

How did I end up like this Alain says why did we move to this fucking town thing are weird around here the school is divided into multiple groups and I'm not sure if I fit in any my foster parents said I would meet my parents here but I dont know something else is going on something unnatural

Andrea_Edgington · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs

chapter 8

Third person,

Alain didnt think about it to much but she knew she had to call Matt so she did "hey dad umm I left max at school dont get mad I really have to get home there are alot of things that I need to ask my mom she came early". With a sigh she waited for his reply "oh ok I understand and umm babygirl dont be to mad ok but you dad also came early he couldnt wait and I know it's a lot to handle but I know you can you are strong". With that she hung up the phone they rode in silence as she pulled up she saw 2 new cars she as expected was not in a good mood. She didnt care that there where guards at the door she went to push through but on on them grabbed her. "What the hell". 

Lucas pov,

I was talking with my wife when I heard a girl outside y'all what the hell jax looked at me with a oh no look. I stormed outside to see one on my guard trying to put a red headed girl and I mean red when I say red. She fought back makeing it seem like she wasnt even trying. Blake was standing there about to blow.  The girl was alain I instantly took the gaurd by the neack and growled "get your fucking hands off my princess you dirt bag before I ruin your fucking face" the gaurd was startled "s-sorry sir i didnt know" I chuckled "how can you not know she looks just like me bastard" alain froze in her place not bc of fear but out of shock she shook it of and stomped by me and into the house I could feel her anger but also a hint of happiness but her anger over took. "Fuck blake take care of him while I go see if shes ok" but what he said next stoped me " Luca that's not a good Idea I need to talk to you before you see her" I threw the gaurd I looked at the other gaurd that was trying to stop him from touching her " kile lock this fucker up I'll deal with him later" with a nod me and blake headed inside.

Third person,

Blake and Luca sat with the rest of them "ok well you see luca you need to talk to the vice principal his daughter umm tired to bullie Ali bc she was with me today and well as my father explained shes my mate and stuff and she pissed at Matt's son bc he was being a dick to me" luca sighed " it's ok blake I'll talk to him right after I have a talk with my wife and daughter I would like to have you there to". Blake nodded and then they heard music blaring from the room in the back where alain went she was really pissed She laid on her bed when she heard a knock on the door. She huffed and found the door open staring at the man that pulled the guard off of her this was his father and she looked so much like him but had some of her mothers looks she cold down when he spoke she turned the music off " h-hi alain it's nice to finally see you" luca stuttered to alain. She looked at him and her again dissipated she smiled up at her father. "You wanna talk about everything in the liveing room dad" luca smiled she called him dad he was giddy and he walked to the liveing room and sat . Alaina wolf spoke to her alain I think we are gonna get answers maya said happily "she smiled. Ok calm down maya I dont know that this is about. Luca spoke first "first I would like to ask you a few questions has anything talked to you like in your mind" "um yes but why is blake here he will think I'm crazy" blake chuckled and picked alain up and put her on his lap "honey I wont I know that you know that you a werewolf and that you my mate" alain looked startled " but-but your human you can feel that" this earned her a laugh um no I'm not human my dads a werewolf and vampire and my mom was a vampire that why you cant smell that I'm a werewolf" she looked at him and smiled. "Anyway alain your not just a werewolf you also a witch a vampire and a demon" she looked at her dad "ddd-demon but how?" "Well you see I'm the um I'm the kind of hell I'm Lucifer" alain was stunned she looked at her dad he was ashamed of it she could feel it. "Wait dose that make me princess of hell" all 3 nodded. She jumped up but got pulled back down by Blake which calmed her down a bit. She was kind of scared "when you turn 25 you and blake will take over the pack and the thrown of hell dont worrie there isnt much you have to do with eaither place but you have to be careful bc he is still out there and he wants to kill you and take your power to become the strongest in the universe bc you right now are the strongest" alains mother said this shock her to the core " why does he want to kill his own sister" he father looked at her "because he being brain washed by his mother he has no control on what he says or dose he has his own thoughts and you can help with that you just need to learn how to use you powers. she nodded she felt a heavy weight being lifted off her chest she curled up into her mate chest for comfort which he replied by hugging her tightly while she tried to process all of this news for once she didnt feel like an out cast but at the same time she wanted to kill someone for doing this to her family.