
The Night sky Chapter Two

We round for what felt like forever but really it was not too long we stop away from the den I got off and walk to the den crimson jumped out of the bag and ran into the deen and just as I had thought there sat a very thin small fox it turned to look at me with sad eyes of blue I walked in slowly and pulled her into my arms she did not fight it but fall into me you must need something to eat I pulled out the bottle from before and she ate it as fast as crimson did wow little girl your not doing too well I wrap her in the blanket from the bag and set her in the bag to I grab crimson who was playing in a bush of azure or better known as stinkweed but we call it azure because when you grind it down it turns blue you know now that I think about it it's almost the same color of your eyes that's what I will call you azzara

I set him down in the bag and pull the bag onto my back and pulled myself onto the horse and we ride off to the house but I get this feeling as I am riding that I am being watched but I keep moving father I turn but he's not their father where are you! I yelled I keep moving towards the village but I'm worried for my father he is not anywhere to be found but I keep moving time passed as I grow closer to my home I come to a complete stop as the horse throws me off I look over to see a flash of yellow eyes but then someone asks form in front of me are you ok

I looked up at a pair of dark brown eyes yes I am as I said taking his hand and pulling myself up I don't know what came over my horse he just throw me thank you I pull the bag from my back are you ok crimson and azure I looked down into the bag they both seem to be ok what do you have there said the man as he came close um... well would you look at that the man said you have a bag full Fox's yes I do and thanks again for the help may I ask your name Adonis and may I ask what a beautiful girl such as yourself is doing out here all alone I blushed a bit .. I..I was out with my father but I can't seem to find him at all I think that he left me out here by mistake but I need to get home but as I was about to leave he said I think that it would be a good idea if I travel with you there are wolves out here you know I would not want to be on my own when there are wolves around but I have always found that if you leave them alone They will not bother you oh I am sorry I keep talking about myself if I may ask why are you out here

Well I am going to the village up over the hill they have something for me to pick up oh that's nice I am heading there myself I live in a small house an hours time away oh nice we walked on for some time talking about this and that but I have come to like this man he was quite charming and fun to talk with we make it to the village and go our separate ways thank you for walking me back and thank you for walking me here I walked away from him and into the square where I saw my mother crying what is going on I walk over to her mother what's wrong she looked at me and hugged me wow mother I am ok I only got thrown by a horse I am fine why don't we have some fun now that I am here and where is father  he is at home some wolf's had scared his horse and he lost control of it and it ran him all the way home ....someone came up from behind me and wrapped their arms around me what is going on I screamed. I kicked and screamed my hands were pulled down and and tied behind my back I was then blindfolded and taken away mother what's going on I cried but no one told me what was going on I was dragged I tired to pull away but I could feel the ropes dig into my skin I was then tied to something a tree maybe left but I felt something sniffed at me I kicked at whatever it was what the hell is going on here I said here I was then answered here is the girl you asked for so many years ago so as you promised to leave the town in peace I heard someone talk and then there was a hand put on my back I shrugged against it but was pick up and carried away

Time passed by and I dare not move for whatever had me would stop and drop me it did it pulled back my hold and let my hair fall over my shoulders the blindfold was pulled off and there before me was the young man from before Adonis what the hell is going on I am scared and.... my bag please let them out I need to know if they are ok he slowly pulled the bag open to see two very scared pups he tried to pull them out but there keep nipping at him I don't think that I can then please untie me so that I can he looked at her and said one thing please don't run if I do I looked deep into his eyes I will not run untie me he did and I did not try and run I pulled the bag off and pulled them both out I gave them the meat that was at the bottom of the bag after calming them down from the trip and the fall from here they seem to be fine now but what the hell is going on here

Adonis's view

I stated after the small town not far from here when I saw someone or rather smelled something she smelled so sweet I just had to have her but when she tried to get the horse to move I saw her long dark hair and her emerald eyes I could not breath and the red cloak that fits so well it was also a sign that she was going to be mine but I saw something else in those emerald eyes of her she wants the same thing I want to be free and have a life of adventure I didn't think all I did was switch and scare the horses she fell to the grown and I called out are you ok as I pulled her from the ground her voice was so smooth as she answered yes she said and I got lost in her voice until she asked for my name I said that it was Adonis she pulled the bag from her back and let out a small sigh I looked over fox pups I said to myself why does she have them where are their mother.... I stupidly said you got a bag of foxes she smiled and said yes we walked and talked until the village was in site I really did not want to leave her but I knew that I will soon see her again I changed places with my wolf and we made our way to the spot where we will get to see her again

I hear people coming as I get there so I sit back and let them do there think they so stupidly said leave the village and go in peace I went up and sniffed her but she tried to kick me but I was to fast I grabbed her and throw her over my back and ran when I came to a stop I put her down and switched back I pulled off the blindfold to see the shock on her face as she knew it was me


I am sorry but did anyone tell you who you are and what I am...I don't know what's going on please tell me.. for one I am not an ordinary person I am a shifter and a very long time ago I killed with no reason but one day I got a hold of myself I made a deal with your Village that I would keep the peace if I got someone who could keep me sane and company as I sometimes forget who I am and that sweet thing is you I pulled her face close to mine she pulled away your ...your a monster she said pushing me away and ran

I sat there with the pane of her voice echoing over and over your a monster I can feel my self falling and the thoughts taking over if over me she wants a monster then that's what she will get

I run until my feet can't carry me anymore I fall to the ground as everything hits me at once he is a shifter and I was a sacrifice for him I was thought to be killed for peace I try to put it all in order but it just does not make any sense for how long have I .... been the one. I take a deep breath and let it all out I cry for so long that I run out of tears but what have I done I left azure and crimson back there ....what am I saying he would never hurt them which means that he would...I hear a loud sound that came from the way I came he came after me even when I called him a ...but it's not him  the yellow eyes from before the wolf with no heart but I set that aside because I know him well enough to know that he would not hurt me every part of me is telling me to run but I don't I move to him as I get closer he growls move and more but I keep going until I have my hand is in his soft fur I am sorry that I ran I said as I looked into his eyes I was just confused and scared my whole world was turned upside down but I should have never said that to you-you're not a monster you are a gift from far away I move in and hug him as I do so I fill hand wrap around me thank you he said pulling me tighter.

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