
Creator's POV

Everything was going well until my situation suddenly turned upside down. I graduated from university and was about to apply for a job, achieving my goal and my parents' goal, until disaster struck. —— "Creation of the World," a game that gives its user the ability to possess a limitless world, with the freedom to do and create anything without any restrictions! Cassian watched the Earth being swallowed by the world he had created, unable to do anything, until he found his consciousness in a body that wasn't his. Cassian Starhold, the older brother of the world's greatest hero. —— I was content with my life as a puppet, a slave whose only job was to work, sacrificing my life for a few grams of cheap metals. But my enemies did not allow me to stay that way. They brought the war to me and destroyed everything I had built throughout my life. I watched thousands of their best sons as they listened to the man who ignited the fire in my life, standing authoritatively among the majestic marble columns. Tall and strong, his gray hair matched those around him. Thousands of people with similar features looked at him, their eyes filled with admiration and ambition. "People are not equal!" he said, his voice dripping with arrogance and pride. The eyes of the people standing below pierced through him, "We are the pinnacle of evolution that any creature can reach. There is nothing beyond us! We have ascended above piles of cheap blood, committing massacres among those who are inferior! And you are about to inherit this legacy. But those who want this power must earn it! It is not something that can be obtained merely by birth! It is something one must deserve! Wealth, power, status… these are things that require mountains of victims to get a mere glimpse of them..." He raised his hands high, madness and pride covering his eyes like an impenetrable veil, and the same happened with their children standing below. Thousands shouted with intense pride. The scene was terrifying. "You do not realize how much your ancestors sacrificed to place you in this position... but you will soon learn. And I promise you, putting my pride on the line..." "Only those who deserve to be among us will survive!" "Soon, I will show you clearly why we are called dragons!" These so-called dragons did not know... that soon, a puppet would emerge to shatter their illusions. He is wrong. None of them will survive…

Yoseman · แฟนตาซี
161 Chs

Chapter 155: Manipulating The Stars Of Power And Status

Day Four.

I sat on the same wooden throne, lost in thought. I watched the morning sun rise through the window beside me as the students started to emerge from their rooms after a night's rest.

The first to wake was our only fire mage, responsible for lighting the castle's candles and cooking the meat Bram and his men hunted. Despite the heavy workload, he never complained, and his mana reserves seemed more than sufficient. I wasn't sure how Oscar managed to keep such a man loyal, but I was grateful.

'If I were the one responsible for all of this...' I couldn't help but think of a really bad situation.

I don't have much experience in hunting, so I wouldn't be able to provide this much food without Bram.

I'm not good at communicating with people in general, so I wouldn't even be able to ensure the loyalty of those around me!