
Cowboy in a Fantasy World

mc gets transmigrated to a fantasy world CYOAs

Tomas_Vega_2683 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Character build

My hands. They were light ebony skin color like those of a gyaru. I had lost my original Japanese light skin tone. My fingers. Lacked the callouses and scars I had built up over years of toiling and going from job to job. From fast-food cook to a construction Worker. These arms. They were frail like those of a child who'd never worked out in his life. The only real thing of interest was the clarity of my eyes. I no longer needed glasses.

I was in some sort of walled up medieval city with a 16th century look to it. Walking I came upon a large water fountain that was probably the town's square, with multiple Shops and stands. Taking a look at my reflection in the water I saw that my Face was no longer the same.

I looked like a 16-year-old teen with a height of 177 cm. My hair was no longer its dark shade, now it was dark blonde. While my eyes stayed the same dark shade. I was average looking. Not too pretty, not too ugly. Just Stuck in the middle.

Turning around, I covered my eyes with my hands and looked up over the trees at the burgeoning sunrise, wondering just how I'd gotten here and if there was a reason for it. My thoughts blanked as I try to recall my name, the names of my family, pets, girlfriend, even their faces were lost to me. There were holes in my memory, important pieces were missing. Then the rest of the other memories hit me like a freight train.

A malicious prank by some deity maybe. It's the first thing I remember. Then the memories come flushing back making me fall in pain. Me dying. Working in a cubicle of a black company where one of the workers went postal and shot up everyone. Worse, I quickly noticed that I came into an empty space, with an elegant looking woman sitting in a throne. Playing with a Rubik's cube.

She had the appearance of Marilyn Monroe mixed with Pamela Anderson in their prime. She was a stunning beauty with Aquamarine hair and striking deep green eyes, in a Sexy Teal Green Evening dress with an open side split.

Where she was showing her gorgeous leg at him. The only way he knew that she wasn't human, was her overwhelming beauty and the three straight black horns that were popping out of her head. Two small ones that were popping to each side of her head and a big on in the middle.

"Ah, you're finally here. We can get started."

"Oh, wondering soul. I am the Goddess Gaia! I've pulled you out of your world lifecycle and I've given you the opportunity to be revived in a world of sorts and magic."

"Do I have a choice." The wondering soul asked the goddess asked the goddess.

"You actually do! You can take my offer. Live adventure and fun or you can take the chances in the Lifecycle. You can be reincarnated with no memories or face oblivion. It's your choice really."

'Yeah right, you're not giving me a choice in the matter.' The soul said to himself.

"You know, I can hear your thoughts." The goddess Answered back with a cheshire smile.

"Shit! Okay, I'll take your deal." The soul answered quickly in panic.

"Wonderful. Let's roll your stats. Here" Gaia throughs four six-sided dice at him. Which he caught right away.

"Roll the dice 9 times. We'll take away the two lowest numbers. Then we can proceed"

I proceeded to roll the dice, getting the rolls off. 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 15, 17, 18. The numbers appeared in the goddess's hands.

"Ooh, good rolls. Now we'll just take the two lowest numbers 7 and 9. Now pick a race From these information sheets." She brought into existence multiple sheets of parchment, and float around him.

Human= one Ability scores increased by 1.

Dwarf= Constitution score increases by 2

Elf= Your Dexterity score increases by 2

Halfling= Dexterity score increases by 2

Gnome= Intelligence score increases by 2.

Half-Elf= Charisma score increases by 2, two other ability scores increase by 1

Dragonborn= Strength score increases by 2, Charisma score increases by 1

The Dragonborn class intrigued him. It was probably the best class to get but as he read through the information sheet. He saw all the negatives. That Deciding a race changes your mindset. A Dragonborn To any dragonborn, the clan is more important than life itself.

Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail. owe their devotion and respect to their clan above all else, even the gods. Each dragonborn's conduct reflects on the honor of his or her clan, and bringing dishonor to the clan can result in expulsion and exile. Each dragonborn knows his or her station and duties within the clan, and honor demands maintaining the bounds of that position.

'So, basically these guys are straight to the point and don't lie to anyone. They can be straight up good or straight up evil. No in between's.'

This brought his choices to Half Elf, Human or Elf. He threw caution to the wind and threw his selection to the Elf race.

"I'll choose the Elf race."

"Goody! Let's see if you get a special price. Now roll the D10 and the D100. To see if you get a special class."

Rolling the dice he got an 80 and a 2.

"Oh, hu, hu! Someone got themselves a special class. Let's see in the book at what you got."

The Goddess Gaia began flipping through pages of a big tome.

"Ah, here it is. You, Lucky soul won the special class of Sun Elf."

She then made a sheet of parchment appear between his hands. And he began to read through it.

