
Give Me the Night Part 01

Year: 20XX, 2000 Hours (8:00 P.M.)

Location: The Last Word, Above Kiryuin Manor

The Abyss Order left as quickly as they came but the result of their presence was still keenly felt. Nothing more was evident if one were to consider the state of the flying fortress–The Last Word. Floating above the estate below by sheer engineering of another level, the steel marvel was now undergoing maintenance and repair while there was time to enjoy the temporary peace. Traversing the long-winding hallways was the young scientist, Elfnein, along with the genius blacksmith, Alexis Mercer. They were surveying the damage together sector by sector while drawing up blueprints as to what areas should be prioritized by the team. As they passed along, some of the steel bulkheads just collapsed from being disturbed by the faintest footsteps.

"We'll add this hallway to the list as well. It offers the most direct route from this sector to the cargo area," Alexis recommended as she highlighted the route on the datapad in her hands.

"Right, and this path to the med-bay is already underway. With the two routes sharing the adjoining halls here and here, we should be able to eliminate some of the more immediate safety hazards," Elfnein nodded while skimming through the blueprints as well.

They entered a room that was of a makeshift design. Various monitors were arranged atop of one another like the reflective lenses on the eyes of a fly serving as surveillance to keep all the critical areas under a watchful eye. Some of the areas on the screen were the med bay, the mess hall, the lounge area, cargo hold, the engine room, the communications area, and what remained of the command bridge. Elfnein examined the screens and saw a few familiar faces walking around.

Genjuro, Aoi Tomosato, Fujitaka Sakuya, and Ogawa Shinji were all together in the cargo bay moving tools and essential components around, prepping wagons to move to different areas of the ship. Elfnein noticed that the SONG Commander was carrying crates on his shoulder with one arm like they meant nothing to him. This allowed her a moment to have a soft chuckle while Aoi and Fujitaka were likely arguing about who should carry what. Shinji just shrugged with a wry smile on the side.

On another screen, she could see Ryuko and Satsuki moving panels around in another part of the ship. The sisters were using some power tools to replace the damaged steel walls with fresh sheets of metal hoisting them up and over their heads like they were thin sheets of paper. In spite of their opposite personalities, Elfnein observed a pair of smiles shared between the two as they worked together to get the work done quickly and efficiently. They even shared a small fist bump when they finished one whole wall before starting the other.

Coming from the Mess Hall, the seven faces of the Symphogear users came into view. Hibiki, Chris, Tsubasa, Maria, Shirabe, Kirika, and Miku were all walking together enjoying a nice chat that was filled with laughter as they seemingly reunited with a medically discharged Chris to enjoy a meal together. By context, it looked like Kirika made a joke that seemed to irritate Chris which enraged the tsundere girl. The laughter only escalated while Maria served as mediator.

Another monitor showed the engine room where Semiramis was busy checking the temperature levels and the stability of the core that powered the vessel. She was making notes on a datapad of her own which was being streamlined to Elfnein's and Alexis' datapads simultaneously. The monitor adjacent to it showed Musashi and Arcueid working together in the server room trying to make sense of all the cables that linked into one another. Arc was able to pick up on it by color alone and had to instruct Musashi on what to do. The samurai maiden merely ruffled her hair with a distant smile as if it was a foreign language to her.

"This room is just a temporary measure while the command bridge undergoes extensive maintenance. The monitors you see here are observing every area of the ship so that we don't come under another surprise attack. I know this may be a privacy concern to some, but access to this room has been restricted to you, myself and Lady Semiramis for now," explained the fabled blacksmith.

"I see. When did you install all of this?" Elfnein tilted her head before looking up at the female.

"It was always a part of the design. Semiramis encouraged it. We just did not think of using it until after unfortunate events. Why don't you stay here and watch over the crew for a time? I can tell you have been running yourself ragged trying to keep up. I will continue surveying the rest of the ship."

"But…I can still-..."

"Elfnein-chan, you are just as much of an important member to the operation of this vessel as myself and Semiramis. You need your rest. I insist. By the way, you can communicate to any part of the ship using that intercom system over there. Make sure to use it in case anyone starts slacking off or getting carried away," she instructed, then she pointed to a screen that was overlooking the med-bay.

"The hero of the hour is still resting. Looks like Lady Akatsuki and Lady Reina are keeping an eye on him. I need you to watch over him as well. They are all stubborn in their own unique ways, you can definitely tell they are related," Alexis shook her head with a slight sigh.


"Forgive me, Lady Aka…I mean, Mother. I am still in my own state of disbelief. I never really thought about my origins before. All I remember from my younger years are my parents in the Okami Clan when we were slaves. Why did…" Reina was about to inquire before Akatsuki followed up.

"I entrusted you to the distant descendants of my bloodline on Earth in that region. I was not suited for being a mother, not after what happened with Cain. Plus, I had my obligations to Lady Akasha. It pained me, sure, and I hated putting my daughter in those circumstances…but I knew my blood in your veins would put you on a path for greatness," the Primordial Mother answered.

"So…how long exactly were you around, even from a distance with your own mission?"

"I was there when you were taken from the parents you knew and thrust into a world of violence. I was there when you were raised in the Syndicate becoming a warrior in your own rights. I was there when you formed the Conclave, and were subsequently betrayed; your child with the All-Mother taken from you as you were left for dead. I saw you ascend to Godhood becoming Morana, the Blade of Almighty Akasha making a name for herself by forcing various gods from all different pantheons into submission.

I was there when you fought that eldritch monster alongside the young Sakinah as your last act before you were betrayed and ultimately sent down into the depths of Purgatory. I watched my people, the Ryu-jin, put their trust in the self-centered fool they called a king–Bahamut–whom had no birthright to the title of God-King chosen during times of desperation," Akatsuki recalled with a heavy sigh.

"And in the end, they were sold out to Tartarus," Reina followed up firmly believing in her mother bearing witness to a long-standing history that only a select few knew about.

"And it all worked out eventually since my daughter freed the Ryu-jin alongside her newfound allies. Heh, and we both know that they do not trust easily, but they felt they could trust you not only because of your deeds, but because they could sense my blood in your veins. Sadly, that was not the end was it? Power hates a vacuum and politics rarely ends well when you give the right to decide their leader to a people who have been oppressed for so long."

