
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

What Just Happed ...Chapter Three

The realization of what I just did wash over me and I am slammed to the ground as I found that my legs don't work but before I could even hit the ground I was in his arm bridal style put me down I said but it was no use I was as red as the crimson cloak I where awww but you're so cute put me down stupid but I don't want to he said with an evil smile then you can carry me back to get them I said with a eviler smile is that so I was then thrown over his shoulder and cared like a sack of potatoes I hit his back in protest but he does not put me down he yelled nope not happening sweet hart no put me down and don't call me that I yelled in response but all he did was laugh as he repositioned me and kept walking if he wants to play then let's play I wrap my arms around his neck and bring my face to his . I bring out the puppy dog eyes but not just any the improved ones that have a hint of danger in them I look at him and say in a soft voice please put me down his face turned ever so slightly red and I was set down with a gentleness I thought impossible look who is the cute one now I said with a sweet smile as I walked over to azzara and pick her up from where she was hiding now where is crimson there you are in a big bush sink weed again you are going to need a bathe your going to stink I bend over and try to reach for him but he is too far in the bush to get come on getting over here but

firm hands pulled me from that spout I was held tight I hear voices coming from the tree line I swear I heard something coming from this way said the voice what is that he said he looked to where I was just at crimson I said as I covered my mouth what was that he said looking at the tree that we were hiding behind he walked slowly to the tree I huld my breath as he grows closer to the tree my heart is about to jump out of my chest I hear something that makes my heart drop hey look what we found in this bush one guy said with a thick accent of some sorts he holds up the little red fox and I can't stop myself from what I do next I swore I would never do this again never use what he Taught me I l told myself I had to I pulled out of his arms and pull up my dress to show a per of new short blades that my father gave me just before we got to the deen he said that he wanted me to have them I told him that I would never need the or use them but he insisted that I have them so that I have something to use if I ever need to go into the .... I hold the familiar leather in my hands and move from behind the tree I take a deep breath remember what father taught say column and silent I move in fast but I am not fast enough they see me what the hell is..... He didn't have time to act I knocked him out with a good swing from the back of my blade I will not kill if I don't have to I said to myself I run to the other guy I met with a blade and a evil smile why don't you put that down before you get hurt or I can put it where you will remember it I don't know what happened but I lost myself for just a second

I am pulled back with one sword about to end him the one who had my crimson but I remember they didn't know I simply hit him hard and let him fall to the ground but I turned to see what had happened to the last guy he was not as lucky he was dead I had rammed my blade throw him and his knife was on the ground in pieces he must have tried to stop me but felled I look around there was my little fox scared out of his mind I call out to him come here he runs to me I am sorry I will never let that happen again I swear I said as I hugged him I felt a hand on my back I turn blades ready but I put them down as I saw who it was I am sorry you had to see that you don't have to I just ...I need to... I was once told that I was the weapon I said it out loud and it hurt to say but I need him to know that I was a monster to that I could never truly save him

You are not what you say you are you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and that's not something I say lightly

His view

I fill her heart beat faster and faster until I here what he said she tore away from me and thought hard about something before she lifted her dress I was about to look away but then I saw them the beautiful but slightly odd shout blades that she had strapped to her she pulled them free and ducked out from behind the tree I would have stopped her but she looks so hot and I dare not mess with her in a matter of minute she was on the first guy and had him on the ground she meat the next guy just as he swung he said why don't you put that down before you get hurt but just for a second i see her aim to kill in that moment I saw a small piece of myself in her she finished that guy off and moved so fast she had the other guy pined up against the tree in mere seconds but something was different it's as if she was struggling to gain control over herself she froze for just a second and then I saw the once sweet girl and she knocked the man out and called out to the little red fox who came running to her after the man had dropped him to define himself against her she pulled the small fuzzy lump into her arms and cried I will never let that happen again


I have one quest how the hell do you I ...I she was so cute trying to find a way to just tell me how she became so skilled she took a deep breath and said I was told from a very small age that I was not like the other that I had a special gift that I could defeat an evil so great it would save the world well I knew that it was blown way out of proportion but I still learned how to use a weapon and how to fight so that I could keep my family safe .... But now all I have is these two little ones and well..... You ... I need to put this them away and get that one a bath I said pointing to crimson and I need one myself I pointed to the smug of what I was hoping was dirt and I smelled like sink weed from trying to get someone out of a bush I looked over at him um do you think that you could find us somewhere we could stay the night I think that I could do that

As time skeptics by I fill a lot calmer and I don't feel as bad for what I had done I did what I had to... hey what you thinking about nothing I just... What I did was it right .... you had to you needed to save him he was going to hurt crimson so you protected him that is your job when you are caring for something or one he winked at me I turned away from him why does he know just what to say to make me blush I feel a little mouth on my hand what is it I look at him you need food don't you um Adonis yes when do you think we are going to be there... soon he said we are close he said ok as he pulled a branch from my way but it's getting late .....wow look at that over the hill stud a town but it was ten times bigger then mine was I know right I have always wanted to go but I could never go without running the other way but well we need to we are going down into that town yes he said I gave a big smile and walked over to him thank you I said and hugged him

