ichaival was delighted to hear it.  As she brushed away the hands resting on her shoulders, she stepped forward and pulled out her giant Gatling guns as well as her entire missile array.

         "I'm glad you elected to go for it, you bastard…" she smirked.

         Sighing in annoyance of being dragged into this, the other girls took their battle stances and formed around Chris.  Raizo, on the other hand, just stood there with his arms folded not even reaching for his blade.  As for Genjuro and Elfnein, who were watching the entire situation and overheard everything, they just maintained silence and continued standing by.  Genjuro was curious as to how their visitor would fair while Elfnein admittedly wanted more data on the assassin for countermeasures against the foreign threat.

         In the simulated landscape of a wrecked city, everything went quiet between the two parties.  The girls were tense unsure of how to move but that was only a feeling shared among five of them.  Chris was just ready to pull the trigger.  Their opponent merely stood there with a deadpan expression on his face not really taking it seriously.  This angered the girl in red armor which only threw off her concentration.

         "Damn you!" she cursed before applying pressure to the triggers and buttons to unleash her barrage of bullets and missiles. As the projectiles flew towards their target, it seemed like it would be a series of direct hits.  Explosions echoed in the chamber causing clouds of dust to kick up and small fires to spark from the impact.  But in that next moment, each girl was suddenly knocked down to the ground one after the other from a decisive blow to points on their body where they would be vulnerable to attack.

         Each girl hit the simulated dirt and gravel hard dropping their weapons and nearly losing their consciousness.  Pain registered in their minds but their eyes failed to see what exactly happened.  In the next split second, a shadow loomed over them as the sight of the warrior seemingly towered above them.  He sighed heavily and shook his head.

         "You never even stood a chance," Raizo spoke in a calm tone filled with disappointment.

         "This is exactly what I meant by recklessness.  Had I actually been your enemy, you all would be dead right now."

         The simulation came to an end with that blatant shutdown leaving the girls to embrace yet another shocking upset.  Raizo stood there for a moment watching them stumble a bit to recover. He didn't try to put much force into his attacks but his speed amplified his strikes quite a bit.  He shook his head slowly before speaking his mind.

         "I don't mean to belittle you or make any of you feel like you're less than your worth as warriors.  Each of you possess strength and character, I can hear it in your songs and gauge it through your eyes but don't settle or stay comfortable with your potential.  Always strive to be greater than what you are, if not for your sake then for the sake of everyone you care about.  You'll all get there, you just need patience so don't lose faith in yourselves.  Besides, we're gonna work together to beat the Distortion right?" he nodded with a small smile to boost the mood. The girls got on their feet one after the other covered with dirt and slight scuffs on the armor. 

"Are we good now?" Raizo asked specifically to the girl who openly challenged him.

"Tch…fine, I guess I'll go along with you for now…" she muttered looking at the male's face out of the corner of her eye before turning towards the exit.

"Don't mind her she's just a little hard headed, Raizo-san," Tsubasa added casually.

"Thank you for your words.  They may be perceived as harsh by others but they mean a lot.  I'm sure everyone can agree to that," Maria noted before her eyes met with the eyes of the taller male.

"I see…well, I still apologize if I came across as crude at all," he said with sincerity.

"Ah…I mean, you're fine really," Maria responded with slight fluster to her voice, her cheeks turning slightly pink before she rushed away from the area.  This only caused the tanned assassin to raise an eyebrow.

"Raizo-san, you sounded like a teacher there. Maybe we should call you sensei now?" Hibiki chuckled patting the individual on the back.

"Raizo-sensei does sound more appropriate, desu!" Kirika cheered.

"I agree," Shirabe said.

"Wait, what? Hang on, I'm not sure if that's really appropriate you know," the Son of Mercer mused with a slight blush on his face.  To be addressed in the same way like he colloquially calls his older sister just felt weird.

As they all moved to walk out of the room, they saw two figures ahead of them. The doors opened up as Genjuro and Elfnein stood there waiting for them to exit. Chris filed out first followed by Maria shortly after not even passing words with the two.  The others stopped before them.  Elfnein wanted to address the entire group but Genjuro just shook his head.  The scientist just sighed softly before speaking up.

"Listen up everyone, I might be able to develop a countermeasure for the Distortion sooner than I expected.  All I need is just a bit more data sets over your power, Raizo-san.  So if the Distortion attack again, will you fight them so I can get the information I need?"

"Whatever it takes to help you out, I'll gladly do it," the Child of Thunder nodded.

"I hope you'll be able to get a complete reading.  This guy is insanely fast you know," Hibiki commented.