"That is correct… Another Ryu-jin took the throne of God-King by force by killing Bahamut only to become an isolationist tyranny who put the Ryu-jin's interests first and foremost. Vali, the God-King of War, a monster who became a war profiteer and a madman who sought only combat and glory. He allied himself with neither the resistance that opposed Tartarus nor the tyrant himself. Yet he vanished without a trace during the Battle of the Veil of Charybdis," Reina noted.

Akatsuki met her daughter's recount with a cheeky grin, "He didn't disappear. I killed him and took the throne of the Ryu-jin. Though in all fairness, I never sat upon the throne or made use of the role myself. Ashura Gozen was a good proxy. She was headstrong enough to act as the leader until the true king would reveal himself."

"That makes sense. I always thought it to be strange that the Ryu-jin calmed themselves down even with Ashura at the helm. An Aspect of the Crimson Dragon actually bringing balance to their nature behind scenes helps fill the gaps."

"See? That's my girl, you perceptive little…" Akatsuki wrapped her arm around the Sovereign with a gentle ruffle of her hair.

"Mother…I am not a child…" Reina blushed with a fluster entering her tone.

"Oi…you'll never be older than me so to me, you are a child, kiddo. Besides, I got a lot of years to catch up on so let momma dote on ya just a bit~"


"Heh…" Akatsuki smirked before letting her daughter go, "Speaking of which, you should go check on the little one. I know the tsun-bringer must be feeling out of sorts within himself. If you want him to make sure he has a chance against the challenges that await him and to better understand the lingering echoes of Sakinah Vashti within him, then you should bring him to someone who would be an expert in that field."

"What do you…"

"It's time for you to consider introducing him to the leader of the Tengu sooner rather than later."

Reina's eyes widened at that prospect because she knew that the shadow guardians of Cocytus have always been reclusive. In fact, they seldom responded to her summons unless a situation deemed otherwise.

"You are correct on that one, Mother. Perhaps the time has finally come…"

"You are one of them as well, last I checked. Given the circumstances, you should be able to guarantee some form of audience."

"Not without paying a price, I am sure. They are rather obstinate."

"True, but they are the only race of people that the Ryu-jin respects as equals."

"Very well, I will broach the subject with Raizo," she nodded before turning her gaze to her brother laying on the bed, "We shall speak another time as siblings, brother. For now, get well soon."


Reina departed from the medical room with a new task entrusted to her leaving Akatsuki and Akaro alone. The wise aspect turned an eye toward her heroic son with a short sigh escaping her.

"I know you're awake, kiddo."

A subtle chuckle escapes the man's lips as his eyes open up leading him to sit up in a slight crunch on the bed to stretch his arms. With a resounding pop, his shoulder shifted back into place after his lengthy battle with Cain as it was the last wound that needed to heal. As he sat up straight, the sheet rolled off his body exposing his muscular physique, but when his senses felt the softness of the linens close to his skin he came to a subtle realization.

"Oh, I'm naked under these sheets. Hmm…alrighty then," passed the observation in his mind before he focused his attention on the woman before him.

"I heard everything you said to Reina…you really are our mother. Granted, it's gonna take some slight adjusting knowing I have a sister, but it's an interesting development. My only question is how the hell you wound up with someone like Hirce?" Akaro bluntly expressed knowing how much of a bastard his father was.

"Half of it was genuine interest when he was a little more of a humble man, the other half was the pursuit of perfect genetic engineering. I mean if a hybrid of Primordial and Human can cause so much trouble, then perhaps a human born under the Star of the Crimson Dragon through the blood of a genuine Aspect would give humanity its ray of hope," Akatsuki shrugged in response.

The sensual woman leaned to sit on the bed near the great hero with her rear end turned inward allowing the man to get a glimpse. Her luscious body complimented by her large breasts and plump rear rubbing against his abs allowed him to place a greater focus on that daring black dress she wore. Its fabric was just a size too small for her which showed as it hugged her curves tightly thereby greatly accentuating the sensuality of her physique. One audible echo from the furthest reaches of his mind took the stage as he couldn't help to acknowledge the great 'Eva' as a symbol of female sex appeal: Damn.

Akatsuki looked down at the Envoy with a slight smirk as she sensed his clear arousal. She scooted back even more while turning her hips slightly so her ass would be rubbing against him further while she faced him.

"Can you sense a lingering hunger for Ryu-jin women now that you have taken up the role of God-King thereby allowing you to become a true dragon?" she asked to which Akaro could hardly form his words thereby only a curt nod served as his response.

"Our people's future is in question, Akaro. The most prominent males that could have become the God-King such as Fafnir, Yu-Long, Midgardsormr, and Jormungandr were slain during the Age of Heroes before the exodus to Purgatory. The period of war and enslavement that followed only pushed the issue further. Now that you have been chosen by the Crimson Dragon to take the throne, it is your duty to father hundreds of generations of Ryu-jin so that the race of dragons may attain their former glory," she explained as her finger was traced along the sculpted musculature of her son's body eventually stopping along the center mass of his chest.

"So…basically what you're saying is, you're offering me a job where all I have to do is have sex with hundreds of horny dragon women? Wait a minute, what about Reina? She's…" Akaro introduced a plausible question to which Akatsuki merely pressed a solitary finger to the man's lips.

"I conceived her before I became a pure-blooded Ryu-jin. She carries enough in her blood that the bond is present, but the depth of the connection is not nearly as powerful."

"Right…makes sense. Definitely would've made things awkward otherwise."

"Mhmm…now before you embark on your adventure with our people, you need to pass the interview first~" She said with a sultry tone before pushing Akaro's shoulders back against the bed and leaping on top of him thereby straddling him then sealing his lips with hers.

Feeling her warmth, Akaro moved closer to Akatsuki, his eyes burning with the instinctive desire of a Ryu-jin. His heart pounded in his chest as he felt his body heat up with anticipation. His hands even trembled as he touched her, his fingers tracing the curves of her body as she opened the ties of her dress to reveal her naked form. She looked at him with her red eyes, her lips slightly parted as she breathed heavily and the man admired her dark skin and hourglass figure. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers while his hands gripped her waist and pulled her closer to him as his tongue explored her mouth. The Primordial Woman moaned softly and ran her hands through his hair, her body pressed against him as they kissed passionately.

"You really are the perfect specimen… I guess that fool's experiments weren't in vain," she purred after breaking the kiss with her ideal heir before sealing away from his lips again, their tongues wrestling in sweet harmony.

Akaro let his hands slide over her body, exploring her curves as they continued to melt into each other. His fingertips traced the contours of her hips feeling the heat radiating from her body. He felt her body tremble under his touch, and he could feel his own body reacting to her experienced tactics. Unfortunately for her, he broke away from her touch and smiled.