I walked around the stands in aw I had never seen so many stands I never have seen so many beautiful things in one place.What is this place I don't really know but I have always wanted to go here but I could never really push myself to go but with you here I think it makes it a little easier on me do you think we can find a inn in this town yes I do there is one somewhere but you're going to need to put him away for now he is drawing attention to us and I don't think that we need that right now but he can't just sit in the bag the whole time we are here and he will not but until we find that inn let's put him away you are right people are looking at me funny a man with funny looking classes was staring me down I rested the urge to grab my weapons and knock him out but I just walked closer to Adonis he looked down at me what is it he said I don't like that guy over there he is looking at crimson like he is money and I don't like it he may be you should put him away for now I will lets just get away from here first we walk away from the guy and duck in a nearby street I put him in my bag and check out azua she is sleeping at the bottom of my bag she lifts her head and makes room for crimson to sleep I pulled the bag back onto my back and we walked threw the stress once again I moved from stand to stand until we found out where the inn was I was so happy to know where it was i was so tired and all i wanted to do was sleep but we came to a stand that had just what I needed for the little ones it was small but could be adjusted as they grow and it would show that they are not some wild animals a small chain with a simple colored rock there was one for each of them I pull two of them up and look at them its perfect for them I look over and ask do you think you this would work for them but before I could even ask he had payed for them and had third one in hand what are you doing i didn't need you to do that no I didn't but I wanted to here he said as he stepped behind and put it on me I look down at it a slightly bigger jul hung from my neck it was a color so strange to me what is the name of the color is it called magenta oh wow I love it I said softly let's go he said I think we need to get some rest we walked our way to the inn and found it ,it was a something else we walked in and went to the front desk the guy behind the desk was nice and nice looking to from his long dark heir to his small smiley he had when I recher him we need a place to say I said to the man is so then for you it's differently free but I am going to need something from you first and what is that exactly said adonis as he came from behind me and put a arm around me we don't need that from him please we need a room for the night ok the man writes down our names and hands us a key to the room

It's so nice I said as I walked into the room but stopped as I realize that there is only one bed um... he looked over at me then the bed well we will have to share won't we I looked at him nope you will sleep on the ground I put down my bag and let azra and crimson run around oh come oh please I will not try anything no .....let me think about it but for now I need some food and they do to do you think we can find something here and maybe something to take with us when we leave yes of course we can but I want you to stay here you look tired and you have something to do he said looking down at the gifts I call crimson over and grab him he squirmed as I tried to put it on him but once he had it on he rolled around on the floor trying to get it off I grabbed Azzara and did the same but she just walked around as if she was proud to wear it once crimson saw this he ran up and tackled her to the ground but she got him good pined him to the ground back they ran around the room and played I heard the door open I looked over your going now yup I will be back later can you get me something to sleep in and don't you dare get me anything that you are thinking of fine I will not he said as he closed the door and left

I walk down the narrow hall that was our room I make my way outside and take a deep breath wow what a day I said as I shook my head and walked on I look around at the many stands what do I get...I forgot to ask her what she wanted well I don't think that she would really care what it is but I know that the pups are going to ... smack I ran right into someone I took a step back don't you look where you are going I am sorry I was not paying attention he got up and dusted himself off and where do you think your going with my wallet young man look at me and ran why do they always run this could be fun

I curled up into a ball and find myself drifting off to sleep I can't sleep now not until he gets back but my body is telling me otherwise but just i was about to give into my sleepiness I heard a knock on the door he is back already I pull my sleepy self out of bed and open the door that was ....fast ...but it's not him it's the guy from the front desk what are you doing i said I wanted to talk to you I was out of place earlier I did not know that you had someone hold on I interrupted him we are not together so then you're free he said felt him put pressure on the door but that does not mean you have any right to ...it was to late he had pushed the door open and tried to grab me but I was too fast for him I had grabbed the pups and I locked myself on the baloney he came around to the door and hit it hard he walked out of the room why did I have to take off my knives dam it they sat in the dore next to the bed what the hell am I going to do

I follow him for some time but it gets old really fast he takes off into the forest and keeps running but I follow him but he does not know that I am still here because I am in wolf form I come out from the grass he takes one look at me and dropped the wallet and ran for home I mean who wouldn't just look at me this dark fur coat and eyes the shade of molten gold and these huge paws that could kill with one hit and teeth the size of a man's thumb I grab my wallet and walk back I on the way to the room I found something that she would love buy it along with some meat and bread I make my way to the room only to find the room was a mess and that she was not there I looked around the pups there not here ether where are they I stop right there as i saw something from the corner of my eyes I turn and duck out of the way just in time to miss a long pulle like knife look who is back just in time to see me take his girl I think not because even if you try she would kill you before you could lay a hand on her ....I will kill you for saying that I would like to see you try he came at me with what looked like everything he had but I ducked out and move just out of reach of him he tried one more time but this time I caught his weapon wow this thing is so .. snap went his weapon oh darn I broke it I didn't think that I could do that he looks at me and just back away what are you me I am nothing really just a normal guy but whatever that thing was it needs work and one more thing if you come here again I will let her kill you myself you may not know it but she can kill and next time I will not be here to play with you now show he crawled out of the room but not before she came from the balcony but stopped only for a second before I could stop her

Her knifes where at the man's neck you ever show your face to me again I will not hesitate to kill you on the spout do you understand yes good not get out of here before I change my mind I said as I throw him to the ground he got up and ran what took you so long she said and fell to the ground i didn't have time to stop her she just fell what the hell I scoop her up off the ground I am sorry as she said as she snuggled into my arms why did you I am exhausted she said with a wine fine but how the hell did he.... ok I opened the door and he pushed his way in ok one more thing why was he not dead when I got here I had taken off my knifes and left then in the droe fine but be more carefull next time did you get me something to sleep in yes I did what is it um it's in that back over there ok set me down in the bathroom ok I put her down and went to get the bag I pulled out the kneen length nightgown and handed it to her she closed the door I went over to the door and locked it and crawled into bed but before i could get too comfortable Here a small scratching noce I look over on the bloukny there where the pups I get up and open the door the both came running in they both ran and jumped into the bed I did the same I hear the door open and a very sleepy cressida came over and crawled into the bed grabbed azea and passed out I pulled her close and fell asleep that way