"Relax; I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeve.  You'll see soon enough," the young man remarked before they were allowed to go their separate ways.

As the girls went off to some other part of the ship to get cleaned up and get out of their armor, Raizo stayed with Elfnein to hear her plan of what she wanted the man to do the next time he fought the Distortion while Genjuro listened.




         The events of yesterday quickly ran through Raizo's mind but he cleared it away to focus on the task at hand.  Now he had to do battle.  As the assassin followed Genjuro out onto the deck of the vessel, the youth sensed the oncoming threat right off the bat.  The Stormbringer turned his head seeing the islands in the distance knowing that hundreds of thousands of innocent people were at risk from the current incursion.  Then he focused his vision out to the sea where the Distortion was coming from riding with the darkness of night.  The man beside him looked out to the horizon as well feeling that tension in the air.

         "We'll be keeping watch on you from above with our satellite," Genjuro spoke.

         "Will Elfnein be able to collect the data she needs?" Raizo asked recalling the other task he was given.

         "We've got sensors in the area plus our ship has a long range device dedicated for such a task."

         "Duly noted, well it's time to get down to business," Raizo said stepping forward to the middle of the bridge.  He took a deep breath and gazed at his glove on his left hand.

         "I have no idea how to activate this thing…" he mumbled to himself but the moment he thought of doing just that, the armor reacted.  In a flash of black and red light, the Janus glove awakened and covered him in the same gleaming armor with the red and steel mask and black, hooded cloak as before.  The guise of Obsidian returned to its prominence right then and there.  Flexing his muscles and clenching his fists, he instantaneously readjusted to this awakened state.  In the next instant, he blazed away in a streak of lightning to confront the enemy across the sea.

         The serpentine beasts appeared in Raizo's sight a split second later.  The moment their horrific visage filled the eyes of the warrior, his mind suddenly brought up the image of a massive beast that was one of many crucial battles in his life.  How long has it been since he fought that beast? It's been more than a few months the last he recalled.  However since embarking on this journey, time had passed him by.  He didn't know how long it had been since his sudden departure but he vividly recalled the multi-headed beast that was known as the 'God Eater', Leviathan.

         "Ghosts of the past coming back to haunt me, well that's cute," Raizo spoke standing on the surface of the water as the monsters advanced towards him.

         "These creatures are weak as well.  Guess I'll have to resort to being ostentatious about their elimination," the youth spoke aloud resting his left hand upon the hilt of Vajra.

         He scanned the area getting an idea for their numbers and the formation in which they sought to advance.  Given the gaps between them and how spread out they were, the armored speedster surmised that this was supposed to be a raiding party.  They would blitz the entire island all at once and destroy every part of the settlement leaving no man, woman or child behind.  Since the Symphogear users had yet to be equipped properly for dealing with these beasts, he was the only person capable of standing against the threat.

         The veiled traveler had to make sure that these monsters were stopped right here and now.  He knew what he had to do but he had to make sure that there weren't any prying eyes to see him do it.  The Stormbringer also needed to dispose of the threat quickly yet do it in a way so that his allies could gauge his potential.  Just another average day in the life of Raizo Mercer, he faced this situation so many times before that he could almost chuckle at it.

         "Alright then, how about we start the show like this?"

         The man also known as Obsidian swung his right hand down towards the oceanic surface.  The mutated Hydras took note of the lone man standing before them letting out shrieks of deafening terror.  As they encroached even further on his position, they all took note of the snack presented to them.  Underneath his mask, the warrior could only smile slyly.  In the next moment, the water that he waved his arm toward sprung up from behind him forming what seemed to be a tidal wave flowing in the opposite direction.  The water rose higher and higher until it loomed over the heights of serpent monstrosities.  Raizo did this as a means to obscure any leering eyes in the distance from witnessing what he was about to do next.

         Seeing what was happening, the Distortion halted their advance intimidated by the sight of the great wall of water before them.  The great multitude reacted like beasts would in nature.  They were tough so long as they had their numbers and their size but the moment a phenomenon greater than their understanding appeared, they crumbled in fear.  The Crimson Harbinger played on this by taking on the role of a larger predator ready to tear into his prey.  Taking advantage of their bewilderment, he aimed his hand up towards the blackened clouds.  He unleashed a single bolt of lightning altering the behavior of the disturbance going on above and manipulated it to behave according to his will.  Recalling how Leviathan would regenerate his heads after each one was cut off; he elected to thoroughly wipe out this horde in one swift blow.