"Sorry, but it's just not my style to follow a lady's instructions," he remarked in a sly tone, then moved his hands up her body to cup her breasts, which swelled in his hands. Akatsuki gasped and arched her back, pressing her body against his. Then he moved his hands down her body and pulled her hips to his, feeling her heat pass onto him. Akatsuki pressed more of her weight down, her body moving with his as they continued kissing. Akaro felt his body responding to her, thus becoming more aroused.

The two continued to make out, their bodies so close together that it seemed like they were already one; however, their intense touching was just exploration of each other's vulnerabilities. Although it was hard for him to admit it, Akaro felt as if he was in a trance, resonating to her every touch. He felt like he could stay like this forever, tasting her lips and caressing her large breasts as he then took to sucking on her nipples.

"Hmmmm~" moaned Akatsuki in euphoric bliss. At the same time, Akaro wandered his hands down from her breasts and clasped her buttocks feeling the burning heat emanating through her skin into his palms. He pulled her close as the consistent rocking made it feel like she was escaping from him; his body trembling with that mind-numbing desire as he felt his reason depart. Akatsuki cried softly and ran her hands through his tangled hair, her body shaking as they continued to kiss. The two continued to make out, as their vessels were seemingly intertwined with one another. Akaro felt like he was meant to be with her, as her touches were a welcomed sensation against his skin.

"Time to spice things up~" she murmured as she sank to Akaro's waist and removed the blanket that covered the rest of his naked form revealing the full glory of his erect cock.

"Woah…" Akatsuki murmured in surprise, her eyes widening in admiration. She couldn't believe how big her son's cock was, and the way it stood so proudly made her mouth water. She licked her lips as if she'd love to swallow him whole.

"This is truly an unmatched ultimate weapon," she giggled before reaching out and running her hands along Akaro's shaft to feel the warmth and hardness of his cock against her skin. She looked up at him and smiled, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Let's see how you taste," she etched in a sultry tone. Akatsuki leaned forward and opened her mouth wide to take the tip of Akaro's cock into her mouth. She began to move her head up and down, her tongue swirling around the bulbous crown. She could feel the hardness of his shaft as it filled her mouth, and it made her moan in pleasure.

Akatsuki then began to press her head down further, taking more and more of Akaro's shaft into her mouth. An audible slurping noise escaped her lips as she started to suck on it, enclosing the shaft while her tongue caressed it. She felt her throat open to accommodate his size,giving her soft elation as she continued to suck. Then the primal woman escalated her speed as more of Akaro's magnum was consumed by her oral cavity. Without pause, Akatsuki throated Akaro's cock deeply as her throat stretched beyond limits to fully engorge upon the man's weapon. She could feel him throbbing inside her, and that made her moan even louder. Like a piston, she bobbed her head repeatedly until she took his whole cock down to the base.

"Shit..." Akaro groaned as Akatsuki was relentless in her fellatio technique. The thought of her sucking him made his cock twitch with excitement, and he knew he was about to cum. Her intensity eventually forced the male over the edge as he was brought to his climax. As a result, Akaro came deep into her throat, filling her belly with his seed.

Upon emptying himself from his first load, Akaro carefully pulled his cock out of Akatsuki's mouth causing an audible pop. He could see that her face had turned bright red with arousal, and he grinned admiring her beauty.

Akatsuki grabbed her lips as she stood up on the bed, highlighting her adorable thighs and heavenly ass as she turned around and sat down on him. This time, she was ready to fuck. She leaned forward a little and spread her pussy lips over his cock, bathing him in her love juices and inviting Akaro to slide his big black dick into her honey pot highlighting that reverse cowgirl position.

"Don't over do it," Akaro taunted before grabbing Akatsuki's ass cheeks and burying his cock to her depths in one swift motion. The Hero-King grabbed Akatsuki by the hair and pushed her forward. He wanted to watch as he drilled his cock into her tight little hole and while her hips began to ride him wildly.

"Fuuuuck! Ah-AHHH!" Akatsuki gasped as Akaro rammed his cock into her, making her tremble with pleasure; a nirvana she had never experienced in her many lives. As she moved her body up and down riding his cock as best she could, Akaro dug his nails into her ass enjoying the way his mother bounced, riding him like a wild animal. His fingers sunk deeper into her skin as he moved his hips in tandem with hers. Akaro could feel her pussy tighten around his cock as she quivered with orgasmic pleasure.

"AH-AHHH-UAHHH~!" Akatsuki screamed in blissful pleasure as her tongue hung out of her mouth. In response. Akaro thrust his rod with greater force, bringing her to orgasm. Akatsuki cried out in ecstasy as she came, her juices spurting around his cock. Even then, Akaro continued to thrust into her unceasingly, spanking her hard enough for her cheeks to turn red as he repeatedly hit her core.

"YAHH-AHHMMMM" Akatsuki screamed in ecstasy as she reached an unending nirvana repeatedly. Her pussy tightened around Akaro's cock with each orgasm. Then Akaro increased the pace and slammed Akatsuki onto his meat one last time.

As Akatsuki's juices ran down the bank, Akaro paused and pulled his cock out of her pussy. Then she opened her pussy for him once more as he elected to take control. Before she knew it, Akaro grabbed Akatsuki by the waist and reversed their positions in one swift motion. He plunged his cock inside her while making her assume the missionary position, pinning her legs back towards her head. Akaro enjoyed the feeling of her pussy gripping his cock as he felt his balls bounce against her ass from the rapid pummeling

"I guess I passed your test!" Akaro grunted as he brought Akatsuki to orgasm again.

"With flying colors~" Akatsuki cried out in ecstasy. Akaro could feel her pussy around his cock gripping like an inescapable clamp. Just as she announced her approval of him, Akaro unloaded his hot load inside her, filling her to the brim and bringing her to one last full-body orgasm as her eyes rolled back in her head.

Akaro got up from the bed with a satisfying sigh. His mother was left dazed in post-orgasmic bliss on the bed they shared. Standing on his own two feet, he stretched his arms once again before twisting from side to side. Looking up, he took note of the security camera that was streaming a live feed. His eyes flashed as his vision traversed the electrical current to the source of the surveillance room where the young scientist sat in her chair having watched the entire ordeal. The delicate girl was sitting in the chair having only her lab coat covering her body as her fingers were hard at work trying to satisfy herself as she felt heat from the show.