*High Elf (Sun Elf)- Intelligence score increases by 1

- Have bronze skin. keen mind and a mastery of at least the basics of magic. Haughty and reclusive, believing themselves to be superior to non-elves and even other elves.

"Oh, hu, hu. The lucky soul got a problematic race. Let's see how you'll do with this Supremacist race." She was holding back her sneakers and laughter. She Only doing this to keep her elegant Appearance.

"You trick me! I wasn't going to choose a problematic race from the beginning. That's why I chose the Elf race." 

She then began to laugh maniacally. "He, he, he, he, ha, ha, ha, ha. You'll make good entertaining toy, to watch." She said this with a look that displayed, that she only saw him as nothing more than an insect.

"What do you mean "to watch?" The wandering soul said this with fear in his tone.

"Oh, silly boy. Why, do you think I'm doing all this for? I'm bored. I need some new entertainment. Here I'll give you a system as a reward for making me laugh. You'll be great entertainment for a couple of centuries with this race, that lives over 1,000 years."

"I'll get to live 1000 years Not a bad exchange." He looked at the bright side of his misfortune, knowing that he'll live for a long time. Not knowing that this was the worst outcome because the goddess needed a play the toy. That would live a long time for her entertainment.

She then began to explain more details about the high elf race. "Yes, silly boy. The Elf race grows at the same rate as humans, except when they're in their late teen years. Then they stop aging and enter adulthood, once they passed 100 years."

"Now fill in your Character sheet. I'll explain what each Stat means. Be warned you cannot raise your stats to 20." She gave him a warning not to be too greedy in his stats, and began to explain each stat in detail.

"Strength determines how strong your character is, It also determines how much you can carry. Attacking with melee weapons, Strength modifier is added to your attack and damage impacting how accurately, and how hard, you can hit things."

"Dexterity determines initiative. Dexterity determines how agile your character is and how good their reflexes are. You'll use it for sidestepping traps and hiding from foes. Dexterity modifier to attack and damage made with ranged weapons. Hiding and performing sleight of hand tricks is also Dexterity dependent.

"Constitution is a measure of your character's endurance, their ability to take a hit and keep on pushing."

"Intelligence determines how clever your character is, how much they know, and their ability to use logic and reasoning. You'll use it for knowledge checks, recalling details about history or the natural world. Intelligence determines spellcasting ability."

"Wisdom determines the spellcasting ability used by faith class. your character's awareness and intuition, of other people and of the environment. Used for Perception and Insight checks, to spot traps or hidden foes and work out other's intentions."

"Charisma determines how your character fares in a social situation, and how likely it is a random stranger will like them. used for lying, cajoling, intimidating, or persuading other people."

"Luck determines your character Hit rate, Saving throws, Critical Chance. how likely it is for a random accident to happen to your opponent. the more likely favorable outcomes on bets will be. Chances of better loot."

She then manifested another sheet of parchment appear between his hands. But this time it was partially blank, so he can fill it in.

Name: Eli Rivers

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 17 +2

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 15+1

Wisdom: 10



"Now Eli Rivers, be a gone from me! And become a good form of entertainment."

The goddess rose, her clinched hand towards Eli. By simply opening her hand, she ejected him out of her realm. thrown in a stream of light and darkness, he landed in a lawn of grass, in some sort of Medieval city. Getting up a blue screen Suddenly appeared before him.

[Congratulations Host for receiving, the Merchant System. From the Goddess Gaia]

[Host can exchange Merchant System Point, to purchase items, from the Store System]

[Host can Earn MSP By exchanging items or creatures. (Note: Corpses will be half of the original price. The more damage a corpse is, the more value it loses. "Try to keep them together")]

[Items in Systems Store are in categories of <N >NOMAL-White grade items= 1-99 MSP, <R >RARE- Silver grade item= 100-9,999 MSP, <Sr >SUPER RARE- Gold grade item= 10,000-999,999 MSP, <UR >ULTRA RARE- Violet grade item= 1,000,000- Ꝏ]

[Host has been given Super rare- Gold grade item comprehension to all languages- user can understand, speak, read and write in other languages] 

 [Theirs a 50% chance host will receive brain damage]

Suddenly my head felt like 100 needles were stabbing it, while gasoline was being poured into my brain, at the same time. The pain was too much that it made me pass out. getting back up by using the Water Fountain as support I saw that all that happen wasn't a dream. It explains why I have so many holes in my memories. I recieved brain damage from the Goddess's gift.

"That fucking shitty Goddess! I'll make her pay for this!"

Out of nowhere, I was struck by a small bolt of lightning. It caused a small amount of damage to me and didn't end up killing me. 

[Warning to Host. The Goddess is always watching.]

Name: Eli Rivers

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 19

Constitution: 15

Intelligence: 16

Wisdom: 10



Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Tomas_Vega_2683creators' thoughts