         The clouds cracked open with great streaks of crimson electricity as the echoes of thunder followed suit.  With another swing from his right arm, the bolts of light rained down upon the beasts instantly killing them.  No, he didn't merely 'kill' them; he wiped away their very existence on the molecular level preventing them from having the chance to become a threat.  They disappeared instantaneously as a result erasing the threat that would have torn apart the island paradise. With the danger gone, he opened his left hand slowly causing the ocean to gradually collapse behind him returning to a serene state.  With his right hand, he banished the storm causing the dark clouds to dissipate and the blue sky to return.  The sun shined brightly overhead as peace returned.  With that, the youth ran back to the vessel that he left behind.

         Silence washed over the bridge as the Symphogear girls, Elfnein, and Genjuro watched the amazing performance that occurred before their eyes.  It was virtually impossible to try and put into the words the scene that just unfolded on camera in front of their eyes.  Raizo was told to handle the beasts quickly but also to display his power for the sake of the research that Elfnein wanted to conduct, yet they did not expect this to happen.

         "This guy…can he really be human?!" Chris asked with a perplexed face unsure of what to make.  She bit her lip in slight frustration chastising herself in the back of her mind over how she behaved towards this man.  She felt so confident in her abilities and those of her comrades, but seeing this nipped that faith down to size.

         "Unbelievable…" Hibiki simply put also captivated by the show.  The orange-eyed female clenched her fist shaking a bit seeing that raw power.  It made her jealous yet glad at the same time.  She wanted that kind of power to protect her friends which made her envious but all at the same time, she was glad that someone like that was on their side.  Recalling what the young man lectured them on during the simulation exercise made her hopeful that she and the others could get stronger in some way.

         "He didn't even draw his blade yet effortlessly cut down his foes in the blink of an eye.  Regardless of how ridiculous his abilities are, I bet it took years of training to get to such proficiency," Tsubasa remarked in awe.  The pop star could only imagine what his sword play was like if it was anything like what he just showed right then and there.

         "I may be weird for thinking this but…the way he manipulated the elements has a certain flare of beauty to it.  It's like he's not only using his powers but emulating a part of himself into what he can do," Maria stated with awe in her voice.  The eldest beauty wanted that kind of resolve and determination.  Sure Hibiki displayed confidence with her fists but the way Raizo used his strength felt like an entirely different definition of faith, like he fought for a higher purpose.

         Shirabe and Kirika merely stared as if being entertained like children at a festival where fireworks were being set off.  They could not even form words of analysis over such feats being broadcasted on the monitor.  Meanwhile, Elfnein focused her gaze upon her computer and typed quickly on the keyboard.  Statistics and charts occupied the screen as she proceeded to collect the data that was being received.  She would further analyze these findings in her lab if she needed to but first she had something to celebrate.

         "Perfect! I got all the data that I needed in one go," Elfnein declared aloud.  She was not expecting the measurement to be complete given the short amount of time it took for the hooded warrior to deal with the Distortion; however, she managed to pick up some numbers from that small stint in the simulation room yesterday as well as pull up some variables from the incident with the Gargoyle.  The electricity from the lightning storm gave her the rest of the information she desired.

         "I have to get to my lab right away. Girls, I'm going to need your relics," she said getting up from her seat and walking over to the group of six.  One by one, the maidens handed over the charms that held their respective Symphogears.  Once the scientist had all six, she bowed in gratitude.

         "Thank you all.  Just be patient, I'm going to work through the day and night to get to work on the perfect countermeasure against the Distortion," she said before exiting. 

         As the others were left on the bridge to cope with relief of hearing the good news, only a few seconds passed before Raizo came walking in with his armor back to its dormant state.

         "Oh Raizo-kun, I figured you would have been waiting to get into the ship just outside," Genjuro spoke up with surprise.

         "I memorized how to maneuver through the ship already when we walked outside earlier. I've been doing that ever since I first stepped aboard the vessel," the youth replied.

         "Wait, how'd you get inside the ship if the doors on the deck were sealed?" Chris asked curiously.

         "Ah I phased through it by making my body intangible.  See?"

         Raizo raised his hand for a moment then let it vibrate at ridiculously fast speeds before leaning down and reaching into the floor and pulling it back out.

         "I can make my whole body do that."

         "Seriously…is there anything you can't do, Raizo-sensei?" Hibiki inquired with a slight grin.

         "Y…You're seriously going to use the 'sensei' tag?" the red-eyed male responded with a slight hint of fluster.

         "Well Raizo-senpai would get confusing for me since I address Tsubasa-senpai as such," Chris noted.