"Hope you enjoyed the show Elfnein, but next time feel free to join in,~" the hero teased before grabbing a white tank top to slide over his muscular body and black pants to slip into along with a simple pair of sandals, proceeding to exit the room. As for the girl in question, the temptation of that thought sent her over the edge as she climaxed in her seat.


Akaro was wandering around the ship having felt refreshed enough to move around on his own. He had no real destination in mind, but he was definitely trying to stretch his legs as much as he could after his earlier activities with Akatsuki. Off to the side in the short distance, Shirabe and Kirika were engrossed in a conversation sharing a series of small laughs amongst one another. During their banter, the twin-tailed female noticed the Hero-King pass opposite of their position as she felt her heart aflutter by his presence.

"Forgive me, Kirika-chan, I'll be back later…" she remarked before leaving her blonde companion alone.

"Eh? Shirabe-chan? But I haven't finished the story yet, desu!" the girl tilted her head as she saw her friend wander off in the distance.

The Hero-King continued his solitary march when his focus was suddenly disturbed by the rambunctious noise of disheveled grunts coming from one of the rooms. Curious, he elected to approach the source to figure out who was doing what at this time of evening aboard the vessel. He proceeded through the threshold of a sliding door that opened up to someone inside the functioning training simulation room. The current projection within the room was the guise of a dojo exposed under the moonlight. Currently, the long, blue-haired Symphogear–Tsubasa Kazanari–was engrossed in fighting hard light projections of Tacet to hone her swordsmanship.

Wave after wave of the augmented abominations approached her position, yet she cut them down so beautifully that it was almost like an art form. Using her flashier techniques, she conjured up projections of her blades amplified by size as she cleaved the hordes en masse. Then she rained down slashes of azure energy upon their encroaching position. Akaro kept watching from afar by entering in and standing off to the side. He made sure that the door did not slide shut too tightly, otherwise it would break the concentration of the noble warrior. Little did he know, Shirabe was also there peeping through the small hairline crack to spy on the engagement.

In an abrupt turn of events, Tsubasa soon finds herself surrounded on all sides by the Tacet. The monsters from the Void attempted to overwhelm her by rushing in towards her in one coordinated assault. Having no choice, she engaged the purge function within the Ame-no-Habakiri to send the armored parts of the Symphogear outward thereby assailing the ambush with projectiles of fragments. The crowd was dispatched without any further delay to end the battle; however, it came at the cost of her being rendered vulnerable only leaving the tight undersuit of the Symphogear.

A soft applause echoed from behind her which caused the girl to turn on heel in surprise and see the muscular man standing there with a proud smile. In an instant, the purest joy overwhelmed her disciplined demeanor as she rushed over to him in excitement.

"Akaro-san!" she exclaimed as she leapt up then came down with her arms wrapped around his bulky physique, her face against his chest in relief.

"After all that…I was scared about the prospect of you never waking up," she murmured as she allowed herself to enjoy this embrace.

Her delicate warmth against his body tempted the Ryu-jin instincts within him. In fact, he felt that sudden hunger slowly begin to awake once again. Nevertheless, he just reached up and patted the girl on the head with reassurance.

"It'll take a lot more than the cliche, long-lost evil brother to take me down," he declared boldly.

The pair separated before taking a seat on the edge of the wooden stage of the dojo bathed by moonlight. As they sat together, she smiled softly at him once again brushing strands of her hair away from her face before looking up at the projected sky above.

"After we had a showdown with the Custodian known as Shem-ha in our world and the death of my father, I wondered if I could truly feel normal again. Acclimatizing to everyday life without the need to pick up a sword and resuming my idol work was rather difficult to do. It felt foreign to me. Then when the Abyss Order appeared, even if the threat was immense, it felt like I was whole again. At what point is it normal to tolerate 'war', but feel estranged by peace?" she expressed casting a longing gaze downward as he hugged her knees to her body.

"I can relate to that. I've had numerous starts and stops in my life. War and peace become two sides of the same coin. When you go through the many experiences I have, it blends together. However, now my life has a new sense of direction and purpose with my new position. The future is looking different for me as I take on the role of the God-King of the Ryu-jin. Destiny has a way of changing for everyone given enough time."

"I envy you, Akaro-san," she sighed, "I resigned myself from being the Sword of the Kazanari clan to fully embrace my career as an idol, but I could never fully settle into it. I feel like a broken mirror unable to piece myself together. I wish I could become a protector and stand for something like you."

Hearing her plea, the male reached over and intertwined his hand with hers causing her to gasp at the sudden warmth. It was then that his face was close to hers letting her face flush with exasperation and emotion.

"Then be more than the sword of a clan, Tsubasa; become the sheath that protects the God-King's sword."

Tsubasa took a deep breath before closing the small distance between herself and the Hero-King. She had been so captivated by him from the moment they first met, but here and now she was ready to own up to her feelings. Truth be told, she had been fantasizing about it relentlessly; her mind filled with images of his handsome face and his strong, muscular body. She couldn't help herself as she was preparing to give into her impulses on a path of pursuing whatever felt right..

She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, but then she decided to take a chance before he could say a word. She stripped off her clothes, slipping off the Symphogear under-suit only to reveal her gorgeous body. The idol had what could be perceived as small breasts when hidden under her clothes, yet when exposed Akaro welcomed a pair of subtle breasts that were a close match in size for Kirika. Her innocent pink nipples matched the shade of the blush across her face.

Akaro's eyes widened in surprise as he took in the sight of her. She was breathtaking, her curves more than enough to make any man weak in the knees. He couldn't believe his luck, and he felt a surge of desire as he looked at her. Likewise, Tsubasa could feel the heat emanating from his body, and she felt her desire growing as well.

The Diva stepped closer and leaned in, pressing her lips to his. Akaro responded eagerly, his hands finding her curves and exploring her body. The kiss quickly grew more passionate, and Tsubasa felt herself melting into his embrace. She wanted more, and she pushed herself against him, her hands exploring his body as his tongue explored her mouth. For a lengthy moment, the two kissed with great depth until it broke with strands of saliva coming from between them.

"If I am to be the God-King's sheath then…I should take care of his blade," she teased with hesitation. Alas, Tsubasa knelt in front of him. She looked up into his eyes and then slowly began to unzip his pants. Akaro was surprised, but he didn't stop her. Instead, he watched with anticipation as she pulled out his hard, throbbing meat.

Tsubasa licked her lips before taking him into her mouth. She sucked and licked his shaft, her tongue swirling around the head as she pleasured him. Akaro groaned in delight, his hands clawing at the floor as he felt her mouth on him. Tsubasa continued her efforts, her tongue dancing around his shaft leaving no inch untouched. She moved her head up and down, her hands gripping his hips as she increased her speed. She felt his body tense up as a soft chuckle escaped her. She moved her hand to the base of his shaft and began to stroke him, her fingers moving in perfect rhythm with her mouth.

Akaro's breathing became more rapid, and his hips began to thrust forward. He was close, and Tsubasa could feel it. She increased the speed of her strokes, her tongue still swirling around his shaft. She could feel him getting closer and closer to his climax, and she wanted to make sure he got there. She moved her hand to the top of his shaft and began to massage it, her fingers moving in circles.

After an eternity of oral pleasure, Akaro's breathing became more ragged, and he relinquished a satisfied grunt as he finally reached his climax. Tsubasa felt his body tense up as he released inside her throat. The girl pulled away and licked her lips, pleased with the results. When it was over, Tsubasa looked up at him with a happy expression. She elegantly wiped her mouth after swallowing his seed and then stood up, her body still trembling with excitement and now tainted by anticipation.

Akaro looked at Tsubasa hungrily, his desire for her overwhelming. He had been thinking about this moment for a very long time, and he was determined to make it as pleasurable as possible for her. She was so beautiful, and he wanted her more than anything. Tsubasa meanwhile gasped at the sensation of the cool air on her sensitive skin. She looked up at him with anticipation, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited to see what he would do next. He then moved closer to her and then gently pushed her down onto the dojo floor, his hands gripping her hips as he looked into her eyes.

"Give it to me~" she cried out.

Akaro bent down and kissed her passionately, his tongue exploring her oral cavity once again as his hands searched her body. He felt her desire for him, and he knew that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He pulled away and then reached down and fully removed his pants, revealing the blade with which he planned to deflower the girl.

Tsubasa gasped, her eyes widening as she observed the impressive visual. Akaro smiled and then used his powers to remove the concept of pain from her body through Omnifiction, leaving only the high of intense pleasure that would be brought about by the intense intercourse that he had planned for tonight. The Hero then positioned himself between her legs and slowly pushed his cock inside her, breaking her hymen. Tsubasa gasped in bliss as he filled her up completely. He began to thrust in and out of her, his strokes gaining momentum as he felt her tight walls gripping him. The former idol felt like she was about to burst with boundless ecstasy and she clung to Akaro while he drove her to the brink.

"Ah~ AH" she cried out without shame. There was no doubt that the spying Shirabe was hearing all of this. Tsubasa felt her body quaking as Akaro thrust into her with precise force. She could feel his strong muscles moving beneath his skin as he pounded her with his huge cock. His breathing grew more and more labored as he pushed himself deeper and deeper inside her. She felt her orgasm building up from within as she quivered extensively while Akaro continued to ravish her. Finally, she could no longer hold back.

"YES, MY LORD! AH~AHHHHH!" she let out a loud, primal scream as a full-body orgasm washed over her. Yet there was no rest.

Akaro switched Tsubasa to a doggy-style position, lodging himself further inside her as he continued to pound her with his enormous rod. Her walls spasmed as her insides clenched onto his meat while expanding to accommodate his mass. He sank his fingers into her ass as if molding her hips like clay causing her mind to blank in and out of reason while her body shook causing her to stumble near the brink. Tsubasa felt like she was going to explode and she let out a loud moan.

"I-I will always be your sheath, my God-King!"

Finally, Akaro himself could no longer hold back and he let out a loud groan. He came deep inside her, filling her to such an extent that semen and love juices overflowed from her pussy. Given she was merely human, there was no doubt the Hero-King's seed had the potential to inseminate her.

The two collapsed onto the wood floor. The God-King's body was filled with satisfaction as he looked down at Tsubasa who worked up enough strength to rest on top of him. Her face was a mask of bliss as she lay there in a state of ecstasy. Akaro smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers in another deep, loving kiss.

When it was over, the Envoy covered her under a blanket he conjured through his powers whilst her body was still suffering under the echoes of euphoria. That was when the Hero-King heard a soft moan coming from outside of the training simulation room. Thanks to his Eyes of Truth, Akaro immediately identified the spy as Shirabe. With a smile, he got up from his station and proudly walked to the door in the nude as the steel entrance slid open. It was here that he saw Shirabe on the floor with her fingers deep inside her pussy as she tried to contain her moaning.

As he loomed over her, Akaro reached out and pulled the young Symphogear into a kiss without a word thereby bringing her in as the doors slid shut behind her. He carried her over towards the dojo area as Shirabe's eyes widened, feeling Akaro's warmth. This kiss was much more interpersonal and passionate as he found an area to sit her down while still connected to her lips. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and began to wrestle with his, causing the young woman's mind to momentarily fail. This sign of affection lasted a few seconds but seemed even longer to the young girl as she became absorbed in the taste of his lips.

After their tongues intertwined–as if they wanted to melt together–Akaro disconnected, gradually withdrawing from the girl. Threads of saliva loosened as they now had some distance between them. His eyes, brimming with desire for more, met Shirabe's, whose gaze already seemed clouded by the mesmerizing experience of the kiss.

"It's time for you to please your king as well, Shirabe.." Akaro spoke. At that moment, Shirabe squatted down next to him and ran her right hand over his crotch to tease his member. She grabbed it and began to move her hand up and down before leaning closer and giving it a little kiss on the tip.

Shirabe was in a trance as she continued to move her hand, stroking the member that seemed to consistently grow. The person to whom it was attached couldn't control the impulse as the protrusion continued to develop. The girl resumed with her right hand, gently massaging the sack that hung below with her left. A few more seconds passed before the length of Akaro's manhood caused Shirabe to have trouble wrapping her hand completely around it.

Shirabe twisted her lips into a devious grin before she began to increase the speed of her strokes. This time she leaned in close and ran her tongue up the column in her hand to the tip before repeating the motion while moving back to the base. The moist sensation and warmth of her embracing grip sent shivers down Akaro's spine and caused his sensitivity to gradually rise.

Akaro looked down for a moment and saw Shirabe's tongue playing around the tip of his cock, dancing teasingly around the bulbous shape as her hand served in tandem with her technique. Unlike Tsubasa, she was rather mischievous when her switch was flipped.