         "I also agree that sensei would work well," the taller female whom Chris mentioned before nodded in agreement.

         "Sensei it is desu!" Kirika chirped happily.

         "I think it fits fine," Shirabe said.

         "Indeed," Maria closed her eyes nodding as well.

         "S…Seriously, it's not like I hate the idea of it or anything but…it's just a little weird for me to hear it addressed towards me is all.  Dammit…" the assassin responded casting his gaze downward while scratching the back of his head.

         "Heh, hey Raizo-sensei, you're blushing again," the wielder of Gungnir teased.


         "That's so cute…" thought Maria and Chris at the same time without speaking aloud.  Tsubasa looked at both of their faces and held a faint idea of what they both were thinking given the similar shade of pink on both their cheeks.  When the pair of females just so happened to turn their heads in her direction and see the samurai maiden staring at them, they both were caught off guard.

         "What?!" they said simultaneously.

         "Oh nothing; you two are rather red in the face a bit as well," the blue-haired female added causing the other girls to turn their gazes towards them.

         "As if!" Maria and Chris spoke in unison as well before laughter filled the room. Raizo merely tilted his head confused as to what the girls were even laughing about but he just dismissed it as his mind drifted off to other thoughts.

         He looked at Elfnein's screen and saw a bunch of figures he didn't understand.  However, he was able to point out the words 'Phonic Gain'.  Remembering what the scientist explained to him made him think about the idea of music.  It was then that his mind flashed back bringing up the visage of a certain item he picked up from another universe.  The mysterious scythe that had the allure of an angel yet configured to be a strange musical instrument was something he had yet to explore or even understand.  He touched his chest for a moment and pondered to himself.

         A song is something that comes from the heart eh?

         "What's the matter, Raizo-kun?" asked Genjuro when he saw the young man go quiet amidst the positive atmosphere.  The girls also looked at him with concern.

         "Oh nothing um…did Elfnein get the data she needed?" he responded with an inquiry.

         "Yeah she did.  She's in her lab right now.  Looks like your little show managed to get her everything she needed to work on our gears so we can kick some Distortion ass with ya," Chris smirked with satisfaction. 

         "Heh good to know, but um," Raizo nodded before getting hung up on his thoughts, "I'm gonna take off to my room.  I need to meditate for a while.  Something is bothering me.  Just come get me if those creatures show up again."

         Before anyone could ask him what was wrong, he was gone leaving everyone on the bridge to wonder just what had happened.

         Raizo took off his jacket and hung it up once more inside the quarters reserved for his use.  He also slipped off the sleeping glove of the Janus Armor as well as his two blades thus laying them on his bed.  Standing still in the middle of the floor, the youth raised his hand and used his power to call on the angelic scythe from another dimension.  The holy looking armament appeared as a tiny ember of crimson flame danced around its body.  With his red eyes, he examined the weapon carefully taking note of the body eying the parts of it that could contribute to music.  Laying it down on the floor, he sat down in a crossed legged position.  Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves and quiet his mind, he focused solely on the item before him trying to bond with it.

         "Ara? So you have finally elected to make contact with me?  I suppose it is better late than never.  Still, what a cruel master you are," spoke a feminine voice in an elegant, yet refined tone.

"That voice…you're Nirvana, right?" Raizo asked quietly while engaged in his meditative trance.

         "Yes, that would be correct.  It seems we are finally able to have a proper conversation. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Obsidian-sama," the graceful voice responded.

         "Err…you don't have to add that honorific.  Bad enough I have to deal with being addressed as 'sensei', so please don't make it any more awkward for me."

         "As you wish Master Obsidian."

         "Oh…you don't have to address me as that moniker either.  You can just call me Raizo."

         "Master Raizo it is."

         The boy could only sigh and feel a little flustered again dealing with all of these formalities around his name.  It was weird hearing it and trying to accept it only made him feel even more anxious as a result.  Consequentially, he would have to force himself to get used to it.

         "So…who are you…or what are you rather?"

         "I suppose you could say that I am a reincarnation of the remnants of the holy powers that Lucifer once possessed as an Archangel before he became a Fallen.  I know everything that he knew and he experienced in his lifetime from the moment he first drew breath up until the day he took his last when he fought against you.  The once noble and proud angel that was favored by his father held a variety of abilities that would bring death to the unholy and cruel but also joy to the faint of heart.  He was once called the Angel of Praise and Worship known in Heaven for his fabled music.  This form you see before you is a testament to that legacy.  Yet, even though I possess all of his angelic power, I too also hold corruption due to the influence of the power of a Demon God."