Soon the two find themselves lying naked on the floor in the 69 position. Unknowingly, Akaro penetrates Symphogear's vagina with his tongue and thrusts into her tight cavity. Her juices oozed out as his mouth tool pushed into her, rubbing the walls of the tunnel. Her honey dripped even more down his throat and the sweet flow quenched his growing thirst for her. Tasting her this way made her body submit to his will. With passion consuming him, his hands squeezed the smooth curves of her buttocks even tighter.

The hero's tongue made its way through the girl's insides, turning her vagina into a playground. With each violent twist and turn of the muscle, he scratched at another spot, finally discovering one that caused her to moan loudly. Meanwhile, the girl dove back down and devoted herself to her lover's cock. She plunged onto him again, but this time her petite breasts attempted to join in. She devoured as much of his cock as she could, moving her chest in tandem to stimulate the draconic organ with twice the sensation at the same time. With all the strength she could muster, she made sure the king approached his climax as she approached hers.

The seconds between them flew by as they tugged incessantly on each other's genitals and spontaneously climaxed. Love fluid shot from Shirabe's vagina, splashing over Akaro's face and drowning his mouth, while viscous, thick, white fluid spurted from his penis like a geyser. The Symphogear's mouth filled with his seed as the excess substance ran down the sides of his shaft and dripped onto her breasts.

Overcome by her desire, Shirabe jumped up and mounted Akaro. She faced him, sat on his cock, and rubbed her pussy against him. With a smile, she reached down and began stroking his member. From there, she tensed and let the man's cock slide into her to the base.

Shirabe moaned heavily as she felt him enter her fully. It was as if the man's member reached the pit of her stomach, but she didn't care. Her eyes stared at the man's crimson eyes as their mutual gazes captured the other's blissful countenance. Akaro's hands clasped Shirabe's waist and pressed her down on his cock. Needless to say, her hymen was broken by this interaction. As her vagina sucked him inside, he felt her womanhood cling tightly to him as if her body claimed him as her territory.

"Akaro... MY - KING" she moaned between two groans. At that moment, Shirabe began to move her hips. She used the warm yet tight embrace of her vagina to work Akaro's manhood like butter, conforming her insides to the shape of her king. In an increasingly rapid rhythm, the woman raised and lowered her hips on the man, rocking back and forth with him. With a satisfied look on her face, her tongue hung out of her mouth as she screamed in pleasure, the girl reached down and intertwined both of her hands with her partner's as she continued to increase her pace.

"AHHH~AH! YES, AKARO-SAMA" moaned the usually quiet and reserved Symphogear as she was overwhelmed by the nirvana of pleasure. Consequently, they both climaxed together. Shirabe's womb was filled to the brim with Akaro's sperm, which had no doubt impregnated her when his cock was removed from inside her. That night, Tsubasa Kazanari and Shirabe Tsukuyomi had truly become wives of the God King and part of the Ryu-jin legacy.


Time: 2300 Hours (11:00 P.M.)

Akaro exited the simulation room leaving Tsubasa and Shirabe in drunken stupor from his affection. He walked a certain way down the hall towards the window at the end. It was there that he was able to cast a glance outside of The Last Word and see the beauty of the great, serene hills that surrounded the Kiryuin Manor. Even after all that happened, the world seemed to be at peace, shrouded by the darkness of night as the stars twinkled in the sky. Just as he was absorbed in the beauty of the night, his memories drifted back to his battle with his corrupted older brother, Cain. The power he was able to summon was something unlike anything he ever felt before; it surpassed his wildest dreams and gave him a surge of pride as he recalled it.

The mighty gold armor of the God-King, the power of the chosen hero that would be the protector of the Ryu-jin; it not only served as a symbol of hope for his kind, but also represented the definition of the indomitable spirit of humanity. He felt their hopes pour into him; even now it was ever-present. That was when the man reached down to his side and felt Svarog appear from a golden mist that wafted from his hidden aura. He gently pulled the blade from space to admire its new form.

He held the glistening hilt as the light of the moon kissed its luster. The scimitar's reverse S-curve glowed with a stunning red and black pattern emitting a radiance that spoke of its hidden danger, yet alluring appeal like the finest jewels. As he contemplated the symbolism behind the blade, he reflected upon the importance of recognizing the true nature that many people kept hidden away.

"Sometimes, the people who we think are our closest friends and family can turn out to be the most poisonous…" he muttered to himself. It was then that he heard the gentle marching of footsteps coming from behind that interrupted his train of thought which caused him to sheath his sword back within his aura. From there, he turned on his heel to see the familiar face of the almighty God-Slaying Fist.

"Yo, Akaro-senpai, fancy running into you. Good to see you up and moving around," Hibiki said with a subtle pant and an eager smile as she stood before him. She was drenched in sweat from head to toe after taking an opportunity to work out in the gym once she finished her share of work for the repair of the ship. As she drew closer to him, Akaro's gaze was drawn to her physique, her scent tickling his nose as his Ryu-jin instincts began to stir up.

"That was one hell of a battle, wasn't it?" she began to speak before leaning on the window to gaze out to the landscape below.

"Yeah…it was," he responded in a distant tone trying his best to maintain his thought process for a moment.

"Your brother…Cain… what happened to him was a tragedy. But…he chose his path. His pain was immeasurable, I'm sure; however, he ultimately faced the consequences of his actions… the consequences of never taking a stand against those who lorded over him. I guess for him, it was easier to give into the darkness as opposed to fighting against it," the martial artist spoke with an astute analysis, a result of the combined mentorship of Raizo and the hero himself.

"Yes…it was a tragedy, but in the end…he met with his fate. I can only surmise that at the conclusion of our battle, the reality of what he faced freed him from his curse. In another life, I would have liked to know him," he said before his eyes glistened over the girl's body once again.

Akaro saw that she was wearing a matching set of a sports bra and spats patterned in yellow, black and white with similarly patterned shoes. The articles of clothing that were saturated in her sweat clung snugly to her figure in her respective areas. Her sports bra revealed just how big her breasts were which were only a slight cup size or two smaller than Chris; her nipples gently poked out from underneath the surface of the top. Then her spats greatly clung to her toned, curvaceous waist clamping down into her strong thighs midway down as he could just barely make out the imprint of her feminine spot and the thickness of her soft rear. Beads of sweat trickled down her cleavage and cascaded down across her exposed midriff and developing abs. He could tell that the combat experience and training regimen was paying off, but it didn't detract from her overall sexual appeal.

Feeling compelled by his handsome demeanor, Hibiki smiled brightly as she reached out and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest with joy.

"I'm just happy to see that you're okay," the girl expressed with a soft sigh at the end of her statement. Akaro responded by wrapping his arms around her as well feeling the contours of her muscles as his hands traced down her back, his mind burning the visual of her damp clothes against her skin to memory. He felt himself being drawn to her as the Ryu-jin instincts kicked in further, but he still kept a lid on it just a little bit longer.

"How is Chris doing? Her condition was pretty rough last I checked," he asked in tenderness regarding Hibiki's friend.

"She's doing much better. Her body more or less recovered along with everyone else that was injured during the battle. Everyone is just working together trying to get The Last Word up and running again. It has been a rather difficult process," the girl replied with a wry smile.

"Whenever we aren't working on the ship, everyone is just trying to stay motivated for the battles to come. I've been training just about every day. I want to keep up with you and Raizo-sensei; but it feels like I'm still lagging behind, watching you both get further ahead."

"Heh, you and the other gear users have experienced growth that you don't even realize yet. Trust me," he said before pinning a finger to her abs feeling their definition. This sudden touch caused the girl to gasp and squirm a bit.

"As you are now, you're a notch above Raizo when he attained his Eternity state. With the power of that Burning X-Drive, I imagine that you just might be about the same as where he's currently at with that form," Akaro reckoned upon finishing his examination.

"Really?" she gasped with an exhilarated grin, "Come on Akaro-senpai, you're just being overly kind~"

Akaro took note of her blushing demeanor as he gave a light smirk in return, "Come on now, have I ever lied to you?"

"No…never. You're honest to a fault. You're straightforward and mean every word you say. You don't hold back the truth and you always have the right words for every situation. Honestly, I find myself wondering if you are too good to be true. But…when I stand here with you like this and I hold onto you…I'm convinced otherwise."

Akaro felt that she was eager to say something that was burning within her. He didn't want to interrupt her as he could tell that she worked up enough courage to be honest with herself. Therefore, he stood before her with compassion in his eyes and understanding; his shoulders relaxed and a calm demeanor to match whilst making direct eye contact with her. Realizing that she had his undivided attention, she clenched her fists and let her words ring out.

"Akaro-san…no…Akaro, I…I can't get you out of my head. Every time I lay my eyes on you, my world turns upside down. When I look at you, there's this aching, longing in my heart. Even in quiet moments with my friends, a part of me cannot get you out of my head. You're the symbol of hope that I aspire to be, you are…everything that I envision. My chest tightens up when I think of you…even now, I'm burning up with this feeling that can only mean one thing. Akaro, I love you…I want to be with you. I want to become a part of your legacy," Hibiki confessed as her tears started to stream down her face. In that next instant, Akaro tilted her chin up and planted his lips over hers as they shared an all-enveloping kiss before the moonlight. Then she grabbed his hand and tugged him away towards her room intent on satisfying her desire.

As soon as they broke into her private chamber, she suddenly turned on her heel and pressed Akaro against the wall; a soft thud echoed in the room as she dared to pin him against it. She pressed her sweaty vessel against his in a more seductive fashion as her eyes glowed with desire while looking deep into his crimson eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" he inquired.

"I am... I've wanted this since we first met," Hibiki said firmly, bridging the space more as she pressed even further before bringing his head down so she could kiss him. The warmth of her lips filled Akaro with a sense of pleasure as he wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his hands on her buttocks.

"This really is your charm point.." he thought to himself before squeezing her butt, only to feel her gasp in his mouth as their tongues intertwined passionately. Akaro broke off the kiss, picked the girl up in his arms, and carried her like a princess to the king-sized bed. The girl was gently dropped onto the orange blanket as she sat at the foot of the bed looking up at him.

Akaro then did his usual trick of having his clothes disappear into particles of crimson light. Hibiki's cheeks flushed red and her jaw dropped as she laid her eyes upon the tanned man's perfectly defined musculature and chiseled features. She made an effort to avoid looking at his rod, but that was a challenge in itself given its monstrous girth and length.

"Ah~" the girl meekly gasped as her face was partially covered in the shadow of Akaro's erect, throbbing cock that seemed to simply invite her gaze. Akaro did not even try to pretend to flirt with the thought of decency; he knew what she wanted and he was not going to keep her waiting.

Taken by her instincts, Hibiki gulped and used her hands to grasp the Hero-King's warm, hard, and thick rod. Her fingers were tight around his length; she didn't flinch in worry or fear, or have a moment of panic or reason when she cleared her head. She shivered nervously as her heartbeat increased, her eyes staring down at the thick shaft as she made no move to retreat.

"Ready?" Akaro asked, hands gripping Hibiki's shoulders as he prompted her to drop from the foot of the bed and onto her knees. Even though it went against everything that looked like a reasonable response, she did as instructed, sinking before him as she felt herself flaring with sexual frustration and embarrassment. She faced his monster cock, and struggled trying to make sense of it. It was huge, and truth be told Hibiki hadn't known that penises could even get this big.

"Go ahead, I'm sure you'll do fine…" he said encouragingly as he patted her head.

Hibiki was still caught up in the appearance of his shaft; her and the other girls were doing some 'research' on the side of curiosity during their recent girl talks. The Invincible Fist knew that they came in all shapes and sizes, but none of the reference material prepared her for the real thing on this scale. It was nerve-wracking, and she felt it was towering over her causing her head to spin in dizzying frustration from the emotional whirlwind inside her. Conflicting emotions between disbelief and a bubbling surge of enticement left her hazy and weary of how to approach this, yet in that moment of indecisiveness came an instinctive impulse. Her mouth thrust forward and she licked the long and hard cock, her body trembling as she felt herself give in to her desire.

With a satisfied moan, Akaro relaxed and leaned back comfortably as he watched Hibiki work on his rod. She let her tongue dance around his tip followed by working down his shaft, slowly giving herself to him more and more. She was letting herself get a little too deep into something naughty, and she felt helpless against the flare of curiosity that came with it; her body tense and hot as she licked faster and faster.

"Yeah just like that~," Akaro teased with a grin, but the girl was too busy blaming him for it now.

Her tongue was captivated by the taste of his cock and the guilty thrills as she surrendered to the madness of desire. The more she surrendered, the more she wanted to sink even deeper. Her mouth opened and she thrust forward, taking the thick cock into her mouth and beginning to suck it like a vacuum. Her lips had to open wide to accommodate its girth, her jaw pushing way down as she leaned into the madness. Instead of hesitating, Hibiki pressed down further. Both of her hands grasped his long shaft and stroked it back and forth as she worked herself into pure lust. Her mouth just wouldn't let up as she continued to suck Akaro down. Once she started, it was hard to stop as she felt herself drawn almost magnetically not only into his seemingly endless cock, but into the outrageous, shameful rush of arousal and heat.