         "I see," Raizo responded.  It was quite the unexpected blend of atmospheres although the Stormbringer could only feel the saintly aspect of it.

         "So…what are your powers exactly?"

         "As noted by the flame you saw twirling around me, one of my prominent features involves the usage of Hellfire.  That is mainly born due to the demonic energy that has tainted me.  Hellfire is a type of flame that is said to burn away the very existence of the person receptive of its damage. With the holier side of me, I have to ask Master but are you aware of any of the planes of existence?"

         "I…don't think so at least, not in my recent memory."

         "I see.  Well the plains of existence denote the different layers of creation in which form resides in. To my knowledge, there are an infinite number of higher-dimensional structures with realms outside of the infinite layers but that is a rather complex explanation that we do not have the time for.  Therefore, I shall tell you of the two that are important when it comes to understanding me.  Whether you realize it or not, you are experiencing one right now—the Physical plane.  It is the first layer of the planes in which all physical matter resides.  The second layer is where my holier powers interact with the most—the Astral plane. This plane is where the power of concrete emotions resides."

         "Wait, your holy powers are based on emotions?"

         "Not exactly, my Master.  It is more like the awareness of the soul and the energy contained within.  It is the intangible form that cannot be perceived by mortal eyes and can normally be experienced when one dies.  However, certain people have the potential to make use of these powers and be able to interact with or project the soul of something.  In human terms, this would be called Astral Energy Manipulation.  Through me, you will be able to use the power of the Astral plane attack the very soul of your foes.  You can also resonate with the souls of others helping them unlock or enhance their potential."

         "So…basically you can give me the power to attack people from a normally imperceptible realm by the untrained eye."

         "Yes, or you can manifest to directly interfere in the Physical plane as a form of energy in itself.  Combine this with the properties of Hellfire and you will have an entirely different way of combating your foes without even having to physically touch them."

         "I see. So this form of yours being a scythe combined with a…guitar as I recall.  How can I make use of that?"

         "You can wield me like an ordinary scythe or you can generate astral energy and influence its form and effects through music.  Of course you don't always have to play music to use my power, but it can help you influence the energies of others especially when working with allies."

         "But, I don't know how to play music at all.  I'm…just a person who knows how to swing a sword."

         "Silly Master, haven't you been listening to the people of this world? All you have to do is find the song that resonates strongest in your heart or…in your soul and your fingers will surely follow."

         "I understand.  I have one last question on an unrelated note."

         "What is it, Master?"

         "You said that Lucifer was beloved by his father at one point in time before he became a Fallen.  Who was his father?"

         "A Primordial God known as Izunia Arkhitekton, but commonly referred to as The Architect in the mortal tongue."

         In that moment, Raizo grew silent.  The face of the insane, old and degenerate bastard flashed inside his mind recalling the horrors he inflicted upon his world along with the events of the Second Primordial War.  He remembered everything at once, how he threatened the lives of everyone the youth cared about all so he could take away Kimi.  The cruel deity only wanted to bring Akasha to his side.  If that failed, then he would have stolen the power of the Goddess-Above-All before she awakened; however, his plan was thwarted and the man's existence was erased as a result.  Hearing that name again only to discover that the bastard was the father of one of his enemies made him feel as if the old bastard was still toying with him, much like he did the first time.

         "I know exactly who you are talking about.  You'll have to forgive me but…how can I trust you?  You're the spawn of my enemy's power as well as power probably bestowed upon him by a being who deserved the death he received a thousand times over."

         "That is a fair question, Master.  I understand your distrust; however I was not given the chance to have sentient thought until Lucifer died.  The last remaining good inside of him, even if tainted gave birth to me.  You are the only person worthy of the power that once pure individual left behind.  I may not have been who I am for long but the wisdom I carry inside me tells me of the struggle you carry within your soul.  Allow me to channel that chaos and give you the balance you deserve.  I may only be a weapon but please trust me."

         The male could only grow silent upon hearing the weapon's pleas.  To hear an artifact of this caliber pleading for a chance to be something more than just a memory, something more than just power to be used and discarded, made him recognize some irony.  He remembered when he considered himself a tool.  Nothing more than a blade to be used and cast aside when no longer useful, that was the life he once led.  Now, he was just a child given new purpose trying to affirm his place in all of creation.  If someone like him was given a chance then why not a weapon that could aid him in future battles?

         "All right then Nirvana.  I'll trust you.  Even though it feels weird having such an in-depth conversation with a giant scythe and saying these words to you, I'll go along with it."

         "I hope I serve you well, Master Raizo."