"You're doing great," he grunted, watching Hibiki move his monster cock up and down, her mouth and hands dutifully servicing him as if they had been together for years.

The wet noises Hibiki made as she slurped on the fat cock sounded clear and naughty, her hands stroking the shaft relentlessly. The aching heat between Hibiki's legs worried her deeply, making her anxious as she sank further into lust, knowing that she was now getting completely out of control.

Akaro decided not to warn Hibiki of his impending orgasm, but to take the opportunity to surprise her with his load. The cum sprang forth without warning and Hibiki's eyes widened in panic and surprise as the eruption hit her tongue. Akaro's big load left her mouth and face full of smears of semen. Hibiki whimpered with pleasure. She lost herself at the moment feeling woozy and overwhelmed; the lust setting in leaving her helpless in the face of all the insanity as she swallowed his thick cream.

"Akaro… I want…" Hibiki bit her lip. The girl stood up by the bed before slipping out of her gym clothes, and tossing them to the side. Once her naked, damp form was fully revealed, Akaro's heartbeat seemed to increase. Her perfect, hourglass figure matched with her ideal-sized B-cup breasts that was decorated with the Gungnir scar over her heart acting as a bit of sensual mark added to her appeal. This in addition to her perfectly slim waist and child-bearing hips was enough to send the Hero-King into a fit of lust.

It all happened rather fast. Akaro grabbed onto her thighs and hoisted Hibiki up onto his waist, allowing her to spread her legs around him. The two kissed as if they were in heat—their tongues battling against each other in swirling motions. Before Hibiki realized it, Akaro's hands grabbed her bubble butt cheeks once more, stoutly and eagerly squeezing both of her firm buns to the point where red marks would be left on her skin. His cock, heated with anticipation, had inadvertently placed itself against her pussy; the heat from his rod running hot against her maidenhood.

The euphoria that the young girl experienced was unlike anything she had ever experienced with Miku. A boundless nirvana infected her mind, depriving her of all common sense as the aura of the Ryu-jin God-King brought her to climax repeatedly with his kisses alone. What she felt was akin to an endless stream filling her senses with unending full-body orgasms. As Akaro's crimson aura flared around him and his draconic red wings sprouted out of his back, the sensations that Hibiki experienced only grew. Their connection was now so intense that their mating went beyond the physical and reached the spiritual. It was as if their very identities were melding as one. The irony was that he had not penetrated her just yet.

"Are you ready?" Akaro inquired with a smile as he finally broke from the kiss and positioned his cock against her wet entrance. By this point, Hibiki was already his in body and soul, nay even more than that. Alas, the girl nodded meekly as her pupils turned to a heart shape symbolizing her obsession with the man embracing her.

Finally, Akaro pushed his cock against her virgin garden slowly, taking her against the nearby wall to use as a support. Hibiki felt him press against her pubic mound causing her to collapse into pleasure again. She was at her wit's end and knew that with every second that passed, she could only sink more into this lust. Her hips trembled and a greedy phrase escaped her.

"Fuck me!" escaped her lips, sealing her fate. As Akaro continued to penetrate her, Hibiki let out another loud moan. He wasted no time, piercing through her hymen and fully claiming her chambers as his playground. He began fucking her with deep, confident thrusts, enjoying the fact that Hibiki was so unprepared for all of this.

"THIS IS~ I FEEL SO— AHH-AHHH!" she screamed in absolute ecstasy. Her hips thrust against Akaro's movements as she gave herself to him. The sensation of having the cock of her dreams penetrate her elicited hot, desperate moans as each thrust brought her to immediate orgasm again and again. Akaro knew she was much stronger than the other girls, and so he cut loose a little.

Akaro's size was too much, and she didn't even know how to take it, but Hibiki felt so incredibly overwhelmed and satisfied that she didn't care. Akaro enjoyed his conquest with a smug smile and firmly thrust into her tight hole, burying his cock as far as he could into Hibiki's slippery, tight pussy. He didn't hold back, thrusting eagerly as he fucked her senseless. The symphony of moans she let out in return helped him advance boldly and shamelessly into her tight chambers.

All this passionate, indescribable pleasure raining down on Hibiki was just too much for her. With an ecstatic cry, she surrendered to it and allowed all sanity to be burned up amidst her needs and the unquenchable fire she had never felt before.

"YES! AH—GYAHHH!" she howled as a series of the most powerful climaxes she had ever experienced in her life destroyed her right as she squirted continuously. Her vaginal walls clung viciously to that divine, draconic rod as if she never wanted to let it go.

After an eternity of satisfaction Akaro let out an animalistic dragon roar as he pumped his seed deep inside Hibiki's womb. The girl's head spun as a huge flood of cum invaded her pussy filling her womb to the absolute limit. At that moment her indecent cries of ecstasy escalated in volume.

"You came so much~" Hibiki gasped as they gazed at each other with unending infatuation.

"How do you feel?" Akaro asked as he pulled out of her.

"Hooked~" Hibiki mewled, biting her lower lip as she whimpered desperately.

"Can we go again? We still have some time before Miku comes back, and I—.."

Hibiki didn't even have a chance to finish her question as Akaro lowered her to the ground, and flipped her around so she could place her hands against the wall before bending over; thus popping her perfect booty for her man to enjoy. With one quick thrust, the Red-Eyed Hero was back inside her pussy having her moan joyfully as he plundered her tight hole once again.

Getting his proper footing, Akaro began moving his hips back and forth inside her. Her warm honeypot was much more willing to accept the shape of his meat molding itself to him perfectly. It gradually devoured his length with each escalating thrust before Akaro felt his sack beginning to slap against the surface of her ass.

Their night of obscene pleasure was to last until dawn. However it was abruptly interrupted when the doors to Hibiki's room opened revealing Tsubasa and Shirabe in the nude, Akaro's cum still dripping down their thighs. Alongside them, they brought Miku and Elfnein who were "convinced" by the Hero-King's lovers to wear nothing but their lingerie.

"This will be fun," Akaro remarked, smiling at the carnal nirvana that awaited him.

"Bring it on."

For the rest of the night, all that was heard was the sweet, climatic symphony of the valkyries.